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Mafia Player Profiles

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Mafia profiles are used to help with clue making for stories. Creating clues from usernames and avatars alone means the clue choices are limited. The more information contained in your profile the easier clue making will be, meaning it will be harder for heroes to find you whenever you're one of the villain team.

Beneath please find questions (answer as many as you'd like) which you can copy and paste into a new post as per the first two posts below this one.

  1. My favorite color is
  2. I’d give anything to have met
  3. I wish I knew more about
  4. I have a pet and it’s called
  5. My strongest quality is
  6. My weakest quality is
  7. My favorite foods are
  8. The last book I read was
  9. The last movie I saw was
  10. If I won the lottery, the very first thing I’d do is
  11. If I could invite four people (living or dead) to dinner, I’d pick
  12. My favorite TV show is
  13. My favorite movie is
  14. My favorite actor/actress is
  15. My favorite book is
  16. One of my favorite songs is
  17. My favorite sport is
  18. If I could be an animal I’d be a
  19. If I could have a superpower I’d choose
  20. My dream vacation/holiday destination is

If you would like to change any answer after your edit window has closed (1 week) please PM @SilverStormm or @CuriousParker and we'll make the changes for you.

Please keep this topic to profiles only. Please take any chat to the bar, thanks!

Hi, I'm aquarian1.  I love improv, my cat (Emmie), karaoke, and all my family and friends.

  1. My favorite color is: red
  2. I’d give anything to have met: Michelangelo
  3. I wish I knew more about: world religions
  4. I have a pet and it’s called: Emmie
  5. My strongest quality is: kindness
  6. My weakest quality is: superiority
  7. My favorite foods are: soup, noodles, bread, shrimp, wine, fish, shellfish, tomatoes, mangos
  8. The last book I read was: Craig Ferguson biography
  9. The last movie I saw was: Rocket Man
  10. If I won the lottery, the very first thing I’d do is: Pay off mortgage
  11. If I could invite four people (living or dead) to dinner, I’d pick: Ewan McGregor, Michelangelo, Marie Curie, Brian Cox
  12. My favorite TV show is
  13. My favorite movie is Remember the Titans
  14. My favorite actor/actress is: Ewan McGregor
  15. My favorite book is
  16. One of my favorite songs is: Beethoven's Symphony #9 (Ode to Joy)
  17. My favorite sport is
  18. If I could be an animal I’d be a: pampered house cat
  19. If I could have a superpower I’d choose: 
  20. My dream vacation/holiday destination is: private charter around the world

Hi, I'm Lisin, I like watching movies, reading books, baking, hiking, playing with my pupper, I legitimately love my job, and I am childless by choice, fight me. 

  • My favorite color is: Blue
  • I’d give anything to have met: Leonard Cohen 
  • I wish I knew more about: Everything
  • I have a pet and it’s called: Murphy and Buddy
  • My strongest quality is: patience
  • My weakest quality is: unimaginitivity 
  • My favorite foods are: Tex-Mex, Queso, Cheese, Pasta, More Pasta, Some more queso, cheese enchiladas
  • The last book I read was: The Night Fire
  • The last movie I saw was: IT Chapter 2
  • If I won the lottery, the very first thing I’d do is: Pay off a ton of people's mortgages
  • If I could invite four people (living or dead) to dinner, I’d pick: Tarantino, Kevin Smith, Eli Roth, Karen Kilgariff 
  • My favorite TV show is: Mindhunter
  • My favorite movie is: Zodiac
  • My favorite actor/actress is: Mark Ruffalo
  • My favorite book is: Gatsby
  • One of my favorite songs is: The City - Dismemberment Plan
  • My favorite sport is: Football
  • If I could be an animal I’d be a: Dog
  • If I could have a superpower I’d choose: Teleportation
  • My dream vacation/holiday destination is: Wherever Sam Jackson yachts 

Hey, I'm helenamonster! I picked this username when being obsessed with Lady Gaga (aka a little monster) was my single defining personality trait. I have a much wider variety of interests now (horror movies, the YouTube commentary community, in-depth pop culture analysis) but I still stan the queen--have you seen A Star Is Born?!

