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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. I can't believe how boring the season premiere was. Can you imagine someone who never saw the show before deciding to give it chance and watch the second season opening? An episode that makes us poor returning-viewers fall asleep isn't a good one to draw new viewers in. Oh, and for good measure: Strand stays!
  2. I want to hear about that book too, Irishmaple! OK, I think you guys may have convinced me not to bother with Lost. It's the kind of show I sometimes feel like I should try because it has become a part of our communal pop culture knowledge, but I think I have gleaned enough over the years to catch enough references/allusions when madde (a hatch, some sort of number code, etc.). Going to try The Leftovers, though. Much less of my life to be lost on that one.
  3. OK, wow (9!). I have HBO but have somehow never heard of this show. Is it still going? (I don't want to spoil anything with a google search before starting.)
  4. OK, guys and gals, I need help. I am a completionist. No matter how bad a show gets I will watch to the end. If everyone on here says, "please for the love of all that is good and holy don't watch past season X," it won't matter. To the end or nothing. Can't help. Watched to the end of Revolution, The Event, and the Heroes reboot (your condolences are welcome). With that in mind, should I watch Lost? I know the ending is not not everyone's cup of tea, so that is why I hesitate. Opinions?
  5. Speaking of poor Keanu, everyone has seen Key & Peele's post-apocalypse skit, right? Often we fuss about how an episode all about redeeming or highlighting a character means their impending doom, mostly because it spoils the surprise. But it does serve a purpose, and often deepens understanding and backstory making the death more poignant. This cliffhanger has erased any of that for throughout the last few episodes. I am not fussing because I don't know the answer (and I'm tired of people lazily making that accusation of anyone not happy with the cliffhanger-in general, not singling out anyone here), I am fussing because I feel this is a poor way to tell a story, and I feel that I have a pretty good compass for such things. And FPP still dies in the process. Damnit!
  6. I don't think any of that above is a spoiler. I am kind of enjoying how "The Spoiling Dead Fans" site has seemed to have taken this as a challenge. They are hell-bent on spoiling the death quickly out of spite. I'm getting popcorn!
  7. Report back on that one, nachomama, I'm curious about that show.
  8. It doesn't work unless you also curse, ask any theatre person! Not a quote, but a music cue from King Corn (images listed out of order, I know) (sung) "Desire" (Donna and Josh in their respective hotel rooms across the hall from one another.) (sung) "Desire" (Vinnick looks longingly at a picture of he and his wife.) (sung) "Desire" (Santos looks at his wife and sleeping children.) (sung) "Desire" (Will looks at an ice cream bar in a vending machine.)
  9. Some comic readers mention that, but nothing tv!Negan has said indicates tv!Negan shares that philosophy. I don't think he was kidding about putting Maggie out of her misery. I also don't think Dwight was lying about trying to hit Daryl.
  10. If I still like a show at the season finale, I will watch the next season with, or without, a cliffhanger. If I'm no longer interested in a show that ends in a cliffhanger, I can just look on the internet to find the answer. There is no need to tune in to find out who shot JR. I don't even have to set a VCR or DVR anymore. If I'm on the fence, an end-of-season cliffhanger will likely push me away because one with a many month break is nothing but audience manipulation. That long is no longer servicing the story. For purposes of this post, I'm referring to a true cliffhanger that can be answered in a word or two: Who is dead? What is behind that door? Will they fall of the cliff? etc. As opposed to: What will the group do next? How will this change the dynamic? etc.
  11. As long as this stand-alone comes at a point where we're waiting to find out something dramatic, such as "Adventures in Cheese Making" while wondering what happened to Glenn, I'm all for it! /s>
  12. Actually, their traffic and clicks per article is likely what caused them to drop the reviews. Professional reviewers don't just drop a show on a whim-this is business.
  13. My god, the dramatics of this group! Re-occuring themes! Costumes! Pyrotechnics! So the whole time they were in the woods whistling, and taking weapons, and lining up both groups, Negan is just waiting inside the RV for his cue. I imagine he was also practicing his lines. *Edited to take out the extra "e" in Negan. Although now I will rhyme with Megan, not Meegan in my head-just out of spite. And still think of Key and Peele as I do.
  14. CJ: "Mrs. Helena Hodsworth Hooter Tooter"
  15. "I like to keep it smooth," Abraham said with "porpoise." (yeah, I know they're not the same animal; it's a stretch) "I'm not sure why the corn isn't growing," said Hershel, stumped.
  16. "Here comes Father Gabriel, Hopping down the zombie trail..."
  17. I guess with those pants, Michonne is a lock for tight end. <sorry> Carl can be back-up QB, except when they use an I-formation. <even more sorry> If FPP is very lucky I'll maybe let him be the cord-carrier for the headset. Can Team Fear's uniform be blouses, as a homage to greasy kid the first few episodes?
  18. "It's just some thangs," Rick said stuffily. "Let me see your hair," Jessie said cuttingly.
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