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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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4 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

Kinda surprising that they - two people in the same alliance - are hanging on tightly and there's not much talk of making a deal.

Jack is determined to make this a do or die competition until one passes out.  He's so frigging annoying.

Edited by vb68
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Just now, ByaNose said:

The two girls left are too stupid to even understand what HOH is. They haven’t done anything all season. Why start now?!

Analyse, probably: "HoH is a really big word. I don't think I can spell it."

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As much fun as it's been to watch this competition, I think this is my cue to leave. Because nothing interesting is going to happen, at least right now, whichever woman wins HOH. So...why even bother staying up? Sam/Nick are up on the block. Whoopee.

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Approaching the two hour mark.

Pretty impressive.  I was really afraid this would have ended up being a 30 minute comp after Jessica & Nicole fell before the end of the live broadcast.

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5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

As much fun as it's been to watch this competition, I think this is my cue to leave. Because nothing interesting is going to happen, at least right now, whichever woman wins HOH. So...why even bother staying up? Sam/Nick are up on the block. Whoopee.

You sell these two Einsteins short.  Maybe it will be Jessica as the pawn with a super big time game move meta Mensa plan to backdoor one of the remaining guys because doing the obvious would be ... too obvious?  And Anal Lice can't spell obvious.

Edited by green
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God, could you imagine having to sit next to Jackson for this long while his shorts are marinating in his own pee? Maybe that's why Jack has been a little quieter lately. The stank is getting to him.

Holly to Jackson: "You just want a comfy bed."
Jackson: "YES I DO."

Jokes on you, HNs are still going until, like, Friday at midnight. Unless they get a break because Jackson threw a hissy fit.

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

God, could you imagine having to sit next to Jackson for this long while his shorts are marinating in his own pee? Maybe that's why Jack has been a little quieter lately. The stank is getting to him.

I fully expect an inordinate degree of chafing may be in play as well.

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Just now, Nashville said:

I fully expect an inordinate degree of chafing may be in play as well.

Oh yay, a new round of "Rash or STI?" for them all to play. And I was worried this week was going to be boring!

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Okay, can someone else fall in Jackson's cold pee puddle now? 'Cause I'm bored.

I realize it's a decent distance of either of them to fly. Analyse has the best chance since her head is full of air and not much else. 

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6 hours ago, Kris117 said:

I loved Marcellus, even if he did make one of the dumbest moves in BB history. 

I probably said this before but Marcellus was the main reason why I started watching Big Brother in the first place.  I never saw anyone like him on TV prior to that, his over the top reactions were awesome. 

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Just now, Callaphera said:

Reminder: BB thinks that we'd be bored with a return of Pressure Cooker but watching two interchangeable brunettes do yoga poses on wires is SUPER FUN.

The pressure cooker always brings up in my mind images of janelle bopping up and down and her hand coming off the button.

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Just now, Brian Cronin said:

Such a bizarre contest. Jackson was oddly pulling for Holly BIG TIME. Like, that dude was rooting WAY too hard, right? 

But he gets a soft bed, access to the HoH shower, and her food basket starting Friday at midnight. But yeah, it was a touch over the top. 

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Wait , sis is complaining to jack and Christy about something.... they are telling her to “be cool” and they “heard every word” , what’s that about? I see some conflict brewing between the six shooters already...

Edited by LaurenlovesTV
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4 minutes ago, LaurenlovesTV said:

Wait , sis is complaining to jack and Christy about something.... they are telling her to “be cool” and they “heard every word” , what’s that about? I see some conflict brewing between the six shooters already...

Anal’s probably steamed at JackPson for shouting at Holly not to let Anal win.

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6 minutes ago, LaurenlovesTV said:

Wait , sis is complaining to jack and Christy about something.... they are telling her to “be cool” and they “heard every word” , what’s that about? I see some conflict brewing between the six shooters already...

You're not supposed to root against your own alliance mate like that. She's rightfully pissed at Jackson, I imagine. 

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5 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

You're not supposed to root against your own alliance mate like that. She's rightfully pissed at Jackson, I imagine. 

This could be fun.  If Jackson pisses off his alliance enough, maybe we'll see Christie use her DPOV to put him on the block and Holly sees her f*ck buddy go out on her own HOH.  Ok people, let's manifest this.

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38 minutes ago, Slider said:

Jackson is so pissed he lost to three girls, and has to sit there and watch instead of participate.

The schadenfreude is strong tonight, my dears. 

Half a page down and I already forget who won. Yawn. 

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Well, at least I'll know which white brunette is Holly now.  Not even joking.  I suppose it would have been easy to look up, but they've both been such non-factors that it wasn't really necessary.

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 Advanced issues found
31 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

This could be fun.  If Jackson pisses off on his alliance enough, maybe we'll see Christie use her DPOV to put him on the block and Holly sees her f*ck buddy go out on her own HOH.  Ok people, let's manifest this.

Fixed that for you.

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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:


Lego Captain America, maybe.  Maybe.

Aw Hell, he's not even Lego Hawkeye.

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Kat & Sis talking about Holly and how Jackson kept cheering her on. Kat said this will be Jackson’s HOH.  Sis said Holly will do whatever he wants and that she need a backbone. 

Sis now saying that her & Jack are playing separate games even if they’re together. 

Edited by Tdoc72
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9 minutes ago, Maverick said:

Aw Hell, he's not even Lego Hawkeye.

*sniff* As a (the only?) Hawkeye fan, ouch. 

It's the arms, okay? And the shoulders. I'm an arms and shoulders girl.

10 minutes ago, Tdoc72 said:

Jackson looks like he’s limping. Also he hasn’t stopped eating since I turned this on. So can they all just eat whatever right now?

Throw a hissy fit, get watermelon. I hope the rest of the HGs are taking notes so they can try the same when they're HNs. I guess this means he gets a regular shower and a real bed, too.

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What season was it where an alliance gave away where everyone stood through the use of the key reveal and then that was used to do one of the very rare "turning the tables" deal? 

Maybe this could be like that, with Analyse realizing what Jackson really thinks about her.

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