  1. My favorite color is red.
  2. I’d give anything to have met Lady Gaga (some things never change).
  3. I wish I knew more about psychology.
  4. My strongest quality is my logical reasoning.
  5. My weakest quality is being a control freak.
  6. My favorite foods are pasta, chocolate, and anything made from the chickpea.
  7. The last book I read was The Last House Guest by Megan Miranda.
  8. The last movie I saw was Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark.
  9. If I won the lottery, the very first thing I’d do is buy an apartment and immediately pay it off.
  10. If I could invite four people (living or dead) to dinner, I’d pick Lady Gaga, Kurt Cobain, Rod Serling, and Wes Craven.
  11. My favorite TV show is The Sopranos.
  12. My favorite movie is Scream.
  13. My favorite actor/actress is Reese Witherspoon.
  14. My favorite book is Helter Skelter.
  15. One of my favorite songs is "Short Skirt / Long Jacket" by Cake.
  16. My favorite sport is baseball.
  17. If I could be an animal I’d be a lion.
  18. If I could have a superpower I’d choose flight.
  19. My dream vacation/holiday destination is Hawaii.

I'm raven, I like reading; writing; movies; scary horror; campy horror; walking; coffee shops and traveling when I can.

  1. My favorite color is  purple.
  2. I’d give anything to have met   Edgar Allan Poe.
  3. I wish I knew more about    writing good dialogue.
  4. I have a pet and it’s called
  5. My strongest quality is  fairness.
  6. My weakest quality is   thinking I am always right.
  7. My favorite foods are     dark chocolate; mocha lattes.
  8. The last book I read was   Loch of the Dead by Oscar de Muriel.
  9. The last movie I saw was  Scary Stories To Tell In the Dark.
  10. If I won the lottery, the very first thing I’d do is  pay off debt.
  11. If I could invite four people (living or dead) to dinner, I’d pick    EAP, Tom Hardy, Shirley Jackson, Ewan McGregor.
  12. My favorite TV show is   Penny Dreadful. or on-air: The Expanse.
  13. My favorite movie is
  14. My favorite actor/actress is
  15. My favorite book is  Watership Down.
  16. One of my favorite songs is  
  17. My favorite sport is  football.
  18. If I could be an animal I’d be a  dolphin.
  19. If I could have a superpower I’d choose  to be a vampire slayer.
  20. My dream vacation/holiday destination is   a windswept moor, heh.

My name is Machiabelly. I love trivia, movies, tv, and of course my wife and daughter. While I love animals, I am allergic. 

My favorite color is - blue

I’d give anything to have met - The Beatles

I wish I knew more about - everything 

I have a pet and it’s called - Allergies 

My strongest quality is - sense of humour

My weakest quality is - planning

My favorite foods are - pasta, pizza, any p food really

The last book I read was - The Outsider by Stephen King

The last movie I saw was - Ant Man and Wasp.

If I won the lottery, the very first thing I’d do is. Build a new home.

If I could invite four people (living or dead) to dinner, I’d pick - Jesus, Buddah, Mohammed, Mahatma Ghandi.

My favorite TV show is - Bob's Burgers. 

My favorite movie is - Princess Bride.

My favorite book is - Dream Park

One of my favorite songs is - Blackbird 

My favorite sport is - Hockey 

If I could be an animal I’d be a - Eagle

If I could have a superpower I’d choose - Mind reading

My dream vacation/holiday destination - Vegas baby.

Hi, I'm peach. Basically my only hobby is watching tv. I have 1 dog, Betty, and 2 cats, Muffin and Tim. I overuse lol.

My favorite color is blue.

I wish I knew more about geography.

My favorite food is tacos.

The last movie I saw was probably Endgame. I'm not much of a movie person. Basically the only movies I've seen in the past 10 years are Marvel.

If I won the lottery, the very first thing I’d do is pay off my family's debts.

My favorite TV show is Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

My favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird.

My favorite sport (to watch lol) is gymnastics and figure skating.

My dream vacation/holiday destination is London, but I'll never go because I'm afraid of flying.

Hi, I'm JTMacc99. The 99 in my name has nothing to do with the year 1999 and a lot more to do with the fact I was a big fan of Wayne Gretzky back in the 1990s when I first started to create usernames for myself. The day I looked up Harold Ramis on IMDB was the day I found out I had a hero I didn't know I had.

