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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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I want Big Brother: The Musical to happen just so someone playing Nicole can sing the plaintive ballad “Why Am I Such A Frigging Idiot?” Lin-Manuel Miranda, hear my prayer!

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I know she's freaked out, but I love watching Nicole's thought process play out in real time.

And just like that, they switch to Analyse and Tommy.

No Analyse conversation has ever been interesting to me.

Edited by vb68
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Analyse is telling Tommy that she needs to win the whacktivity comp.  She says she told Jack that she feels like she's at the bottom of the totem pole within 6 shooters.  Tommy says he doesn't think so.  

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13 minutes ago, zorak said:

Jackson told Jack that he threw the hinky vote without actually saying the words.  Jack knows what he's talking about.  Jackson told him he could not tell Christie under any circumstances.

Nicole is alone in the RV room.  She's being very hard on herself for not seeing the obvious. 

Hey, it's a step forward for her from her previous bit where she celebrated finding out that there was an alliance out there that she wasn't part of by acting like she was getting some juicy gossip and not confirmation that her game was fucked. Here, she is at least coming to terms with how fucked she is. 

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8 minutes ago, zorak said:

Christie is telling Jack that she doesn't want Analyse to take a shot at her because of what's going on with Jack and Analyse.

Christie is like the work wife Jack has a deeper connection to than anybody he sleeps with in his social life.

He's kinda like the BB version of Don Draper. lol

Having said that, Christie sorta owns him.

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The irony. Sis has a woeful conversation with Jack about how he doesn't share his game thought with her. He comes in the boatroom, right after Jackson told him he cast the wonky vote, and says, I think it was Nicole.

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2 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Christie is sorta like the work wife Jack has a deeper connection to than anybody he sleeps with in his social life.

He's kinda like the BB version of Don Draper. lol

Having said that, Christie sorta owns him.

Christie = Peggy? Analyse = Meghan? 

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3 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Christie = oeggy? Analyse = Meghan? 

I can see Analyse as Megan who was something of a social climber, but Christie wishes she was as sharp as Peggy!  🙂 

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Y’all, I hate this season so much. I won’t give up, but since this week will be Cliff/Nicole/Jess being the next boot? See you next Thursday? I will still keep up with this thread, which is my favorite guilty pleasure ever. 

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Christie:  "I'm not a couple.  I'm not a showmance.  I'm a solo butterfly."  She also said she doesn't have a ride or die (as if she would tell them).

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I need people to start zeroing in on how good Christie's position is with everyone.  Maybe Analyse can get the ball rolling since she's been bitching about the fact that Christie's name hasn't been in anyone's mouth, which she doesn't think is fair.

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I want to see who the first one from Gr8tful is to find out about the Hateful 8 from the outside world. Unfortunately, they all might make jury and/or win and won’t care. 

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1 minute ago, KTUCKER20 said:

I have a long list of people this season that need a good scare of their position in this game. Christie and Jack are at the top.

I agree, although I add Jackson on there too. 

How come Jack and Jackson was too hard but Nick and Nicole wasn’t?

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4 minutes ago, Tdoc72 said:

I agree, although I add Jackson on there too. 

How come Jack and Jackson was too hard but Nick and Nicole wasn’t?

Yep and Holly and Analyse. As I said, the list is long.

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Son just passed by Nicole with that evil smile and punchable Lego face.

"Not Hungry?"

And I can not watch Son stuff his face with a mountain of spaghetti. It's disgusting, and I might want to eat spaghetti myself again sometime.

Edited by vb68
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Sis throwing some shade. She is talking to Nick and Cliff in the target room and Nick asked where she sleeps and she said I dont sleep in the cool kids room. Something that Jackson reported Cliff said this morning in CLiff Notes ( referring to 6 shooters).

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10 hours ago, zorak said:

I think David does have a fairly good read on things in the house right now.  But Jackson was telling Jack today how he wouldn't mind if David comes back in.  He said that David had told him that from the beginning, he wanted to be the 3 headed monster (meaning teaming up with Jack and Jackson).  I hope David is just saying whatever he can to try to make Jackson think that David would be willing to work with them and not against them but really still plans on turning things upside down and breaking up those in power.

The only entertaining moment on tonight's show was David' read of the house.  I expect David is telling Jack and Son what they want to hear for now, and regarding them as his biggest targets if he gets back in the game.  

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I find Nicole a real refreshing BB houseguest. One of my favorites in a long time. A different mold of a person.

Holly and Nicole have a good conversation. 

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4 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I feel like Grodner pasted over the picture of Paul on her Trapper Keeper with a picture of Jack and she's busy doodling hearts and "Mrs. Allison Matthews" all around it. 

P.S. Holy shit, Love Island suuuucks. 

thanks for taking the Love Island bullet and confirming my suspicions.  I've watched nearly every episode since season two, but never watched the live feeds, had Showtime After Dark for a couple of seasons awhile back, and this is easily the worst season to date, with almost completely unlikeable houseguests and the ugly racist subtext of the three darkest skins not really playing but living upstairs in the slummy slave quarters,  It's also an all time low to hear AnalLice purr and meow "he's so hot" after being freshly fucked..   I think I need to take a short break and wait until the battle back to see who returns and if the optics aren't so disgusting.   I appreciate all the live feed watchers expert commentary.  It gives the tv shows a shot of reality (isn't that ironic in a supposed reality show), and their sharing commentary is the equivalent of doing all the heavy lifting.  The contestants aren't mean, stupid, and racist on Master Chef.  Oh...and Go Canada.  I was seven when my parents moved from Winnipeg to southern California.

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3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Nick is really a better case scenario. Not the best case, as it could simply be a Cliff/Jess nomination week, but it could be WAY worse.

