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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. (Bolding mine.) I really hope it wasn't Patton.
  2. Thank you to everyone taking the time to answer these questions! I'm now currently roaming most threads (whee!) and have picked-up info that comes from before the events that began in Season 1. Do the books use flashbacks often, is it written in a non-linear fashion, do characters do a lot of exposition/narrative/info dumps, or is it some other thing?
  3. This seems like a really good time to do a search history clearing... :)
  4. No, no, see...she had to put on her big-boy-pants... which she got from her drawer, to pull this off...and, ehh I got nothing :(
  5. For a moment, before I remembered that there was a magic!instant!antidote!, I had a bit of respect for Ellaria for having the lady cajones to kill herself to just get revenge. I know she would like to wipe out the Lannisters to both avenge Oberon and finish his avenging (for his sister?), but there were only six notable ones left as of the start of last week. She had 1/3 of them in her house and decided to only go after the teenage ditz. Meh.
  6. I'm pretty sure we saw Mycella's nose bleeding, and then cut to "Snakes On A Dock" with Ellaria's nose bleeding. The shot of them panned over to the ship Jamie was on --about 100 ft. away. They could probably wade back.
  7. OK, I don't know where to put this, but I laughed so damn hard at this comment on Reddit, and I know some of us need a laugh (caps retained for authenticity): "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST JON, JUST GIVE THEM BACK THEIR WATCH!!" This will be the one show I actually search out spoilers for for next season. Sigh.
  8. I was also on the edge of my seat during the whole delaying-the-deletion bit, but laughing the whole time ("lemon sniper") because at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if they had done that to PP. Silicon Valley was oddly similar to GOT this season, in that they both had the good/better guys suffer defeat after defeat without much in the way of victories.
  9. I am one of the many non-readers who now feels emboldened to wander formally scary threads. I have read many theories about what could happen to Jon by way of a resurrection/warging/etc. and good number of them accounting for Kit being done on the show, but not Jon. I believe that a whole new form/hanging-out-in-Ghost would probably work for the books, but now that a television show is being made at the same time, that's a problem. It's easy to transfer the voice of a character to another body in the written word, but I don't think it would actually work in a visual form. A whole other actor/cgi wolf playing Jon just wouldn't work on a television show. It would always seem like a totally different character, I believe. I don't believe Martin should necessarily worry about that as he writes. IMO his priority should be the books, but of course he is aware of some of the constraints of film as he writes. It brings up an interesting conundrum.
  10. I actually looked pretty closely once I figured where they were, and all the bones looked decidedly non-human. I was rather relieved (which seemed arbitrary and odd).
  11. Yeah, but editor's word choice is more than suspect, as it was just a trim. Kit was on Kimmel just the other day, hair intact. What seems off to me is how Jon's death closes the story at the wall, just when things are getting dire (whoops) up there. Unless someone worth "following" shows up soon, I don't see that being a location on the show. And I'm pretty sure they're getting tired of random women showing up to take refuge there, so I'm not betting on Sansa's story migrating to the wall.
  12. Sorry, but even to my untrained eye, more than a couple of the head-to-toe, frontal shots while walking were of another body with Lena's face superimposed on top. On our tv, it was actually a little creepy and distracting. My husband spotted even more and was theorizing how they were put together (most likely a composite of three different shots done with the cool body suits that are covered in motion-capture triangles). I personally don't care who was naked or not, or why, but the special effects were a little distracting.
  13. I must admit I actually cackled at that.
  14. So Ser Jorah can find it next season whilst out looking for her. There was much more body-double usage than just a few long shots during the "Shame Shame, I know Your Name" walk. There were quite a few times it was creepily obvious on my HD tv that Lena's face was composited onto the body. I have no sympathy for Cersei. It was 15 minutes into her walk before she finally dropped her holier-than-thou attitude and was back to plotting world domination the moment FrankenMountain picked her up. So maybe 2 whole minutes of remorse. Bah! (He's "taken a vow of silence" = I couldn't get his voice box working.) If I have the urge to watch next season, I beg whichever gods you want that they don't ever have FrankenMountain take off his helmet! What little you could see through the eye slits was creepy enough.
  15. There was a lot of unexpected death at the fighting pits; sure seems like a GOT wedding to me! I don't think they had married yet, but have no real reason why I think that's so. Doubt it matters now, though.
  16. I think that is the first time I've seen the acronym of the "Lord of Light" and it's cracking me up (pun perhaps intended). Can't believe it never occurred to me before. In addition to making her more of a special and sympathetic character, Shireen's grayscale serves to show us that it can be cured/kept at bay. (Good luck, Ser Jorah!)
  17. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you masterfully set-up a joke. I want to see a battle of the messed-up fundies. Red Witch vs. the Sparrows.
  18. It's not that he doesn't go out much, he hasn't been seen at all in a year (and notice he wasn't on any of Letterman's shows to say goodbye, and that was a big omission). On topic: I felt all the time spent on the power-outage was pointless. but what was with the part where Paula is trying to comfort them and Nigel essentially tells her not to give them any hope (right in front of them)?!?! These contestants have already auditioned in front of producer-types and were deemed worthy to then come to the televised auditions. You're telling me they wouldn't have sprung for a few plane tickets for those they already liked to audition in another city? No one thought to see about borrowing some of the portable dance floor tiles from a local hotel and go to a park? Hell, many of the "street" dancers may have been fine auditioning somewhere outside. I was glad for the lack of multiple tragic backstories, but then they manufactured the hell out of the power outage drama.
  19. I'm a little concerned that the "could make exercise tapes for women" guy really thought Paula was talking to Richard Simmons. The way they edited it, it really looked that way. Richard Simmons has been mostly MIA, holed-up in his house for about year, and there is no way Paula was just chatting with him. I'm really not digging Jason's reaction to some of these contestants.
  20. Sam definitely just gave the go-ahead to Olly to do something everyone else will think is terrible. Sigh. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who at first saw, "come at me, bro," or something similar, as the Maul Walker raised his arms at first. Although the silence of the last couple of minutes was was tense and compelling, I envisioned many of them yelling, "game over, man, game over!"
  21. The first thing I thought was, "way to go John Oliver!" (I know the investigation is older than his show, but it's more fun this way!)
  22. Captain Munch? I'd pay money for that! Fine, this one, too.
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