  1. My favorite color is green
  2. I wish I knew more about small engine repair
  3. I have a pet and it is called Norman
  4. My strongest quality is reading the room
  5. My weakest quality is overthinking stuff
  6. My favorite foods are pizza, potato salad, anything that spent some time in vinegar
  7. The last book I read was Turbo Twenty-Three
  8. The last movie I saw was Avengers Endgame
  9. If I won the lottery, the very first thing I’d do is renovate my kitchen.
  10. If I could invite four people (living or dead) to dinner, I’d pick Harold Ramis, Matt Groening, William Shakespeare, and that cute girl from accounting.
  11. My favorite TV show is The Simpsons
  12. My favorite movie is Jaws
  13. My favorite actor/actress is Bill Murray 
  14. One of my favorite songs is She Hates Me
  15. My favorite sport is Football
  16. If I could be an animal I’d be a Cat
  17. If I could have a superpower I’d choose Invisibility
  18. My dream vacation/holiday destination is Wine Country (all of them.)

Hey, I'm Snookums! Have no idea what I'm getting into but that's okay!


My favorite color is


I’d give anything to have met

Ossie Davis (among countless others)

I wish I knew more about

Science, economics 

I have a pet and it’s called

Two! Harvey and Peanut, the cats from hell

My strongest quality is

Quiet stubbornness, sense of humor

My weakest quality is

Not realizing when it's over

My favorite foods are

Settle in, it's a long list!

Mexican, Italian, Indian cuisine

All chocolate that isn't being used in an unnatural manner

My husband's Patty Melt Casserole

Nectarines, mandarin oranges, Granny Smith apples

Seriously, I could go on for hours

The last book I read was

Double Indemnity; in the middle of Mildred Pierce (I'm on a Caine kick)

The last movie I saw was

Spiderman: Coming Home

If I won the lottery, the very first thing I’d do is

Buy a really nice condo, get my mom moved into residential living

If I could invite four people (living or dead) to dinner, I’d pick

Bridget Nelson

Mary Jo Pehl

Patton Oswalt

Daniel Mallory Ortberg

My favorite TV show is

Mystery Science Theater 3000

My favorite movie is

Oh, this one's tough. It ranges from Labyrinth (that film made me a woman) to The Innocents to so many others.

My favorite actor/actress is

At the moment? Elisabeth Moss is amazing.

My favorite book is

Okay, this is like asking who my favorite child is. Ranges from Bunnicula to Jane Eyre.

One of my favorite songs is

Caramel, by Suzanne Vega

My favorite sport is

Whichever one just finished up so I don't have to hear my sister talk about it for hours.

If I could be an animal I’d be a

Hmmmm....a very graceful monkey. I always wanted to have athletic ability!

If I could have a superpower I’d choose


My dream vacation/holiday destination is

Montreal. I got talked out of going there on my honeymoon and regret it.

  • LOL 1
  • My favorite color is green.
  • I’d give anything to have met Leonard Nimoy.
  • I have a pet and it’s called Minage
  • My strongest quality is my mind
  • My weakest quality is my digestive tract
  • My favorite foods are Beef, Pork, Lamb and Duck
  • The last movie I saw was Godzilla, King of the Monsters
  • If I won the lottery, the very first thing I’d do is hire a lawyer.
  • My favorite TV show is Star Trek (original recipe)
  • My favorite movie is Batman v Superman
  • My favorite book is The Dark Tower
  • One of my favorite songs is Somebody to Love
  • My favorite sport is baseball
  • If I could be an animal I’d be an eagle
  • If I could have a superpower I’d choose
  • My dream vacation/holiday destination is Hawaii

My favorite color is pink.

I’d give anything to have met Alexander Hamilton

I wish I knew more about sports

I have a pet and it’s called Leo.

My strongest quality is loyalty

My weakest quality is anxiety

My favorite foods are chocolate, pasta, and seafood.

The last book I read was Surprise Me

The last movie I saw was Secret Life of Pets 2. (Don't judge me; judge the children.)

If I won the lottery, the very first thing I’d do is faint from shock.

If I could invite four people (living or dead) to dinner, I’d pick Alexander Hamilton, Barack Obama, Taylor Swift, and Reese Witherspoon.

