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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. Malachi from Children of the Corn, dear lord! I literally jumped from the doorway of my bedroom to my bed every night for years so the clown from Poltergeist wouldn't grab me. And there was NO WAY I would ever lean over and look under my bed from on top-that's when he shows up! There was a movie set in Australia, I think, where a class and their teacher are somehow being chased through caves by murderers (they had seen something they shouldn't have, of course). Some farmer guy gets a shotgun to the chest, and to escape, the kids and teacher all have to swim under a cave wall, not being able to see which direction is correct. Of course at least one gets all turned around. THAT was scary. At the end, there's a shot of the kids and teacher back in class, and a close-up of some body part from one of the bad guys in a jar. I saw this when I was about 9, like you do.
  2. I've seen this question pop up before, but never really seen an answer. And since Noah and Deanna Jr. caused me to think of it, I'm gonna ask here. Has it ever been addressed on the show (or even a spoiler-tagged answer from the comics), how there are so many walkers when they seem to destroy most people beyond re-animation? Noah and Aiden (?) are not coming back, and most zombies seem to chow until stopped, so how did all these people die in the first place? Or are we on our own with this one? In regards to the vandalism: This, although silly to us, should really worry everyone in ASZhatistan. The community is just over 40 people, closed in. Either you have a bad seed you're not aware of and it shows you (Deanna, ASZhats) don't read situations was well as you think. Or people are so bored and restless they are doing this for fun. Not only will they probably get worse, but what the hell is wrong with you that you people can afford to be bored! (I know it turned out to be Sam, but they didn't know that.)
  3. I think Maggie's non-reaction is partially linked to the passive-aggressive "warning" she got from Deanna earlier about Maggie always seeming to stand-up for her own people. I think Deanna knows enough about the group, partially from the interviews, to know that FPP hasn't been with them long. Maggie denouncing him for the group wouldn't sit well right now. Deanna made it pretty clear Maggie has used up her input when it come to CDB. Although everyone from CDB who is in power is there because Deanna put them there (she didn't have to approve Abraham as construction leader). Why is she acting like it's some plot she's not a part of?
  4. (bolding mine) Am I the only one now hearing that Lil' Jon (I think) song that is everywhere?
  5. Good allusion, I like it! I love this, as well. I named my first dog Boba Fett, so maybe I should get more firmly on the Morgan bandwagon. So, I totally missed the anvils falling around Noah's new career path because I thought the point of that scene was to hear that Mr. Deanna has been keeping notes on everything. I thought we were laying the foundation for someone to stumble upon pages and pages of names of people who have been lost/exiled from ASZhatistan. I was hoping that Francine was the girl Tara was asking about. She was awesome. I'm still laughing (kinda, because Noah was all kinds of sad) that everyone is in the middle of some serious shit while Rick strolls around asking some neighbors about an owl puzzle (tm Nashville). Someone who has now watched more than once, help me out. There's a weird exchange when Deanna and Mr. Deanna say goodbye to Members Only Douche and they are talking about her being worried about the run and the wall. Something about he only put up the wall because she was worried? And there's even a "silly goose" kind of tone to him saying that. Anyone else catch this? I've see the Hemingway-Dale quote for the episode titles, but I don't see how "Spend" fits very well for this episode. It's only a cool throwback if the titles still work as titles on their own. Thoughts on meaning, anyone? And, for the third week in a row: You haven't seen anyone living, or dead, in quite a while, Deanna? Really?!?!?! (With Seth and Amy)
  6. Chekov's crappy mix-tape. The way Tobin was acting was making me think, for a moment, that his giving up his spot meant he was now useless and the ASZhats might put him outside the walls. There was something odd going on there, in the delivery of some of the lines.
  7. Can't we just cut and paste that as the description for all the episodes this season?
  8. Josh McDermitt is also the guest on The Nerdist podcast for Friday, March 13th.
  9. Now that is odd. That many couples made it to a make-shift evacuation site and are still together after raiding, transporting and putting up the wall, and continued clearing and exploring of the area? Too many couples and I'm going to start leaning toward these little family units being forced together post-ZA for town appearances. Anyone remember the end of the movie Funny Farm, starring Chevy Chase? He and his wife pay the rest of the town to not act like total loons while people come to look at their house so they can move out of there.
  10. The one reason I don't think this is the case is that there are no pregnant women we have see so far. If this is the ASZhat's plan, it would be smart to stagger them, and there should always be a few pregnant at a time.
  11. I had totally forgotten Tara was a lesbian... I have only watched this one once, so can anyone recall between the Ladies Who (Make) Lunch Porch Meeting and the cocktail party, were most of the other women brunette, or was it a mix?
  12. Maybe it's so it will be pronounced out loud correctly. So people say it as oh, not zero. But, yes, it also keeps it in-line with their naming conventions for this season.
  13. There was an article on Buzzfeed as well.
  14. Make this script about 45 minutes longer and it's done!
  15. Awesome job, everyone but please tell me someone reported that post just to be funny :)
  16. I don't think he was worried about their safety, since he took care of the two cops that might be a problem. I could see it as he goes every morning after work, and parks where she'll drive by and see him, waiting for the day she finally stops and talks with him. He's letting her know he's there when/if she's ready to move past what he coldly said about letting Mattie go (that scene in the backyard before he got his wound attended to), but doing so without being intrusive. That's why he leaves after she drives by. Today isn't the day.
  17. All the previews for this one I saw were hyping TOM'S RETURN [dramatic music, clip of him shaving his head looking serious]! And then the episode starts... and he gets on the phone with Lizzie like a pimply-faced boy in middle school, too scared to ask her out. At least Red shot someone out of the blue without monologuing. I love when he does that.
  18. Ryan's girlfriend is either dead or a mole, of course. At first, I though the fact they met at a place he wasn't scheduled to be meant she was legit (therefore dead soon). But then, Ryan and Jeff talk about how long it's taking the doctor. So now it's possible she took so long because she off was murdering the real doctor to take his/her place. (Because this show's track record.)
  19. I believe Tobin was the one who offered to teach sweet little Carol how to shoot those big, nasty guns.
  20. I think the OP confused Cliff for Aaron :) I did notice a sticker of some kind on their house. ETA: Jinx! OK, then I think you have somehow figured out his real name!
  21. Or perhaps Sasha Fiercely Traumatized?
  22. <Tinfoil hat on/> Not if they only bring it out at the start of each new group's tenure and its all part of the ruse put on by these ASZhats until they really show themselves... <not taking it off!/>
  23. I want the ratings to be good for two reasons. 1) So they keep making more, obviously and 2) so that whenever Vince Gilligan wants to create another show, networks line-up to say, "yes!"
  24. Not mentioned, but seems to have something to do next week. Same with Tara and Eugene.
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