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S06.E15: Ten Gallon Spats

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It was pretty suspicious that Aviva even GOT A NOTE to get out of going to Montana.  WTF?  Who does that with a group of friends?  She's a pathological liar, that's why she knew she wouldn't be believed and got a note.

I don't think she got an actual note so much as the doctor advising her that certain conditions can exacerbate the so-called asthma. I mean - this isn't junior high where absenses need to be excused! I think Heather got it right when she said that Aviva conjures up these stories or whatever ailment she may have and makes them bigger. For attention. Or drama. Or to get out of doing something she doesn't want to do.

On Ramona - signs of her being a true alcoholic: she really can't go anywhere without reaching for a drink; when they got to the ranch, she poured herself a drink and said she wanted to "get a buzz on;" and when they were leaving for an outing, she asked if anyone had a flask.

On Josh - he's a dick. He's got to be in his 40's, right? And he still acts like a young bachelor who needs to party on the last weekend of the summer. Is he serious? Dick. I still like Kristen, though. I don't like how she laughed off the gossip (I bet she wouldn't find it so funny if it was about her or Josh), but I do like how she stood up to Miss "That's Unacceptable" and called her out on her bullshit excuses.

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I think I love Aviva.  


I would type more, because I really want to participate in this conversation, but I was just diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome, and the doctor said that if I type too much I could lose my hands.


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I am really frustrated. The Peoples Couch is NOT a 9pm show to me. Maybe late night after WWHL. It was cute for maybe a few minutes but this thing is an hour?? What happened to when Bravo showed the previous RH shows before the new episode? Last night, they showed Kandi's show before the new OC, and tonight they showed Kandi's show yet again before what I thought was the NY timeslot. The repeats leading up to a new episode got me in the mood for the new ep. I wonder why they're not doing that anymore?


[Re: The People's Couch ] I didn't watch it, but I thought the preview ... interesting.  The premise:  I sit on my couch and watch the people on my TV react to the people on theirs?  By the way, I know few people who watch TV huddled all up squished on a couch yapping.  I dunno, I must have missed something.

Edited by Souvlaki
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So is Aviva going to be puffing on her inhaler from now on to perpetuate the lie she has asthma?  Interesting she can be in a barn with I'm assuming farm animals during the scene where she re-lived her leg getting chewed off by the machine, and no complaints about her breathing then.  Does she think we're stupid?  


You know, I used to enjoy catching the reruns of the Housewives shows when they re-aired.  I could watch each episode 3 or 4 times and enjoy them each time.  Ever since Aviva and her repugnant father joined the cast, she's ruined that for me; I can barely watch the original airing.   

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Is it true that the ratings are in the toilet?  I wonder if this will be the last season?



If it is the last season that's going to really be bad for Sonja.  Isn't this the only income she has?  I mean, besides invisible toaster ovens?

Edited by swankie
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I can't believe they spent the better part of the show talking about Aviva not wanting to go on the trip and her alleged asthma.  I do think it is funny that Kristen, prior to meeting at the boot shop had asked Aviva to bring a note from her doctor.  A doctor who is also a doctor to Andy Cohen.  I found out tonight on WWHL Andy has asthma as well and would not go to Montana. After watching Andy Cohen for years-imagine I just found out he had asthma.  Kristen, LuAnn, Heather and Carole loathe Aviva so why do they care if she is going and why does she owe any of them an explanation?  This is why the ratings are in the toilet.  What a ridiculous storyline.    I thought it odd that they planned a trip that involved extensive horseback riding for a one legged woman.  I guess the entertainment possibilities would be endless with Aviva falling off her horse.


I don't know if LuAnn's outrage at the facialist is real or greatly heightened but LuAnn did run aroundNYC with a short French guy and she did cheat on him with the pirate.  Carole and Heather gossiping about her banging the pirate didn't seem to bother half as much as the facialist talking about her.  My tolerance for LuAnn's Miss Manners spiel has run its course for the season.  Who are these people that demand that their "friends" (co-workers) behave in a fashion they prescribe?


They need better storylines to keep the franchise alive.

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I don't know if LuAnn's outrage at the facialist is real or greatly heightened but LuAnn did run aroundNYC with a short French guy and she did cheat on him with the pirate.



Luann has stated that Jacques is tall.  He may look short because he seems to be the same height as Luann, but Luann is tall and probably is wearing heels that make her look like they are the same height.  http://cdn3-www.realitytea.com/assets/uploads/2013/05/luann-de-lesseps1.jpg

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Who are these people that demand that their "friends" (co-workers) behave in a fashion they prescribe?



I don't think there is anything wrong with Lu having certain expectations about how her friends behave when it comes to not gossiping about her with random people. I would have been pissed as well. 


I wonder if Ramona's perception has changed? She said something like "who cares what people are saying about you". I bet she has found herself caring a lot what people had to say about her and her marriage over the last few months. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
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I just can't with Aviva. I'm not an asthma expert but I've had asthma for years. I've always had to rinse my mouth after applications to prevent thrush. And she sure doesn't inhale properly. Perhaps there's another method. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I'd hate to mis-represent Aviva-Diva.