My favorite TV show is The West Wing

My favorite movie is Sense and Sensibility

My favorite actor/actress is Reese Witherspoon.

My favorite book is Anne of Green Gables series

One of my favorite songs is Shake it Off

My favorite sport is Gymnastics 

If I could be an animal I’d be a panther

If I could have a superpower I’d choose flying

My dream vacation/holiday destination is Italy

Shoot. I knew I was forgetting something....

Hey, guys. I'm The Crazed Spruce. I like comic books, science fiction, professional wrestling, and other related ephemera. I've also apparently been cursed to grow attached to at least one TV show a year that doesn't make it to a second season, and I'm seriously considering making a podcast about it.

  1. My favorite color is purple
  2. I’d give anything to have met Jack Kirby
  3. I wish I knew more about breaking into the comic book industry
  4. I do not have a pet and it’s called
  5. My strongest quality is my ability to see the other person's point of view (usually)
  6. My weakest quality is stubborn arrogance (but I'm workin' on it)
  7. My favorite foods are pizza, hamburger gravy poutine, fried baloney sandwiches, roast beef, jigg's dinner
  8. The last book I read was "The Company Of Death" by Elisa Hansen
  9. The last movie I saw was Birds of Prey
  10. If I won the lottery, the very first thing I’d do is pay off my credit cards
  11. If I could invite four people (living or dead) to dinner, I’d pick Gail Simone, Jim Lee, Stan Lee, and Jack Kirby
  12. My favorite TV show is The Good Place
  13. My favorite movie is Guardians of the Galaxy
  14. My favorite actor/actress is Tatiana Maslaney
  15. My favorite book is Around The World in 80 Days
  16. One of my favorite songs is "Brian Wilson" by Barenaked Ladies
  17. My favorite sport is baseball
  18. If I could be an animal I’d be a polar bear
  19. If I could have a superpower I’d choose intangibility
  20. My dream vacation/holiday destination is Hawaii

I'm festivus and I love music, sci-fi, horror, making lists, and superheros. Farts are funny. Cats are gods. I think I might still be 12.

My favorite color is: Orange
I’d give anything to have met: Grumpy cat
I wish I knew more about: Space
I have a pet and it’s called: Don't have any but I love cats.
My strongest quality is: Sense of humor, and I'm a realist.
My weakest quality is: I'm a space cadet. (Blame it on my ADD, baby)
My favorite foods are: Fried green tomatoes, fudge pie, fresh peaches and anything lemon. I also love a good salad.
The last book I read was: Me
The last movie I saw was: Rocketman
If I won the lottery, the very first thing I’d do is: Run and hide.
If I could invite four people (living or dead) to dinner, I’d pick: Elton John, John Waters, Bruce Campbell, and Gillian Anderson
My favorite TV show is: Doctor Who
My favorite movie is: The Wizard of Oz
My favorite actor/actress is: Gillian Anderson
My favorite book is: The Outsiders
One of my favorite songs is: Under Pressure
My favorite sport is: Swimming
If I could be an animal I’d be a: Housecat owned by my best friend. She spoils hers rotten. 
If I could have a superpower I’d choose: Time travel
My dream vacation/holiday destination is: Holland 

Edited by festivus
Changed a few answers for the new game

Hi. My name is statsgirl. I live with a cat, a daughter. I love theatre and fantasy and I've been a political junkie ever since I can remember.  And I can't pick just one of something.

My favorite color is blue

I’d give anything to have met Grace Hopper

I wish I knew more about how to fix things when they break

I have a pet and it’s called Kit, named for the tree-climbing heroine of Cue For Treason

My strongest quality is compassion

My weakest quality is I can't finish things

My favorite foods are fisherman's soup, salads, dobos torte, french toast.

The last book I read was Franz de Waal's Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are?

The last movie I saw was Sour Grapes

If I won the lottery, the very first thing I’d do is pay off my debts and those of my friends

If I could invite four people (living or dead) to dinner, I’d pick Carl Sagan, Hildegard of Bingen, Mark Twain, and Mary Shelley

My favorite TV show is Babylon Five

My favorite movie is Pimpernel Smith

My favorite actor/actress is Maureen O'Hara 

My favorite book is Frederica by Georgette Heyer

One of my favorite songs is Leonard Cohen's Anthem or Stan Roger's Mary Ellen Carter

My favorite sport is swimming

If I could be an animal I’d be a wolf

If I could have a superpower I’d choose to communicate with animals.

