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S06.E22: Robert Diaz

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Episode Description:

As the president's true plan comes into focus, Liz and the Task Force fight to avert disaster. Meanwhile, Red meets in secret with a man who holds information about his past.

This is the Season 6 finale
Air Date: Friday May 17, 2019

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President Diaz is the Blacklister o' the week at #15, seriously ??  That makes about as much sense as Anna McMahon being #60.  Or either of them being on the Blacklist at all.

Per the preview, they're bringing back the glass cube prison cell that they locked up Reddington with in S1.  It's official, the writers are out of ideas.

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3 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Per the preview, they're bringing back the glass cube prison cell that they locked up Reddington with in S1.  It's official, the writers are out of ideas.

Awww. I missed the Hamster Cage.

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14 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Per the preview, they're bringing back the glass cube prison cell that they locked up Reddington with in S1.

Because this Reddington is actually Erik Lehnsherr, aka Magneto

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I watch this show off and on.  I liked this episode because it had a lot of what this show does well. The caper aspect of the show was fun and I really like when everyone is on the same page.    The gun battle was also well done and I liked the end scene with Cooper and Diaz when Diaz asked how a wanted fugitive could bring down the president.”  Loved Coopers response. “With pleasure.”  

Edited by Chaos Theory
I have got to stop typing on my phone it likes to make up words
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The music in this episode was so damn annoying.

Dembe taking down Anna McMahon was very satisfying, seconded only by that smug Secret Service agent taking 2 in the chest.

But overall that gun battle scene was just beyond stupid, starting with the car slamming into the panel van.
I like how Lizzie never ran out of ammo with someone else's gun.  How convenient ?
I think the entire scene was just a setup to blow up the van, because one of the writers felt that they hadn't had enough 'splosions in recent episodes.

What a weak ass reason to try and off the Mrs. Diaz ? Plus, it took so long for all of them to figure out that Robert Diaz was not the target.

What's the over/under on episodes next season before Agnes gets kidnapped ?  I'm thinking 3.

That woman in Paris didn't look anything like an older version of the Katarina Rostova we have been shown in flashbacks.  So who was she, really ?

Red gets kidnapped just so we get a cliffhanger -- that's awesome, said nobody.

They couldn't even get Scottie for the season finale -- that's just sad.

Dembe mentioned that the Townsend Directive was in play, and that's why he returned (he was gone, what, 3-4 episodes) -- I guess we have to wait until next season to find out what that is.

According to the wanted posters for Keen and Ressler, Lizzie was born in 1983, making her 36.  115 lbs, I don't think so.

Aram's fake University ID showed his fake name to be Mel Reynolds.

So whatever happened to Reddington's health problems ?  Those seem to have up and disappeared like a fart in the wind.

So was all of the Presidential Secret Service detail in on the plan, because Diaz shouted several details into his burner phone that only implicated him in the plot.

ETA: Still no sign or mention of the dogs or Robert Vesco's cat.  </sarcasm>


Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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26 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

I think the entire scene was just a setup to blow up the van, because one of the writers felt that they hadn't had enough 'splosions in recent episodes.

Yeah, and one small explosive device caused at least six explosions.

28 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Red gets kidnapped just so we get a cliffhanger -- that's awesome, said nobody.

That would be stabbed and kidnapped.

The best part of the episode was Dembe's shot into Anna McMahon's head.

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I definitely said out loud, "yes yes yes, fuck yes!" when Dembe showed up.  It wasn't surprising per se, even with Dembe's earlier departure, but I didn't find it any less satisfying.  For me, Red and Dembe will always be, regardless of what happens in future Blacklist episodes, the greatest love story ever on the show.

There are so many easier ways to kill a spouse, even if you are the President and you have to maximize the impression you weren't involved and hopefully pick the best timing for a variety of personal and political reasons.  And I don't really see what about this whole plan required so much verbal and written communication that the Germans were able to put a dossier together about it???

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I, on the other hand, thought it was a poor way to reintroduce Dembe as a sort of deux ex machina who rescues the Scooby squad in the nick of time.  Ironically, I was musing to myself at the beginning of the gunfight that 'Dembe would have handled this a whole lot better.'  Not that I was unsatisfied at the boss lady died.  The end result is that somebody's got some 'splainin to do.

