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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. Come on, Chekov, bring out your tank! Hmmm, now I don't think Heather is dead.
  2. So we're going to let the old guy who has recently had a heart-attack and almost died from sepsis carry the girl 12 miles? Alrighty then.
  3. I kind of love Jimmy. I'm not big on small talk, which he seems to be very good at, but he always ends up being endearing. Is Heather really dead? What a weird exit for a character, technically a few episodes ago. So did they totally change Sean/Shawn's character? He's now this harmless, dazed goofball, but wasn't he the one being an asshole trying to go into the market and bust things up for fun after Gracie's death?
  4. Lennie James sure can wear a suit. It seems odd that they revealed, to us, that the guy with the cane was in on all meetings early on. I thought it would have been more surprising if we saw it at the same time he realized it himself.
  5. Man this show goes to extremes to resolve love-triangles. Why write the title on the back of each photo if you're just going to pin it up? I thought Hawkins was smarter than this. I love that cover of Mad World.
  6. Hey, I like a rugged Lassie. Well, except when he's essentially taking hostages. I still want to punch Eric in the face. I feel like there will need to be a rescue in a few episodes. I appreciated the doctor's "I hope you're not giving me some existential, we're all connected speech!" bit to Jake. heh
  7. I'm sure I'm supposed to think it's horrible that Hawkins's teenage daughter just killed someone, but (even though I knew it was going to end this way-thanks, Chekov!) I still thought "hell, yeah!" I sure hope the implication of that cinematic shot of Mr. Greene walking away, was that Gray was realizing who the real Mayor is.
  8. On my computer screen at least, Jake looked really bad (in a good way). I agree, that was an extremely cold-looking winter for a tv show.
  9. This town really needs to find a way to harness it's most abundant resource- teenage assholes.
  10. I wished so hard for Grey to start coughing or feeling queazy. Damn. I'm so tired of him popping up everywhere.
  11. Tim Gunn saying "Leap Second" and giving advice (approx.) Nicolas Cage in a bear suit punching a woman, from the movie "Wicker Man" Actor Jim Parsons (confidentially ?) mispronouncing the word "espresso" Patrick Stewart introducing Salt-n-Pepa in 1994
  12. Of course she's pregnant. Ugh. Right. Like a small-town wannabe mayor would ever be any match for Lennie James. Hell, even his daughter is better than Gray. The you've been doing a great job, pat on the head, who's a good boy? bit at the end was the icing on the cake.
  13. Yeah, "changed" until he gets a shower and a new set of clothes. Then he's back to twirling his mustache, trying to take over the town.
  14. The power is on for 15 minutes and people are sending their kids back to school? I mean, my kids home for the summer are driving me crazy, but still. Best line: "Yeah, I was a pool guy, too." Please Lennie/Morgan/Marcus be a good guy! Dale breaks my heart. Poor kid. So April wanted out, but once the bomb drops she knows it's not the right time. Eric, on the other hand, was going to leave his wife and move-in with the bartender in an extremely small town during this mess? What an asshole! I was really hoping April was going to say she was in love with someone else. Rats. Dear Major Dad, WE care where Jake's been! Damn. Laughably, Netflix thinks that since I'm watching Jericho, I might like Revolution. Because I'm a completist, and David Lyons has gorgeous eyes, I actually went to the end of that shitstorm. Trust me, if you like Jericho, you will not like Revolution (except maybe for the snark factor).
  15. Late to getting back to the party. (Had to trade a bag a chips for an invite.) I continue to appreciate the pacing. They need gas (somehow no one thought of siphoning before now) and then they get it, in the same episode. Someone says there are people who need help. They get a group and go and find them, in the very same episode. It's so refreshing! Im guessing there will eventually be a turn-around for the shitty teen girl, but I will resist it!
  16. Have there been any flashbacks on the show? I can't think of any at the moment. It seems odd to start using a convention like that, this far into a series.
  17. Fence: I forgot I wanted to mention that! Not only was it in a random place, it was only about 20 ft. long, and could easily be walked around. I thought Big Jim would be a much more functioning alcoholic that that. Wound: Not only do they both seem to have Julia's super gun-shot healing powers, Junior's never bled more than a trickle. Good clotting in that family!
  18. With the distance of a few months, I am starting to think that all the weirdness of ASZ will not be fleshed-out/explored. It will be shown that their fault was that they were not facing reality and had a few bad eggs, and that's it (not that I agree with that based on the way many things were written, mind you). I think that when we come back, they will have been fortifying and listening more to Rick. We'll have a bit of a Magneto vs. Prof X in Rick and Morgan, in terms of philosophies. We'll get an episode or two of settling in and small hints of Unfair Wolves, then they'll attack and FPP dies in the process.
  19. When I see people refer to the show as UTD, it makes me think of STD. It fits: I can't seem to get rid of it and I'm very embarrassed about it.
  20. I like really this idea (The Watch all dead and Thormund there), but I also have to say that the "NW Stabbers" totally sounds like sports team.
  21. Once the townspeople were found to all be in cocoons, I thought I was accidentally watching The Tommyknockers. Not sure if that would be better or worse.
  22. Damnit, still with the cow! I'm just gonna say it: Marg Helgenberger's top lip really creeps me out. I actually think 10 is a little generous, and I was saying so, loudly, to Julia in that scene by the lake. I was totally on Big Jim's side during that takedown of Julia, and also a little during the home movie. His son was getting beaten-up by a wild pack of vicious butterflies, a little more tough love might have helped ;) Why was 5-head being given such crap about taking off from Chester's Mill and not coming to visit? She's.Not.From.There! I do have to say that better hair gel, more confidence, less Daddy issues, and a leather jacket did Jr. well. Ahem. I was watching a show with Dean Norris, during which there was an ad for a new tv show with Betsy Brandt, and then at the start off the odd yoga-in-very-tight-business-clothes scene there was a nice establishing shot of a large purple rock. Oops, I mean "they're minerals, Marie!"
  23. Not in this heat! Kids home for the summer and up late cutting into my lazy-me time. Just barely enough time to read through the GOT forums.
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