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Which Podcasts Fuel Your Listening Pleasure?


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A few new ones I've found--focus on Movie Podcasts this time:

"We Hate Movies" - A comedy podcast about really shitty movies. Yeah, so the same idea as "How Did This Get Made". But I've liked the comedy in the episodes I've heard.

I actually enjoy "We Hate Movies" more than "How Did This Get Made?"...I think it's the comradery between the hosts that makes me laugh the most.

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Off-season for new TV means ON-Season for TV star podcasting, I think.


Back from Flash stuff, Tom Cavanagh was finally able to get in the same room again as Michael Ian Black (who's now got a show too, with Jim Gaffigan) to make a new Mike & Tom Eat Snacks:  MATES Episode 94 came out today (Memorial Day).


Back from Brooklyn 99, Chelsea Peretti came out with a new episode of her podcast, Call Chelsea Peretti, as well: Episode 66: White Recluse


I actually enjoy "We Hate Movies" more than "How Did This Get Made?"...I think it's the comradery between the hosts that makes me laugh the most.


I WISH I could like HDTGM more but Jason Mantzoukas is such a misogynistic piece of shit that I can't love it. The way he mocks and dismisses June pisses me off. And he acts like such a DUDE, ugh.


And I have to confess this somewhere so why not here where they can probably see it? I find David T. Cole so adorably charming on EHG, if the show weren't already great I'd listen just for him. The thirst is real. And Tara's constant genuine laughter at all of his jokes just tickles me to no end.


Edit: Because I'm not thirsty enough? Joe Reid, on this week's show, is equally adorable. 

Edited by JessePinkman
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Does anyone else listen to Firewall and Iceberg? It's a TV podcast with TV reviewers Alan Sepinwall and Daniel Feinberg from hitfix.com.

I have to say Feinberg has one of the most obnoxious voices/accents/cadence of speech I've ever heard in my life. Alan is fine, he's great actually and if listen to him with anyone else but Feinberg is the worst. His comments are meandering and long winded and oh my god why won't he shut up or get to the point. And the thing is I like his writing a lot! And his opinion on social issues and representation. But the man needs an editor when he speaks.

I WISH I could like HDTGM more but Jason Mantzoukas is such a misogynistic piece of shit that I can't love it. The way he mocks and dismisses June pisses me off. And he acts like such a DUDE, ugh.



Well, to be fair, about 90% of what they do is a bit.  They've all known each other for years, and if Jason really did feel that dismissive towards June, I doubt she, or Paul Scheer (who is her husband) would put up with it.


And if I took everything they did at face value (rather than caricatures), I would be terrified for Paul that June thinks you have to brutally fight someone to "be a man."


Looking at my list podcasts I follow on a regular basis:


True Crime: The Most Shocking Killer is True Crime History - The hosts speaks with the authors that wrote about these terrible crimes. Some dark but interesting stuff.


JTE Movie Thinks - Part of the Schmoes Know Movie network. JTE sits down with a guest and talks about the last movie the guest watched. it could be any movie that was not watched for work purposes. JTE has no idea what the movie will be.


Denzel Washington is the Greatest Actor Ever Podcast - This has already been talked about here but it's a lot of fun. You don't need to be familiar with Denzel's work to enjoy this (although I am familiar).


The Canon - Devin Faraci and Amy Nicholson discuss whether a movie should be allowed in the Canon. Should be a movie preserved and highly regarded or basically gotten. It's more of a how does this movie hold up to it's praise than anything.


Afterbuzz Tv (various podcasts) - Afterbuzz TV gives aftershows for just about any show you can think of. They have a panel sit down and cover the newest episodes. Sometimes with a guest from said show. It's a lot of fun. The crew that covers Scandal, Empire and Ballers are my favorite by far.