Who was Red's contact that put him on to Katarina's location? Was/is he part of the plot for next season by setting Red up, or was he a patsy also?

I was really hoping that Mrs. Diaz, in her confession, was going to say "We found a fixer, and she took care of it."

I didn't even bother to dissect the breakout plot for logic.  I just went with it. 

One kid down, two dogs to go.

I have to think that Red was a little bittersweet about the turn of events.  He blackmailed the Pres. once, and here was a golden chance again. To hell with the FBI squad.  Of course, maybe he was the guy behind the guy behind the guy, and the Townsend protocol was just some setup for him to continue on after he got things lined up in his favor.

With all the hacking talent assembled on this show from time to time, I might as well set my password to password12345.  What's the point in being complicated?

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Of course there are easier ways to kill a spouse but when you are a politician to have your wife killed (by traitors no less)  in your place almost guantentees whatever shady bill you want to pass or whatever close election you want to win will go as planned.  

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6 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

Who was Red's contact that put him on to Katarina's location? Was/is he part of the plot for next season by setting Red up, or was he a patsy also?

Including two strong actors (Laila Robins and Brett Cullen) for a few minutes seems unlikely, so I assume both will play an important part next season.

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8 hours ago, preeya said:

The best part of the episode was Dembe's shot into Anna McMahon's head.

Could only be improved if he was riding a dragon yelling "Dracarys, bitch!"

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2 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

Of course there are easier ways to kill a spouse but when you are a politician to have your wife killed (by traitors no less)  in your place almost guantentees whatever shady bill you want to pass or whatever close election you want to win will go as planned.  

Presidential debates get tens of millions of viewers. Seeing the President's "grief" over his wife's death by assassination would have practically guaranteed reelection.

I can't believe I'm saying it, but Liz did a good job running the heist. It's always shocking when she shows any level of competence. The heist was fun. Although if I'm the Asian kid, I pay the DJ to play his date's favorite song again once I get out on the floor. And Ressler figures out the Navy SEAL / Green Beret marksman / Secret Service agent, wouldn't have missed the President, especially not by that much.

Dembe killing Anna McMahon was definitely satisfying even if we have no idea where he came from or how he knew where the shootout was taking place.  

10 hours ago, preeya said:

That would be stabbed and kidnapped.

 Stabbed with a syringe, knocked out, and kidnapped. So it looks like Red will still be alive at the start of next season. And, where was Dembe? You save Red once and go back on walkabout? What's the deal there?

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52 minutes ago, Loandbehold said:

 And, where was Dembe? You save Red once and go back on walkabout? What's the deal there?

Red did not put him on the private jet manifest, so Dembe was scrambling for a commercial flight.......

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9 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

With all the hacking talent assembled on this show from time to time, I might as well set my password to password12345.  What's the point in being complicated?

As proven by Aram's password into the glass cube being samar.

How old is Agnes? (I have no idea how to age kids.) And for all we know, this is the first time she's seen Lizzie? IRL she'd be screaming and crying and wanting her real mommy, Scottie, back.

I guess writers all of a sudden remembered Lizzie has a kid so my guess is she'll play into next season when she's "taken" and Liam I mean Red is nowhere around to help.

I was impressed by Lizzie having a scrunchie in her pocket so she could put her hair into a ponytail during the escape. She's never needed to do that during any shootouts or hand-to-hand with bad guys.

Was that the same Mercedes Sprint van that was driving around broadcasting a few episodes ago? If so, RIP. Those things are expensive. I always wonder why SWAT guys in full armor get shot/killed so easily when everyone else in street clothes make it through a massive shoot out without a scratch.

Edited by saber5055
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My God! This episode!

How can they go wrong at the Post Office? the Shadow Five is here! It looks like the 5 got their inspiration from the team that broke into Nakatomi Plaza.

McMahon's dopes didn't think of searching the server room after the 3 doors were opened? 

Ressler's using his phone and McMahon's people arent tracking it (makes sense to me by the way the episode was going).

