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All Episodes Talk: Now We're Talking

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One would think with her background she'd be more self-aware by not jumping every good-looking man that walks onto the set. Her hugs are WAY too long and close, and it doesn't appear that the men actually enjoy/appreciate it.



That is part of her comic shtick.  I think she is probably a very normal person when not performing.  She does stand up so keeping her position going is probably key to drawing an audience.  


I'm surprised there aren't more comments on this forum!!

I watch the show regularly & barely tolerate Sharon Osborne, but when they add Kelly (know-it-all) Osborne, it's just TOO MUCH. 

Yes, Medicine Crow, yes!!  I haven't watched this show in ages but caught yesterday & today and am asking you all -- just when the hell did this show become All About the Osbornes?!   What the hell?  I literally just came here to search this forum out to ask that specific question.  I found yesterday's show to be very, very interesting.  If you paid any attention to the other ladies' faces and body language, they looked less than thrilled with The Osborne Show, as well.  Sara Gilbert looked like she didn't even want to be there, period and then whenever Kelly opened her mouth, she looked even more annoyed to be there.  Did you see their faces when they were sitting over to the side during Sharon & Kelly's cooking segment?  They didn't laugh or crack a smile at any of their stupid, unfunny antics.


I don't think I've ever heard anything of value ever to fall out of Kelly's or her even more loathsome Mother's mouth.  Ever.  When Sharon is moderating and effing the entire thing up, you can just see the frustration in all the other ladies' faces.  And they don't dare to correct her or laugh at her because she is untouchable for some reason. 


If anyone doubted how classless these Osborne broads are, just watch yesterday's cooking segment with the salmon.  After Sharon picks up the salmon fillets to place on the cooking tray, Kelly says "Mom -- smell your fingers."  UGH.


Edited to answer my own question:  It probably became The Osborne Show around the same time Kelly quit Fashion Police and is now looking for a new job.  And to answer the question about why Aisha never moderates.  IMO, it has less to do with whether or not she wants to do it and everything to do with the fact that aside from Julie; Sharon holds all the cards on that show and has all the power.  For some strange, unknown, unearthly reason?!  You would think that Number 2 spot would be held by Sara.  ??

Edited by Cementhead
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Edited to answer my own question:  It probably became The Osborne Show around the same time Kelly quit Fashion Police and is now looking for a new job.  And to answer the question about why Aisha never moderates.  IMO, it has less to do with whether or not she wants to do it and everything to do with the fact that aside from Julie; Sharon holds all the cards on that show and has all the power.  For some strange, unknown, unearthly reason?!  You would think that Number 2 spot would be held by Sara.  ??

I think you're partly right Cementhead.  Kelly was Sharon's replacement for a week when Sharon "conveniently" got pneumonia after a "procedure", so there's that.  But, I think you're 100% right about the hierarchy on this show.  I can't figure out what Sharon has ever done to deserve such reverence.

Personally, I've never been able to hack that entitled little witch & her super-arrogant, ignorant Mother.  Just sayin'.


Edited to add:  The only reason I watch this show is because they have civil discussions regarding Hot Topics, peppered with some good humour.  I've become more tolerant of Sheryl lately -- don't know why.

Edited by Medicine Crow
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I agree with everything you've said, Medicine Crow.  I don't mind Sheryl that much.  She bothered me at first but then I clued into the fact that she's there to play a certain role and so she plays it.  Whether we like it or not, that's what she's there to do.  I am just used to her schtick now and usually end up laughing with her.  Hey -- it beats getting yelled at by Queen EGOT, right?


I find it especially funny / sneaky how this show manages to discuss so many snarky & catty things during their Hot Topics, under the guise of discussing what "The Haters" are talking about.  They do this all of the time.  They will bring up some really gossipy, mean-spirited story about some celebrity's weight or something and then open up the discussion with what "The Haters" on social media are talking about, like  so&so's recent bad plastic surgery, etc.   And then this opens it up for them to be all snarky and gossipy under the guise that they are just talking about "the haters"    Yeah, sure, lol.  Too funny.  I think Julie has probably said the word "haters" at least 500 times by now. 


I think you're partly right Cementhead.  Kelly was Sharon's replacement for a week when Sharon "conveniently" got pneumonia after a "procedure", so there's that. 

Ahhh!  So this explains why Mrs. O. (hate when Julie calls her that!) has a new face.  I figured she must have had a recent tune-up.

Edited by Cementhead
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And to answer the question about why Aisha never moderates.  IMO, it has less to do with whether or not she wants to do it and everything to do with the fact that aside from Julie; Sharon holds all the cards on that show and has all the power.  For some strange, unknown, unearthly reason?!  You would think that Number 2 spot would be held by Sara.  ??


