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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. I actually think Pete seeing Rick leave Jessie's house (2 doors down, for Pete's sake-ha!) was what set him off, more so than Carol.
  2. Or maybe he knew the Beth-is-alive crazies would be upset (and FPP dies in the process).
  3. The lady who was pulled out of the audience because she was dressed as Carol has posted some info on reddit. Apparently it was Melissa who told Chris he should bring her up.
  4. Not only did they all open, but they were alternating between opening to the warehouse and to the outside gate. Pretty damn smart!
  5. It's really all gold, but... ...is hilarious!
  6. But, really, how many people can a single canary feed? ;)
  7. Here's the teaser. (Not sure how to actually put it here like others have done for the behind the scenes and such).
  8. I predict stubble until they're back on the road again, and FPP dies in the process. (I assume they can't stay in ASZ forever.) No, FPP, you're not off the hook with me! That must be what Cudlitz thought we'd be angry about (like ghoulina said).
  9. I feel like Chris didn't talk to Lennie enough. I really wanted to hear more from him. I get the indication that we will be learning about what happened to change Morgan's outlook based on Lennie's answer. Melissa looked fantastic!
  10. If so, I missed it too. I don't understand their actions at all. Maybe I missed something in the wolf's speech to Morgan--the whole time I was just muttering to myself that this better not be The Shining where the caretaker goes through all this trouble (and time) to get back to the hotel just to be killed the moment he walks in the door! So FPP's natural enemy is the door. He shuts them and looses his parishioners and his faith, he forgets to close them and walkers get in.
  11. What I love about Abraham's "shit speech," is that neither the ocean nor shit usually come in grain form.
  12. Waaay back before season 5a started, I accidentally clicked on the Spoiler thread (I think because I saw "speculation" and went too fast), and saw one that said Glenn was going to die. All season long that has been in the back of my head, and boy am I glad it wasn't true. Although I have gathered from comments here and there that that is apparently a "spoiler" that comes up a lot for the show. heh There has to be more wolves. That's a lot of work for just two guys. Noah's home town had a huge wall destroyed and tons of body parts--"ain't nobody got time for that!" I wonder how much more they shot of the Rick/Morgan reunion scene. If Season 6 picks up there, they would want to shoot it then while make-up and hair cuts and actor availability were all still good.
  13. Can any of you Closed Caption junkies help? When Pete comes to the meeting, what does Carol say to Rick? Do it now? Not Now? I think by "take" he meant take Morgan to the food warehouse, like they did poncho guy. (Easier to transport them that way.) They get them there, kill them, and replenish their trap.
  14. So I guess a dead walker is the immunity idol in this place. Good to know.
  15. I almost forgot! How sweet was it that Morgan didn't even consider the nice, safe community Aaron was selling because he was looking for his friend? Awwwww :)
  16. So FPP takes a casual stroll, probably not too far from ASZ, and runs across a walker with a fresh kill? I get to say this one more time: You haven't seen anyone, alive or dead, in a long time, Deanna? Really?!??! I felt like I was watching an odd production of Into The Woods at times the past few weeks. Who the hell isn't wondering around in the woods? There was a healthy-sized medicine cabinet next to Tara's bed, so at least there's that.
  17. I think the red poncho guy was just a way to easily track an unnamed character through the wolves. Give him something distinctive so he's easy to spot. Wonder what Cudlitz thought we'd be so "angry" about?
  18. So, when Morgan piled the two unconscious wolves on top of each other, was I the only one who thought, "I love my dead, gay son?" Just me then. I thought he was done right then, too. Then, the longer it took for the show to get back to him after the walker pile-on, the more sure I was he was OK. I couldn't watch live, but I could have sworn around 8:15 I heard a ton of people shout, "me too!" Later while watching the scene with FPP, I realized why.
  19. So Doug was able to get a high-paying and important job by showing his new boss how he didn't always follow orders from his old one?
  20. I am sitting here in the middle of the country after growing up in the South on the Gulf Coast. Everything you are saying, kikismom is making me homesick and STARVING!
  21. Or! Maybe Morgan has been through and is leaving a message he thinks others will understand. He was looking at the tree marks in his brief scenes earlier...
  22. Yeah the graffiti thing makes me wonder, too. If they are showing up tonight, I feel they will be in before anyone has time to think, so I doubt the citizens themselves wrote it in Noah's little hamlet. It does seem like their MO, signing their work.
  23. I think only the youngest would make it. I may need a Tyresse for a while.
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