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Season 5: Speculation

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I still think it's possible that Cersei arranged the necklace theft but how would she know for sure that Jaime would volunteer to go to Dorne with *one* man? Sure, I can imagine her knowing that he'd think it would be a bad idea to bring a bunch of guards with him but I feel like we have to do a fair amount of assuming with this theory. Say she did have a copy of the necklace made--who stole Myrcella's? How can Cersei feel confident that Jaime won't find out that she lied? What if he's good enough to rescue Myrcella and he finds out that she had her necklace all along? Also, since Cersei tried to get Myrcella back in the books it seems to me that she probably does genuinely does want her back. 


The only reason I'm really considering the theory is that I agree that this would be a good way to get Jaime to snap out of it in terms of Cersei. I thought conversations with Bronn were going to be a part of that but clearly not. 

I think Ellaria and the Sand Snakes stole the necklace.


As to how / why Jamie will break up with Cersei, perhaps he confronts her about the charges the FM made against her and she cops to sleeping with Lancel.  Knowing TV Cersei, she snaps when she's under pressure (like when she told Tywin about her relationship with Jamie), so, maybe, out of spite, she'll tell Jamie that she's slept with plenty of others too, even if that's not true on the show, and that's when he'll refuse to be her champion in her trial by combat.  It would mirror Jaimie's state of mind in the books, where his break with Cersei is mainly fueled by Tyrion's words "even Moonboy, for all I know".


I have been wondering if perhaps D&D will have Jaimie's Riverlands story happen next season.  It would make sense on the show that a disappointed Jamie (if my  above speculation happens this season) would turn to setting the Riverlands straight.  And perhaps that would be a better transition to whatever storyline is in store for Jamie in WoW, after his showdown with LS.

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I think Doran stole the necklace. How else was he going to arrange a meeting with a person of importance to get Trystane onto King's landing without making a threat on Myrcella's life? 


I'm guessing that the Boltons somehow pull off the victory. I say this because the only way the intersecting Littlefinger story makes sense is if the Boltons are still around to be betrayed.


Myrcella either gets hurt, kidnapped or both.


Danny gets back her dothraki in season six. For now she'll just be surrounded


Jon gets stabbed by surprise killer Ollie.


Crazy ideas of the week

1.Cersei does her walk, Varys does his thing and reveals his plans for Tyrion to sit on the throne.


2. Sansa makes her escape with theaon but gets grabbed by somebody offscreen ( revealed to be Davos in season 6). Brienne and Pod go into the Bolton camp and start messing stuff up. They then proceed to get caught and become hostages.


3. Tyrion reluctantly takes over Mereen even though he likely doesn't want to do it. Missandei starts showing hints of having Greyscale.

Crazy ideas of the week

1.Cersei does her walk, Varys does his thing and reveals his plans for Tyrion to sit on the throne.


I can't remember who suggested and speculated the idea that Tystane is (f)Aegon, and I really love the wildness of the theory. So how cool would it be if Varys does his thing and reveals he wants Aegon on the throne. TV viewers would be all who?? What?? creating somewhat of a cliffhanger in terms of they would need to tune in next year to learn about this person. Varys could also monologue about how he needed Tyrion in Essos to distract Dany or something just as ludicrous to justify helping him out of Westeros.

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While I appreciate the creative plot-welding of Trystane = Aegon VI, I think it would come across on TV as soap-opera writing, comparable to having a character have an long lost evil twin.  Jon being a secret hidden Targaryen is bad enough, but at least he's been around from the beginning.  "Little baby Aegon has been alive the whole time and hiding in Dorne" is kind of an ass-pull. 


I think it's more likely that Doran is executing a version of the Queenmaker plot, with Trystane becoming the King and true power behind the throne.  Tommen might be getting a visit from some Sand Snakes in their stupid ninja outfits.

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While I appreciate the creative plot-welding of Trystane = Aegon VI, I think it would come across on TV as soap-opera writing, comparable to having a character have an long lost evil twin.  Jon being a secret hidden Targaryen is bad enough, but at least he's been around from the beginning.  "Little baby Aegon has been alive the whole time and hiding in Dorne" is kind of an ass-pull.

This x1000. I can't stand the character of Aegon precisely because of this (and also because he comes off as a little wanker jmho) and his being seemingly off the show was a huge plus for me. I have no problem with Jon being a secret Targ, since the mystery around his birth has been one of the elements of the show from the start, and very well instilled and foreshadowed in the books imo. But one is more than enough.

