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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. What season is Bates Motel on? I wanted to watch, but I'm always behind on shows, so I never started. It's good, I take it?
  2. I find it interesting here that they made Mike so justified (relatively) in the killing of the two officers. Not the revenge angle, but the fact that he was basically acting in self defense as they were about to kill him and make it look like a suicide. In BB, Mike is a hired gun who assassinates people when Gus needs it, without any qualms. BB Mike would have killed them right out, and not waited to pull out the hidden gun only when he seemed to be in danger. I wonder if this is to fit more with the tone of BCS, or if they are implying Mike isn't that dirty just yet.
  3. I can not wait for the podcast for Five-O!
  4. What's the matter, didn't the mayor give you enough stickers?
  5. Please see our new thread, "WTF is a CDB" for a quick explanation of the wolves :) Kevin Smith made me think differently on Talking Dead, though.
  6. peach, can I watch at your house? It sounds fun. No one else in my house watches :(
  7. And there's the title of the Season 5 thread.
  8. My take on that was that Olivia (?) was under the assumption Sasha was going hunting for food, but Sasha's most dangerous game that day was family pictures and walkers. Maybe in Sasha's haze, at first she thought Olivia wanted her to bring back a walker's leg.
  9. Unfair Wolves: While exploring Noah's destroyed home, there is a quick flash of graffiti which at first a few posters here on PTV thought said, "Wolves Not Fair." It was quickly corrected by other posters (Wolves Not Far), but the humor of Unfair Wolves was too powerful to overcome with logic and hilarity ensued. Origin: "What Happened and What's Going On," 5B opener. Possible hooligans out carving "W"s into walker foreheads.(ghoulina) (If someone has a pic of just the graffiti, that would be better!)
  10. CDB = Camp Dinner Bell Rick's group at any given time/any given make-up of members. Origin: "Guts" when Rick was loud enough he might as well be "ringing a dinner bell" for the walkers. It continues to reference the lack of stealth our group seems to show even after all this time. It stands for Camp Dinner Bell, which has been a nickname for Rick's group since season one. In Guts, when Rick comes into the mall after shooting his way down the street, and now there are walkers pressed all up on the doors, Andrea tells him that his noise "just rang their dinner bell". And then the group continues to do idiotic things that practically bring walkers down on top of them. (ghoulina's definition from the Forget episode thread)
  11. Is it too long to do: WTH is a CDB? Acronyms/Nicknames of The Walking Dead I like the idea of keeping the best ones to avoid repetition. If someone has something to add, they could maybe copy the whole original post and edit with their stuff and you could pick which to save?
  12. Atrophy and ASZhats? I don't think we can ignore the red As that were marking the path the group took through Terminus to the train car. I like that. Maybe without the Unfair Wolves (and it really pains me to say that). CDB will likely last until the end, but Unfair Wolves may not be used as much (except by a loyal few!) as early as next season.
  13. CDB= Camp Dinner Bell, as first used in "Guts" when Rick was so loud he might as well be ringing a dinner bell for the walkers. It has been used for Rick's group, prone to being idiotic and not at all stealthy, ever since. OK, anyone got a good name for an acronym/nick-name explanation thread?
  14. KPP= Kid Pee Pants? If so, hilarious!
  15. A for Atrophy if they stay too long.
  16. Of course these guys don't have keys; I seriously doubt ASZhats lock their doors! Ya'll, there's a poster named sweetcookieface and I all of a sudden I'm scared.
  17. The question will be, how do you make the look and feel "startlingly different" without diminishing the trials of CDB? It you have a show where a group is having a much easier time in, say, California, it's going to look as if Rick's major problem is just location, as opposed to what has happened to the world and the people left in it. That would, I think, take away from the original.
  18. No hair cut for Eugene, then. He needed one the most. So the town doctor smokes and day-drinks? Awesome.
  19. I only saw Jessie with the stamp, did everyone have one? I doubt the whole community has been wearing stamps for the last year and a half. The way Sam was upset that Rick didn't have one read like he was about to freak out, as if he has issues with something out of his routine.
  20. I'd feel better if he'd say "give you a check-up" instead of "let me look at you/them" :)
  21. I think the fact that they got married because Jessie got pregnant may also add to this--story-wise, not real-life-wise. The way they humor Sam and the stamp made me think he might be a little "special" somehow. But it also reads as incredibly sheltered and coddled, so I'm not sure.
  22. Can you imagine the laughing fit Morgan would have if he shows up here? The man fortified a whole town by himself, and did a much more thorough job of it than these ASZhats!
  23. So I looked up Tovah Feldshuh on imdb just to see what else she's done (can be tad spoilery) and saw she played Sarah Wolf in The 3 Little Wolfs! And she is being unfair to Sasha making her come to that party before she'll consider her for sniper duty!
  24. OK then. This is pretty small anyway...Dr. Pete's continual pushing to get Rick, then the kids in the TD preview, in where he can "look at them" is getting creepy. I also have serious doubts that a guy who started out in art college then somehow switched to medical school while helping to support a new wife and baby (I am assuming, for the narrative, she stayed home since she is still doing art). Not only did he become a doctor, but a surgeon who can repair Noah's leg? This is likely more inconsistent writing than lying ASZhats, though.
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