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Golden Girls Alphabet Game

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Since we're supposed to be doing pop culture references made on the show, and one of my favorites fits P, I'm going to repeat those last two letters rather than moving on:


O is for Oprah Winfrey, butt of one of the show's jokes I do not like.  (After Rose protests her alleged UFO sighting was not that of a plane by saying, “Planes aren’t that thin or that bright,” Dorothy snarks, “Neither is Oprah Winfrey, but that doesn’t make her a flying saucer.”)


And from one of my favorite scenes ever:


P is for the PLO, the only organization possibly more fanatical than the Elvis fan club.


(It is also for Pinkerton guards, from one of my other favorite scenes -- Dorothy's delightful response to Rose's confused "What kind of protection?" in the "Condoms, Rose!  Condoms, condoms, condoms!" episode is, "Two armed Pinkerton guards.")

Edited by Bastet

Maybe Z could be for Dr. Zhivago, which Rose claimed was her favorite movie of all time in her Soviet dream sequence.


I guess we can collectively come up with another topic, since several people provided answers for Z?


My suggestion is insults.


As in, A is for Animal, which is what Rose called Blanche when she thought that Blanche slept with the Country Bear Jamboree.

Edited by Blakeston

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