We'll see how it goes.

Yes I'm fascinated that Nick is a therapist, a man with a real job listening to people's hard luck stories and trying to make their lives better, so he's not a douchebag in real life, but he's cuddle buddies with Blabbermouth Bella.

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3 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

That hinky vote was so obvious.... but I think for Jackson it was which woman he hated more. I could be wrong, but he looks disgusted when he talks to Jess. I get the feeling he really is holding back his true self, which would be to make fun of her.

He reminds me of every guy who teased and bullied and harassed me in high school because I was fat. He looks like he knows he has to keep it in check in that house, but in the outside world that guy strikes me as a real smug bully. He gives me flashbacks and triggers me. 

His hinky vote was his best game move so far.  Too bad there's the ugly subtext that it could have been motivated by his hatred of overweight Latinas.

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29 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I really regret this post.

BB17 Austin until we noticed he never showered. And okay, maybe a day or two after that until I personally noticed the lack of showering. 

But it was way before the tuna beard incident, thank God. 

Edited by Callaphera
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3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

BB17 Austin until we noticed he never showered. And okay, maybe a day or two after that until I personally noticed the lack of showering. 

But it was way before the tuna beard incident, thank God. 

Pirates have Blackbeard, fables have Bluebeard, BB has Tunabeard.

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So despite all of Nick's protestations that Kemi was not going to be allowed to come in at the opening of his HOH, she was right there and went in with everyone else. Nobody said anything.  I guess the DR shut that down. Everybody always goes in as a group. That's the way it's always been, and thus will always be.

In other words, SHUT THAT DOWN Nick and get over your fragile male ego.

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Tonight's recap: 

Kat and David need to just kiss already because if I'm gonna have to sit through all these showmances, I want one that I can root for. Nobody says what they need to when they get a moment but they all say everything that they shouldn't every opportunity they get. Big Mouth Billy Bass Bella won't take you to the river but she will happily throw you under the first available bus. Tommy is completing his transformation into the worst thing a BB fan could ever imagine: a hybrid BB15 Andy/BB16 Derrick (Andy because he's fucking everywhere and I can't escape him THERE ARE SIXTEEN PEOPLE IN THE HOUSE AND IT FEELS LIKE TOMMY IS ON BOTH FEEDS AND THEY'RE DIFFERENT ROOMS and Derrick because he shuts down any hint of fun feeds). Oh and Jackson ate, like, twice his body weight in two hours. 

Yay vodka. 

Edited by Callaphera
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As soon as Son finally leaves the HOH, Bella correctly calls him as the hinky vote and Nick agrees.

Son is not half as clever as he thinks. Go figure.

Edited by vb68
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Hot Damn!!! I cannot listen to Kemi talk. Jessica is bad about the word "like" but Kemi makes me want to cut her tongue from her mouth. I really hope that both of them listen to themselves and find it as irritating as I do. 

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I get lost in all the pre-eviction vote talk. 

So if the HGs voted the way that they wanted to plus the hinky vote would Kemi have stayed and Jessica be out?  If yes or probably, has it dawned on anyone yet that they should vote the way they want to and not the way they are told to?

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1 hour ago, Ellee said:

I get lost in all the pre-eviction vote talk. 

So if the HGs voted the way that they wanted to plus the hinky vote would Kemi have stayed and Jessica be out?  If yes or probably, has it dawned on anyone yet that they should vote the way they want to and not the way they are told to?

Yeah, pretty much. If Sam, Nick, Nicole, Bella, and Cliff had gone through with voting Jess out, if they didn't tell the Six Shooters, Jackson would have cast that vote and we would have seen heads explode and Jess going off on EVERYONE. 

Now THAT would have been fun to watch. 

Yeah, if I was in that house, I'd vote however I would want to. Granted, if the house was leaning one way and I wanted to vote to evict the other person, I'd keep it to myself so that I could vote the way I wanted to and then pretend I didn't know who did it. But it wouldn't just be to cause chaos; it would be because I wouldn't want an HOH to dictate who I vote out, even if it didn't work out.

It sounds like Nick is not putting Nicole up. I think he told her that he'd put Kat up as a replacement nominee over her, so that's good. Jess should theoretically be leaving next week (and hopefully her and Ovi don't win the Battleback).

It sounds like Nick would love to take a shot at the Jacks but he's too afraid to. 

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5 hours ago, BK1978 said:

Hey Aaryn was my eye candy initially in season 15...and well yeah...

Besides being a sign that the show realizes that it could get away with having people that went beyond even Evil Dick levels and still survive, that season also ramped up their "hot chick" game immeasurably. Aaryn was probably the hottest HG they ever had to that point, but they've since hit Aaryn-levels, like, every season since as they have doubled down on getting models and pageant queens as HGs. 

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5 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Tommy is completing his transformation into the worst thing a BB fan could ever imagine: a hybrid BB15 Andy/BB16 Derrick (Andy because he's fucking everywhere and I can't escape him THERE ARE SIXTEEN PEOPLE IN THE HOUSE AND IT FEELS LIKE TOMMY IS ON BOTH FEEDS AND THEY'RE DIFFERENT ROOMS and Derrick because he shuts down any hint of fun feeds).

There are so many people to hate but Tommy is really making a play to move to the top of the list. What you said plus his stupid fucking OTT fake face during the live shows drives me up a wall.

Fucking hell this season sucks.

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7 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

Do you miss 20 yet, Peach? 😄

It got more boring with each passing week and I hated everyone that made it far but there were some good moments in the first month and there wasn't an overwhelming hateful undertone so it probably slightly edges out this season. But maybe this season can become less predictable and boring as it goes instead of just becoming more and more predictable and boring every week until the end like BB20. I don't really see that happening though.

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