My dream vacation/holiday destination is Paris for at least half a year.

Probably ought to do some of this before we get started, now that I'm less busy getting the One Night running...

They call me Bob.  Actually, they sometimes call me "the devil" around here.  (That was also a fun game.)  When I get into an analysis groove, I can get really verbose, so there may be some big walls of text with my face at the top in the future.

My favorite color is purple.

I do not have a pet...but I wish I did.

My strongest quality is logical thought.

My weakest quality is laziness.

The last movie I saw was Star Raiders via Rifftrax Live.  If you don't count that as a movie, it was the DS9 documentary, What We Left Behind.

If I won the lottery, the very first thing I’d do is bank it all, then pay the taxes for winning.

My favorite TV show is Survivor.

My favorite movie is The Princess Bride.  (Cliche, but true.)

One of my favorite books is The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

One of my favorite songs is "Red Flavor" by Red Velvet.

If I could be an animal I’d be a cat of some sort; probably a white tiger.

If I could have a superpower I’d choose time control.

Hi, I’m TexasGal.  See below re procrastination, oops!  

My favorite color is red.

I’d give anything to have met RFK.

I wish I knew more about sciencey stuff.

I have a  pet dog and it’s  called he’s named Theo.

My strongest quality is my sense of humor.

My weakest quality is procrastination.

The last book I read was Becoming by Michelle Obama.

If I won the lottery, the very first thing I’d do is quit my job.

My favorite TV show is The Man in the High Castle.

My favorite book is the Harry Potter series.

One of my favorite songs is Never Let Me Down Again by Depeche Mode.

My favorite sport is (American) football.

If I could be an animal I’d be a giraffe.

If I could have a superpower I’d choose mind reading.

My dream vacation/holiday destination is Australia.

About me: I live in east Tennessee and spend most of my non-work time volunteering in several places, watching tv, writing (and re-writing) stories in my head, and eating.

  • My favorite color is orange or purple
  • I wish I knew more about healthy eating / proper exercise
  • My strongest quality is easily seeing/understanding different perspectives
  • My weakest quality is running behind schedule
  • My favorite foods are gourmet ice cream / cookies / burgers / sushi
  • The last book I read was The Protector
  • The last movie I saw was Spiderman: Far From Home
  • If I won the lottery, the very first thing I’d do is get a lawyer
  • My favorite TV show is Arrow (for better or way worse)
  • My favorite movie is Captain America: The Winter Soldier or Pride and Prejudice
  • My favorite actor/actress is Jensen Ackles
  • One of my favorite songs is “Upbeat Inspirational Song About Life”
  • My favorite sport is college football
  • If I could have a superpower I’d choose teleportation
  • My dream vacation/holiday destination is Adare Manor or Blackberry Farm

I guess I should get around to doing this. Hi, I'm Lady Calypso, but you can call me LC or Lady C. I like TV way more than I should. I'm also lazy AF and would rather be indoors than outdoors.

  • My favorite color is baby blue
  • I’d give anything to have met George Michael
  • I wish I knew more about finances
  • I do not have a pet but if I did, they would be two sibling black cats named Neville and Luna
  • My strongest quality is time management 
  • My weakest quality is taking initiative
  • My favorite foods are pasta, popcorn, and tacos
  • The last movie I saw was Spiderman: Far From Home
  • If I won the lottery, the very first thing I’d do is Put it in the bank
  • My favorite TV show is Brooklyn Nine-Nine
  • My favorite movie is Ferris Bueller's Day Off or Legally Blonde 
  • My favorite actor/actress is Chris Evans
  • My favorite book is Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  • One of my favorite songs is Champagne Supernova by Oasis
  • If I could be an animal I’d be a dolphin
  • If I could have a superpower I’d choose telepathy
  • My dream vacation/holiday destination is Thailand

