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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Oh, shit. 

I joked about Analyse sounding out the big words (like "dear") in her HoH letter AND NOW IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN AND I AM SO SORRY, I WILL GO SIT IN THE NAUGHTY CORNER NOW.

The manifesting abilities of this forum are extremely powerful.  Be careful what you manifest...

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Jackson:  "Focus Holls, focus.  Please."  I think I have to root for Holly but only because I'm hopeful that maybe Jackson will be such an asshole this week that Kat and Christie can convince her to try to get Jackson out.

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Jackson:  "Focus Holls, focus.  Please."  I think I have to root for Holly but only because I'm hopeful that maybe Jackson will be such an asshole this week that Kat and Christie can convince her to try to get Jackson out.

I'm kinda rooting for Analyse. Only because I'm not sure she'll be able to turn the keys in the nom box without adult supervision and that's hilarious.

Edited by Callaphera
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Just now, Callaphera said:

I'm kinda rooting for Analyse. Only because I'm not sure she'll be able to turn the keys in the nom box without adult supervision.

But Jack will just do it for her.  And she'll be ok with that.

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So while I wait to hear who won HOH, I *had* to use my time wisely ... by putting Jackson's face BEFORE Big Brother next to his current face.

I also plan to do one of these at the end of the season.

It's kinda like The Biggest Loser but in reverse!

Whoever, said we'd have to roll him out like the Willy Wonka blueberry girl just might have nailed it!!


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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

I'm kinda rooting for Analyse. Only because I'm not sure she'll be able to turn the keys in the nom box without adult supervision and that's hilarious.

Oh, come the fuck ON now; Anal’s idea of strategic noms would be a table lamp + Ted in the DR.

Holly, on the other hand, is probably the next-best bet since Kat fell to get Jackpiss back OTB.

2 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

Jackson is going to be so pissed if holly falls. He no way wants her to make a deal with sis. 

Jackson is ALREADY so pissed.

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I dont want to see JAckson in the HOH with Holt pressuring her for sex. Yuck.

And, he will try and control her nominations. He will come up with some "clever" way to backdoor someone instead of a direct approach.

End of show said something about a trip that could not end well for someone. Wonder what that is about.

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5 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I guess I do have a mean streak because I get a perverse pleasure in knowing Jackson will be denied a letter from his Mama.

He’ll just have another meltdown and they’ll probably give it to him anyway. 🤬

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2 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Oh, come the fuck ON now; Anal’s idea of strategic noms would be a table lamp + Ted in the DR.

Analyse after she nominates Jack and Jackson, most likely: "Oh. I thought the keys were supposed to be who was safe."

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I can't tell them apart at all they both look alike to me and both will do what SickShooter wants as in the two Jacks and Christie and Tommy.  They don't even realize they are non-people for 99.99% of all viewers.

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Christie: "You God-damned pissed yourself."
Jackson: "For what?"

So that you could fall ass first in your cold puddle of pee and give us a moment of happiness in an otherwise meh season.

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Just now, zenithwit said:

Kinda surprising that they - two people in the same alliance - are hanging on tightly and there's not much talk of making a deal.

Holly offered Analyse her spare room to sleep in and Analyse offered lasagna. What a deal!

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Holly offered Analyse her spare room to sleep in and Analyse offered lasagna. What a deal!

I'm pretty sure lasagna is their code word for money they get from the show.  Doesn't explain the spare room offer though.

Edited by zorak
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