One would definitely think that the producer of the show would have the #2 spot, especially when it comes to moderating. I'm baffled as to why Sharon has so much power. Is it because she can get musical guests on the show? Because one would think all Mrs. Moonves has to do is pick up the phone. Is Sharon a silent producer? I don't know. In fact, all I know is that she irritates the hell out of me...and Kelly really needs to stop interrupting others with her stupid comments.

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They always defer to Sharon even Julie , the boss's wife..She was the one that got  the other two ladies fired from the original panel of the talk.......She told Holly Robinson that she was not Black enough..Whatever that means..She is such a big phony, but, she has alot of power....She hates Aisha Tyler for some reason and Aisha is very careful with her, just  like the others....

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I admit it…..I what both shows. "The eldest one"I mostly FF through because I can't stand to miss the end.


I enjoy this show much more. I could really do without The Osbourne gals tho…. I too wonder why Sara given her credits wouldn't get the MOD chair when Julie is gone. Congrats on that fresh baby boy!!!!!! I enjoy her. Then again Roseanne DVD's are this old ladies comfort/sleep background noise. Embarrassingly true!  LOL


I even don't mind Sheryl now. She kinda bugged me in the beginning  like with plates of bacon and comodes but has since seemed to have mellowed a bit. When she does offer her opinion it seems well thought out and heartfelt. I like that she isn't ashamed of showing her feelings and shows a vulnerable side of her comedy persona.


I don't mind Aisha. I remember her from Talk Soup back in the day. She seems pretty happy without me wanting to stab with a chopstick ;)


The Hot topics are pretty good and the hosts appear honest and much less crosstalk and BS. Julie often doesn't weigh in on many and I often wonder why. The interviews go smoother too. Sheryl appears to be calming it down with her death grip of a greeting.


The games suck usually but if I like the gust enough I will give it a watch. Ditto on the cooking. Bonus points for knowing how to eat on television! Table manners are a good thing!    

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They always defer to Sharon even Julie , the boss's wife..She was the one that got  the other two ladies fired from the original panel of the talk.......She told Holly Robinson that she was not Black enough..Whatever that means..She is such a big phony, but, she has alot of power....She hates Aisha Tyler for some reason and Aisha is very careful with her, just  like the others


What a stupid reason to fire Holly Robinson...because she's not black enough?  I never heard of anything so absurd. Does that mean that Sharon hates Aisha for the same reason??  I'd really like to know what the witch is holding over everyone in order to name herself 'top dog'. The dog part, yes. But top, no way in hell!

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What a stupid reason to fire Holly Robinson...because she's not black enough?  I never heard of anything so absurd. Does that mean that Sharon hates Aisha for the same reason??  I'd really like to know what the witch is holding over everyone in order to name herself 'top dog'. The dog part, yes. But top, no way in hell!

I  always got the impression that they were jealous of her..She is beautiful, intelligent, successful,  well-spoken and alot of the men who  used to come on the show would gush over Holly due to her 21 jump street days...She pissed Julie off because she got an Oprah  interview for the show, but with one condition, Oprah would only due it with Holly..Mrs Moonvees was fit to be tied after that....lol Mrs. O does not like strong Black women..She clearly hates Aisha....she is always quick to go  after her...

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I have enjoyed the last couple of days with Aisha moderating. I am glad that she got a chance to do so and hope that she is able to do so in the future. 

I've enjoyed it too and thought she did great even though you could tell she was a bit nervous at times. She did 100% better then anytime Sharon has attempted to do the same thing.

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I liked Aisha too; she did a good job and better than Julie in one respect.   Julie is a touch dramatic when she delivers the topics, acting as if we are hearing the news for the first time and the audience is prompted to offer a shocked/surprised reaction.   Aisha did none of that.  


 I don't mind Sharon on the panel (not hosting) as much as Carnie Wilson.  I just cannot warm to that woman; she annoys me. 

I am watching to see if the other ladies "rein" themselves in since Mrs. O  is back.  Things felt looser and more relaxed, imo.


I was sure that the remaining ladies are glad that Sharon's well an back, but I was surprised at Aisha's tears. Maybe she is just easily emotional, or it really was that bad for Sharon? (It was reported as a collapse.)


The plus for Sharon was that she got to have a little time with her new grandbaby without  demanding schedule.

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Get outta my head MEDICINE CROW! I feel they had a few great discussions without her FABULOUS comments. Sheryl in particular has really gotten to my cold stiff heart a few times. Either she is coming around or I am.   

