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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. Pete was drunk during this episode, while Tara was in somewhat critical condition. Is there another doctor on call? Deanna is over-looking quite a lot to keep Pete around. I really think Pete has pushed this situation with Rick more than Rick has. Porch-Dick came to be when he spoke to Rick in a rather menacing tone, when Rick would have never even known he was there. Pete has since approached Rick two other times, and Rick hasn't done the same. When Jessie finally said she wanted help, Rick tried to get her out (that's something you act on immediately), and when Pete came down, Rick tried to get them away from each other. Now don't get me wrong, they both are, to quote a classic, "dominant male monkey motherfuckers," but I can't solely blame Rick for him and Pete getting into a fight, and I certainly won't give any blame to Rick if Pete, a grown man, refuses to treat any of CDB's injuries because of said fight.
  2. If Tara dies now because of the fight, since Dr. Porch-Dick is alive, it will be the doctor's fault. (not counting her injuries being beyond help) If Dr. Drunky refuses to help Tara further because he got into a fight with Rick and has been officially outed as an abuser-I'm sure it has been unspoken around town until now-that is no way on Rick. If anything, that would prove that just separating him from his family isn't going to work because he's going to retaliate to any insult with refusing care.
  3. I thought Chandler still looked a bit young until they showed some of the pictures of him from earlier seasons. He really has grown-up.
  4. It was such a good promo that it makes me laugh all over again at the memory of the ones from the last half of the last season of Breaking Bad. They were amazingly vague and often so banal. So we know blood other than walker blood will be spilled, and a third surprise cast-member...I'm going with Morgan as the guest, but he won't be killed.
  5. The walker at the very, very start of the episode who was wandering in the dark had fresh, wet blood all over him. Since they aren't very fast, he had to have eaten pretty close to ASZ. It seems as if unseen people open the gates for other people to get out (so you can't get out unseen), and Deanna ordered both Nick and Glenn to stay in for now, right? If so, Nick would have to sneak out to dig up Rick's gun that he stole. Then we have at least two people sneaking out--how many more might there be? I posited that the W's might actually be M's after the one Rick, Carol and Daryl found together because the last angle shown by the camera showed it upside down, but I really don't think it's Morgan. Morgan already had a break, and I think it's implied that he improved because of Rick's visit to his well-fortified town. I don't think they'd have him break again (I hope). When Carol was thinking of what to write on the card to Deanna, she looked at the video baby monitor that showed Judith. It's her at least some of the time, then.
  6. That's part of the problem for me. They told us what we would see and we then watch it. We don't need both.
  7. My eyes! Now there's three of those things swinging at me! I would like it if this episode brought some more characters back together. This every other episode thing they have going on to split up the characters is disjointing. I get it (even though I don't like it) when the group is truly split, but they are all in one spot. Sure, I guess that's the point, that even though they're together, they're not really "together," but as a viewer, I just don't enjoy it.
  8. And we like looong weekends; this started on Thursday.
  9. Years of Law and Order have insured that the first thing I think of when I hear RICO/Rico is law, not a guy's name, even though I have know some.
  10. It's also like you and your large group of similarly dressed friends attacking one guy and going in all at once instead of one at a time. Doesn't happen!
  11. Bluetooth to impress the blue hairs!
  12. Strip malls seem seedy, so maybe he could class it up with an inflatable or something. In other's people's shows, sure. Fish tanks always make me think of A Fish Called Wanda, so maybe something important will be hidden there.
  13. Morgan saves Aaron and Darryl and then they are surrounded by Unfair Wolves! Credits. So, I'm guessing ASZ is done at the end of the this season, or within minutes of the opening of next season. And the sole reason is that ASZ is filmed in an actual neighborhood with real residents. I doubt they would be there filming for too long, and tear down and set-up a few months later would be more work than creating a set they could leave while on break between seasons.
  14. I would be extremely surprised if it turns out Pete isn't abusing Jessie because of how it has been presented. We can discuss signs and reactions until Sunday (and we will), but the writer's are telling a story and are hitting some tried and true marks. When I look at what they are giving us, Carol's intuition as a survivor, Pete's drinking and somewhat harsh demeanor, Sam's request for a gun for someone else, etc. I think it's clear where they are headed. If this were a Vince Gilligan show, I wouldn't be this sure.
  15. Or, you know, downstairs mounted over the fireplace. I would guess Glenn's need to help Tara (to save someone) was overtaking any guilt/horror. I think Glenn will go the angry route, as opposed to the PTSD route, because it would make an interesting situation with Maggie, who I think will try to hold the peace pretty strongly. But that's just a guess.
  16. I guess we can try. I speculate that everyone out in the forest will end or run across whoever has been carving the Ws. I'll call them Ewoks, for absolutely no reason. Perhaps, in a unexpected twist, the Ewoks will help our band of rebels fight against the evil empire of ASZ. (heh) OK, but really, the Unfair Wolves and Morgan need to have a little bit of time at this point, don't they? I'm trying to also figure out if life inside the walls mimicking outside is about the walkers or the evil people outside the walls. It may be as simple as a natural death and turn of an ASZhat inside the walls, but I don't see that shaking Rick. Although, perhaps the community's lack of preparation and response to said death is what shakes him. I notice Michonne's clock says 6:30 in that scene, and I assume it's am. As a night owl, if I can't at least sleep in during the ZA when safety and look-outs aren't in play, blow me up in the CDC!
  17. My lord, you don't eat s'mores or drink hot chocolate properly?
  18. George's One Meal Club? Can we get the number of letters per word? :)
  19. My word. What did I start? The Unfair Wolves must also be Tusken Raiders. They're smart enough to travel in straight lines to disguise their numbers. I'm hoping to get some sort of hint of whoever has been carving Ws in things this episode, or at least a mention. Edited to change "Jawas" to "Tusken Raiders" and hang my head in shame. Sorry to any quoted posts :(
  20. My children are second generation lovers of Popeye, starring Robin Williams and Shelley Duvall in the role she was born to play. Even though my kids have never been picky eaters and like their veggies, there's nothing like a goofy Robert Altman musical to encourage spinach intake.
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