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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. I'm watching Supergirl because I have a 5-year-old girl who likes to go to Comic-Con (and I like my boys seeing a variety of heroes). I think I earned the level right above Couch Potato before the end.
  2. Maybe I missed any mention of the Dean's ex before tonight, but once she said she had one, and before it was mentioned he was a professor, I had a brief hope that he would turn out to be a conspiracy-theorist police detective.
  3. UTD wasn't renewed after the finish of this last season. It's mostly a relief, but the band of misfits that had banded together at the end of the finale (before cancellation was known) would have made me keep watching, it was just so cracktastic. I'm also a "completionist" with most every show, no matter how bad--even The Event! For recaps, check out Snookums's posts. Poor dear even recapped The Following to it's bitter end. And, yes, I was there the whole way, too.
  4. I feel like it's a matter of "when," not "if," these days.
  5. I've been getting the shakes lately, it's been so long since I've been able to type that! I feel like the wolf attack on ASZ was the middle of their story, and perhaps the story itself (but not all of the characters) will benefit from Morgan's pet in terms of information. I doubt they'll come back for him, as they don't seem the type. But I can see Rick wanting to hunt them ALL down after what they did to ASZ and attempted to do at the camper. No more half-measures from this guy. Also, based on the season preview we got a while ago I think and when that is resolved, FPP dies in the process.
  6. Even though we haven't seen it, we can assume the more "civilized" people have been brushing their teeth just by the comparison to Morgan's pet wolf, I believe.
  7. If the wolves are done, that really is unfair. It seems to have been given a decent amount of build-up to end like this. I think there will be more out there (they seem pretty well organized, especially with their whole truck yard set-up, to be so small) and the next run-in will involve Enid in some way. I in no way think she's a wolf, but she may be pivotal in Act Three with the wolves, or perhaps with the rest of Glenn's story, and FPP dies in the process.
  8. Re, #2: Actually, the wolf's injury looked more like a mostly-healed knife slash, not a bite. What's the general consensus?
  9. He said something about the unseen guy at the opening he was talking to "wanting everything I have," and the story is something he has, so he willingly gives it to him. When Morgan met the two wolves in the forest last season, one of which was the one he knocked out, they monologued about their philosophy and taking everything Morgan has before killing him.
  10. When the college's lawyer was grilling the client about how she hardly went to class and didn't buy the textbooks, I though the obvious rebuttal was yes, this is all true and it was more than enough effort to earn a degree from this business/college, so good day sir. I said, good day!
  11. This is starting to feel like Rick getting bit all over again :( I'm curious about CheeseWhiz's grasp of the world situation. He held the psychopath (called by his full name, of course) for 40+ days then found the world turned to hell when he went to turn himself in, so he (like every one who watched FTWD) missed the turning and the civilization falling and the dogs-and-cats-living-together bit. I'm sure he trudged through quite a bit to get back to his cabin, but I wonder what he has really seen since he made no mention of any other un-turned humans. He's likely no less delusional that the ASZHats about the true state of things. ETA: No, not you, good Dr. (below) but again we're asking a question that has been asked and answered a few times. It's the good ol' days again. (I could've called them another kind of days, of course, but best not repeat a joke too often!)
  12. I need this on a t-shirt: "Kill 'em all" is my contingency creed.
  13. My first exposure to him was on The Drew Carey Show, where he played Drew's cross-dressing brother. He was a nice guy there :) I figured Eastman would be killed since Morgan is no longer with him, but when I first saw the rabbit's foot, I have to admit I got a little sad. Speaking of that scene at the church, did he also set-down the bullet from the couple when he sat down the other stuff?
  14. Not yet. I'm keeping my eye out for it, though.
  15. I enjoyed her dragging Wes to just ask Frank about the money instead of continuing to whisper and Nancy Drew about it. Yeah, it was a camera. He waited until he was past it to drop his, "you have to save her!" act.
  16. . :> I have never been less inclined to read a spoiler in all my life.
  17. Nashville, are you currently dreaming of electric sheep? Your back-up process is clearly superior to mine.
  18. You know, as in the Walken'd Dead? When bitten, people turn in to Christopher Walkens. They're not really trying to eat Glenn, they just want his watch.
  19. In my opinion, it would add hilarity to injury.
  20. To be honest, I think Z-bites kill on this show because they normally do in Z-mythology. I'm not sure we can come up with an explanation that covers all the different things we've seen at this point. I am curious for them to run into a proper (sober) doctor who knows enough about the blood pathology to test Judith. Curious if Captain Tripps has passed her by. Why are the dumpster zombies able to dig into Nicolas's flesh(yes, I said Nick!) so easily. I get the strength of the jaw when biting, but using only hands on unopened flesh, through at least one shirt even, they just tear into like it was tissue paper. Is that consistent with anything we've seen so far?
  21. OK, real thoughts here regarding the pet store. I would guess it's illegal/against code to have a business or building where the public is allowed to only have one possible exit. The store had the front door, and the one closet (?) with the two walkers. Did they even discuss other exits? So many things seemed out of character, and not just because of the reactions to the big herd. Three experienced supply raiders and Michonne are part of a group that gets trapped in a small town when they were at least 10 minutes ahead of a herd? No looking for carts or wagons to put the wounded? (The sound didn't matter at that point since the herd was already coming.) No mercy kills, especially through a fence? I know it's folly to try to parse out "why didn't they _____?" but there was just so much of it this episode, and it bugs me that they are likely not catching up with any of these guys next episode. I just really dislike the attempted manipulation. The thing that will make me come back next week is a good episode this week of a show I like. It's the age of the internet. If, say, I no longer liked this show but want to know about Glenn, I'll look for spoilers or read about it after the next episode airs. I don't have to watch to find the answer. Oh, and on a side note, there's a small piece on Talking Dead where the actor who plays Nicolas is saying a few things while on set, and I SWEAR he is sitting on those damned fire escape stairs! I watched the overhead shot of the dumpster scene again. The one thing that is clear to me is that only a very few walkers are actually eating. You can see many, many hands reaching but not getting anywhere close because of how dense the crowd is.
  22. I agree. We're totally enjoying the Halcyon Days of posting here. (heh) And Glen lives, will escape, and FPP dies in the process!
  23. On the old site many of us migrated from, the rule was you were expected to at least read either the last 15 pages of posts, or the last 15 days of posts in a thread before posting. Thereby hoping to reduce the amount of people saying the exact.same.thing, such as: "ZOMG, did Rick get bit????" Personally, I felt the concept was sound to keep the thread moving, but some MODS were really strict. There, people were warned/suspended pretty swiftly, so it would always confuse me when people would then start a post with, "I haven't read the thread, but..."
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