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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. Why does a fictional rape victim have to get justice in a fictional show? That's not the story being told here, I believe. Even on Law and Order, which is more about the actual justice, rape victims don't always get their justice.
  2. From the episode thread: From what I've read, I can easily infer that he would do the exact same to a male subordinate. She can publicly shame him, but he can't do the same?
  3. Collection of some tweets and pics from the last day of filming. *sniff*
  4. I have been trying to find a way to say just this since Sunday. No one has a "right" to be interviewed on TV. He didn't take away her choice, he took away one opportunity and she is free to find another.
  5. In retrospect, Will physically standing-up to his "dad," now that we know his dad was physical with his mother, was pretty powerful. Something he was likely never capable of as a child, yet regretted his whole life.
  6. This is like the "darkest timeline" of Quo Vadimus. (yes, I'm mixing two shows for this...)
  7. So, if we go with Tom being the killer, what was the deal with him following the hiker? Tom's disappearance basically made-up for the extra episodes, and is the only main difference from Broadchurch, so it must be important. Right? At this point, I'm not confident they will change the killer, but if it's changed to Tom that's just barely a change.
  8. Why is every fine with Dell still being there? Just because Jimmy got drunk with him? I was hoping our Merry Band Of Murderesses would head for Dell after Penny's dad. (Even though I am a bit bored with people just being killed by other people-yawn.)
  9. I guess anyone who felt dirty and itchy just looking at the crazy, bearded (yet, hawt!) guy who counts amongst his family people as stupid as Stabby!Beth :) I think it might be reasonable for one or two strangers to start with CDB next February, but I'd expect them to be Walker Chow pretty quickly with their lack of recent fighting skills. (Although the Asian cop on our right made a slight move forward when Rick offered.) I would guess the possibility of newer, nicer regime in what has been a Rotter-safe place with food and water would be worth the risk for most. Better to go with the evil you know...
  10. I don't know about the Comic Con stuff, but they could be annoyed with her (alleged) lack professionalism at times, yet still like and miss her.
  11. The hospital seems to be in a never-ending cycle with its leaders, but it will probably all go to hell off-camera, like the Vatos!
  12. Thanks, kikismom, that's what I was trying to get at. I just wasn't tongue-in-cheek enough :) Rick Grimes: Harbinger of Death and Chaos, Bringer of Lice...
  13. They were fueled by their dislike of how useless and annoying FPP is. Gareth, on the other foot (ba-dum-dum), was a man after their own stomachs. Game recognize game.
  14. Nothing was sadder than Sophia coming out of that barn. Death of hope, right there. What was sad here is that after the hospital arc was said and done, they have a wounded Carol and added a wounded Noah. Not much of a net-gain, I'm afraid.
  15. #1 rule for the ZA: Cardio! So I know that there isn't some underground gossip train running throughout the "living," but I'd still like to think that at some point, CDB is going to run into some well-established group who cowers at the name Rick Grimes. Every well-maintained, stable group/situation they run across is demolished in a few episodes (CDC, Woodberry, the three guys at the prison, the farm, Terminus, the Merry Band of Rapists, Father Pee Pants and his church set-up, etc.). You'd think they'd wander upon some group singing songs about CDB and it's mythical bearded leader who will either save you or destroy you. *Note I didn't say these set-ups were good, just that they were functioning and had been for some time. ETA: the problem with the "story" of Dawn's partner was that it came in little chunks, and not in a suspenseful way (to me, since I couldn't have cared less by the time we found out Dawn killed him). I think we didn't even hear that Dawn put him down until O'Donnell said it. She had been leaving that out of what she was telling Beth.
  16. I am also in the camp (no, not DinnerBell) that found most of this, after the first five minutes, pretty boring. I don't mean slow, I mean boring. To compare, I found the last part with Morgan more compelling, and I could have watched more. The actor did better with the silence and the editing and directing were better. Introspection can be interesting, but I didn't find that to be the case with FPP. I'm wondering if Morgan will now head toward DC, and how he will then find Rick (which I assume is inevitable), since I doubt Rick will now go to DC. For those of you who know the show inside and out: do we know the significance of any of the items Morgan put on the alter? Thanks!
  17. I'm especially miffed that they brought Noah inside after the two cops on the parking garage specifically asked if they had him. C'mon guys!
  18. The whole time Dawn was sitting on Carol's bed blathering on, and the shot was wide enough to show the whole bed, I was just WAITING for Carol to sit up and grab her.
  19. Speaking of: When Castro said, "you know what to do," and Geneva said she did, what was he referring to? If these weird side vignettes were intended to be "slice of life around a trial" sort of things, they failed. Miserably. If a pardon wouldn't allow Cary to practice law, then it won't happen. (Plus it would be a very stupid move on Peter's part.) I can't see the show putting Cary in jail unless it's only for a very short time while the appeal is somehow happening immediately. What would be the point of Cary if he couldn't practice (on the show)? I think something has to happen in the short time between the change of plea and when he is supposed to report to jail.
  20. Some game apps are going (RED) for charity. Check out Clash of Clans temporary red logo. Anyone look familiar?
  21. Reminds me when Dewey lost the class pet, a hamster still in it's exercise ball, on Malcolm in the Middle. Every so often you would see it roll by, just in the background. I don't think the jackets Rosita and Glen scavenged had been touched by napalm. They were outside the city, and those walkers just seemed stuck by the telephone pole. I did find Glen's reaction to finding fish interesting. Just that little bit led me to believe they haven't been able to find any in quite some time (as in something happened to them). I wish we could get some more universe-building here and there about stuff like that (like: what about the dogs/cats, what would have happened to the Termites after eating Bob-B-Que, etc.). I want to know more about how this world is/works.
  22. I wonder if Rick is tired of being right. On the other hand, I always yell at the tv when he leaves the kids, again! (Yes, I know a bloody rescue isn't the place for small children--not the point.) Secondary scolding when Glenn and Maggie split up. In a ZA, I'm not going anywhere without my significant other if I'm lucky enough to have one during the end of the world. Tetanus shots are good for 10 years, so I'm going to be a little disappointed if that's what brings down Father Pee Pants. But, boy, was I hoping he was going to get bitten in the woods. Damn. I'm hoping that TPTB are trying to soften Dawn so she can sacrifice herself nobly, because that would mean that she still ends up dead. All the "cops" in the hospital have facilitated, willfully ignored, or partaken in things that make them irredeemable to me. They can all go next episode.
  23. Yeah, but in the meantime you're dead, so what difference does it make to you then? :) Mordrake only comes on Halloween, correct? Pity. All we have now are a couple of regular people killing other regular people, and Dandy's been dormant a while.
  24. This is a pretty awesome theory, I just think we would of had flashback to at least part of the call, like we did with Annalise at the desk, if it were true. It would also create another witness to at least half of the "distressed" call Annalise made to add to the alibi.
  25. I could see them switching to Tom. I didn't believe a word he said in the hospital and am really surprised that Carver did. Tom, like Michael Pena, doesn't play grieving well at all. I think the biggest hint will be Trailer Lady's story. If it's still her husband, then I think it's Joe. But if the story somehow is now about one of her kids murdering the family, then I say Tom.
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