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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. I laughed quite a bit at that, too. Keep up the good fight, wayward soldier. I'll stand with you to the very end: And FPP dies in the process! After Glenn killed the two sleeping guys and had a reaction while looking at the wall (before we saw what he was seeing), I thought "aw, crap, it's gonna be pictures of his kids." Uhhhh, no.
  2. There were gooey walkers stuck in the wheels, so I believe it is safe to assume they ran some over, which (whom) got stuck in the wheels and caused the accident.
  3. I was pretty sure that Maggie might be killed this season because I didn't think they'd have two toddler/babies around and I believe Judith is as safe as they come as a character at this point. But now that there's a sonogram picture, I don't think anything will happen to Maggie at least until after the baby is born. I think it's one thing to "tell" the audience a character is pregnant, but once there's a visual, that character just isn't as likely to be killed (on a tv show). And since Lori died in childbirth, I doubt they'd repeat that with Maggie. So now I'm back to thinking she's safe.
  4. OK, why isn't this comment getting more love???? Foreshadowing! Awesome.
  5. Man, who ordered a truck full of anvils? I don't know where they're dropping just yet, but I sure can hear that "beep beep beep" as it backs up.
  6. Although this crack-tastic show makes me dread having to wait a week until the next totally insane episode, I'm so glad I'm watching it as it comes out as opposed to binging years later on Netflix. I think I would be up for days watching "just one more" after "just one more" until the end.
  7. Which is odd because Daryl even flipped him off right as they started to drive away. What good's an aggressive bird if you don't couple it with eye contact to show you're super serious?
  8. Urban Dictionary is scarier to me than an actual zombie apocalypse.
  9. Also see Othello, Act I, scene i, "...the beast with two backs." :)
  10. As this is a cvil matter and not a criminal matter, the burden of proof is much lower. I rule in favor of the white ram tupping the black ewe.
  11. Oh lawd, with, not in! The roasted ones go in the orange soda or co-cola.
  12. The Ballad of Abraham in Three Acts Act 1: Who's Deanna? Act 2: Who's Negan? Act 3: Who's Luci-*thwack*
  13. For me, South Georgia/Florida Panhandle. Many chain gas stations (Tom Thumb, 7-11 type) even have them inside to buy, often in warm pots that look like small cauldrons. The very best place to get them are from random pick-up trucks on the side of the road or produce stands (just like you would peaches). Salted peanuts go in orange soda, Coke if you have to. Being misplaced in Colorado, I'll happily take any ooky boiled peanuts you come across :)
  14. Pepsi doesn't work with boiled peanuts either. Although sweet tea is better than Coke in that instance. I swear to Flying-Ninja-Jesus I would watch every second of a Zombie re-boot of Melrose Place. I really loved the little low-five Rick gave Michonne on the way out at the start of the day. It was quick, but a nice bit of characterization.
  15. But they know there is at least someone named Negan out there, and he is smart/strong enough (and, gosh-darnit, people like him) to have people do his bidding. Even if they assume he is the only one left (which seems silly), no half measures! I'm afraid we may have just "Fear-The-Walking-Deaded" over that bit. Awesome catch!
  16. Apropos of nothing, every time I read your username, secnarf, I hear it in Pinky's voice and laugh a little to myself.
  17. I don't know. Now that the Andersons are gone, you might be able to call it the happiest place on earth.
  18. I am trying to decide if the "next" world is the next version of Alexandria, or the next society/group they run across (of course it could be both). I guess it's telling that they didn't use Rick's/Ariel's "whole new world," or maybe not. Sigh. I'm just sad I couldn't come up with some sort of joke: Jurassic World, Different World, Wally World...nothing's right. Help me Nashville and/or Cletus, you're my only hope!
  19. I'm pretty sure she was only fired from being "New-Bonnie," not from the K5. Annie even said she had "her old Bonnie back," so no longer needed her (Laurel) to continue being her stand-in.
  20. Oh, poor Bonnie. Did they really have to go and insinuate that? Damnit, Frank, you were the only smart one left!
  21. Damn your ear worm, Nashville!
  22. Also, he very explicitly points toward the cabinet under the tv more than once when he is saying his cards were stolen.
  23. Fair warning to anyone new to the podcasts: Here There Be Spoilers! Vince and Co. talk often about major BB plot points- as in deaths- so those looking to avoid spoilers, stay clear of the official podcast. (I don't know about others.)
  24. I don't think Carol is at fault for Sam's very stupidly timed freeze frame (tm J. Geils, sorry) after being fine for so long, but I think the show was trying to show some culpability with the voice over, which I find an odd choice.
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