That said, the theory about a merge between Aegon and Trystane has been floating around since the non-YG casting, I think. It would annoy me less than the book version. After all, Elia was a Martell and it would be a bit more believable for me that the baby was spirited away to be raised its mother's family.

One thing that goes for this theory is imo Trystane's looks. I was surprised at T.Sebastian's casting, I expected someone more "exotic" looking (IIRC that's the word they used for the Sand Snakes?). But I think that he and E.Clarke have very similar eyes, and the black curly hair reminds of He of the Magnificent Mane. Maybe it's a visual hint of Trystane's parentage -visual only, since Jon would get his hair from his mother.


But yes, I think the Dorne move might be something akin to the Queenmaker plot. I also think that Tommen is a goner, but I would have bet on the Sparrows or the people killing the "abomination" for poetic (in)justice re:Cersei having engineered her son's demise; so maybe he'll survive the season.

Edited by Happy Harpy

I think it's more likely that Doran is executing a version of the Queenmaker plot, with Trystane becoming the King and true power behind the throne.  Tommen might be getting a visit from some Sand Snakes in their stupid ninja outfits.


Actually, if the writers were really desperate to streamline things, they could have the Sand Snakes kill Kevan under Varys's supervision, thus revealing both the Spider's and Doran's secret loyalties simultaneously.


Doran, Ellaria, Snakes all could have stolen Myrcella's necklace. But that doesn't mean any of them sent it to Cersei.


My thought was Ellaria stole it, planning to send it to Cersei with Myrcella's hair or finger or something. So when Jaime says the necklace was received she's all, "WTF I didn't send it yet!"


That's a pretty literal violation of Occam's Razor, though. If we know that someone stole the necklace, isn't it more reasonable to assume that the thief sent it to Cersei than that the thief didn't get around to doing anything with it and Cersei herself created a copy of the necklace she didn't know had been stolen and sent it to herself?

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Yeah, sometimes we really have to accept plotpoints at face value.

It wouldn't bother me if we don't see Dany at all in the last episode, if they hold off the Dothraki meeting until the first episode of season 6. I kind of like the idea of no one, characters or audience, knowing what happened to her for a while. But D&D love Dany so we'll probably see some scenes with her.

Edited by Haleth

Hmm, I've been thinking that the Pink Letter wasn't going to show up in Jon's storyline and it'll be the Wildling thing alone that leads to Jon's assassination, but the last picture in this post has me wondering if I'm wrong about that. Probably not the one we saw from the books, but maybe something equivalent to it?


Also, fuck off Melisandre. Just looking at her face in that picture is pissing me off. I'm really going to need someone to toss her ass on a pyre before this is all over.

Edited by AshleyN
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So someone on 4chan (if you follow this link you have to scroll down to find pics. I don't do 4chan so I don't know how to directly link to pics) is posting major spoiler pics for the finale. There are four, WARNING MAJOR SPOILERS

two are of Jon on the ground in a pool of blood. In one he has a dead eyed stare, in the other, possibly shopped, he has warg eyes. One is of a hanged Selyse. The other is short-haired Cersei.


Edited to post better link to reddit. SPOILERS in link 

Edited by InsertWordHere
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I was thinking last night that I always considered Dany and her dragons to be the "fire" in "Fire and Ice" but what if it really is the Red God and those followers?


There is a fair amount of child killing going on, between Tywin killing Dany's relatives, Stannis killing his daughter, and Cersei and others killing off Robert's bastards...


Linda (of Westeros.org, and fact checker for GRRM) also spoiled this during a rant today. http://i.4cdn.org/tv/1434066487095.png (not in the books, so don't click if you don't want to know.)  That MAY be where 4 chan got that one.

Edited by Umbelina

So someone on 4chan (if you follow this link you have to scroll down to find pics. I don't do 4chan so I don't know how to directly link to pics) is posting major spoiler pics for the finale. There are four, WARNING MAJOR SPOILERS

two are of Jon on the ground in a pool of blood. In one he has a dead eyed stare, in the other, possibly shopped, he has warg eyes. One is of a hanged Selyse. The other is short-haired Cersei.


Edited to post better link to reddit. SPOILERS in link 


Here is a direct link to all 4 pictures


According to the discussion on 4Chan the picture of Jon 

with warged eyes

is photo shopped.  It's the same shot of Jon 

on the ground in a pool of blood

 they point out in the discussion the specific things that confirm it's a fake.


The other three are real.


I was thinking last night that I always considered Dany and her dragons to be the "fire" in "Fire and Ice" but what if it really is the Red God and those followers?


