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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. When the first guy was due to die-by-raven, the assistant guy with the glasses mumbled that he shouldn't run and looked disappointed when he did. At the time, I thought that was going to be important, but Clara had the awareness and time to scream (silently to us), where he did not. It seems his death was less painful than hers. So now I figure that whole exchange was just to make Clara seem more heroic! in her death. Ugh.
  2. I immediately thought of Sports Night when the "Happy Birthday" story broke. I'll raise a glass with you, Bad Example.
  3. Lucky for her, then, that Wes course-corrected! With the unaccounted for flash-forward with Asher (I agree is possible alibi-building) and Bonnie's smarts in general, I doubt that anyone will find blood in/on either car. It would likely take days to weeks before the police got anywhere near enough of a reason to execute a search warrant on either car. In the meantime, they both know Frank. He already knows how to make cars disappear :)
  4. I have to say there are not many boards where a poster would feel the need to put this in a comment. :)
  5. That's a good point because the license plate didn't read just "Patty", it was Patty002, I believe. I think that overgrowth was meant to look like it was natural, not man-made, as it were. Not that a huge truck could get overrun in that amount of time.
  6. Actually, I believe it's part of the Terms and Conditions for this site now. I am really hoping that this title will have multiple meanings and one of those will be a comical walker, AzzHat, or (dare I dream?) FPP death where this title is hilariously literal.
  7. Well, you might be forgetting the most important fact-Frank is the one staging Catherine. Frank hasn't dropped the ball yet! Not only will he likely take care of that, it would probably be weeks before anyone could come up with a reason to check Wes. Always bet on Frank. And to those who suggested that Frank grabbed Anni at the hospital to get some of her blood to put on Catherine? Brilliant! Asher sure was lucky he ran all the way over the ADA. When Bonnie showed up, it became clear he hadn't even gotten out of the car to see if she was alive. How did he know she wasn't partly sticking out the back of the car?
  8. I speculate that at the end of this season, the Keating 5 are each either in jail, a mental institution, or in a country with no extradition. We switch to Annalise in class welcoming a group students to the Fall semester. Jump cut back to the house/office where she tells Frank and Bonnie she has already picked out her 5 new ones and all three smile, clink their wine glasses, laugh, and twirl their mustaches as the camera pans to the blind justice statue and fades to black.
  9. Once Coach Boone got Coach Yoast firmly on his side, they took the title. Unless you meant the Thursday game. No idea there.
  10. I have never had to work so hard to get through a Nu-Who episode before-it just didn't hold my attention. I hope this was an anomaly.
  11. Wow. So they've possibly found a way to have even less walkers on the show than the first season.
  12. Wait, he goes to law school? How did I miss that? ;)
  13. Can we not try to prove points by checking how many people "like" a post? A difference of opinion is not a competition. In regards to the episode, I'm hoping that Sasha's reminder that Daryl is a tracker is scaffolding for something to come. Lit. analysis 101 says that it will come into play sometime soon, and I for one would be happy to see Daryl involved in something a bit more substantial than he has of late. Enid, Glenn, his bike, and his crossbow all need to be found--get on that trail! (Well, maybe don't rush to find Enid.)
  14. I'm even more proud of you now, than when you made that opposite choice yesterday.
  15. The second red devil is pretty tall. Who's the tallest girl left? (And why the hell was she sitting in a hotel room, where only her accomplices would be, in that tight, heavy costume and mask?)
  16. Stink Palm! It's not just me who still associates him with that? Awesome. It's odd to see anything about Mallrats in spoiler tags. But I guess people who haven't watched wouldn't want to know beforehand that .
  17. This is no photo recap (still none for the past two episodes), but it's still funny!
  18. Watch this very small video closely and tell me what you see ;) It might be confusing at first, but it loops. You can see both the monitor and the live action in the clip. (It will likely be yanked at some point, so apologies when it happens.)
  19. Easy, they hadn't run into anyone from CDB yet. I spotted this right off (and I wasn't paying full attention). I don't think this one fits the TD gripe. A fellow Revolution survivor?
  20. I'd kinda love it if this new, unseen group ended up at the AzzHat's door because, for some reason, a huge herd of walkers just overran their community 25 miles up the road, as FPP dies in the process.
  21. No, we didn't know who left it, but it does bring up an interesting question. If it was someone in Noah's community, how did they have the time? We can probably safely assume the attack on them was like the attack on Alexandria-quick, brutal, and final. We've seen nothing to indicate the Unfair Wolves are in to tagging or advertising in any form beyond their Ws on foreheads.
  22. Someone needs to Black Widow him, stat! He had a girlfriend we saw pictures of back at the church (and I believe we even saw her in walker-form).
  23. Michael Rooker on TD was better than this week's episode of TWD. I was laughing pretty good at the phone business. Chris was just a split-second behind me as I fussed at Rooker's dated pantomime.
  24. Props to the hero of the episode: Glass-case-of-emotions-walker He got bit (per the note on the dry erase board), tried to bandage himself (per the trash on the desk), and then locked himself in the office to keep from killing others (per the door locked from the inside). Good on ya, mate!
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