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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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1 hour ago, Cutty said:

Is it still a prank if everyone knows about it? lol at the producers. They really didn't think this one through. 

Are the "twists" getting dumber and lazier?  Or are the houseguests?

I feel like the last good twist was Pandora's Box.

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2 minutes ago, Nashville said:

I think it was more an anti-Christie vote than a pro-Nick vote.

Absolutely.  I can't stand Nick, but he got all my votes because I'm on the anti-Christi train, and I think it would give us good feeds to see her melt down again.

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7 minutes ago, Slider said:

Absolutely.  I can't stand Nick, but he got all my votes because I'm on the anti-Christi train, and I think it would give us good feeds to see her melt down again.

Well, chances are that Nick won't put up Christie and he's likely putting up Jackson.

Of course, he hasn't said anything but it's likely he does this, once he talks to Tommy. 

Christie will likely only go up as a replacement nom. 

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Does Nick realize he's very likely to be Holly's nom?

He needs to try to make deal, but dumbass probably won't.

He probably thinks he's in line for AFH now.

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Just now, laurakaye said:

If Nick is Holly's nom, how does the Prank work - can Nick take himself off the block?

So confusing.


He can only nom someone and replace that person who he nommed if they get taken down by the veto.

Nick is still in danger this week. He can only decide who he sits next to.

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

Nick is still in danger this week. He can only decide who he sits next to.

Who could he sit next to that would keep him safe? Jackson might be his best bet.

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Just now, laurakaye said:

If Nick is Holly's nom, how does the Prank work - can Nick take himself off the block?

Nope.  Basically, Nick simply gets 1/2 of the HoH’s nom power this week - control of ONE of the Block nom positions.  Nick can name the initial nom for that position, and he can name the replacement nom if PoV is used on his initial nom.  

Holly as HoH still has control over the other Block nom position, though, and Nick has no power or control over hers - which means Holly could still put Nick OTB, even as Nick is selecting who will be sitting beside him.

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1 minute ago, phlebas said:

Who could he sit next to that would keep him safe? Jackson might be his best bet.

Jackson, potentially. Jackson vs Nick would have it comes down to...Jess as the swing vote, and Jess hates both of them.

Nick vs Christie wouldn't be the worst choice, but also unpredictable.

I think Nick goes to jury if he's against anyone else. 

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Somebody must realize he has it.  Like I was saying, Nick wears everything on his nonexistent sleeves. Granted I was watching for clues, but it was fairly obvious the second he was out of the DR.  His energy level was totally different.

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Just now, vb68 said:

Somebody must realize he has it.  Like I was saying, Nick wears everything on his nonexistent sleeves. Granted I was watching for clues, but it was fairly obvious the second he was out of the DR.  His energy level was totally different.

Well, currently, Jackson's laying on the couch across from Nick, staring at him when his eyes aren't closed so I think Jackson could suspect. Nick's just reading the Bible, as he usually does.

I do change my mind. If it's Nick vs Jackson, Jackson will go. Jess will do whatever her Bestie Christie tells her to do.

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Earlier, Holly, Cliff and Christie were all suspecting that Nick would be the winner. 

The question is - will he use it to try to make a deal for himself. He could go to Holly and say I won't nominate Jackson if you don't nominate me. 

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5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I do change my mind. If it's Nick vs Jackson, Jackson will go. Jess will do whatever her Bestie Christie tells her to do.

I don't envy the spot he's in any more than I envy his haircut.  

If he nominates Jackson up front, a motivated and suspicious Jackson will be in the veto comp with Holly. If he picks someone like Jess or Nicole hoping to backdoor Jackson, he risks the veto not getting used and him going home against his own pick.

Combine all that with Nick being a moron, and he's in a pickle.

Bring it on.

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3 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

Earlier, Holly, Cliff and Christie were all suspecting that Nick would be the winner. 

The question is - will he use it to try to make a deal for himself. He could go to Holly and say I won't nominate Jackson if you don't nominate me. 

Nick is so weird in that sometimes he DOES seem like he knows what he is doing, and other times, he's a fumbling moron, so I dunno if he'll think that through. It's clearly a GREAT plan, though.

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A fair chunk of who is selected for these initial Block noms may depend upon how they will be selected.

I’m guessing TPTB will work the Prankster twist something like this: 

  1. Before the initial Block nom ceremony, the DR will do a cycle call through all the HGs.
  2. When it’s Prankster Nick’s turn, he will select a single key to go into the Block nom selection cube.
  3. Afterwards, HoH Holly will be presented with the Block nom selection cube and assorted keys as usual - except one key (the one Nick picked) will already be inserted and locked into the selection cube.  
  4. Holly will then make her (solo) nom selection from the remaining keys.

Now - the most significant point about this arrangement (IF it’s what Production goes with) is this: Holly won’t know who the Prankster is, but she will know who the Prankster picked - which (a) may give Holly a clue to the Prankster’s identity, and (b) will give Holly the ability to take the Prankster’s choice into account before making her own.

