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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. Ha! I hear you, nachomama. The oldest of three just turned 7, so he's got a year until the hooker books. He is very fascinated with zombies, but does not want to see them. The scariest thing they've seen so far is the face-melting scene in Raiders and they all still cover their eyes when the Emperor is on for too long (starting them with the classics)! We're working on some Doctor Who at the moment. They're all well-grounded with fiction vs. reality, but they're pretty squeamish. Kids theses days!
  2. I'm jealous of you live viewers of anything. Too many small children here to watch anything until after they are in bed. I never have to watch commercials, though.
  3. I'm no good at those image-thingys (hence why I call them "image-thingys"), but my current feeling is: If we don't get any Unfair Wolves...We Riot!
  4. FYI, from the guy who makes the photo recaps: Get your priorities straight, man! :)
  5. Man, I love these 8-bit things! "Lori didn't make it." "CORAL!" heh
  6. Aaron told Noah Dr. Pete was a surgeon and could maybe fix his leg. The anesthesia process probably goes: One for you, one for me. One for you, two for me...
  7. Ha, Fear makes me think of a crappy Mark Wahlburg movie. FWD? I've got to think, in this day and age, production companies and the like actually think a little bit about how their titles may be shortened or abbreviated when they are so long. (It would be responsible branding to do so.) It's weird to me that it is so similar to the original show's title.
  8. Yeah, it was attached to an article earlier, but I was hoping it was a place holder. What's a good way to shorten it?
  9. This show is beyond hope, but that dreadlocked guy kinda looks interesting.
  10. Snookums, I fully support you (and your husband's) bid for sanity!
  11. The runs, per Aiden, split into groups and used their flares to alert the other group if there was trouble. I suspect Aiden and Dickolus ignored flares twice (2 guys each) from the other group on their run.
  12. How about this: Darryl and Aaron run into Morgan, and since Darryl doesn't know him, they tie him up because they think he is the one who tied the girl up to the tree. Darryl wants to dispose of him, but Aaron convinces him to take Morgan back to ASZ. Maybe because in his scouting he's seen Morgan before and knows he is resourceful, and has never seen him do that kind of thing. The they all arrive at ASZ when the fan is being assaulted by fecal matter, Morgan breaks free and jumps to Rick's aid, killing FPP in the process. I think all spec should end with a killing of FPP :)
  13. Crap. I've just realized that I am an ASZhat and previouslytv is my ASZ. I'm so safe here in my mostly nice and cozy forum that I don't really know of the horrors beyond.
  14. I'm going to guess when the wolves really hit the fan, Pete is gone, too. No more half-measures with Rick.
  15. But she also used to be a barista and cures meat!
  16. She also punched the crap out of Tobin after the walkers had been disposed of! I hope Oblivia is really fast with that clipboard once whatever it is creeps through the walls.
  17. It was never said it was a whole ASZ policy, but there are likely only three groups who leave the walls: construction, runs, recruiting. Both construction and run crews have shown/said that leaving people behind is their own policy. (It even seems as if the construction crew has discussed it.) Since Aaron and Eric are likely the only recruiting team and they don't leave each other behind, we'll call them outliers. (I believe Aaron wouldn't leave behind anyone, whether they were in a relationship or not. Just a feeling.) The ASZhats are the epitome of "don't ask, don't tell" in regards to anything that might cause conflict, concern, or even action. It seems like the only people who go outside the walls (minus two) have agreed to it and the rest just don't ask. Hey, why rock the wall-building, liquor-providing boat?
  18. Oh, yeah, Francine, forgot about her. I like your list, but I'll trade you Oblivia for Sam and Tobin. I'll trade all but Aaron for Morgan, though.
  19. That would be perfect. The one time FPP didn't lock the door on everyone...
  20. "Dale" was on an episode of The Blacklist a few weeks back called, "T. Earl King VI." He played and eeevil, rich patriarch in a wheelchair. I didn't recognize him at the time.
  21. It really seems like they were questions mostly from teenagers (no offense to any whipper-snappers here).
  22. I'm keeping my eye out. He averages Thursdays or Fridays.
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