Red/Vontae are lucky people didn't get shot with that plan.

Did Liz try to shoot while Ressler was fighting? I thought I heard clicks.

How many bullets did Resller have in the six shooter? 20? 30? This is to make up for that Liz mishap last week.

WTF is going on? Out of nowhere Red shows up. Now Dembe shows up to put a bullet in McMahon's head. I was waiting for Agnes to show up guns blazing!

Dembe's "spiritual" path/guide must have an inside connection with the authorities and a GPS!

How else can it get stupid? They said F*ck it, we are going to walk into Walter Reed and get a confession from the First Lady. And just like that ...... Diaz resigns.

Diaz: How does a wanted fugitive bring down the president?
Cooper: With pleasure!

Red got to Paris in 3 minutes. 

Damn Katarina. Pepper spray would have sufficed. Potential muggers beware!

Edited by mxc90
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48 minutes ago, mxc90 said:

I was waiting for Agnes to show up guns blazing!

Now that would have been awesome, especially if she had some of the heavy artillery Dembe was packing.

How the hell did Dembe even know to go to that section of road ?  Was he following Reddington, because Reddington appeared genuinely surprised that Dembe showed up ?

I guess now we are never going to find out why Anna McMahon was gunning to put Reddington down.  She seemed quite obsessed that Reddington kept getting away with everything he ever does (she mentioned that in several episodes).  Why did that bother Anna so much ?  It couldn't have been her moral center -- come on, she did just arrange to assassinate the First Lady for political gains.  Plus, I'm still convinced Anna McMahon was having an affair with President Diaz.

So, I guess everyone gets their jobs back and the Post Office is back to normal -- even after nation-wide warrants for the arrests of Lizzie and Ressler were sent out.

Any legitimate newsperson should have put 2 and 2 together by now and wondered why Lizzie still has a job with the FBI, let alone isn't in prison.
Lizzie killed the attorney general, followed by nation-wide manhunt where we're pretty sure she killed an offduty cop, gets pardoned by the sitting President, implicated in the assassination attempt of the First Lady married to that same President, and apparently gets a pass.  The Justice Dept. should have enough evidence on Lizzie by now to indict Agnes and the dogs as co-conspirators.

If you watch the car crash into the van at the start of the shootout, there's no way that van tips over.  Who's kidding who, it was pushed over on purpose for dramatic effect.  Even the stunt guys are phoning it in now on this show.

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12 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Now that would have been awesome, especially if she had some of the heavy artillery Dembe was packing.

It would but Anges was too busy digging through Marshalls' bargain bin to find that coat instead of doing the right thing and join momma in a gun fight.

15 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

How the hell did Dembe even know to go to that section of road ?

If it wasn't the spiritual guide then the slap to Liz was so hard, Dembe followed the shock waves.

16 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Any legitimate newsperson should have put 2 and 2 together by now and wondered why Lizzie still has a job with the FBI, let alone isn't in prison.

Don't expect the "truth" from the newswoman on the Global Edition News, she has terrible sources. She said as many as six federal agents were "wounded" in the shootout. What happened to the guy blown up in the van? Did he just limp out with minor burns? Or the "expert" sniper Reseller shot? Or the two lying on the ground motionless?

17 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

If you watch the car crash into the van at the start of the shootout, there's no way that van tips over.  Who's kidding who, it was pushed over on purpose for dramatic effect. 

Red's huge ego delivered the final blow to knock it over.

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8 hours ago, saber5055 said:

And for all we know, this is the first time she's seen Lizzie? IRL she'd be screaming and crying and wanting her real mommy, Scottie, back.

When Agnes entered the apartment, she happily cried, "Mommy!" and ran into Liz's arms with a big smile on her face. At that moment, we knew that Liz has been seeing her the whole time she (Agnes) lived with Grandma Scottie. It would've been nice if there'd been reference to that now and then but that was apparently asking too much of this show.

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1 hour ago, Biggie B said:

When Agnes entered the apartment, she happily cried, "Mommy!" and ran into Liz's arms with a big smile on her face. At that moment, we knew that Liz has been seeing her the whole time she (Agnes) lived with Grandma Scottie. It would've been nice if there'd been reference to that now and then but that was apparently asking too much of this show.

