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RHoP In The Media: What's Going Down in the DMV

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At least they wear black, and not the hideous colors Bravo forces them to normally wear. But this is proof that you can mess with black, as well. I like Robyn's and Karen's hair. The makeup is good on all of them. And yes, Gizelle looks good.

Edited by ZettaK
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On 3/20/2024 at 1:38 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

Karen looks so much younger with short hair, it is way more flattering than the long hair wigs.

Can someone point me to the unicorn blood Karen consumed because damn...she looks so young at the reunion.

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I've seen stills of the reunion and Ashley should feel stupid that "friend of" Keiarna rated a higher seat placement than she did.

Neither Jason nor Juan showed up? How dreadful.

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8 hours ago, dosodog said:

Ashley rubs Smeagol's feet?  Every night?

She's trying to wait him out until he dies.



Golem really needs to be double-checking some of Ashly's special foot rub essential oils. Something might not be right with that buttermilk...

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2 minutes ago, lasu said:

And Candiace is out. Let's see where the shake up lands us.

Candiace leaving actually opens up possibilities for the show.  This is not a bad thing for Candiace.  I don't think she was fired.  She's always said she had a 5 year plan for the show; she joined in Season 3, this is season 8.

Even if she was fired, she's got outside things going on.  She used her BRAVO check to get her house and get a new degree, start her entertainment career. Candiace will be fine.

If Candiace is gone, somebody on GEB's side also needs to go because just Candiace leaving says she's the problem and she's actually not the problem and never was the problem.

Mia exposed the problem in those last 15 minutes of the finale and Mia is the cast member GEB & em should've been worried about, not Candiace or Wendy.

Reportedly Robyn will also not be back and as we see from the still shots, Juan Dixon was not there at the finale. Everyone else's man was there except Gizelle, Ashley and Robyn.  Mia had her new man AND her old man make an appearance!

IMO Wendy should also consider not coming back if either Robyn or Ashley are back because the target will then be on her now that Candiace won't be there and the colorism will be at it's peak. 

However, if Robyn is also gone, that's going to force Gizelle to play in the sandbox.  If Robyn is truly gone per that Twitter, she should've known her time was up when they bumped Gizelle from first seat because Gizelle's insistence is the only reason Robyn was cast on the show in the first place. Production never wanted to cast Robyn.

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16 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Robyn is gone

And the numbskull has to deal with a franchise headache when she didn't seem to understand budgets and forecasting. 

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2 hours ago, drivethroo said:

Mia had her new man AND her old man make an appearance!

That's first seat energy right there!

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6 hours ago, lasu said:

And Candiace is out. 


While I didn't like her during Monique's reign, she redeemed herself with her comical reads.

The only way I will feel better is if it is true, that Robbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

Dixon is finally gone!

Edited by Yogisbooboo64
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I’m kinda bummed! I ragged on Candiace a lot but I usually found something to talk about after her scenes unlike many of them. 
I  see why Robyn’s time is up. Were Gizelle and Ashley preparing for her departure? They got closer this season not to mention their clothing line.

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I’m probably out too.  This show is boring.  Gizelle and Robyn’s friendship was all I liked about the show.  I still remember Gizelle showing up at Robyn’s house in season one and Robyn was wearing her wedding dress.  😂😂😂

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15 hours ago, ButterQueen said:

I’m probably out too.  This show is boring.  Gizelle and Robyn’s friendship was all I liked about the show.  I still remember Gizelle showing up at Robyn’s house in season one and Robyn was wearing her wedding dress.  😂😂😂

Robyn was Gizelle's soft spot.

Tbe few times Robyn did call out Gizelle....Gizelle legit looked remorseful and quickly said sorry to Robyn without justifying her actions.

To me...Robyn vs Monique...umbrella fight is my favorite moment of Robyn's from a conflict standpoint...and from a comedic sidepoint..Robyn's reactions when Gizelle would do one of her odd beauty things.

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6 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

Production will keep Gizelle and Ashley because they do what production tells them to do. They are obedient little Bravo soldiers.

Next season will be Gizelle's probation season. If she doesn't play well with others next season, she's gone.  

This season was Robyn's probation season and she failed (because she was eiher too dumb to realize or didn't care about being on probation).  RHOP will never get anything more out of Robyn than they got this season so they are washing their hands of her.  There's always Patreon.

