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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. But at least jail/Arkham Asylum exists as a place for those baddies. There isn't a secure enough place, nor even the resources to spare, to lock-up people this dangerous in ASZ. Nice.
  2. I'd appreciate her more if she used the word "like" about 75% less. KS has really slimmed down since I saw him last. Good for him, he looks great.
  3. Yes, yes, YES! I really thought we were going to get a homage (fromage) right there. Especially with the slow walk into screen. So, I know a lot of us thought perhaps Enid knew/was contacting some of the people that were exiled from Alexandria before CDB showed up, but now we know that's not likely. I wonder if they will ever be brought up again. I'm confused about Enid just wandering off like she is capable of surviving alone. She was with her parents, they got killed, she wandered around killing only one incapacitated walker (that we saw), and then stumbled onto Alexandria while just about starving. Other than sneaking over a horribly guarded wall, have we really seen anything that shows she is capable of this?
  4. It was so unexpected and absurd at that moment, I thought Carol was hallucinating danger in the too-quiet Alexandria. Hmmm. Maybe he promised someone very important he wouldn't kill if it weren't absolutely necessary. Perhaps visions of his son while he was coo coo for coco puffs, and he made hime this promise as he was coming out of his haze. I think he kind of showed he's above the triangle. He looked sad for a moment, but he's got babies to protect, morons to train, and bad guys to kill, and he knows those three things are much more real that the teenage shit.
  5. This actor playing Ron is so painful to watch. That scene with his mom in the kitchen at the start was sooo bad. For a second I thought I forgot what show I was watching when ninja-Carol showed up. I lurve that the pasta maker got brought back up. Hilarious! Poor Aaron :( I was/am really worried that the new doctor is going to kill herself. Dear Morgan, I know you were wandering in the woods and perhaps missed the memo, but: FATHER PP DIES IN THE PROCESS!!!!!!! (Did you not read any of my previous specs?)
  6. Am I the only one who then thought, "Hardwickus is what bwings us togeder toooday?"
  7. To date, that waitress is the smartest person on this show. I kind of loved how rattled Tom was at Cooper finding him at his special place.
  8. Jesus Christ SuperStar Jalopy Still Smells Jane Says, I'm Done With Sergio
  9. Lots of good ones, but these two are my current favorites: Porchdickson Lord Peterson Porch Richard's Dick
  10. I'm guessing that the "she" light-eyes is referring to is the DA. She could have been dead for quite a while, but Anni was recently shot, and Caleb is already away from the house and at the apartment when the gang get there. So maybe Caleb accidentally caused the DA to fall as she was there threatening someone with blackmail (like she does). Anni advises him to get out of there (to the apartment). After he leaves someone (Levi?) shoot Anni. Is it just me, or did Nate immediately recognize Levi's name and then ask Wes if he even checked his story? Does Nate already know who his guy is?
  11. Recap's back, Alright! Wow, not proud of that attempted joke :{ For any newbies this season, that's a link to a photo recap done by a reddit user. Usually good for some laughs. This isn't his strongest one, but definitely out faster than last season.
  12. This is an awesomely-cracktastic episode title! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  13. We all float down here. (sorry)
  14. There was a red helium balloon in one of the early AzzHats episodes. I think Sam had it.
  15. Maybe because even the best of actors have trouble acting "cold" in the heat of a Georgia summer :) Plus, the amount of after effects for the ground, trees, breath, etc. would be pricey and time consuming.
  16. Of course it was for "tv reasons," but it is still hilarious that CDB's such a plague that the second time Rick is at this quarry, which has held for likely over a year, it's compromised. I'm still waiting for the time they run across a group who has heard of them, and runs the other way. Even in the ZA some gossip has to travel!
  17. The horn is too loud and too far away, I believe, to be a car horn. I've seen some suggest a semi-truck or an air horn, but maybe it's a boat...say, a yacht? :) (yes, I know, disregard geography)
  18. My two cents at armchair quarterback is that they should have used a few of the bulldozer-type machines sitting around and destroyed the one path out of the quarry. I don't even think it was paved.
  19. Whoa. That small wink the investigator gave Alicia after she mouthed "thank you" after the pedo was put on the stand. Whoa, Momma. I laughed when Diane went to yell at Cary about the lunch with Howard and her coat totally blended-in with the art on his wall.
  20. My problems with FTWD are legion (and start with that gawd-awful name), but I kinda feel sorry for Chris. He probably excitedly (or contractually) signed-on for another zombie post-show, but has to be positive about it even if he also thinks it sucks since one of his shows is now tied to it.
  21. I though Heath had seen it was a small camp that got overrun. So maybe 15-20. They didn't do runs that way, so they didn't know it had become a huge zombie trap.
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