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Golden Girls Alphabet Game

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V is for Virgins which Sophia celebrated the Festival of the Dancing Virgins.


W is for the Widow Caravelli which Sophia's family went to for cures whenever someone became ill.


X is for eX which is for Sophia's exes Guido and Giuseppe. 


Y is for Young which for Sophia when she was young she had a butt you can bounce a quarter off of.


Z is for Zbornak which Dorothy met Stan in Brooklyn.

(Which led to one of my favorite scenes, the cabana club beach towel.)


Dorothy: "Blanche, please. I am in no mood to hear about the parade of endless sexual encounters that you have experienced up and down the Florida coastline, with only this towel between your hot flesh and the cold, wet sand!"

Blanche: "I brought my son, Skippy, home from the hospital in this towel, Dorothy."

Dorothy: "You're lying, Blanche."

Blanche: "Damn, you're good."





X is for MaaloX (as in, the "we have maalox and estrogen" line from the burglary episode), which means that at least one of the girls had a very specific problem.

I think we already did clothes, but by doing adjectives I thought people would have a little more choice and creativity.  For example, instead of having to pick one specific item for A, like Rose's Airplane Sweater, you could choose anything you thought was awful, awesome, antiquated, amphibian-like, angular, etc.


I dunno, maybe that's too fine a line.  If anybody else has an idea, that's fine.  I'm just easily entertained by rants/raves about their clothes. 

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