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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. OK, I've never been in this topic, so I just clicked on the last page to see what was up and this ^ was the only post on the last page. What an introduction!
  2. I cannot see AL as being the kind of actor who would "beg the writers" for anything. I think he respects his craft more than that.
  3. "Up in here, Up in here" The zombies are definitely the Pepe le Pews of this world in terms of chase speed.
  4. "Here we go, Once upon a time not long ago, When people wore pajamas and lived life slow, When laws were stern and justice stood, And people were behavin' like they ought to good, There lived a lil' boy who was misled..." Here's how I know I'm old: the first three Rick's that popped into my mind were Rick(y) Schroeder, Rick Astley, and Slick Rick.
  5. Rob Zombie bit Rick Astley?
  6. Aw, man, that really tears me up inside :(
  7. Zee-Gads! Why has no one mentioned this yet, guys?!?!? Did Rick just get bitten in the hand by a zombie? Is he turning??!!!?? [ducks]
  8. I don't know how to post it here, but there is a still of the dumpster before they get to it, and the clearing is much more than 3'' on this one. Plenty of room for someone to fit under.
  9. I snuck in behind you, mandolin. The more I like a show, the more I stay far away from any kind of spoilers. The two exceptions have been the recent GOT ending and Glenn. Both seem so off to me in terms of current story and character arc, etc. I just have.to.know. OK, the next time someone opens the door, I'm sneaking back out...
  10. So is he. I..can't...I can't help it...please...I'm sorry! I deal with stress this way.
  11. I just can't get past how much I hate this manipulation! -If Glenn is dead, show that clearly. -If you want to leave Glenn in peril (thereby us, in suspense), leave him exactly where he is, but show that he is trapped under Dickolous who is being eaten. I really dislike how it isn't clear enough to be certain, but it really wasn't presented with enough ambiguity to be nicely debated. They missed both marks. Side note: I have seen stills side by side of Glenn in his shirt before the fall, and the walker hands about to tear into the chest of someone on the ground, and they do not look the same. (It might be able to be done with enough of a change in lighting between the two shots, but the color really doesn't seem to match.)
  12. Article from Forbes, post Thank You. The author basically explains why he thinks Glenn is not gone. Please be warned it contains one upcoming casting spoiler (only a spoiler for comic readers), and also spoils Glenn's story in the comic.
  13. They were in a teeny town, on the (probable) only main drag. I'm pretty sure Glenn could have found the feed store all by himself. Bringing Dickolous was unnecessary.
  14. That was my first thought when the RV wouldn't turn over (it still might within the first few minutes of us catching back up with Rick after the Morgan-a-thon), and it made me really sad. I was/am pretty shocked about Glenn so some of this is probably denial, but there's so much doesn't add up for me and some of it I can't quite put my finger on. IF true, a major character getting eaten with no witnesses is really off. If that is Glenn, the heard will devour him whole so there is no way there would be enough left to be a zombie. Sure, they could find the watch, but that is likely not enough. Not everyone needs a ton of build-up and focus before they die (like Tyrese), since that starts to give things away, but Glenn hasn't had much screen time lately, so it's seems really odd to kill an original character during such a lull, unless it was some heroic display. I don't buy the, "well, it happens in real life that people die everyday in mundane ways" argument. This isn't real life, it's a work of fiction with arcs and beats and writers who decide what happens and to whom. There's just something about the way this played out that doesn't seem right.
  15. I meant too soon to use the phrase "thank you" at all. It brings up such painful memories :_(
  16. Too soon, guys, too soon. Seeing a clean-shaven, happy, Andy calling Norman a "lazy mother-clucker" in his charming British accent did cheer me up a bit.
  17. Full disclosure: I had that quote selected and copied to make that joke as well, but I chickened out. I will follow you through that door, Rarely!
  18. When I say "photo," you say "recap:" Photo ______ Photo ______ Photo Recap! Much funnier (to me) than last week. The AD reference killed me!
  19. I know a little of it is residual love from his stint on Jericho. Plus, I think that all the times Rick attempted to talk to him on the CB in that first season kept him more present even though he wasn't actually there.
  20. "Did you ever know that you're my hero?"
  21. So what ever happened to the apple orchard they used to make all that applesauce that Aaron had some of when he approached CDB? Re: No chickens is ASZ That one was right over the plate and you hit it out of the park.
  22. Just had a thought about JSS. Every time Enid writes it, she has made an active decision she doesn't seem to like, but considers necessary to her survival: -The note to Carl-she doesn't want to leave him -Written in dirt on her hand- she doesn't want to go to ASZ, she even turns around at first -Bones of the turtle- she probably didn't want to eat raw turtle (just guessing) -In the car after stabbing the zombie on the ground in the head- never fun So why does she write it the first time we see it after he parents are killed? What was her decision that time? ...Perhaps she locked them out so she herself could survive! OK, I doubt that is it, but girl is definitely off and likely not a wolf.
  23. I heard that, too. It may have been flambé walker, who they killed at the very end. Although, it sounded like more than one to me. It's from the stamp Sam uses. He was holding it while sulking on Carol's porch at the start of the episode. Seeing it reminds her of him, and likely how hard she was on him before the Unfair Wolves arrived.
  24. I don't get how Carol is lessening the characters of the black men on this show. Morgan went up against 5/6 wolves with just a stick. I do not see how Carol is being portrayed as more courageous than that, especially at the detriment of anyone else. She was shown to be much more courageous than Spencer and Deanna. Is it only because they weren't in the same scene that she isn't seen as showing-up all other women, or white men? They were all in the same situation. She has been shown to be more resolute in doing what needs to be done than Rick, too. I don't see race as a factor here. Essentially four people saved ASZ: Carol, Morgan, Rosita and Aaron. Two women, two people of (different) color, and only one white male. In a town/group that is predominately white, that's pretty good. ETA: Sorry, meant two people of color, and two different colors at that :)
  25. Former teacher, current poet Taylor Mali sums it up nicely in beginning of this poem and in this one :)
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