I always thought Jon was the combination of both (Fire from Rhaegar, Ice from Lyanna)


Linda (of Westeros.org, and fact checker for GRRM) also spoiled this during a rant today. http://i.4cdn.org/tv/1434066487095.png (not in the books, so don't click if you don't want to know.)  That MAY be where 4 chan got that one.



The link leads to a 404 error: Page not found.  It has obviously been taken down.  What did she spoil? Can you tell us and wrap it in spoiler tags?

Edited by WearyTraveler
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Thank you, the link worked now.  Maybe it's wonky stuff on my side.


Also, for those interested in the explanation of the photoshop picture, here's the how 

someone literally took the smudge tool in photoshop and moved the blood around a little at different parts they also failed at trying to make the picture look different by making his teeth less visible, instead of making it look like it's at a slightly different angle or something, it just looks like his teeth retracted into his jaw

and here is a gif that actually shows how hilarious the photoshop is: http://i.4cdn.org/tv/1434074149144.gif

Edited by WearyTraveler
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I've read that the spoiler tweet was a fake. 



I was thinking last night that I always considered Dany and her dragons to be the "fire" in "Fire and Ice" but what if it really is the Red God and those followers?

I think the Red God and dragons are connected. I base this suspicion entirely on the fact that Illyrio seems to be a worshiper of the Red God and he gave Dany the dragon eggs. Admittedly, it's not much evidence. 

Edited by InsertWordHere
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I've read that the spoiler tweet was a fake.

I think the Red God and dragons are connected. I base this suspicion entirely on the fact that Illyrio seems to be a worshiper of the Red God and he gave Dany the dragon eggs. Admittedly, it's not much evidence.

I missed this--what makes you think Illyrio worships the Lord of Light?


Re the spoiler pics

I can't say I'msurprised by Selyse ccommitting suicide. At least she knows she was horribly wrong.

I'm embarrassed to admit that my second thought upon seeing a hanging Selyse after thinking "good" was will Stannis try to marry again if he lives?

I hate to say that I'm leaning towards a Bolton victory but I am. I really, really, really want Roose and Mel to meet. The only other character I'd love to come into contact with Mel would be Littlefinger. Imagine Mel explaining the whole shadow assassin thing to him? I feel like they'd be besties in no time plus he's another one with a thing for redheads.

Lol that the Fact Checker is in rant mode as usual.

Edited by Avaleigh
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I'm glad I'm not the only one who almost immediately thought about who Stannis might marry with Selyse now out of the picture. Sansa is the obvious choice but I think a case could be made for someone like Asha or even Margaery.

Stannis is totally done but it's still fun to think about.

Also, as horrible as Stannis is and as unforgivable as I find his actions to be I do sort of hope that his bones are returned to Storm's End. I don't know why exactly but I feel that he deserves that courtesy and would like to think that somebody like Sansa might make that happen one day.

As somebody who hasn't even finished Book One, and only followed the show initially via forums, Wikipedia etc until this season could someone please explain how

Jon warging could save his life



Well without spoiling too much info for you, I'll tell you how the theory goes, but, be aware that some book details will be included in the explanation  

There's a Wildling that is a pretty good warg, he's the one that wargs into the eagle that attacks Jon when he was infiltrating the Wildlings. In the books, this Wildling warg can warg into different animals and after the battle at the Wall, when his body is killed he wargs into his animals and his "spirit" (for lack of a better word) continues to live on, until some bad shit happens.  He remembers his life and it's basically him, jumping from one animal to the next and living on.  So, if Jon were to warg into Ghost as his body dies, his spirit would continue to live until such a time as he can go back into his body, or some other body or something.  The point is that he lives


I personally don't like this theory and would be disappointed if that's how it happens.  I want Jon 

to keep his current body and to defeat the WW as Jon Snow, the same one we have come to know and love. It would be much more of a victory, IMO

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I missed this--what makes you think Illyrio worships the Lord of Light?

I don't think TV Illyrio mentioned the Lord of Light in the pilot. But I thought in Daenery's first couple of chapters in Game of Thrones (book), Book Illyrio mentions the Lord of Light a couple of times. Something along the lines of Pentos doesn't need to fear the Dothraki because the Lord of Light protects the city, but bribing the Dothraki is cheap, so why not fork over the dough? Which doesn't suggest a particularly devout follower, but Illyrio may just be a man of ordinary piety. Or he may not believe at all but just pretend to believe.


Can somebody put that Linda rant into spoiler tags for me please? The link only leads me to an error message.

Here you go (with a self edit)

Brienne kills Stannis after he takes Winterfell in episode 10. Whoops. Don't push me again, re***ds.


I couldn't bring myself to type that last word, but it's obvious.