So - should the Prankster be overly concerned with telegraphing too much information to Holly with their initial pick?

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Too bad everyone in this house plays so cowardly. Not a single person there is able to make a bold move. They all have to try to weasel their way into protection and try to stay good with as big an alliance as possible.

Except Jess. Who we all know sucks at this game, which means making a bold move is a death sentence.

Which goes to show you that the game itself is doomed to this constant, repetitive drive to build safety around you and this constant push to please "the house". 

I actually don't think Nick stays against anyone. He HAS to win POV to survive. Holly and Jackson control everyone right now and I can see Nicole going along with Cliff to vote out Nick against everyone, including Jackson.

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Just now, Cutty said:

Gonna be hilarious when Nick screws this up and still goes home. 

In place of my "fuck Nick," let me note, "Fuck Jackson," as in, fuck Jackson, of course, but it would be kind of annoying for Christie to be saved from going home on Tommy's HoH but then Jackson goes home on Holly's HoH. I'd be TOTALLY FINE with Jackson going home on Holly's HoH, but I just hate that Christie DIDN'T go home earlier.

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1 minute ago, Cutty said:

Gonna be hilarious when Nick screws this up and still goes home. 

Like I said, I don't think this particular power is something Nick screws up. If he's on the block, he goes home.

Even if he makes a deal with Holly to not put up Jackson in exchange for not being put up, if her nominee comes down, Nick goes up and Holly gets to drive the "Nick is so evil he threatened me" bus right over him as he is booted unanimously. What's more, every single person playing for veto will be working to get Nick up under those circumstances.

Nick really has no chance without winning veto. This particular power is just not useful for the house pariah.

So he HAS to win Veto or he is toast

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4 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Just realized something which got lost in all this Prankster chaff; namely, that Holly is the first person this season to win a second HoH.

Yeah, I was meaning to note that earlier. What's funny, is that they were JUST mocking them for not being able to win comps AFTER Holly had won HoH and Jackson had won some contest.

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6 hours ago, Melina22 said:

We could witness the first BB pie-related homicide. What could possibly be worse than being woken up to a pie in your face. (Why am I giggling uncontrollably while I type this?) Seriously though, you'd have to get up and shower immediately. Annoying. 

Nope. Not even an Overwhemling no. It would be a Fuck No for me. You're gonna wake me out of a dead sleep (my favourite hobby, for the record) and smash a pie in my face? And then make me jump in the shower? Before coffee? I don't even pet the cat or say good morning to the husband before coffee. At best, I grunt. And point. 

I joked about Jackson going on a homicidal rage in the house but they would be escorting me out in handcuffs. 

3 hours ago, Cutty said:

Is it still a prank if everyone knows about it? lol at the producers. They really didn't think this one through. 

Expect the expected!

I wonder if they're putting less effort into this stuff after the back half of BB19, where Paul put a damper on every power, twist, and comp. 

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23 hours ago, zorak said:

Nick and Jackson are both saying they don't understand why Analyse is blaming them for her being booted.

Cause YOU Put her Up Jackasson. You dont put up someone unless it's no big deal If they leave 

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21 hours ago, vb68 said:

It has to be Cliff or Nicole to win that, right? ( He asked ever so hopefully.)

God it sucks they are playing for a showmance! Just more of AG protecting her Precious Pet. 

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3 hours ago, Cutty said:

Is it still a prank if everyone knows about it? lol at the producers. They really didn't think this one through. 

This should be a pinned post at the top of the forum. Every year.

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19 hours ago, zorak said:

Holly won!

Boooooooooooooooooooo! Fucking hate her and Jackson. And I'm so sick of his horrid behavior getting a pass while Christie is bashed for breathing when shes never been as bad as that Piece of shit Jackson

19 hours ago, kellog010 said:

This should be a wake up call to break up Holly and Jackson. No way should anyone be making deals to move forward with them.

Dumb dumb fan favs Nicole and Cliff made a F4 deal with them 

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1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

What's funny, is that they were JUST mocking them for not being able to win comps AFTER Holly had won HoH and Jackson had won some contest.

Yeah, I kinda noticed that myself.  😄

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1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

What's funny, is that they were JUST mocking them for not being able to win comps AFTER Holly had won HoH and Jackson had won some contest.

At the time that Christie and Analyse had made that claim, Holly had won one HoH and Jackson had won two Vetos but they couldn't win anything. So Jess should come over to the Christie side of things where she and Analyse had two comp wins (first HoH of the season, Panic Power, both of which were Christie's) under their belt. Maybe do some counting on your fingers before you start throwing shade. 

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I couldn’t help but think of Tommy today when this Lara Spencer/GMA/Prince George ballet controversy emerged. I think it’s sweet that his working class, Italian-American Staten Island dad not only supported his son’s desire to dance, he actually went to dance class himself with Tommy.

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It should be Christie gone this week.

Then Tommy.

Don't know if there will be a DE.  