F Your Show - Back from a long hiatus. This podcast takes the concept of fantasy drafts and applies it to things you love from the 80's and 90's (their favorite decade). For example, they will recast the cast of Friends. Every person (usually three people) gets a go per round. They can draft one new Ross, Rachel, Chandler, etc. and they let the fans decide who did the best recast. They also do things like draft the perfect 90's teen movie. So, you have to draft a jerk, a female lead, a male lead, a nerd, a set of parents, etc. It's a lot of fun.


Happy Hour - The panel that covers Scandal and Empire for Afterbuzz TV gets together and talks about various topics. Mostly involving black related topics. Very insightful and funny


We Used to be Friends - The Veronica Mars podcast. They cover the show episode by episode. They watch the episode live and comment.


Angela's Yee's Lip Service. Angela Lee of New Yorks Power 105 radio station and her two friends have very frank discussions about sex and dating with a guest from the music world.


The Sunnydale Stacks - A Buffy the Vampire podcast. If you love Buffy, you will love this.


Hey, Do You Remember- A must listen for movie fans. Three friends get together and discuss a movie from their childhood and sees how it stacks up as adults. They start off talking about their memories of the childhood in relation to movie which the main host always nails with his very unique stories from his younger years.


Now Playing Podcast - My favorite movie podcast out there. They cover franchises. So, they will go through all the Mission Impossibles. All the Terminators. All the Marvel Movies (even gems like the Before Sunrise series) and give their ratings.


The Source Fed Podcast - The gang from Youtubes SourceFed channel just get together and talk about whatever they want and have tons of fun.


Where My 40 Acres Podcast - Talking about various news stories, hip hop albums and reviews. Just a lot of fun.


Thinking Sideways Podcast - The three person panel covers a different unsolved case and gives all the facts as well as their theories on what happened.


The Leap Home - A podcast for Quantum leap. Funny, funny stuff.


Race Wars - A bunch of comedians get together and talk about race related stories and bust jokes. Always a good listen.


How Did This Get Made - Already been talked about here.


Black on Black Cinema - The rare podcast that covers black cinema. (It's hard as hell to find podcast about movies starring black people). These guys are freakin hilarious.


The Attitude Era Podcast - Reliving the popular years of WWF one PPV at a time.


Twilight Pwn: A Twilight Zone podcast. Episode are chosen at random.


We Hate Movies - Already covered here. Film Sack is another good movie podcast in the same vein.


Go Bayside! - The podcast is done but this Saved By the Bell podcast is the reason why I got into podcasts in the first place.

Edited by Racj82
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We Used to be Friends - The Veronica Mars podcast. They cover the show episode by episode. They watch the episode live and comment.


Now Playing Podcast - My favorite movie podcast out there. They cover franchises. So, they will go through all the Mission Impossibles. All the Terminators. All the Marvel Movies (even gems like the Before Sunrise series) and give their ratings.


How did I not know about these?  I thought I was a loyal Veronica Mars and "Before Sunrise" fan--I guess not. Thanks


My favorite podcast discussing racial and social issues is Yo, Is This Racist? Hilarious, but also smart and thoughtful.

How did I not know about these?  I thought I was a loyal Veronica Mars and "Before Sunrise" fan--I guess not. Thanks


My favorite podcast discussing racial and social issues is Yo, Is This Racist? Hilarious, but also smart and thoughtful.

I heard about that one via another podcast but haven't checked it out yet.


We Used to Be Friends is fairly new. It just got to the sixth episode of season 1 I think. They also do a Buffy podcast "Dusted"


Now Playing is a really fun podcast to get into. Their website goes over every franchise they have covered so far. Recently I've been watching Stephen King movies as they review them for their King retrospective. The "Before.." series was not the usual movies they cover. Most art house style films to don't carry on like this series. But, it was a very fun and interesting listen. I appreciate those movies even more now.

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nothing will ever top her question on the street fighter episode. What exactly is a street fighter? Paul lost his shit on that one.

I think my all time favorite was her thinking that the robots were fueled by spaghetti in Judge Dredd.  Though, everyone (except Paul who already realized it) simultaneously discovering that Ben Affleck is named Rudy in Reindeer Games for "Rudolph" was pretty fantastic.   

