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Neighbor: Sloppy Toes pedicures

Exterminator: Gnatty by Nature

Burger(s) of The Day: The Stilton Crazy After All The Gruyeres Burger

Rocky Horror episode! Man, everyone was just sad about the movie. Gene would love it, but he's too young. Louise is not interested because there's no violence, and Tina just wasn't interested because she was too concerned over her friend group. Man, Tina knows her friend group is lame, but they're the only friends she has, so she has to go along with their dumb games. Relatable. And they don't understand how a Rocky Horror performance works and made Tina miss it. That was the most upsetting part of all. I felt bad for Bob, that movie was perfect for Tina. It was about sexy, singing vampires! Bob tries, but he's a really good dad. Tina leaning into him was really sweet. Tina needs better friends.

Destiny Banger Fanger is a hell of a name, one of the best in the whole show.

I KNEW Linda was gonna start a restaurant for the raccoons the moment she saw the tiny table and chairs. It was good to see Little King Trash Mouth, Gary and Baby Pudding Snatcher again.

See you guys in the fall!

Edited by Galileo908
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Zeke's new step mom let's him say ass! 

Gene is going to LOVE this movie. 

Bob really needs to put his foot down sometimes. There's no way he should have let the kids come. Zeke seemed a little ooc to me. He's usually not annoying. 

Edited by DoctorAtomic
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I got irrationally angry over Linda making the raccoons an actual meal. As if this isn't a cartoon! But the Belchers barely have enough money to pay their rent much less feed alley vermin. I know it's Linda, but damn. Make the raccoons a meal from the garbage scraps. Bob is going to be pissed when he goes to make spaghetti.

I am too invested in this.

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It's funny (and when you're younger, kind of alienating) to be the one person in your group who isn't anti-parents. Like the friend group assuming they'd ditch Bob as soon as they got to the theater and dismissing the fact that he and Tina were clearly very into the show. I remember being a kid and my parents deliberately making some distance so I could hang out with other kids and I would be thinking, "man I wish I could go back to Mama and Papa. These people are boring!"

Then later in college I remember an actual conversation along the lines of "my mom is so crazy-" "no MY mom is so crazy" and eventually the conversation got to me and I hope I said it but probably just thought "I'm sorry, I like my parents."

Speaking of which, in a few minutes it'll be their 37th wedding anniversary. I can't wait to see how long it takes either of them to remember it.

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"Your car is blue! Drive!" Never change, Jocelyn. 

I felt really bad for Bob, he was so excited about his vampire Rocky Horror movie and sharing it with Tina. He can be dorky, but he really tries his best to be a good dad. Tina would normally love a movie about sexy vampires and guys losing their overalls, but she is currently trying to hold on to her friend group, who are kind of lame but they're the only friends her age that she has. Gene is going to be obsessed with that movie when he gets a bit older. Louise will probably just be disappointed that it didn't do more to earn its R rating with violence. 

Bob probably should be mad that Linda used their food to feed her racoon friends, they are struggling enough feeding human costumers, and unless the racoons have Venmo the humans should probably be the priority. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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Nominated for an Emmy! And they went with Worms of In-Rear-Ment, which...is an interesting choice, I have to say. I think the safest choice would have been Bob Belcher and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Kids. Worms is still very funny, I just wonder if they may have wasted a chance in a year when Rick and Morty weren't in the race  and Bojack is over.

Edited by PinkRibbons
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So good to be back!

Neighbor: You've lost that oven feeling 

Kitchen Appliance Repair

Exterminator: Bug Store Cowboy

Burger(s) of The Day: If I had a (Pumper)nickel Burger

"Is that a magical flying sex worker convention?"

"You had me at 'also Gene.'"

"Is sparkle sprinkles drugs?"

"I remember when I could twirl. Then time caught up with me. Now I get dizzy looking at rotisserie chicken."

"Oh gnome, you didn't."

Gene was great with the one-liners tonight. "I miss the indoors, and I bet it misses me" was certainly a mood.

I'm with Louise. The Pixie Princess Promenade was too weird and girly. Why am I not surprised that Millie managed to get banned from it. Hell, Millie was really creepy this time, since Louise was pretty resigned that she had enough of her hair. And that Millie was gonna sneak in at night to take some of her stuff anyway. Not to mention that being bribed with a super rare card was relatable.

And you know Linda is in a bonkers plot when Teddy gets worried about her. First the dog died, then it was HER fault the dog died, and then its owner got hit by the milk truck, too? Dark. It was good to see Mort part of a plot, too. Loved "Charles Brown."

Edited by Galileo908
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Good God, Linda. That was a messed-up series of events to go through in childhood. Also bless her wanting to hit Jocelyn and Tammy with part of her car.

