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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. Yes, I read all the posts after the one posted picture with the supposed spoiler.
  2. I am in awe that the one guy who can get Red's goat is the DMV guy. I will watch that buddy-comedy/road trip movie every week. Hilarious!
  3. I could see the last song of the "story" being Shue singing Don't Stop to say thank you and good luck as the alums finally leave, and then it fades-in to the cast all signing it on stage as a celebration/memorial to the show (esp. since non-choir characters were there for that day on the stage).
  4. Alex "Freakin" Wong was in the "Everything Is Awesome" number at the Oscar's. He's in an astronaut outfit and is clear as day, front and center for the ending pose (right under Batman)!
  5. I think Double Jeopardy can be skirted if there's enough evidence...maybe? Any one of those who were there could likely be tried. So, if next season (or next week) has 5 trials that all end in acquittal, they've gotten away with it ;) Well, legally, they would get away with it. Sam wasn't killed in revenge, though. I doubt anyone will kill Lila's killer because of Lila. It will likely be in self-defense. They're way more worried about getting caught than being dead at this point. Except dead they couldn't practice law, and that does seem most important to a few of them.
  6. Honestly, I don't think many people remember him from that. The end of In Living Color was a sad shell of it's former self.
  7. But with so many witnesses to the actual murder, I'd still be hesitant to say they're totally in the clear. If the suspect is acquitted, the case isn't closed. Any one of them could get in a jam and offer up information as a trade, and they all know plenty of details that probably aren't in the public record.
  8. Wes and the gang can't get away with it until someone else is convicted, though. And even then, it could still come out (waaaay too many people in on this secret). In general, unless the victim's death is ruled an accident or suicide, the only way to truly get away with it is for the murderer to be dead before being caught.
  9. A season 2 is looking likely. So maybe next season is more about finally getting away with Sam's, and this one is about Lila's.
  10. The coat (unless it was her dress) that Joan wears after dinner with dad when she goes to punch Sherlock (heh) was gorgeous!
  11. I am *almost* starting to miss the Samchel!is!endgame talk at this point. Thanks for the link, ComfySweater!
  12. Setting up Rebecca now, though, gives us two hours possibly worried about Wes's (and the other Scooby's) safety. If we get confirmation early on that she has committed murder, drugged/traumatized and sent away the only witness/accomplice and has played all these lawyers with her supposed high IQ, we still have the drama of what she might do to keep all that from coming out. Speaking of Rudy, he was also a law student right? Did Rebecca actually push someone bright enough to get into law school that far? (I know this law school seems to have pretty low standards and all, but, still.) Has she been keeping up some sort of false communication with some of his family so they think he's still in school, then?
  13. The one in the top fifteen (as of now), "Better Call Saul Insider." It has a picture of Saul/Jimmy at a pay phone in the desert. It's the one with Vince, Kelley Dixon and other actual cast/crew. I've never listened to fan-created ones before, so It's the only one I know. Plus, I like to hear writers like Vince, and the ones he's hired, talk about their work.
  14. Definitely not daughters, as of now. From in interview with Aykroyd: Eww, Ernie Hudson :( If it were all male, it would be OK? Yikes. And yikes again. OK, here's where I saw they would be new characters:
  15. I wouldn't actually say that about Nacho... (it's very tiny). Warning: Stay away from the Better Call Saul Podcast. Two pretty big BB spoilers in the one for the third episode (it's the only one I've listened to, so I would guess they are all minefields).
  16. You can find them on the iTunes store.
  17. Also, Buzzfeed made a list of "Things That Happen When You Watch HTGAWM." Some are pretty accurate :)
  18. Yes. The Penguin's real last name. (OK, I know it from Burton's second Batman...)
  19. If this was posted and I missed, I apologize. Viola is ready for season 2.
  20. I go back and forth on Wes's parentage, but I do think that the way the show keeps bringing up Wes's nightmares is how they are trying to partially keep it in our minds (even though they haven't "reminded" the audience of why he has nightmares in a while, I think). No need to keep bringing it up if it's not one of Chekov's guns, right?
  21. From what I've seen, it will be a new story. They are just using the concept of people getting a business going catching ghosts. The characters aren't just the same, except female, they are totally different. (I hope it stays that way.) It seems more like remaking Godzilla to me. Taking the broad idea and writing a new story within it.
  22. I'm pretty sure any more comments made on this thread should quote this original post first. For posterity. And, uh, Habeas Corpus and such.
  23. He's going the distance. He's going for speed. She's all alone (all alone) in her time of need. (sorry again)
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