Thanks for that list, Racj82! I will check a few of those out.

Let me know what you think of them. I literally have no one to talk about podcasts with.



I think my all time favorite was her thinking that the robots were fueled by spaghetti in Judge Dredd.  Though, everyone (except Paul who already realized it) simultaneously discovering that Ben Affleck is named Rudy in Reindeer Games for "Rudolph" was pretty fantastic.

I never listened to that episode. I have a habit of not listening to podcasts episodes about movies I'm not more familiar with. I watched Reindeer Games once in the 90's. That's it.

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Now Playing is a really fun podcast to get into. Their website goes over every franchise they have covered so far. Recently I've been watching Stephen King movies as they review them for their King retrospective. The "Before.." series was not the usual movies they cover. Most art house style films to don't carry on like this series. But, it was a very fun and interesting listen. I appreciate those movies even more now.

I loved their review of the "Before..." trilogy. It was kinda cool to hear three dudes discussing the romantic aspects of the movies, especially when two of them said they don't usually go for this type of movie.


I listen to so many podcasts now that my phone's memory is almost full, But I'll eventually get to Hey, Do You Remember and Black on Black Films--those sound interesting.

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I loved their review of the "Before..." trilogy. It was kinda cool to hear three dudes discussing the romantic aspects of the movies, especially when two of them said they don't usually go for this type of movie.


I listen to so many podcasts now that my phone's memory is almost full, But I'll eventually get to Hey, Do You Remember and Black on Black Films--those sound interesting.

I think you will enjoy them a lot. Black on Black Cinema can be un-PC at times but it's all in good fun. They also can get very insightful among the jokes being poured out. Their latest podcast covering Lean on Me starring Morgan Freeman was a great listen. I was glad to hear someone else disturbed by the shot of a student bashing that teachers head into the floor over and over again. Damn, i was like six when I saw that. My parents didn't care about R ratings (unless there was sexy times involved). Every other week they spend a good half hour talking about a certain topic. This week they finally got around to talking about the NAACP Rachel Dolezal nonsense. The way it ended had me laughing until tears came out mu eyes. The discussion was very intelligent everything but it looped to somewhere in the end I was not expecting.


With Hey, Do You Remember, the episode that sticks out to me is the Adventures in Babysitting story. Chris, the main host, had this crazy multi layer story of him trying to woo his babysitter with the help of his young sister that is a hoot. That's all before the movie talk which was great as always.


I'm still in love with Elizabeth Shue based on the first scene in Adventures in Babysitting.

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So, I'm just doing a round up of podcasts I listened to this week.


First, I have to give a shout out to two podcasts from right here on Previously TV


Extra Hot Great - They did a great recap of Hollywood Game Night. One of my favorite shows. I'm so glad to hear other people talk about this show.


Again With This - This is the Beverly Hills 90210 rewatch/podcast. This is by far the podcast I laugh along with the most. Just great stuff. Even if you doidn't watch the show, you will love it.


Beyond that:


True Murder - The crimes Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka is covered. Man, this was a dark case. Paul, 25, targeted a 15 year old Karla. He got her to do whatever he wanted. When ti came time to marry her, he had a issue with the fact that she was not a virgin anymore (thanks to him) and wanted that for the wedding night. How they resolved this and the crimes committed in the aftermath are the stuff nightmares. But, it was a interesting listen.


The Canon - Animal House vs Revenge of The Nerds is covered. Both co host take one movie and argue over which college romp belongs in "The Canon". While every discussion these days melts to call it the rape movie because of the moon bounce scene, it was still a interesting listen. Solid points made by both parties.


F Your Show - This week in fantasy drafts for things other than sports, we had a draft for your ultimate 90's cartoon block (six cartoons of your choosing from in or around the time period). Also, there was a tournament to decide TV's best dad. The Dad tournament was interesting because deciding and talking about Cliff Huxtable without seeing/talking about Cosby was really difficult.