My favorite color is sage 
I’d give anything to have met Mister Rogers
I wish I knew more about playing a musical instrument (ukulele)
I have a pet and it’s called (had) a dog named Carmel
My strongest quality is compassion
My weakest quality is being a perfectionist
My favorite foods are NAKED CHICKEN WINGS
The last book I read was Rosie’s Travelling Tea Shop
The last movie I saw was Harriet
If I won the lottery, the very first thing I’d do is pay off debts, buy a Winnebago Travato 59K and travel
If I could invite four people (living or dead) to dinner, I’d pick Brene Brown, Prince, Fred Rogers, Rumi
My favorite TV show is The West Wing
My favorite movie is The Princess Bride
My favorite actor/actress is Benedict Cumberbatch
My favorite book is anything by Jane Austin, if I had to pick ONE it would be Persuasion
One of my favorite songs is Wonderwall by Oasis
My favorite sport is Nascar (don't hate me)
If I could be an animal I’d be a gecko
If I could have a superpower I’d choose perfect photographic memory
My dream vacation/holiday destination is anything UK ... in order of preference Scotland, Ireland, Wales and then England

  • Love 1

Welp, my name is meet trouble (aka caprice or keep trying or kt). I'm the unofficial auntie of a ridiculous number of kiddos ranging in age from six months to 24 years. I love reading, writing, photography, theatre, and travel.

My favorite color is: green

I’d give anything to have met: well, I did meet him, but I'd give anything to have had my grandfather around for more than five years.

I wish I knew more about: 

I have a pet and it’s called:

My strongest quality is: mostly proper grammar

My weakest quality is: filling out things like this

My favorite foods are: seafood, Thai, ice cream

The last book I read was: A Feast for Crows

The last movie I saw was:

If I won the lottery, the very first thing I’d do is:

If I could invite four people (living or dead) to dinner, I’d pick: Alexander Hamilton and Lin-Manuel Miranda (so we could both hear the proper story), my grandfather, and Eleanor Roosevelt

My favorite TV show is: Outlander

My favorite movie is: Princess Bride and Sandlot

My favorite actor/actress is: Gary Oldman/Helen Mirren

My favorite book is: something by Christopher Moore

One of my favorite songs is

My favorite sport is

If I could be an animal I’d be a

If I could have a superpower I’d choose

My dream vacation/holiday destination is

Edited by meet trouble
got the title wrong

Hi joanne3482. I have a teenager, 2 dogs (the demon Jet Jet and Sunny) and 2 cats (Ash and Finn after FN-2187). I work. I watch a ridiculous amount of TV and play a ridiculous amount of games on my tablet and phone. 

My favorite color is Green

I’d give anything to have met Walt Disney

I wish I knew more about particle acceleration 

I have a pet and it’s called Jet, Sunny, Finn and Ash

My strongest quality is patience

My weakest quality is lazy

My favorite foods are tacos!

The last book I read was Trials of Apollo The Tyrant's Tomb

The last movie I saw was The Invisible

If I won the lottery, the very first thing I’d do is pay off all my debts.

If I could invite four people (living or dead) to dinner, I’d pick Walt Disney, Mr. Rogers, Bob Ross, Amy Poehler

My favorite TV show is Parks & Recreation 

My favorite movie is Pollyanna

My favorite actor/actress is Drew Barrymore

My favorite book is Totto-Chan Little Girl at the Window or Little Women or Heidi

One of my favorite songs is Jeremy by Pearl Jam

My favorite sport is Hockey

If I could be an animal I’d be a penguin

If I could have a superpower I’d choose when stuck in traffic, teleportation otherwise invisibility

My dream vacation/holiday destination is one of those places with huts right over the water

My favorite color is:  Green

I’d give anything to have met: Leonardo da Vince

I wish I knew more about:

I have a pet and it’s called: Cool Dude

My strongest quality is: Open Mindedness

My weakest quality is: Tenacity

My favorite foods are: Prime Rib, Snow Crab

The last book I read was:

The last movie I saw was: The Last Skywalker

If I won the lottery, the very first thing I’d do is: Get an accountant

If I could invite four people (living or dead) to dinner, I’d pick:

My favorite TV show is: deadwood

My favorite movie is: Fight Club

My favorite actor/actress is:

My favorite book is: The Cryptonomicon

One of my favorite songs is:

My favorite sport is: Hockey

If I could be an animal I’d be a:

If I could have a superpower I’d choose: Mind Control

My dream vacation/holiday destination is: Morocco

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