As to episode 10,

it looks like EW's four named character deaths was way off the mark. The spoilers make it sound as if a named character will die every few minutes.

Edited by gemmalogical
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I thought EW said the deaths of four characters who weren't dead in the books. So far with that we have Real Mance (and Rattleshirt for good measure), Barristan, Shireen, Hizdahr (I think he's dead, but then again, I don't care) and Selyse. That's five.

Hopefully we can add Roose and Ramsay to the carnage. Maybe Myrcella too. I prefer her death to Bronn's, although I'm predicting Bronn. Maybe Tyene or another Sand Snake. Stannis. Loras could be found hanging in his cell.

That kind of carnage would made me laugh and laugh. Delightful.

Oh and Linda is disgusting. I do judge George for the friends he keeps.

Edited by BlackberryJam
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I think GRRM just really appreciated their site (I know I have) and befriended them because they kept a great wiki with all of the minutia he might miss about his cast of zillions, blue eyes or green, how tall, mother's sister dead, 4 siblings with red hair, one with black hair, etc.  I honestly couldn't have kept reading the books without using Westeros to remind me who some character was when they suddenly reappeared or became interesting 28465 pages after being introduced.  I've never posted there, but way back before the show, their wiki was great.

Edited by Umbelina
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I think GRRM just really appreciated their site (I know I have) and befriended them because they kept a great wiki with all of the minutia he might miss about his cast of zillions, blue eyes or green, how tall, mother's sister dead, 4 siblings with red hair, one with black hair, etc.  I honestly couldn't have kept reading the books without using Westeros to remind me who some character was when they suddenly reappeared or became interesting 28465 pages after being introduced.  I've never posted there, but way back before the show, their wiki was great.

That's fair enough and I essentially agree. Their wiki is a huge help and I enjoyed several bits of the world book. Still haven't managed to read all of it though and sort of wish some other objective fourth person had been involved in the writing.


As for those insane rants from the past--they made me give such a side eye that I too absolutely judge GRRM for the company he keeps. There were two phrases in particular that were so gross and unnecessary that I remember being disgusted and thinking 'oh wow, this one is pretty unhinged.' 

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Also, I think authors (and even editors of such massive volume) will miss things that the "super fans" will almost always catch, so using "superfans" who pay attention to all of it would be pretty great fact checkers, especially if they already had a well organized and cross referenced website up and running.  I've caught so many errors in books, even well written books, and not because I tried to or even am that particular, just because when you are so involved in a good story when they change or miss something it stands out simply by jarring you OUT of the story.  Poor writers and editors don't have that luxury of a first time read and being absorbed in the story by the time they get around to that final draft.

The only thing about Myrcella dying is that Jaime would feel responsible and probably have even less of a reason to turn on Cersei so something has to help them get to the stage where Jaime is crumpling away an urgent letter from her.

I think I'm the show Jaime will return to kingslanding with Myrcella and Trystane and he will decline Cersei to her face. The show has already shown huge fall out between them last season and even though Jaime is still intent at salvaging the relationship at this point I don't know that he's ready to throw his life away at trial by combat for her. I think that decision will be the point when he turns away from their relationship.

I've brought up this theory before but no one really seems interested in discussing it but since I'm really excited about it I'll give it a few more tries. I'm not even a particular fan of Jaime. But I just find the possibility of a "breakup" scene between him and Cersei very intriguing.

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I think I'm the show Jaime will return to kingslanding with Myrcella and Trystane and he will decline Cersei to her face. The show has already shown huge fall out between them last season and even though Jaime is still intent at salvaging the relationship at this point I don't know that he's ready to throw his life away at trial by combat for her. I think that decision will be the point when he turns away from their relationship.

I've brought up this theory before but no one really seems interested in discussing it but since I'm really excited about it I'll give it a few more tries. I'm not even a particular fan of Jaime. But I just find the possibility of a "breakup" scene between him and Cersei very intriguing.

I can't see Cersei wanting Jaime to be her champion if she has Qyburn's project on hand. I briefly considered that Jaime would try to keep Ser Robert Strong from joining the Kingsguard but I'm not 100% sure if show Jaime would even be allowed to pull the plug on something like that or not. Also, I think Meryn Trant's death is going to be so that Robert Strong can join and defend Cersei during the TBC since Myrcella's Kingsguard member doesn't seem to exist at the moment.


They could have a confrontation over the Lancel thing but it feels pretty weak to me. Whatever happens the confrontation isn't happening this season. 