The Brilliant Idiots - Charlamagne the God and Andrew Shultz (from Power 105 and various MTV shows), discuss the Tyga/transsexual topic, the Florida State quarterback punching a woman, a hilarious story from Char's bodyguard and more.


Hey, Do You Remember - This week they covered Camp Nowhere. The 90's comedy about kids who lie to their parents and run their own summer camp with no adults. Perfect 90's cheese.I did not realize Avery from Nashville was the lead here. As usual, the hosts take you back to the time period. This time, it's recalling summer camp stories and their memories of the movie before they get into it.


Happy Hour - The four co host get a little more heated than usual. Not in a crazy way but discussing the Florida State Quarterback, Cosby, and other topics brings up some interesting viewpoints.


We Used to Be Friends - The Veronica Mars covered this week covered what is considered the first misstep by a lot of fans. The episode of the first season where Veronica investigates the disappearance of her female neighbor (played by Jessica Chastain). They cover the flaws of this episode really well. My biggest problem is no Wallace. V not telling Wallace anything about her more personal issues kind of bugs me on rewatch. The next episode has shows how much Wallace means to her though.


The Leap Back - This Quantum Leap podcast covered the utterly bizarre season 4 finale in which Sam jumps into someone he knows closely and the plot in may ways just says fuck the rules we established. They go bonkers for this one.


Best of Friends - This "Friends" podcast covered the first two episode of season three. Including the much loved "The One Where No One is Ready". Last week that had on the guy who played Mr. Heckles for a full interview.


There were some others but were either older podcasts or wrestling related. Not sure if anyone cares about those. Anyway, that's it for me this week.

I think you will enjoy them a lot. Black on Black Cinema can be un-PC at times but it's all in good fun. They also can get very insightful among the jokes being poured out. Their latest podcast covering Lean on Me starring Morgan Freeman was a great listen. I was glad to hear someone else disturbed by the shot of a student bashing that teachers head into the floor over and over again. Damn, i was like six when I saw that. My parents didn't care about R ratings (unless there was sexy times involved). Every other week they spend a good half hour talking about a certain topic. This week they finally got around to talking about the NAACP Rachel Dolezal nonsense. The way it ended had me laughing until tears came out mu eyes. The discussion was very intelligent everything but it looped to somewhere in the end I was not expecting.


Based on recommendations on this board (I think) I started listening to BoBC and went right back to the beginning.   I had listened to quite a few episodes when they mentioned that they now had a video version of the podcast -- it's very dull, literally a stationary camera filming them as they record. I watched a bit of it and somehow actually seeing them was so disconcerting I couldn't even listen any more.  I don't know why.  Somehow I had always pictured them around a table in a cute attic space with a sloped roof... my dreams were shattered.


However, on your recommendation I downloaded the Rachel Dolezal discussion and you're right, it's very interesting and entertaining.

Based on recommendations on this board (I think) I started listening to BoBC and went right back to the beginning.   I had listened to quite a few episodes when they mentioned that they now had a video version of the podcast -- it's very dull, literally a stationary camera filming them as they record. I watched a bit of it and somehow actually seeing them was so disconcerting I couldn't even listen any more.  I don't know why.  Somehow I had always pictured them around a table in a cute attic space with a sloped roof... my dreams were shattered.


However, on your recommendation I downloaded the Rachel Dolezal discussion and you're right, it's very interesting and entertaining.


Yeah, I never watch them anymore. It's also odd seeing the faces matched up with the voices. BoBC is a audio only podcast for me. Glad you enjoy the Dolezal nonsense though. The riff about Raven Symone had me dying.

I"m listening to Denzel Washington is the Greatest Actor of All Time Period and, for the second episode in a row, there's an extended commercial recruiting people to a new show on MTV -- "from the makers of Catfish" about revealing a deep, dark secret that you have been hiding from friends and family.  Has anyone heard this?  I swear to God, I almost thought it was a joke last time and now I"m hearing it again!!  DWitGAoATP has to make it's money somehow, so I don't begrudge Kamau shilling (schilling?) this crap but it's existence does make me a wee bit sad for humanity.  Who would have thought there would be a day when Jerry Springer would appear the lesser of two evils?