Ashley...I don't think the show is going to get anything more out of Ashley either and she really can't share her life.  Ashley SHOULD be fired but I don't know if she will be with Robyn and Candiace gone.  She also has something bubbling underneath with Mia ...it's the same dislike she had of Candiace...I don't know if the producers are smart enough to explore that.


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On 3/26/2024 at 4:58 PM, JAYJAY1979 said:

Tbe few times Robyn did call out Gizelle....Gizelle legit looked remorseful and quickly said sorry to Robyn without justifying her actions.


On 3/26/2024 at 4:58 PM, JAYJAY1979 said:

Robyn's reactions when Gizelle would do one of her odd beauty things.

I think it is because Robyn is both kind of nice and kind of dumb.

If Robyn has the nerve to tell Gizzy that she looks bad... then damn she must be looking terrible.

I think Robyn is much closer to Charisse but Gizelle keeps her on the show.

Edited by qtpye
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I am listening to the WEIGO Podcast on YouTube, they are discussing the reunion.

The female podcaster put forth a very interesting thoughts/theory about Robyn / Gizelle / Candiace.  

Viewers are confused about why Candiace was crying all the time about Robyn and where this supposed deep friendship between the two came from because it's never been seen on the show.

During the season, there was a group scene at a table where Wendy and Mia (and possibly Karen) were explaining to Keiarna how Robyn and Candiace were very god friends --again, production never showed us this great friendship.

Candiace thought Robyn was in on the plot with Gizelle and Ashley to lie on Chris but still wanted to be friends with her.  But Candiace cut Gizelle off from jump and washed her hands of Gizelle.

Even Wendy tried to make up with Gizelle at Karen's Spring Fling party but Gizelle rejected Wendy.

But Candiace rejected Gizelle and Gizelle didn't like that.

We never once saw Candiace crying because she wasn't friends with Gizelle anymore.  But she spent the whole season crying over Robyn. The podcaster's theory was Gizelle couldn't handle being rejected/cut off by Candiace (but Robyn got the TEARS™️) and decided to make her Candiace's life on the show miserable.

If production and BRAVO weren't up Gizelle's ass, they'd explore that crack forming between GEB.  Candiace & Robyn were finally getting to the truth of the matter but Gizelle jumped in to shut that down.

IMO Robyn has some resentment towards Gizelle.  She's lost out on 2 friendships on account of Gizelle and her antics. She also knows (if she stays on the show) and ever ticks off Gizelle, she'll be coming for Juan next.  And Gizelle was ticked off when Candiace exposed the fact Robyn was badmouthing Gizelle to the bloggers.  

Competent production who is interested in storytelling would explore this instead of shrines, osu and witchcraft.


Edited by drivethroo
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22 hours ago, drivethroo said:


If production and BRAVO weren't up Gizelle's ass, they'd explore that crack forming between GEB.  Candiace & Robyn were finally getting to the truth of the matter but Gizelle jumped in to shut that down.

Excellent post!  I was very annoyed that Gizelle got involved because like you said, Candiace and Robyn were getting to the truth of the matter. But Gizelle wouldn't want that to happen so she had to pipe in. I hope Robyn pulls her head out of Gizelle's ass some day, cause the world's more beautiful out here in the open. 


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I kind of think she did quit.  Mainly because, production doesn't announce cast changes until after the reunions air.  If they did fire her, usually we wouldn't know at this point.

They may have planned on firing her, but she saw the writing on the wall and decided to quit first. 

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14 hours ago, dosodog said:

I kind of think she did quit.  Mainly because, production doesn't announce cast changes until after the reunions air.  If they did fire her, usually we wouldn't know at this point.

They may have planned on firing her, but she saw the writing on the wall and decided to quit first. 

Robyn’s departure was announced the same day and I can’t see her quitting. 
Andy wasn’t supportive of Candiace at all so I could see her quitting but on the other hand, she said her singing tour costs in the 6 figures. She’s not going to be able to afford that without the show. Plus with Chris not working a real job, they both need the check.

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There has been no official confirmation about Robyn being fired--just rumors.  I've seen reports that she was bumped to a friend of, but Robyn is still a cast member.

For the time being...

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Candiace ignored Andy Cohen when she entered the stage at the reunion (she was the only one not to hug him), she just said a general hi from far. But she was on his Bravo Watch What Happens Live a few times during the season, even recently- I think after the reunion was taped, and they were both really friendly to each other. 

As for Gizelle, she is a horrible human being.

Mia had the most compelling storyline, and if the franchise has an overhaul, she is one to remain. 

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I think Mia's compelling stories is based on the amount of hot sauce she adds to them.

