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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. I believe Tobin is the one who said Abraham should be in charge of the wall project after he wimped out during a small walker attack last season, and was the one in the I-Hate-Rick-Club who said, "he was talking about it (essentially)" about Carter talking about killing Rick. I can't blame Rick for not wanting to recruit more people. 90% of the people he meets are either useless sheep or socio-paths that try to kill and/or eat them.
  2. Ha! You should try Under the Dome. I actually didn't think Maggie and Glenn's cryptic conversation was about a pregnancy, I just thought the other, unstated reason Glenn wanted her to stay was just that he wanted her safe. They're both tough and able, so he didn't want to say it. I definitely see how many of you saw a possible pregnancy in that.
  3. It's also how to show 3 in sign language (holding your pinky down with your thumb is for 6). I was very surprised to like Update as much as I did, but oh boy, do they need work on their timing!
  4. Doubt it. Ani put the one capable person on this whole show on the job. The last minute of this show every week is my favorite tv crack!
  5. I love Fischer Stevens, so it was nice to see him. I was growing quite fond of the current big-bad. I like the actor, but once he swung that sock at Dembe-nope!
  6. Ren is so adorkable. Another blonde teenager needed to save the world. Yawn. Mrs. Not-Syler needs to go. Now. She is so one-note and I can only look at her angry, scrunched-up face so many times before I really want her to go up in flames.
  7. Please be sure to look back at xaxat's avatar for full effect!
  8. Please note this is meant in a jovial manner :) I don't know what it is, but peach's continually burning hate for this show cracks me up. (Condensed for effect.) Keep fightin' the good fight, peach!
  9. My seven-year-old just got to Vincent and the Doctor in his (mandatory) chronological Nu-Who watch. Yep, still makes me cry.
  10. That line still makes me laugh aloud, even from just reading it.
  11. These two comments sum it up for me, perfectly. That, and the fact the episode titles bother me. They don't seem well thought-out.
  12. I was also curious how Michaela found possible-Eggs911 (I hate, hate, hate this nickname) again when neither her nor Connor ever gave him their phones/numbers. I kept thinking of Silence of the Lambs every time Bonnie said Rebecca's name (which was a lot). When the Senator (?) is making the plea for her daughter, she is wisely using her daughter's name a lot to humanize her to her kidnapper. If that's a real strategy, Bonnie must be quite the sociopath!
  13. I hope he can be a sort of reoccurring guest star somehow. I loved all his line readings!
  14. I laughed once and that was how the Backstreet Boys song lined up with the attack. Right after the one frat brother's first arm was cut off the line, "raise your hands (or similar, sorry BSB was never my thing)" was heard.
  15. Not this one, if they're looking for any info on their current situation. I hope Mr. Crispy Shirt has only one rule if you want to be a part of his team: you have to dress the part.
  16. That's because he's always been very good at his job.
  17. Maybe the Haitian wiped away HRG's knowledge that his daughter is essentially indestructible along with all previous knowledge of his son. The storyline I zoned-out most during was the East LA/wrestler one. I just can't get into that one for some reason. (Not that all the rest are great.)
  18. By Jove, that's a ton of really good questions, otto! She also made paper cranes, listened to pop music, and constantly forgot to lock her door, thank you very much!
  19. In the flashback where they show the gang taking Lila's phone to see what she was texting, wasn't she texting the message "Eggs 911. Lawyer's house?" As in the Eggs911 was in the message, not the recipient?
  20. You're right atlanticslide. Thanks for clearing that up. (Well part of it at least.)
  21. You down with HRG? Yeah you know me! Short of Sylar or the Petrelli's, no character other than HRG would have brought me back.
  22. I was assuming that was where they dragged, cut-up, etc. Sam's body.
  23. I never have planned on watching Midnight a second time, but since I am now making my son go through chronologically after skipping around to whichever episode looked good to a seven-year-old based on pictures on Netflix I watched it yesterday. I had to bite my tongue not to influence him, but DEAR GOD I want to repeatedly punch the face of everyone on that shuttle/bus/thing! The concept was interesting but those people are all so damn grating! Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Just had to get that out somewhere. Thanks :)
  24. Sigh. What happened in the "nine days since the lights went out" was what I thought this show would be about. I thought that MD Wife seemed easy to placate and subdue, whereas Mr. Salazar looked like he might put up a fight, if need arose, so that's why he wasn't invited. But I also agree that they may have never come back for MD wife. I don't understand the theory that the large out-break hasn't happened yet. Madison went walking through LA ("Nobody walks in LA") and saw only a few dead bodies. The army seems to be executing those they find, sick or not. If the rest of the city hasn't turned, where are they? They aren't out scrounging for supplies (whether that is canned goods or human flesh)?
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