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Unjustly Maligned. The host talks to people who feel that some book or movie or whatever has a bad rap, and why it's actually pretty good. The Twilight episode is really interesting. Also, the Tron episode. They talk about how it was savaged at the time for having too much CG, dodgy acting, and not a great plot. In hindsight, it sounds a lot like today's actiony tentpoles, doesn't it?

Unjustly Maligned. The host talks to people who feel that some book or movie or whatever has a bad rap, and why it's actually pretty good. The Twilight episode is really interesting. Also, the Tron episode. They talk about how it was savaged at the time for having too much CG, dodgy acting, and not a great plot. In hindsight, it sounds a lot like today's actiony tentpoles, doesn't it?



That does look interesting.  It's funny to scan the episode topics and see which ones I"m like, "okay" versus "no, that is indefensible."  I have to say, Twilight is pretty indefensible to me.  Even as escapist fun, there are infinitely better escapes (in the same direction) available.

That does look interesting.  It's funny to scan the episode topics and see which ones I"m like, "okay" versus "no, that is indefensible."  I have to say, Twilight is pretty indefensible to me.  Even as escapist fun, there are infinitely better escapes (in the same direction) available.

You'd be surprised. At least give it a listen. I'm still not going to read it or see the movies, but I think less harshly about it than previously. :)


I"m listening to Denzel Washington is the Greatest Actor of All Time Period and, for the second episode in a row, there's an extended commercial recruiting people to a new show on MTV -- "from the makers of Catfish" about revealing a deep, dark secret that you have been hiding from friends and family.  Has anyone heard this?  I swear to God, I almost thought it was a joke last time and now I"m hearing it again!!

I vaguely remember this, but I barely pay attention to the ads. Unless Kevin is talking about looking like a Sasquatch when he doesn't shave. 

After a long hiatus of several years, I am back to listening to podcasts regularly. I'm rediscovering my old favourites and looking for new ones. I really love the format, but I realize that I have to be really careful not to get overloaded since I have enough other hobbies.


Here are a few that I didn't see mentioned above and it is just a sliver of my current rotating playlist:


  • Grownups Read Things They Wrote As Kids - As the title says. This is recorded from live shows that the podcast does in various Canadian cities. Very funny.
  • The New Yorker podcsts - Specifically Out Loud and Fiction. The former is just a feature of news articles from the magazine and Fiction is when a famous author reads from the articles and discuses the work.
  • Coffeebreak language series from Radio Lingua - I was using Coffeebreak French to keep up my skills level. They also have a Spanish, German, and Italian one. All are hosted by a delightful multi-lingual Scottish man.
  • The Savage Lovecast - Dan Savage's advice in podcast form. This is the podcast that got me started on podcast years ago.
  • The Naked Scientists - British based podcast with lots of Science news.

I think I mentioned this elsewhere on this board, but I am a huge fan of the Film Photography Podcast.  If you have even the slightest interest in film, in photography, in obscure cameras, even (currently) a super 8 revival, they are well worth discovering!  They are hosted by Michael Raso accompanied at various times by John Fedele, Leslie Lazenby, Mat Marrash, Mark Dalzell and others.  They also feature music that some of them play and Mike and John have just started an offshoot podcast on vinyl records.  I'm a long time fan and there are about 6 years of back podcasts to enjoy once you get hooked.

I've also been enjoying Stephen Colbert's podcasts leading up to his Late Night show, and have just started listening to America's Test Kitchen on podcast. The interviews are very interesting and the Q and As worth hearing.  I don't know if this is a UO or not, but i find Christopher Kimball a hoot.