And by "hot sauce", I mean exaggerations and lies...

I am mostly amused by her.

Edited by dosodog
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Carlos King was also speculating with Heavenly of Married 2 Medicine if Candiace quit because she's pregnant when the news first broke.

Carlos King needs to spend more time fixing his own ailing shows.  He needs to be worrying about why half of his Love & Marriage DC cast has now quit the show in disgust (the show he created for Monique).

I wouldn't be surprised if he hit Candiace up in her DMs trying to get her to join Love & Marriage DC, she declined and now he's butthurt and claiming BRAVO fired her.


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DING, DONG, THE HATEFUL DITZ IS GONE!!  But I won’t dance yet, not until Ashley’s ass gets the boot as well….at this point Mia can handle the pot stirring and lying, hell she did a great job last night.

As long as Wendy gets her flute next season (knowing it would bug the bluedilly shit out of Gizzard), then I’m good.

Keiarna can stay, long as she continues to call out Giz/Ashley when needed.

Bye, Candiace….I’ll miss your reads and quips (the Alexander McQueen one was classic!).  I’ll miss Chris too.

Edited by Yogisbooboo64
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I’d watch a Candiace spinoff not gonna lie or at least check it out lol. Congrats to them on the baby!

Robyn is gone yay! Now get rid of Gizelle.

Mia is fine she’s gonna have lots of drama next year.

Ashley without Gizelle and Robyn gone could be ok but I don’t wanna see her gross husband.

Edited by Marley
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Okay, I'm going to say that Candiace gets pregnant has her baby and in 1-2 seasons is back on RHOP, especially if Chris doesn't have anything super significant pop in the meantime. She strikes me as someone who is smart about managing her $s, so my guess is it will be a few years before she needs a full-time gig again.

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Robyn though she was slick by throwing shade on Candiace's departure on her little podcast by claiming she had enough respect for the network to not confirm her firing until after the reunion and claiming she's honest enough to say she was fired, not claim she was taking a break and would be back. 

Respect for the network? The same network that you hid your story from and only shared it behind a paywall?

Cant wait to see her and Gizelle's TEARS if Candiace gets a spinoff.

Candiace gave an interview to Entertainment Tonight along with the baby announcement:

  • She's 13 weeks along, they did the procedure in January (this points to a late October/early November baby)
  • She doens't know the gender of the baby but the doctor knows
  • She figured she would never be 100% ready so she decided to go for it
  • She's very excited
  • The pregnancy is 95% of the reason why she walked away
  • Didn't want her pregnancy around all that negativity
  • Pretty much has nothing else to say 
  • Was told by production she needed to find a way to move forward
  • Hopes the show can move to a more positive space
  • Would have to be a different environment for her to return
  • Would be open to a family show chronicling her motherhood journey


Edited by drivethroo
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Candiace is going to hate being a mom!  I don’t see any maternal instincts. Plus doesn’t Chris have a bunch of kids already? Two with his ex and one that he’s estranged from. He’s also a bit old to be a new dad.   Although not as old a Michael Darby and Gordon lol. I wonder what they’ll do for money? 

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Robyn really should have gone with something different than “I 100 percent don’t care.”  She should have cared and stalked the hotel lady with Gizzy and had loud fights with Juan. How are they going to pay their bills now? 
Are we sure Candiace wasn’t fired?  It’s rare that people leave on their own and I haven’t heard anything about Chris Bassett getting a job. 

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4 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

Are we sure Candiace wasn’t fired?


Yes, Candiace was not fired. Robyn was and she's mad about it. Even the tone of the articles on BRAVO announcing their departures are different:

Candiace: "Candiace Dillard Basset is taking a "break" after 6 seasons as a wife. The singer, who joined the cast in Season 3, confirmed her departure in an exclusive to PEOPLE magazine."

Robyn: "Robyn Dixon is leaving RHOP.  She confirmed her departure from the series on April 15, one day after the 3 part RHOP reunion concluded."

Then Robyn's article spends a whole paragraph talking about Candiace leaving.

Robyn's article is about what happened in the past. Candiace's article talks about what she is doing in the future.

Candiace's article concludes with her thanking her fans.

Robyn's article reminds us Juan got fired and is still unemployed.  

If BRAVO fired Candiace, why would they care if she's now pregnant and write a whole article about it? Robyn could get pregnant today and BRAVO would 100% not care.

BRAVO is probably ringing Candiace's phone today to see if she would rejoin the show or talk about maybe doing a baby show.



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