Despite the fact that EVERYONE on Facebook luuuuuuvs the fake old bag, I haven't been able to stomach her since Day 1.  I just had to post a dissenting opinion.


Sheryl?  I didn't like her trashy persona at first, but gradually realized it's just that, a persona.  Now, I admire her bravery & intelligence & her constant reminders that she's grateful to be there.  I like that!!

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I just can't believe that the show did what it did, re: Bobbie Kristina on Monday.


Ms. Brown's sad death was used as the end piece, just before an ad break. After Julie stated the particulars, the booming chorus of "I Will Always Love You" blasted my head up from what I was working on. Then the montage started. I turned the channel for a few minutes.


While not the tackiest thing, imo, that they could have done, why not just a sadly, respectful silent still then fade to black? Can't we, in general, try to make the poor woman's death not only about her, but also keep it a little more dignified and less bombastic? Yes, Whitney was/is her mom, but then why not "His Eye Is On The Sparrow" or Whitney's cover of  Leon Russell's "A Song for You" , if you just had to have Whitney singing over images of her daughter?

Is anyone else watching this? I was clicking around and saw Britney's wardrobe malfunction and that moron Paris Hilton whining on the elevator. 

I watch it daily when I can but don't comment much because it would look weird if I kept posting to myself. They have fluff topics sometimes but they discuss serious issues too. I kind of like that they don't try to be like The View in terms of getting into a lot of political discussions. At one time The View had multiple hosts capable of that kind of conversation but now they have one maybe two that can carry those topics. It seems like The Talk has tried to take notes of what not to do since their first season when they dumped Holly and Leah.

Edited by Jaded
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I watch the show almost every day (convenient time).  My problem with commenting is that I've already said everything to be said about everyone.


Julie:  She's a good Moderator & we all know why she's there, so ....

Aisha:  Nothing not to like there.  (Love her on Criminal Minds.)

Sharon:  99.9% of what she says is B.S.  I dislike her intensely & can barely listen to her talk.  I think she's a phony hypocrite & always looking for a way to make people feel sorry for her.

Sara:  Nothing not like there.

Sheryl:  She used to get on my nerves, but I like her more now.

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When the show first started I liked Holly and Leah (somewhat) but I always gave Leah the side-eye because of her being a Scientologist. Now that she's left that cult and seems to feel bad about how she behaved during her time in I feel differently about her. I quit watching for a season after they let those two go so I didn't see what Sheryl was like when she first started and I was familiar with Aisha from when she would guest host Talk Soup. I ended up caving in a went back to watching during the 3rd season.

Sheryl would get on my nerves sometimes but I kind of picked up on the fact that she used comedy as a defense mechanism somewhat because I do the same. I always liked that she seemed to have more common sense and made more sense then Sherri on The View. I always liked Aisha and Sara. I like Julie too even though she's the boss's wife. It's been kind of neat to see her change since her first few seasons of robotic behavior hosting Big Brother. She told a story on The Talk a couple seasons ago about coming home and finding Les Moonves her husband and their son in the dark with candles lit and him not knowing how to flip circuit breakers. I would think that they'd have staff at their home that might know about doing that if Les didn't but the way she told the story I found it kinda endearing. 

As for Sharon I agree with most of you in the sense that her comments pretty much always sound like they've been made up or embellished to the point where they come across as lies. I don't hate her but can tell she's someone others with common sense would always be careful around because I'm sure getting on her bad side can be hell based on the stories she's told about getting revenge on people.

Edited by Jaded
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I'm glad to see some activity on this forum as I've been watching for about a year or so and really enjoy the show.  


Mrs. O (blergh) does bug...agree that she often seems phony as hell, but what I really hate is how about 90% of the time, after Julie throws out a topic and asks the after-question...the panel usually looks to Sharon who is more than happy to answer first.  It gives the impression that, next to Julie, Sharon is top-dawg.  Her seat position dead-center of the table contributes to that impression as well, IMO.  


Aisha, Julie, and Darlene are quite likable, but I think my favorite one of the bunch is Sheryl.  Yup, I said it :)  At first I thought she was sorta the buffoon at the table but in time she's proven to possess some great insight when she's not cracking wise, and seems to have a big and sweet heart. Saw a documentary on her a few months ago--had no idea how rough her life had been earlier--anyway at one point she said something about a tendency to home in on the quietest person in the room and try to bring them out a bit.  Said something to the effect of maybe they're shy and/or lonely and she wanted to make them feel they could find a friend in her.  Ugh; wildly paraphrasing there, but it was along those lines and made me :)


Woo hoo, I think my lurker-only cherry done been busted LOL.  I was too intimidated to post much at TWoP but it's nice and friendly here so..off to find the submit button.  Cheers!

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