I wonder if she could feel resentful and somehow try to unfairly blame him for not being around for what happened to her even though she was obviously fine with him going on this "sensitive mission".  I can see that fight blowing up into something larger where she continually makes it seem like he's failed her even though it's far from being true. Not being around for the Blackwater, taking Tyrion's side over hers (and their son's from her perspective), actually freeing Tyrion and Tywin being a casualty of that decision, not being a father to Tommen and Myrcella (unfair again but I can see her going there), not being there to protect her when she needs him during her arrest and walk. 


Who knows what sort of person she'll be when they see each other again? Anyway aren't they technically already broken up? Their relationship has been cold and distant all season long. There was absolutely no physical contact between the two of them even though Jaime was heading into dangerous Dorne with one hand and one guard and it might very well have been the last time they see each other. If they do "break up" I don't know that it would feel that huge unless it extends to other areas like Cersei wanting him away from KL and maybe out of the Kingsguard altogether. I can see him bristling over that.  

I just want to throw in that I think the Unsullied don't get, and the show doesn't care, that Cersei's champion has to be a member of the Kingsguard. So I really don't think the show will care about how many KG there are, if there is an open spot, that Strong needs to join to be champion. It really seems like a waste of screen time to have to bother with all that.


Hell, the show doesn't even show any KG in KL other than....Loras right now?


The Previously on Game of Thrones for Episode Ten has been released by Sky Austria. Of note, the clip shows

Benjen! saying goodbye to Jon and the scene when his horse returned riderless. No warging scenes were shown and no Beric resurrection either.


No major spoilers, but it does kind of give a few things away.

Edited by InsertWordHere

I can't see Cersei wanting Jaime to be her champion if she has Qyburn's project on hand. I briefly considered that Jaime would try to keep Ser Robert Strong from joining the Kingsguard but I'm not 100% sure if show Jaime would even be allowed to pull the plug on something like that or not. Also, I think Meryn Trant's death is going to be so that Robert Strong can join and defend Cersei during the TBC since Myrcella's Kingsguard member doesn't seem to exist at the moment.

They could have a confrontation over the Lancel thing but it feels pretty weak to me. Whatever happens the confrontation isn't happening this season.

I wonder if she could feel resentful and somehow try to unfairly blame him for not being around for what happened to her even though she was obviously fine with him going on this "sensitive mission". I can see that fight blowing up into something larger where she continually makes it seem like he's failed her even though it's far from being true. Not being around for the Blackwater, taking Tyrion's side over hers (and their son's from her perspective), actually freeing Tyrion and Tywin being a casualty of that decision, not being a father to Tommen and Myrcella (unfair again but I can see her going there), not being there to protect her when she needs him during her arrest and walk.

Who knows what sort of person she'll be when they see each other again? Anyway aren't they technically already broken up? Their relationship has been cold and distant all season long. There was absolutely no physical contact between the two of them even though Jaime was heading into dangerous Dorne with one hand and one guard and it might very well have been the last time they see each other. If they do "break up" I don't know that it would feel that huge unless it extends to other areas like Cersei wanting him away from KL and maybe out of the Kingsguard altogether. I can see him bristling over that.

I agree their relationship is already pretty broken. But Jaime is still intent on making it work. I think what he needs on the show is for Cersei to need him again and turn all loving towards him because of it. I think that more than her being angry would make him turn away from her at this point.

I guess since she knows about Rober Strong there's really no reason for her to ask Jaime to be her champion though. Maybe if he's not ready yet? Qyburn did make it seem like he was not yet finished.

What has Jaime said or done that makes you think he wants the relationship to work? He got the hell out of KL to save his daughter. He has not said Cersei's name once since.

I see this a lot, Jaime is Cersei's lapdog and I feel like I'm watching a different show. All I see is Jaime being introspective instead of being a douchebag hothead who would kill everyone to be with Cersei. Instead, you know, he chose to leave her after he pointed out to her how vulnerable the Lannister family is.

That's not someone trying to make it work. If he loved her the way he did in S1, since he is the one who has identified the threats in KL, he would have sent someone else to Dorne and stayed to protect her. Hell, he didn't give a fuck about the kids in S1. This is a totally different Jaime who doesn't care nearly as much about Cersei as he used to.

The Previously on Game of Thrones for Episode Ten has been released by Sky Austria. Of note, the clip shows

Benjen! saying goodbye to Jon and the scene when his horse returned riderless. No warging scenes were shown and no Beric resurrection either.

No major spoilers, but it does kind of give a few things away.


Argh I just watched it. Maybe one of the rescued Hardhome wildlings has info on where Benjen is, and Jon wants to range to find him...causing FTW? Grasping at straws here LOL

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