More like, "At that moment, we knew the writers were blowing smoke at us since Lizzie never once approached Agnes or tried to see her up close whenever she was spying on Agnes at the playground." That Agnes happily cried "Mommy!" was harder to believe than Lizzie getting everyone out of lockup in the Post Office. But since this show is more fantasy than anything else, then okay, I'll believe it. (not)

My guess, none of the writers have kids.

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7 hours ago, mxc90 said:

How many bullets did Resller have in the six shooter?

That little popgun in the midst of all the "big guns" made me laugh, and think of Men in Black when K hands J the little atomizer.

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4 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

That little popgun in the midst of all the "big guns" made me laugh, and think of Men in Black when K hands J the little atomizer.

Diego Klattenhoff must have grabbed the wrong gun off the prop table and they didn't noticed until after filming. Then decided to not reshoot the scenes for budget reasons.

Or they ran out of semi automatic pistols and thought no one would notice. The folks at the Blindspot didn't want to loan theirs.

Edited by mxc90
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13 hours ago, saber5055 said:

My guess, none of the writers have kids.

I've decided that the writers think kids are like dogs, the ones we see on tv getting so excited to see their owners for the first time when they come home after six years gone in the military. So of course Agnes cried out "MOMMY!" and ran to hug Lizzie after their six years apart. These writers love dogs!

I've spent way too much time thinking about this. I need to get a life.

1 hour ago, Johnny Dollar said:

For Red to still be Public Enemy No. 1, he sure does show up a lot in public with Liz, former Public Enemy No. 1. And in DC no less. 

He's back to being the person no one anywhere can recognize. Until Lizzie calls in to some beat cop to ID him buying pretzels somewhere. Then he's busted for sure. But I guess we have to wait until next season for that.

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On 5/18/2019 at 12:46 AM, ottoDbusdriver said:

What's the over/under on episodes next season before Agnes gets kidnapped ?  I'm thinking 3.

Yes, now that Red knows that the KGB are looking for Katarina,  why would he tell Liz that it was safe to bring Agnes home?

The Dembe timing was ridiculous. 

So Ruddiger's crew never intended to blow up anything? Why was Ruddiger needed as opposed to anyone else? Because they made it look like they were going to blow something up?

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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On 5/18/2019 at 1:31 AM, sweetandsour said:

There are so many easier ways to kill a spouse, even if you are the President and you have to maximize the impression you weren't involved and hopefully pick the best timing for a variety of personal and political reasons.  And I don't really see what about this whole plan required so much verbal and written communication that the Germans were able to put a dossier together about it???

Completely agree.

What did Mrs. Diaz think her husband was going to do? Confess to the hit and run and the coverup at the debate and then keep campaigning for reelection?  It made no sense.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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On 5/18/2019 at 2:53 AM, Dowel Jones said:

Who was Red's contact that put him on to Katarina's location? Was/is he part of the plot for next season by setting Red up, or was he a patsy also?

It almost sounded as though he could be Red's brother.

Maybe the " playing with trucks as kids" thing was inserted to make it less likely that the theory about Red actually being Katarina was true (not that girls couldn't play with trucks 60 years ago) but it would also be very confusing for Red to try to find Katarina if he is she, so I hope that's been put to rest.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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On 5/18/2019 at 12:31 AM, sweetandsour said:

There are so many easier ways to kill a spouse, even if you are the President and you have to maximize the impression you weren't involved and hopefully pick the best timing for a variety of personal and political reasons.  And I don't really see what about this whole plan required so much verbal and written communication that the Germans were able to put a dossier together about it???

So much YES to this. Of course, the real reason for all the verbal and written communication and German dossier was to stretch this season out for -- how many? -- episodes over a bunch of BS that should have taken up one-half hour at best. Writers must count on viewers forgetting what happened 10 episodes ago when they finally get to the conclusion of their bogus story line.

IRL, this plan could easily be done the same day. Mr. and Mrs. President go to a party, then take "the wrong turn" when leaving and drive off the Chappaquiddick bridge where Mrs. President doesn't survive. Easy peasy. No dossier needed.

