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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. My heart skips a beat when I see this particular thread has moved to the top of the list. I'm not sure if it's in fear or anticipation.
  2. I'm here for HRG! Hell, yeah! I just want it to either be good, or so bad I can just watch it to make fun of. No middle ground, please
  3. Sadly, I have to give her a pass on this one. It went from Monopoly to crazy-maze adventure to Travis getting home. Once he was there, Madison said they were all packed and ready to go-she didn't want to stay the night. So I assume they packed pre-game night. One thing I did enjoy was Nick's reaction when he saw the Monopoly board. It was kind of sweet.
  4. Where were the tunnels Junior tried to escape through in the first couple of episodes? It's how we found out the Dome went quite deep. (That's what she said.)
  5. The amount of ridiculous writing on this show has been legion, but I think one of the worst bits was the car-battery-couple in the finale. Random stereotypical nagging harpy fussing at her stereotypical lazy/useless husband for absolutely no reason except to create a juxtaposition with carefree, so in-love Julia and Barbie. It was so badly acted and random (and yes, that's saying something with this show). Not gonna lie, though, I would totally watch that group assembled there in the freshman congressman's office go on wacky adventures for a season.
  6. Band name, I call dibs! Right there with you.
  7. The army guys are swarming the neighborhood searching for who knows what, jumpy and about to pounce when they think maybe Madison has touched blood, yet a moment later the trash can out front is seen, clear as day, with the lid unable to close because of large and very bloody material sticking out of the top. Not one of the many military guys seems to notice. OK.
  8. They're minerals, Jesus Christ, Marie! So the government is still hanging on to Junior's body in a drawer a year later? Gross.
  9. Between the limp, the greasy hair, and the glazed look, Nick is going to get mistaken for a walker more than once. I do hope they don't drag on the addiction thing too long. Nick constantly whining about, or putting himself in danger for more pills is going to get old. I laughed at Travis's monotone, "hi, Susan" the next morning as he was coving the shallow grave. So during game-night, Alicia still hasn't been told anything, yet when her druggie brother says he knows where to steal a gun and her mom says "ok" and goes off with him to rob their neighbors, she doesn't say a thing?!? Nothing surprises these people.
  10. Oh, yeah. Remember when they were discussing killing off part of the population so there would be enough food for the more productive members to last a while longer? Sigh I love this bit: black mom + blonde, white dad= black kid with blonde hair. Done! It's only one step up from Lady and Tramp having puppies (spoiler!) and the boys all look just like him and the girls all look exactly like her.
  11. It wasn't a nurse's office. It was labeled, "Crime Prevention (covered with tape) Office". And the drugs all seemed to be in evidence bags. It was all confiscated contraband. Of course, even if that office belongs to their resource officer (real police person), I seriously doubt they'd leave evidence at school. Unless that was all confiscated the first half of the day that day. Because didn't you see how tough!urban!LA the school they teach at is? Metal detectors and everything!
  12. It's a pretty white-bread town. They'll find her.
  13. He's so convincing because of the practice he got from playing Sparky on South Park.
  14. I liked her, but there was an odd switch with her between episode 1 and 2. In the first episode we meet her as she's on the phone and she was very nice to her ex, asked about Nick and tried to convince- then force- her son to go see his dad during Travis's custodial time. Then in episode 2, she is oddly angry about the ex sounding worried about the son, and coming over to check on him. She even yells about him coming over when it's not his turn. Huh? Episode 1 started the day before episode 2, so what changed? (Other than maybe Pilot-itis.)
  15. The Principal is your pal. Unless it's lunchtime and you're a living body.
  16. That reminds me. Aren't we supposed to assume the neighbor they watch attack the lady across the street was the same one they saw loading his car and coughing earlier? That seems to imply he got sick and turned from the flu, essentially. There was no other reason to show him coughing. Did he die from his cough? Is this show trying to keep up the suspense of how they turn? That seems ridiculous for a spin-off, especially when they turned around and used the "oh, noes is the guy being still with his back to the camera totally a zombie?!?!?" a bunch in the first episode, before zombies had really been established in this show. I'm kind of disappointed that it seems that our group on this show will be mostly made-up of this blended family. Boring. One of the great things about CDB was watching a group of strangers work together.
  17. Her keys got her in the front door, then she got keys to the other room from the Principal's desk (she was putting them back again when she heard the noise from the large, eavesdropping machine). In non-LA schools, many teacher's have codes to get into the building during off-hours (I did), but in a high school, off-hours are sparse. Many school don't officially lockdown until after 8 because of after-school activities. Besides, it looked like it was early afternoon. Perhaps it was a school day, but no one had showed up (principals aren't often roaming the halls on weekends). It seems like they may be done with the High School. What a waste of a potential location while people started turning. Other than making them teachers/counselors-which is probably about to become totally irrelevant- what really was the point of the HS?
  18. Especially in something related to Stephen King. So Junior is definitely still evil, yet also super fast. Yeah...best to just all sit around a chat after he escapes from your secret hideout. I hope I wasn't supposed to feel sorry for Ava since she seemed a little more human when she died. Cause I don't. The baby took away Ava's alien energy during breast feeding, so all IT-girl's dad, Patrick, needs to do is... never mind.
  19. I agree that many people share some level of blame for what happened to Chilton, but when Alana told Hannibal it was his fault because he challenged his ideas with the journal article, I snorted at her. The hell? That's a few too many steps away.
  20. I think a separate thread for comparison is apt here, as opposed to say, Better Call Saul where Breaking Bad discussion runs rampant in every episode thread. There, many characters and situations tie to the first show directly. This exists in the same universe as the Mother Ship, but that's about it. I can't seem to think of a thread name funny enough to be worthwhile...any ideas?
  21. I don't see how anyone doesn't know that this show has zombies in it, but since it's supposed to stand alone, this kind of shitty fake-out is lazy writing. Once zombies have been firmly established as possibly popping up, say, in the local high school administrators's secret surveillance office (what?), this shouldn't be here. Clever writing references other material covertly, underneath the surface. Not by shining a damn spotlight on it! Half of the characters with memorable names are now dead. Not a great start.
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