I do like the girl diversity, but they're forgetting that Louise likes something traditionally super girly that Tina of all people doesn't: dolls (and plushies). As a doll person myself who took years to master extremely simple makeup for my own face, I can definitely attest to the fact that you don't have to like every girly thing to be a girl. 

(Seriously though, makeup? That's not something you can just do because you're girly, you have to be an artist to match those frikkin youtubers. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DRAW PERFECT EYELINER WHEN I CAN BARELY DRAW A STICK FIGURE?! I'm over 30, it's officially too late for me to suddenly develop the talent.)

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"As we say in the flower biz, Sorry about that."

I liked watching Gene and Tina play fake Frisbee.

"One way in, one way out, like all the best bushes."

"I like looking at you. I think, y'know, your face-holes are in really good spots. And if you're not pretty, then I don't know what is." I think this was one of the sweetest things Louise has ever said. 

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I think having the kids work out these issues was much more effective than if the parents were involved. 

I like in this world that the parents just dropped the kids off and hung out in the parking lot. No videos, pics. Like, ok, let us know when you're done. 

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On 9/26/2021 at 9:09 PM, DoctorAtomic said:

I can't believe they got the line about the nuts by. 



So happy to have this show back again, both plots were awesome. You know that Linda is spiraling when even Teddy catches on that something is wrong, and I love that Mort nailed what was going on right away. He does own a funeral home, he would presumably know how people handle grief.

Not surprising at all that Millie was kicked out of a fairy princess party for being too intense. "I told them we I was updating their ringtones. They were very excited."

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Neighbor: Clazy For You 

Ceramics Supplies

Exterminator: The Bugly Truth

Burger(s) of The Day: The You Had Me at Hellokra Burger, Grin and Carrot Burger

Come on Tina, it's Zeke. He's physically incapable of being let downy. He's just so supportive of her. They're endgame, I just know it. Loved that he thought Tina stole Mr. Frond's crystal from a scepter.

I liked the plot of everyone being weirded out by Bob's irregular produce. Yeah, most fruit you buy in supermarkets look perfect because that's the good looking stuff. The rest of it becomes livestock feed. Loved how it evolved to picking ("Like he cavemen used to do!"). Gotta appreciate Mort being involved TWO weeks in a row! Bob and Linda got inspired to pickle because of him.

I laughed hard at Peter Pescedaro's break dance. It's been a while since we've seen him. He's one of those early series designs (and voices) that just seem off these days. Like Ron.

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I always prefer the kids plots and usually the adult b plot isn't strong. These were both great. 

I hear Bob on the vegetables. 

So much going on. Linda terrorizing Teddy with the vegetables. Frond dating. Breaking into the locker. 

I feel like I haven't seen Zeke in years. 

Nice touch on Louise buying frozen yogurt on the way home. 

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Of course Zeke will always be supportive of Tina's oral report skills, Zeke is always down. It feels like its been awhile since we had a school plot with a bunch of the kids, so that was really nice to see. Especially Zeke, who is always the best. and I loved the awkward anniversary assembly. "Never before has a kazoo sounded so haunting." 

Totally with Bob on the weird shaped veggies, they really are just the same as the "pretty" veggies from the grocery store, just they look weirder and more natural. Mort sightings two weeks in a row! 

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58 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

It feels like its been awhile since we had a school plot with a bunch of the kids, so that was really nice to see.

Any plot with the kids all together is a favorite. School kind of cracks me up for all mundane things; hanging out in the hall, what's for lunch.

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I thought this episode was pretty awful all around. First off, why did they abandon Mr. Frond and Gail? I liked that those two losers might make a go of it. Because if he's not with Gail, then Mr. Frond should be gay.

I'm tired of episodes that focus on the Belchers' bodily functions. If it's not Linda pooping everywhere, it's Gene farting or burping or whatever he can expel from his body, or Tina's excessive sweating or that god awful groaning. Only a few episodes ago, she hated her "friends" for making fun of Bob's midnight movie, but now they're all thick as thieves again.

The ugly produce story line was stupid too. Why were they giving it away? Why wasn't Bob using it for things he was cooking? Then who cares what it looks like? That's the whole purpose of "ugly produce" movement. The only time Bob seemed to use the produce for its intended purpose was when he made the side salad for Teddy's burger. 

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5 hours ago, SmithW6079 said:

I thought this episode was pretty awful all around. First off, why did they abandon Mr. Frond and Gail? I liked that those two losers might make a go of it. Because if he's not with Gail, then Mr. Frond should be gay.

I thought they abandoned that ages ago? I think it's sadder if Gayle dumped Frond. Gayle is fickle and her suddenly having standards is a funny concept to me.

