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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. It's possible it refers to him (Frank) essentially causing Annalise to lose her baby. I'm not sure who all currently knows about that. Or it could just be for whatever he was in prison for. Seeing how happy Wes looked, I think I'd put Meggy (?) in the running for the over-sized toga. Annalise would be upset for ruining Wes's life yet again, and also simply because there is another dead person. Maybe the house was supposed to burn for whatever crazy-ass reason, but no one was supposed to be there. I don't know much about law or a college's contract with a professor, but punishing the victim of harassment (posters) seems illegal, if not just stupid. If they didn't let her go when she was bringing bad press to the school for being actually suspected of murder(s) by the authorities, why would they now that she's been exonerated?
  2. Is this re-enactment/documentary going to be on Skinamax?! That's two overly graphic sex scenes (Matt and Shelby when they first moved in as the first) in the "re-enactment." Seriously, though, that's part of why this format isn't working for me. Well, that and the amount of outdoor, nighttime scenes that make it harder to see. The show labels part of this as "dramatic re-enactment," but it isn't shot as such and is way too intimate for that. It just seems like they wanted to double-up the actors, but didn't really care about how well they pulled it off.
  3. As it was, as it is, and as it ever shall be. Amen. I exclaimed out loud that I would love if it were the "real" Aaron when I heard the name as well. In my mind, dear Aaron Pierce is happily with Martha at some peaceful retreat.
  4. I think he may want her for blood transfusions, or something, since that disorder ("good," ha!) has been anvil-ed around a bit.
  5. Here are two for people thinking he's always been an alter (and yes, they are out there): -The FBI has pictures of both Eliot and Tyrell on their map. -The police, as seen on tv by other people, are looking for Tyrell. During this time, Eliot has been arrested, on trial, and in jail for a crime. If he was Tyrell, they would have known they had him. If the question is how do we know he's not a personality added later (was real, now not): -Mr. Robot's reaction to Eliot confronting him about lying that he had killed Tyrell is clear. -I would also say that the amount of work that has been done while Eliot was away would also support it. (He hasn't been out of jail that long.) -The way Esmail writes Eliot and the show, we are often confused when Eliot is and find things out when he does. He just found out Tyrell was real, so we did too.
  6. His name was Robert Paulson. Sorry. Couldn't resist :)
  7. Fish sighting! At least that question was answered.
  8. Crazy ghost nurses and maybe a previously murdered little girl ghost and crazy hillbillies and maybe some weird pig-creature they worship. And it's only episode 2-whew! I can't remember anyone's name just yet--anyone's start with "R"?
  9. I'm curious about Ted Danson's character since he obviously isn't/wasn't human. (He mentions feeling weird in a human body and doesn't understand sweat.) I wonder if he, and the other designers of villages, etc. will be given more background. I'm guessing maybe neighborhoods are divided by age...? The lack of older people was definitely odd.
  10. I love that Rami won! I really think the show will have a better shot next year. It's not that season 2 is better, it's that it will have more recognition by this time next year. I hope B. D. Wong is nominated next year, as well.
  11. OK, I my be wrong, but it may not end up being Nick's fault the Colonia gets overrun. The Costco brutes may hate him, but they would want to take over the their place whether or not Nick stole a Tasty Cake. And the family that left and then got captured had nothing to do with him either. Color me surprised.
  12. So sorry...can.not.help.it. Wherefore means "why," not "where." Back under my nerdy rock now.
  13. If they think drawing out returning to Travis and Psycho Chris's story to see how Travis reacts to his eye-opening of last week will make me even more interested and likely to tune-in, they're wrong wrong wrong wrong. Wrong wrong wrong wrong. They're wrong. They're wrong. They're wroooong. (Thanks, Dr. Cox.)
  14. I assume Phase Two may take most of next season. (Who knows how many phases there are!) The preparation, application, and fallout could likely take up 10-12 episodes.
  15. The last scene was gorgeously framed and executed (and timed with the crosswalk sign-awesome). I appreciate the way they've slowed down some to flesh-out characters and how they take risks with different things such as our "relationship" with Elliot. He even directly asked us for help this week. I may have issues occasionally with the story or pacing, but I'm very thankful to have a show doing these things on my tv. ETA: I wonder about the signs next to both Angela and Elliot on the subway. Next to each of them was a different post ad for the same product/service. "Phase" was very large, maybe the product name (and there were 2 of them...) and the tagline was something similar to "for the discerning listener." Wonder what it all means.
  16. I am pretty sure Hotel lady told Alicia the dad died of a heart attack (when she explained what happened when the outbreak started) after they finally got downstairs to the empty reception hall.
  17. Since there's no media thread, I'll just put this here since it's the latest used thread: Psych is currently slated to leave Netflix the beginning of October :( Binge quickly!
  18. I gotta say, the dynamic they are creating between Chris and Travis is new and potentially interesting. I would love if they did actually push Chris's story to be a bad-guy origin story.
  19. I guess they don't teach much in the way of reading comprehension in these particular charter schools if they didn't even pay attention to the introduction where John says this was only a few examples and never said anything that encompassed "all" charter schools. Either that, or they doth protest too much, methinks...
  20. I had to go back and watch the Whiterose/Price scene a second time because the way Price was mostly framed off to the left, I spent most of the first time through waiting for something to kill/whack him from the right side of the screen.
  21. Peepholes, people. For Pete's sake!
  22. In the "Previously On," we're reminded that Elliot told Mrs. Tyrell his name was Ollie when they met in front of her house.
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