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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. I don't neccesarily think it, but it just occurred to me she wasn't the first one we've seen tied up since the ASZHat adventures started. As someone said earlier, he doesn't have the brains for much. I think many of them are not who they appear to be, but it's odd Nick stole that gun before they even knew they'd have problems with CDB. If he goes on raids a lot, he has plenty of access to guns. I can't imagine it's too hard to palm a second one from the bin while preparing to go out. It's also interesting Enid was seen carving the log with her mom's knife while talking to Carl. It could still be her exiled family. ALSO...many of us have noted that the W has been shown upside down, thereby bringing to mind an M. Isn't Deanna's last name Monroe???? Really, I think they'll be a totally new group, but this is more fun. (Of course with all the comics thread debate, I'm imagining everyone over in the comics thread laughing at our ideas.)
  2. If Deanna is was shrewd as she says, and some here, think she is, she would begin the skeleton of a government with the first person who joined her at ASZ. You get them early and condition them because you're going to have no luck if you decide after a year or so to then start establishing a government, rules, etc. They'd have to leave the walls more than they are for that. Only if they pass her "audition." We have seen evidence of living people near the camp (the walker with fresh blood on his mouth at the start of "try" and the girl tied to the tree, yet they went half a day's drive to find CDB. They are ignoring those in need to find people to suit their own needs. As long as they're not a doctor... That would probably include not exiling people. The only part of governing Deanna seems to be doing is the making rules part, mostly in the form of who gets in. On another note, are we forgetting we do know of one person who has previously tied someone/something up to a tree to leave it to suffer? And we know Dickolas can sneak out of the walls undetected. Hmm.
  3. Isn't that what politicians are programmed to do? Create and inflict laws on people :)
  4. It's an interesting theory, to be sure, but I think we'd see more rules and laws if this were the case. More rebuilding of a government of sorts. We know Jessie and Pete aren't in politics, the older couple seem too old, and I'm just not buying Olivia with any decent role in DC shenanigans.
  5. Plus that annoying screech when blowing-up balloons from a helium tank.
  6. How have they been there under a year when Deanna says her family was directed here during evacuation by the military who never came back? That would be before Rick even woke up. Not adding up is ASZ's middle name. ASnauZ.
  7. Oompa Loompa, doo-pa-dee do, I've got a special message for you. Oompa Loompa, doom-pa-dee de, If you are wise you'l listen to me. What do you get when you build up a wall? One not up to spec, not even at all? What are you at getting terribly fat? What do you think will come of that? We really like the look of it! Oompa Loompa doo-pa-dee-da If you get eaten, you will go far You will live in happiness too Like the Oompa Loompa doo-pa-dee-do
  8. Actually that likely means they are trying to keep her age consistent. Most babies change visibly in just a few months at that age.
  9. * on the market Sorry, but I had to. It's my favorite movie, full stop.
  10. I think mandolin means spoilers for tv episodes that haven't aired yet.
  11. kikismom, that is glorious!
  12. That's a tough one! Woodberry is Eagleton Carl's Hat is DJ Roomba Beth is Mona Lisa, because she is the woo-oooorst :) Michonne is April Tyresse is Jerry/Gerry Deanna is Chris?
  13. I really like this one! I seriously doubt anything will ever happen to Judith solely because she is a named baby character on a television show. I also think the baby monitor thing was a way to show tv watchers that she is still there without having to film with a baby.
  14. kj4ever, I just have to say that whenever I see your posts I think of how much the pic looks like Amy Poehler. That is all.
  15. Open the front doors to let in people who need help, then going outside to barricade them, getting eaten in the process thereby closing the circle? Like Carol, he's playing a looong con? Sacrifice himself to save Judith? Nope, none of those are enough.
  16. Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! Just kidding :) (that must be the spoiler that keeps circulating) Would it help to have two comics threads, one in-time with the comics as they are released and one that is somewhat in time with the show release (not a thread for each episode)? Oops, like mandolin said, heh. Back on the old site, the less popular shows had just one thread for the whole show and it was OK when there weren't tons and tons of posts, so that would likely continue to work for the show vs. comics. Of course it is comic free in the episode thread, and since the show often departs wildly from the comics, saying the spec. and analysis "is absolutely wrong" is a bit of a stretch. (If people had speculated Andrea would be killed by the Governor, they wouldn't have been wrong at all.) People weren't actually given grief about using ASZ at all. When people were wondering how to refer to Alexandria in a shorter form, someone asked about using it in spoiler tags, and even though I don't read comics or spoilers I looked to see how a name of a place could be much of a spoiler, and then posted I thought we should use it. The problem is, we can't have just spoiled/unspoiled. There's spoiled by comics (which maybe won't be spoilers at all) and spoiled by show spoilers. Some people fall into one, both, or neither.
  17. I think the number of people who read without posting is actually pretty high, so knowing how many people isn't possible.
  18. I understand wanting the host to be somewhat objective, but I enjoy that Chris is obviously a fan, and being a fan means showing some bias sometimes.
  19. Yeah, like art school ;) I think it may be more of wanting the cast to look attractive by showing some skin (like you do with tv shows) plus a dose of lazy characterization so that we were all *so surprised* by the revelation.
  20. Good question about the herd, I also wondered if they are the same ones. For a suburb near a mall, there sure are a ton of thick, undeveloped woods around!
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