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That's it.  I've been saying it for a while, but now I am really rooting for a resurrected Mr. Kaplan, Dembe, and Katerina to kill everyone.  I don't care who Red is.  I want Katerina to torture and kill him just for the hell of it.

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On 5/18/2019 at 1:31 AM, sweetandsour said:

I definitely said out loud, "yes yes yes, fuck yes!" when Dembe showed up.  It wasn't surprising per se, even with Dembe's earlier departure, but I didn't find it any less satisfying.  For me, Red and Dembe will always be, regardless of what happens in future Blacklist episodes, the greatest love story ever on the show.I

I pumped my fist in the air and shouted "Dembe!" Don't know how he knew and don't care.

On 5/19/2019 at 11:43 AM, saber5055 said:

I've decided that the writers think kids are like dogs, the ones we see on tv getting so excited to see their owners for the first time when they come home after six years gone in the military. So of course Agnes cried out "MOMMY!" and ran to hug Lizzie after their six years apart. These writers love dogs!

I've spent way too much time thinking about this. I need to get a life.

He's back to being the person no one anywhere can recognize. Until Lizzie calls in to some beat cop to ID him buying pretzels somewhere. Then he's busted for sure. But I guess we have to wait until next season for that.

I presume Scotty showed her pictures, at least.

On 5/19/2019 at 1:40 PM, Chaos Theory said:

This has always been one of those shows you just have to enjoy the ride with.  

EXACTLY. Looking for realism here makes no sense. This show is pure fantasy and I'm still enjoying it.

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On 5/18/2019 at 9:48 PM, saber5055 said:

But since this show is more fantasy than anything else, then okay, I'll believe it. (not)

Therefore, Red is actually Mr. Roarke .....

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On 5/21/2019 at 3:49 PM, Gothish520 said:

I pumped my fist in the air and shouted "Dembe!" Don't know how he knew and don't care.

He's Dembe!  He just knows!  It's kind of like that time he showed up at that airport hangar to save Red and Liz from Mr. Solomon, even though we all thought he was dead.

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So the plot the whole time was to kill the Wife? How did Anna think that is saving the country?

I loved all the stuff in this episode, but only when I didn't think about the plot.

And why did Katrina stab Red if she was kidnapping him? (where is that actress from?)

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12 hours ago, edhopper said:

So the plot the whole time was to kill the Wife? How did Anna think that is saving the country?

My best guess is that he was in a close election and the public outpouring of support would guarantee his victory. Once re-elected, he could put into effect whatever nefarious plans they had. 

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54 minutes ago, Loandbehold said:

My best guess is that he was in a close election and the public outpouring of support would guarantee his victory. Once re-elected, he could put into effect whatever nefarious plans they had. 

The problem is that they kept playing up this "attack against our country" like something grand in scale like 9/11 or Pearl Harbor or a Kasnian invasion of San Diego (see the Supergirl thread for that reference).

The assassination of Mrs. Diaz -- really not a big deal compared to an attack on the nation.  And that's why it was so underwhleming.  Plus no one really cared since it was a character (Mrs. Diaz) that was only recently introduced.

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8 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

The assassination of Mrs. Diaz -- really not a big deal compared to an attack on the nation.  And that's why it was so underwhleming.  Plus no one really cared since it was a character (Mrs. Diaz) that was only recently introduced.

Should have casted Jennifer Love Hewitt instead

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Finally got around to watching this. I dunno what to believe with this show anymore. I assume by this point Dom's story is either fake or an alternate version of events. The fact that it was referred to as "that" story over the last couple episodes makes me think it is again an adjusted and/or fake story. 

I want to think the woman that kidnapped Red is Katarina, but at the same time she sure seemed super prepared for his arrival with the kidnapping crew appearing that fast. Also how is the president not a top 10 blacklister?

Of the top 50 we don't have 1,2,3,5,27,28,35,36,39,40,45,49.

Still don't think we have seen the last of Jennifer or Tom before this ends at some point. I dunno what to believe anymore as truth and not truth in regards to these Red and Katarina stories.

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