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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. A sub-division of that size and wealth would have a playground. Why would kids be playing the middle of a street? (Which was what was one the other side of the gate.)
  2. I laughed for long enough I had to pause the show when I first saw Dylan's actor-character on the stand. Aaaaand, that's all I've got Ohh except, I now want Prady to win for telling Redmayne he was disgusting right then and there.
  3. It's no, "I know," but it's a good one.
  4. Now it's hunky. Before, it was just douchey. Can I just say it's a little sad that something that was so essential to my wardrobe in Middle School (the lavender one, by the way) is now an immediate sign of douche-baggery. Sigh.
  5. Woodberry had to have sentinels on the walls to dispatch of walkers, and you couldn't see inside their walls. The steel for the walls came from a nearby mall under construction and was put up by the survivors, not the military who never made it there.
  6. Are you sure you mean "o-ball?"
  7. Maybe they exiled the husband because he was a shitty architectural engineer.
  8. The one thing they need, I think, is a fence like at the prison where they can dispatch of walkers that come sniffing around without the noise of a gun. (Unless they all get real good at making and shooting arrows.)
  9. Speaking of, has anyone found the tumblr summary yet (or is it reddit)?
  10. So how does Enid normally get back in? Do the walls on the outside have the same exposed beams? (I don't think they do.)
  11. I can't believe I will be watching this yet again. But I will. I may need an intervention.
  12. Is there usually a farewell (again), for the characters at the end of the season, or should we maybe expect more based on that description? (It's my first real-time season.)
  13. I have to call bullshit on Alexandria having not seen anyone living or dead for a while. There was a walker at the gate when they arrived, one right outside the gate again when Rick walked out, and a group at the barn not too far away. They just showed up now after not being around for weeks? Not buying it. It does't matter that the area was evacuated by this time. Walkers have been traveling for over a year, and we've seen at least three large herds. I don't trust people in such heavy denial of what the world is. I laughed loudly at the comic Coral picked up. In the future, this will definitely be referred to as the Unfair Wolves season in my house.
  14. Fence Ho? Holy crap, I may have to watch just because of how funny that is!
  15. How To Get Away With Murder 101: 1. Wear gloves 2. Do it alone 3. Don't tell a bunch of people 4. Definitely don't talk about it, all the time, in public places--especially a courthouse How To Get Away With Murder, Advanced Studies: 1. Be Frank I am now amused by what must have been going through Frank's head watching these kids act like fools the past few weeks.
  16. It was kind of in the background, but boy, it caught my attention. It was so intense I thought maybe it was more Aubrey looking at Amy.
  17. I do like that his bro-dudeness is in play with Conner, too. The fist bump after he got his results was kind of funny. I don't know what a diva time jump is, but it sounds fabulous! :)
  18. Can anyone with more creativity than me at the moment make a Mike and also a Speculation thread? Maybe something about stickers? :) Speaking of...I'm getting so antsy about Mike, to find out what his night-job is at the moment. Should he be working for Gus by now? If not, he's got to be into something. (He was doing some really dirty work during BB.) I need more Mike!
  19. It seems like from Eric's surveillance equipment, and well-rehearsed sales pitch, complete with brochures and customer testimonials, that they may do this often. CDB can't be the first dirty group. All I know is that sneak peak made me even more suspicious of this place! I also found it interesting how fast Danai said Michonne would pick this group over a community. It seems like she had thought about it...maybe because she's already filmed a scene where she chooses the ones who didn't get accepted and have to leave. (Sorry, I know his is spec., but it requires seeing Talking Dead.)
  20. No parents, other adults, looky-loos, etc. getting a glimpse of the fresh meat (sorry, wrong Utopia), or even there providing back-up for the one-guy-welcoming-party, though? It's curious how loud the kids/tape recordings were right by the door (especially since Eric understood the need for Judith to be where she wouldn't alert the roamers). Why don't they have to constantly kill straggling walkers/roamers, like both the prison and Woodberry had to, who are attracted to the sounds?
  21. I swear, every time I read or even think about Unfair Wolves, I just chuckle. This is just an odd time (in the season) to meet a new group and go to a brand new settlement, isn't it? I can't decide if it means CDB will be out in an episode or two, or what.
  22. "And that's why you never try to make a man change his name, kids!"
  23. The sneak peak seems to be just after they enter the gate. There are no kids anywhere to be seen...
  24. I see three main possibilities at this point: 1. It's a good place, they get taken in and it all goes to hell (here come those unfair wolves!) 2. It's a bad place (again) 3. It's a good place but none/not all of them pass the audition 3a. A few stay, but most leave in solidarity with those who weren't accepted 3b. Those who aren't accepted are disposed of after being found unworthy (meet your unfair wolves!)
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