5 hours ago, SmithW6079 said:

The ugly produce story line was stupid too. Why were they giving it away? Why wasn't Bob using it for things he was cooking? Then who cares what it looks like? That's the whole purpose of "ugly produce" movement. The only time Bob seemed to use the produce for its intended purpose was when he made the side salad for Teddy's burger. 

It seemed like a combo of Bob only using quality ingredients in his food, and being cheap and buying ugly produce and not letting them go to waste.

5 hours ago, SmithW6079 said:

I'm tired of episodes that focus on the Belchers' bodily functions. If it's not Linda pooping everywhere, it's Gene farting or burping or whatever he can expel from his body, or Tina's excessive sweating or that god awful groaning. Only a few episodes ago, she hated her "friends" for making fun of Bob's midnight movie, but now they're all thick as thieves again.

Tina really deserves better friends. Teenagers suck. But keep Zeke, he's just too good for the rest of them.

Edited by Galileo908
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I'm still trying to contemplate the physics behind Jimmy Jr. knocking over hurdles with his penis while running them... I mean, I've seen the video of the pole vaulter doing it, but it wouldn't get that close to a hurdle as you approach it or after clearing it. Only thing I'm coming up with is that Jimmy Jr. Junior is impressive enough to pop out and catch on the hurdle mid-jump - and then I feel really pervy for giving it this much thought. 😳

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12 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

I thought they abandoned that ages ago? I think it's sadder if Gayle dumped Frond. Gayle is fickle and her suddenly having standards is a funny concept to me.

It seemed like a combo of Bob only using quality ingredients in his food, and being cheap and buying ugly produce and not letting them go to waste.

Tina really deserves better friends. Teenagers suck. But keep Zeke, he's just too good for the rest of them.

As far as the show has shown, Gayle (I didn't realize that was how it was spelled) and Frond had only one date. I just thought they were well-suited for each other. I like the idea of two losers finding love.

Ugly produce does not mean it's not quality food, just that it's not aesthetically pleasing. Kind of the produce equivalent of having a "nice personality." ;-) 

10 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

That's the point though. In high school, you're stuck with these people. 

Tina has the friends she deserves. Let's not forget that she has perved on boy after boy after boy and stalked Jimmy Jr. to the point where he was uncomfortable. She's acted inappropriately and she may see herself as Tammy's victim, but she gives it right back to Tammy too. 


9 hours ago, giovannif7 said:

I'm still trying to contemplate the physics behind Jimmy Jr. knocking over hurdles with his penis while running them... I mean, I've seen the video of the pole vaulter doing it, but it wouldn't get that close to a hurdle as you approach it or after clearing it. Only thing I'm coming up with is that Jimmy Jr. Junior is impressive enough to pop out and catch on the hurdle mid-jump - and then I feel really pervy for giving it this much thought. 😳

I think he's just clumsy and knocks them down because he misjudges the distance to leap over the hurdles and as he falls, the hurdle hits him in the crotch. 

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Cold open flashback this time! So no Exterminator or Neighbor!

Burger(s) of The Day: The Leek-y Cauldron Burger

GRADiator, SherLOCH Ness Monster, and Peter Pan's Labyrinth. Costumes were clever this year. It's been a while since Tina's was pretty creative.

Gayle just gets sadder the more we see her. I'm not shocked that she lost her license because she let one of her cats drive. She definitely needs more than two sessions with a therapist.

Linda didn't tell the kids to stay out of her room when she left, that's how serious the pumpkin smasher plot was. I've said before that Gayle is better in small doses, but I liked her in this one. Maybe because Linda was almost as nuts? I loved that the music in the Scary Terry scenes didn't need to be so ominous, but it was. Dane Kang actually is a perfect life coach for Gayle. If only he didn't cost $400 a session.

Yes, you NEVER want to be a "don't go there" house. But when you're a "DO go there" house, kids are like ants.

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1 hour ago, Galileo908 said:

Cold open flashback this time! So no Exterminator or Neighbor!

It goes by really quickly when they jump from the school 27 years ago to the present day but the exterminator van is "Fly-Day The 13th" and the neighboring storefront says "Color Me Dead: Paint Your Own Tombstone" with a "Going Out of Business" sign in the window.

1 hour ago, DoctorAtomic said:

Wow those were great costumes for the kids. 

I like the show, but I wasn't feeling the main plot. Halloween is really for kids imo. 

I agree, Louise and Tina's costumes might be my favorite that they've ever worn and I feel they were wasted and should have had a better plot.

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1 hour ago, Popples said:

It goes by really quickly when they jump from the school 27 years ago to the present day but the exterminator van is "Fly-Day The 13th" and the neighboring storefront says "Color Me Dead: Paint Your Own Tombstone" with a "Going Out of Business" sign in the window.

