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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. The music kept swelling and I kept laughing. No one would ever think Darryl, of all people, would be taken down while trying to get his weapon and just run out of time. That's a death for noobs, AzzHats, and FPP. And, as it turns out, that match also killed some people, including some kids the one girl babysat. Actually, I think the guy needs to update his "how many people have you killed" numbers, since it's at least two. He had the holder, but I doubt the knife was there. He literally just got the ropes off of his hands, and I doubt those 3 had left his knife on him. Sasha wrote it so "tracker" Darryl would find them.
  2. I came for the snark, but stayed for "artisinal motorbike." Gold.
  3. Re-watching this, and when Benson and Barba visit Missi Pyle's character at home, I'm pretty sure she is wearing a green sparkly necklace that says "Kale." Anyone else spot that? It is cracking me up!
  4. Aram is my favorite character on this show after Red, Dembe, and post-Season One Tom, so I want him to get what he wants. So I was also pissed about the boring attractive, wounded people hook-up, because for a quick moment I thought Samar's "live for today" mindset would send her to Aram's house. BUT, she seems to just have wanted to some physical contact and catharsis right then, not a boyfriend, and had she hooked-up with Aram as a throw-away night of passion he probably would have been crushed later. So that's how I have rationalized it :) I am still surprised By-The-Book-Ressler did something that is very likely against policy. I doubt that man owns any shoes with laces simply because the FBI manual doesn't include any instructions for lacing them properly.
  5. "Yes, always." --Brain And, oddly, my kids are literally watching Labyrinth right this minute!
  6. The title sounds like the name of a song from a peppy musical. "And I was, (boom, boom) al-ways accountable. In some way, (boom, boom) a tad predictable. I'm shamblin' (boom, boom) to Alexandria. Where (boom) Fa- (boom) -ther (boom) Pee (boom) Pants (boom) dies (boom) In the pro-cessssssssssss. In the process. Yeah!" [jazz hands] [curtain]
  7. I wish I had Hiro's powers so I could go back in time and show the old TWoPers the promo for next week that apparently calls HRG the most beloved hero of all time! That idea may be the only thing they're gotten right lately.
  8. I think perhaps Phillip did oil the Hapstalls, dad for being dad and the wife because she was there. I think Catherine hid the gun to help him out because they've maybe met a few times, as family, and she feels sorry for him. I'm sure they'll hold good with their promise to show who shot Annalise, but I'm guessing it will be someone we don't know the motive for. The second half of the season may deal with that. I'm guessing the ADA is there with something somewhat shady, as the phone conversation Annalise walked-in on paints her a very desperate right now. Unlike last year, I think the second half will pick up after a time jump as Annalise in a hospital wouldn't work for very long.
  9. I'm pretty sure we can take it at face value since the last time we saw her reach-out to her mom was when she was at rock-bottom last season, and I think she was close to there at the start of this episode. I really do love the crap out of this insane show, but this felt like a late tack-on so we think Frank also has a reason to shoot Annalise. It was really out of character for both of them this episode. I didn't like it. I'm trying to think of of a comment to this post so I have a reason to re-post it. Hold on, be right back...
  10. What was with all the BS trying to show how evil! Erica is? Look, she can shoot a huge gun! Look again, she can slice apart an animal carcass better than a bumbling chef!
  11. That was my immediate thought when Harold told him to pull into the garage and then they assessed the situation there. Plus, there was small talk about coffee and Tom drinking some when Ressler showed up. Tony and Ziva finally hooked up! Oh, wait, wrong show.
  12. That one has at least three meanings. I approve this choice!
  13. Pretty much anything Guy says is gold. Followed by anything Alexander Dane says ("By Grabthar's Hammer.........what a savings.") Followed by most of the rest of the movie.
  14. Yeah, because "I want some space alone, so can you move back home with Scarlett while I stay in a hotel?" is way too easy and sane :)
  15. But he has a job, connections to many other people, and goes to and fro freely. That isn't possible for a "regular" dead person/ghost in this universe, right? (Since we know for sure we are in-universe with Murder House.)
  16. HO.LY.CRAP! Am I the only one who has never seen Carl Poppa? I am seriously losing it here! Can't.breathe.
  17. Did I miss why they had to destroy the coffins instead of just moving them? I wonder if the Countess was motivated more by Tristan's earlier attempted refusal to help her with Drake than him actually being in love with Liz. Her main concern right now seems to be the money she would get from marrying (then dispatching with) Blake. Tristan almost got in the way of that, and that may be the bigger betrayal to her right now. I agree with those who felt uncomfortable watching Tristan essentially be forced to have sex with Drake. All the horrors on this show and the more realistic, bloodless ones are by far the creepiest. Thank you for this awesome image :) Edited to change Blake to Drake. Too distracted by his derriere to properly remember his name...
  18. You know Alex, if you don't want to take care of, or even speak to, your daughter, fine. But why the hell are you then trying to break the only parent she has left? Alex wanted to divorce him, but never seemed to hate him. Why does she want to destroy him?
  19. Who the hell gets into a shower and then turns it on? Man the Dean must have awesome hot water on demand. The whole GPA talk was also weird. First semester isn't over, the college is closed, and Grace has been in danger form a serial killer for most the semester. A 1.4 isn't worth committing someone over in this, or really any, situation. (And my god were Gigi's pants hideous this episode!) ETA: Lol-- and now a character in American Horror Story Hotel just got into a shower without turning it on, too. Does Ryan Murphy not know how showers work?
  20. Oh my gawd, you put that out into the universe. Take it back, take it back!
  21. I forgot to mention SportsNight. I so love that show. And if anyone watches Drunk History, but never tried Another Period, maybe give it a shot. It's a little hit or miss, but some of it was really funny. (I'll try anything where a member of The State shows up.)
  22. Haven't the "seasons" of Sherlock ended with a cliff-hanger, though? (I am so over those, and even before "Thank You"). Since I have the books, I did try Red Dwarf once upon a time. British zombies sound fun!
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