But, a bunch of us have Tommy as DE on the Fantasy Game.

Then Jack, Sis, Christie & Tommy can sit in Jury wondering how they got swindled by ‘The Bottom Feeders.’ 🖕🏻

Then Cliff & Jess can win! 🙀

Cliff because he is a resurrection and Jess for her zero fucks HOH! 

If Nicole squeaks into F2.....well....All good!  Some compensation for having a door slammed in her face.....after the Mean Girls ganged up on her. 

Season of the Bottom Feeders! 💕

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3 hours ago, Slider said:

Me to Nick: Now don't fuck this up! Nominate Christi or Tommy!

Yes! Keep playing to benefit POS Couple! And UGH "America" Sucks! Hes a fucking creep and its alarming the hate Christie gets. When Jackson is the biggest POS but AG Sucks and gives him Golden Boys and cause hes a guy he gets passes for his behavior. Christie has never been as bad as he has been

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6 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I guess he really wants Christie out....or Jess.

I hope he puts up Jess. That would be so hilarious. He's gonna go home against anyone anyway so the least he could do is prove what an absolute idiot he is first. 

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5 minutes ago, jay741982 said:

Yes! Keep playing to benefit POS Couple! And UGH "America" Sucks! Hes a fucking creep and its alarming the hate Christie gets. When Jackson is the biggest POS but AG Sucks and gives him Golden Boys and cause hes a guy he gets passes for his behavior. Christie has never been as bad as he has been

Christie and Tommy are a 'couple' in a sense that they are a pair working together AND they are friends outside the house. That's not fair. If the house doesn't break them up NOW, they will go to the end. Then they can break up the loverbirds and get Snackson douche out. Nick needs to go too but he's floating alone in the game, pretty much. Just like Survivor, you HAVE to break up the pairs and the most threatening pair is Christie/Tommy. 

Edited by Lamima
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This is the season of the Black Hole on BB.

Everything is sucked into a vortex of nonsense, including this latest choice by Ameriker.

Nick is thrilled because he reeeeeeeally wants Christie gone.  I love midnights because I want a deep tan.

I would love for Nick to be sent to jury, manifesting what a dumbass he truly is.

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Last night, the Internet: "Vote for Nick! He'll do what needs to be done!"
Today, the Internet: "Fuck Nick! He's not doing the right thing! Who voted for this asshole?"

5 minutes ago, jay741982 said:

Yes! Keep playing to benefit POS Couple! And UGH "America" Sucks! Hes a fucking creep and its alarming the hate Christie gets. When Jackson is the biggest POS but AG Sucks and gives him Golden Boys and cause hes a guy he gets passes for his behavior. Christie has never been as bad as he has been

Meh. I hate them all equally. Except Nicole because she's just... too nice but still there. It would be like hating unicorns or something. 

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Just now, Callaphera said:

Meh. I hate them all equally. Except Nicole because she's just... too nice but still there. It would be like hating unicorns or something. 

Well then I guess I hate unicorns because I am so fucking tired of Nicole. She's just completely useless in every way. I hated her on sight and I should have stuck to that lol.

I probably hate Jessica the least because it's just like there's nothing there to even hate.

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Well then I guess I hate unicorns

Them's fightin' words.

1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

[Nicole]'s just completely useless in every way.

This, though. I can't argue with this. 

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I probably hate Jessica the least because it's just like there's nothing there to even hate.

Oh man, and meanwhile, I REALLY don't like Jessica because there's so much to not like about her. Her inability to see that Christie isn't a straight shooter, even with all of this proof. Blaming Nicole for telling her the truth about her being on the outside and actively wanting to target her (and the fact that she told Nicole straight up that she shouldn't have told her about the Six). 

At the very least, I hate Jessica the most, game wise. I think I only dislike Christie and Jackson, personality wise, and it's not even full on hatred. It's just an average dislike. Nobody can beat Racist Jack, who is, by far, the worst houseguest I've hated in....ok, well, since Swaggy scammed money in January....BUT BEFORE THAT, it's....oh, well, Paul...but before THAT, it's....oh, Jason Roy....ok, but really, before that, it's....Frankie Grande....shit.....I was trying to go back to BB15, because I hated the whole lot of them.

Ok, there are more people I've hated than I realized. 

Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Like, could it be possible that Nick telling Tommy and Nicole that he wouldn't put up Jackson was just a diversion and he's actually going to put Jackson up? 

I actually began thinking that after my post. It's a good diversion, but why lie to his two closest allies? Plausible deniability? 

It IS possible, but I assume Nick's making his nomination now so we'll see in a few hours, I guess. I guess it's possible that Nick could put up Jackson.

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

I usually hate, at minimum, 50% of every cast.

I usually dislike most houseguests, but outright hatred? It usually does take me a lot to outright hate a houseguest, especially for non-racist/bully reasons. 

And...huh, I just realized that thinking about all the houseguests I do hate, it's because they're bullies or racists. And then there's Frankie, who I hated for so many reasons.

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