I agree, Louise and Tina's costumes might be my favorite that they've ever worn and I feel they were wasted and should have had a better plot.

Yeah, the kids plot was lame this year.

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As the Gayle to my sister's Linda, I say with some authority that she has got to stop that older and uglier shit. And Linda should be shutting it down more actively. If you are adult sisters, you don't get to insult each other without it clearly being humorous, and Gayle is not doing that. I know Linda doesn't seem to mind, but it really got on my nerves this episode.

I really want to know how Louise got the hands so right as the Pale Man. God that's unsettling.

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I was confused how the kids came in the front door of the restaurant, in their costumes, not having trick or treated yet, and without their parents knowing what the costumes would be. Clearly they made them themselves, so where did they do this? I can bend my mind a few ways to explain how it's theoretically possible neither parent saw the costumes before at all, but it's convoluted.

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Well, it wouldn't be a Bob's Burgers episode if there was no mention of Linda pooping. Blech. At least there was no Teddy.

I thought this was pretty weak. The spoof on what I assume was "I Know What You Did Last Summer" could have been good, but it wasn't. I thought that when the sisters showed up at the first guy's house, he was going to reveal he got a letter too, and we'd go on from there. Instead, it was pretty lame. 

Linda has done more damage to Gayle by trying to protect her than if she let Gayle fail on her own. Also, Gayle should be in therapy multiple times a week. I don't find mental illness to be funny, and Gayle's beyond quirky. This is why I was a fan of the Gayle/Mr Frond pairing. Give the woman a win for once. 

Those packages of candy didn't look that big. How was Bob able to give so much to the trick-or-treaters? Since he scored the last three bags, doesn't that mean many other houses got the same candy? Did Bob make Candy Randy's list? Also, is trick-or-treating to businesses a thing? We never went beyond our neighborhood. 


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Their neighborhood is basically the city with all the shops, etc. It's not that uncommon. 

I would guess the kids made the costumes after breakfast when Bob and Linda had gone downstairs to get ready to open the restaurant and then walked in later. 

Completely wasted Louise going out to go the Pan's eyes thing to everyone. 

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The kids costumes were awesome, I am totally with Bob on Louise's Pans Labyrinth outfit. Super creepy. I usually love the shows Halloween episodes, but this was sadly one of the weaker ones. I wanted more of a kid plot, Halloween is the most fun with the kids as the main story as they get into Halloween hijinks. 

Gayle definitely needs more than one session with her life coach. "Is mom a breaking bad?" 

Edited by tennisgurl
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Honestly, I thought it was gonna be Gayle that sent the letters, she's definitely the type to do that. I was surprised it turned out to be the life coach.

I did notice something about the kids' costumes in general: The more elaborate they are, the less they're involved in the plot. Tina usually wears simple costumes that aren't hard to animate, this one had to be the most elaborate one she ever did.

Edited by Galileo908
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Loved the kids' costumes. 

I noticed the stores as Linda and Gayle walked to Terry's grooming place. "Smell You Later Perfume Shop," "Gluefoot's Shoe Repair," "You Buy It You Bake It Baking Supplies," and "Nice Cans! Recycling Center." And of course there was "To Groom It May Concern."

Easy jokes, but I loved Terry treating Gayle like a dog. "Gayle, come. Come. Come come come." Then cutting her hair with the cone of shame as a hairdresser's cape.

I liked Linda commenting on the old school friend's house. "The house hasn't changed a bit. They still have the cute little bars on the windows."

YAY for Bob saving three candy packets for his kids. 

Boy, to me the best Halloween candy has to be chocolate. I know kids like those sour patch things and Skittles and such, but ... yuck.

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31 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

Easy jokes, but I loved Terry treating Gayle like a dog. "Gayle, come. Come. Come come come." Then cutting her hair with the cone of shame as a hairdresser's cape.

Is that what it was?? 🤣 We had severe weather here during the broadcast and it kept cutting out to go to the local weather, so I missed a good chunk of Linda and Gayle in the dog grooming place.

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39 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said:

I go with Butterfinger. Put it in the freezer first. 

Butterfinger’s recipe changed when Nestle sold their US confections to Ferrero in 2018. I don’t like it anymore. 😢 I miss the old Butterfinger. 

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2 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

I go with Butterfinger. 

For me, that counts as chocolate. As long as it's not chocolate and fruit, I'm happy.

1 hour ago, ShortyMac said:

Butterfinger’s recipe changed when Nestle sold their US confections to Ferrero in 2018. I don’t like it anymore. 😢 I miss the old Butterfinger. 

Yeah, so many products changed. It's despicable.

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