Just wanted to point out a fairly new podcast I'm really enjoying. Black Men Can't Jump (in Hollywood). Each week they take a look at movies in Hollywood that starred a black actor. They look into the movie as a whole but also how race plays into the movie (if at all), what the movie did for the actors careers (and the leads careers in general) and does it help the cause. The cause is whether or not the movie successfully helped progress the status of black actors in Hollywood as leads. The best one so far, IMO, was the one on In the Heat of the Night. Keegan-Michael Key was a guest. The three who run the podcast are comedians and one of them happened to know Key. It was a great,insightful episode. A must listen to start you off.

Edited by Racj82
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It was suggest on PCHH, but I'm really into Switched On Pop, a music podcast that delves into various aspects of pop songs. They have an episode that talks about sax breaks in songs, another one that delves into ways heartbreak is dealt with in songs, and the way youth is shown in specific songs. There's also episodes about specific pop songs, and it's really interesting to listen to even if you don't like the song. I really dislike Hozier's "Take Me To Church" but the episode about the song and how he uses major and minor chords within the same song is just really interesting to me.

Edited by Michele

Just wanted to point out a fairly new podcast I'm really enjoying. Black Men Can't Jump (in Hollywood). Each week they took a look a movies in Hollywood that starred a black actor. They look into the movie as a whole but also how race plays into the movie (if at all), what the movie did for the actors careers (and the leads careers in general) and does it help the cause. The cause is whether or not the movie successfully helped progress the status of black actors in Hollywood as leads. The best one so far, IMO, was the one on In the Heat of the Night. Keegan-Michael Key was a guest. The three who run the podcast are comedians and one of them happened to know Key. It was a great.insightful episode. A must listen to start you off.

I've been looking for more movie podcasts, thanks! I shall check this out :D

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Is anyone listening to Limetown?  Imagine a fictional version of Serial, with a creepy twist.  My only frustration is that there are only two episodes so far, and they went almost 3 months in-between.

I just listened to 1 and 1/2 of the second. I didn't know about the gap between them which I feel like will annoy me if I get into this and then I have to wait long periods of time.  


Just wanted to point out a fairly new podcast I'm really enjoying. Black Men Can't Jump (in Hollywood). Each week they take a look at movies in Hollywood that starred a black actor. They look into the movie as a whole but also how race plays into the movie (if at all), what the movie did for the actors careers (and the leads careers in general) and does it help the cause.

I like the premise of the show, but the hosts sound too young, too experienced, or both. I don't know what it is. They giggle a lot at their own jokes, they go off on tangents and have conversations with each other, not caring whether the audience hears or understands what they're talking about.


Maybe I've just gotten spoiled by Kevin and Kamau on the Denzel Washington podcast--I could listen to them for hours. I hate when they say, "We've got to wrap this up" when the episode goes long. I'm all, "Why? Keep talking! This is great!"


On episode 46 of Denzel is GAOATP Kevin describes his encounter with Washington and I'm listening with a grin like I'm the one meeting the man.

One of my favorite episodes of the entire series. Kevin tells a great story, and Kamau supplies the ongoing funny commentary.

Is anyone listening to Limetown?  Imagine a fictional version of Serial, with a creepy twist.  My only frustration is that there are only two episodes so far, and they went almost 3 months in-between.


I just listened to the first episode -- by the time I downloaded I had forgotten the "fictional" part but I figured it out as soon as Terry started talking and, from there, all the dialogue became increasingly obviously scripted.  It's interesting, I'll probably continue with the next episodes, but like you I'm confused as to why they would plan a 7-part series with months in between episodes.

I've only really started delving into podcasts this past spring, although I had stumbled across Now Playing last summer (just in time to donate enough to get their special Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit episodes, which just delight this LotR geek!). Love listening to the Now Playing guys, because they are really insightful, funny, and just complete movie nerds. One of my unexpected fave eps is the one on the original Karate Kid, which got me to rewatch it for the first time in decades. It really is as good as they said it was!

I then followed them to their sister site, Books and Nachos (mentioned upthread). This one is usually just one of the guys talking about a book. I loved the six-part saga on The Stand.

When I started to explore other podcasts, I first found another movie podcast, now defunct but with all the old eps archived, originally called Down in Front, but then renamed Friends in Your Head. Most of these were movie commentaries, recorded as the movie was playing on mute in front of them, although there are subject-specific eps as well--these guys are all movie professionals (one had worked special effects on The Abyss, for example), so they have real insight into the movie business.

Then I got into history podcasts, and have been sucked into the rabbit hole there since June. I have listened to the entire Mike Duncan playlist, from the entire History of Rome (all 80+ hours) and then the Revolutions eps (English Civil War, American Revolution, then the French Revolution--just waiting for him to get back from paternity leave to get started on the Haitian Revolution).

I am now also caught up on the History of English episodes, which are only up to the beginning of Middle English right now. He spent a lot of really informative eps on the Indo-European language and presumed culture, and then the Celts, spent some time on the Grimm Brothers when discussing Germanic languages, and then lots of Anglo-Saxon literature (which is really almost all from only four manuscripts!).

Now I am making my way through the History of England podcast, where I am only up to Richard the Lionhearted, but he has eps up to the Wars of the Roses.

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Spike Lee is a guest on the latest Denzel Washington is the Greatest.  


I loved how they dropped that at the end of the previous episode, playing a clip and trying to be all NBD about it.  As much as I would enjoy Denzel actually appearing on the show, I can only imagine K&K #ChrisFarleyingIt so I'm not sure what to wish for.

I loved how they dropped that at the end of the previous episode, playing a clip and trying to be all NBD about it.  As much as I would enjoy Denzel actually appearing on the show, I can only imagine K&K #ChrisFarleyingIt so I'm not sure what to wish for.


Yeah, I think I would just want to hear their reactions to being around Denzel, (which we glimpsed with Kevin already) but I'm not as interested in hearing them interview him.   I also listen to a podcast called The Read where the two podcasters absolutely stan over Beyonce,  I would love to hear them meet her but I don't think I could take hearing them interview her.


I loved how they dropped that at the end of the previous episode, playing a clip and trying to be all NBD about it.  As much as I would enjoy Denzel actually appearing on the show, I can only imagine K&K #ChrisFarleyingIt so I'm not sure what to wish for.


Yeah, I think I would just want to hear their reactions to being around Denzel, (which we glimpsed with Kevin already) but I'm not as interested in hearing them interview him.   I also listen to a podcast called The Read where the two podcasters absolutely stan over Beyonce,  I would love to hear them meet her but I don't think I could take hearing them interview her.

I thought they did a great job interviewing Spike, especially Kamau. They let Spike ramble a bit, but Kamau always found a way to bring the discussion back on topic, and he asked Spike the important questions about topics they'd discussed on other episodes. I did want him to ask Spike about his sometimes jacked-up portrayal of black women in his movies, including Mo' Better Blues, but that's my question, not necessarily a Denzealot question. 


However, Kevin was uncharacteristically quiet during the interview. I don't know if that was by design or if Kevin was nervous or star-struck, but I usually love the back-and-forth one-two punch and K&K bring to their movie reviews and interviews. But there were times during this interview that I actually forgot Kevin was there. 


ETA: I wonder, too, about an interview with Denzel. It would be wonderful, of course, to have him on the show, but I somehow don't think Denzel would give as much inside scoop on his projects the way other people have, e.g. David Alan Grier, the guy from the Equalizer, and even Spike Lee.

Edited by topanga

I am struggling with the Gilmore Guys podcasts.  On the one hand, they've interviewed much of the cast and crew of one of my favorite shows of all time with interesting results.  On the other hand, the programs regularly run to 90 or more minutes and are more often than not idiotic.  I have to dig through a lot of bullcrap to get to the diamonds...

Does anyone listen to the Sleep with Me podcast? I've found it has worked for me. Not always, but often. I listened to the earlier podcasts too and noticed they either changed the narrator or he's had some drastic voice change. Either way, I like the podcasts and the content for the most part.

What's type of podcast is it?

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