What a needy woman. She must be exhausting. 

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Josh....what a dad! He spends quality time with his children in the car on his way to drop them off at the grandparents so he can go to the Hamptons. Cause it's the last weekend of summer, doncha know.

He is a complete douchenozzle

I'm confused, did Sonja or did she not sleep with Carole's ex?  

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If it is the last season that's going to really be bad for Sonja.  Isn't this the only income she has?  I mean, besides invisible toaster ovens?

Don't worry about Sonja......she has her Sonja in the City party planning, her French shirts for the whole family, something to do with a Nigerian team of athletes, she's a comedienne and all of Europe wants to see her one woman, adlibbed carburlesque show. I know there were even more, but I'm drawing a blank.

And maybe she's going to start a lingereeeeee line. Though sometimes Sonja must go commando (I hate how she constantly refers to herself in third person).

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I'm totally with Kristen - how common is it to suddenly develop asthma in your mid-40s? (or however the hell old Aviva is. We know, at least, it's not 50!) The timing is rather convenient. If it was anyone but Aviva, I might have thought Kristen out of line for calling her out on it right in the store, though. But, hey, go for it! Watching Aviva toss her bag full of RX bottles at Kristen was the highlight of my night - so freaking hilarious! What the hell were all of those anyhow? I wish Kristen would have started reading them aloud. From my experience as a former pharmacy tech, there aren't a TON of pill-form medications for asthma. I doubt she would have an entire bag full, just for that. Oh, oh! And then she proves her case by taking a puff from her inhaler! As if anyone couldn't do that. And, really, should you be doing that when you're not actually short of breath or having an asthma attack? Maybe Kristen was giving her one! 


I don't know, I might not have made such a big deal out of her bailing on trips. It's a heck of a lot more fun without her!


Oh, and what was that bit briefly mentioned about Aviva having a wheelchair with her name waiting at the airport? I don't think she EVER intended to go, so why arrange for that? I'm guessing that was a bit more melodrama to prove to the girls how she "so wanted to come", despite her host of medical issues. Gag me. 


Speaking of - poor Pickles! Having to handle all of Sonja's underwear. I don't care how many times those things were washed....no, just no. 


Anyhow, that trip looks so fun! Totally my kind of vacation, I would have a blast up there. Ramona and Sonja can STFU with all of their whinging. 


But Carole really shouldn't be allowed to stay in the "Beaver" cabin with those two - she just had a wax!


And Sonja carrying that moonstone in her bag for luck? Better get your money back, girl! 


Wow, Luann really got riled at the end there. I get why she's upset - I would hope my friends would shut down gossip being said about me if I weren't there. But her strong reaction isn't doing much to dispel what was being said. It just looks like she's protesting too much. She has been so even-keeled this season. I guess she was overdue for an explosion. 

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Did Ramona say she had xanax and valium?  Wonder if she doctor shops, cause a decent doctor would not prescribe both.




True.  And her doctor would have to know all about Ramona Pinot Grigio - I'm sure she's plugged it to him/her since we know she's all about promoting her "brand" to anyone who will listen - and therefore should not prescribe benzos to someone with such a clear affinity for alcohol.

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The whole short man thing is really stupid and annoying also.  Not everyone is tall -- not all men are tall.  There are plenty of sexy, intelligent, compelling fellows out there who don't clock in at 6 feet.  What's the issue really?  I'd have much preferred to hang out with Dudley Moore than with Josh. 


The facialist got the gossip either from production or from Sonja -- or both.  I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out that Harry had been stepping out with LuAnn for some time before all the Sonja hate for her started to become apparent.  She seems intent on putting LuAnn in her place and watching her squirm.  And, really, it doesn't even make sense.  I doubt that Napoleon let himself be dominated in the bedroom unless he felt like it.  The way these women talk makes me feel sorry and concerned for my 18-year old son.  Men can be objectified too, ladies -- watch it. 


I've lived with people who suffered from asthma -- my mother, a brother.  It's really debilitating.  I don't recall either of them being able to go on and on, in high drama mode, without talking a breath and the wheezing becoming obvious.  Aviva was probably afraid to fly out there and didn't want to admit it because we've been treated to her whole phony leg loss redemption arc.  We're supposed to think that writing her dumb book and visiting the barn somehow brought her to such an epiphany that her phobias have lessened--or evaporated--because she FACED her fears.   She didn't and they haven't -- own it, Aviva, and get off my screen with you never-ending nonsense. Take your Daddy with you. 


It's too bad about the ratings.  It's one of my favorites still.

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Did Ramona say she had xanax and valium?  Wonder if she doctor shops, cause a decent doctor would not prescribe both.




True.  And her doctor would have to know all about Ramona Pinot Grigio - I'm sure she's plugged it to him/her since we know she's all about promoting her "brand" to anyone who will listen - and therefore should not prescribe benzos to someone with such a clear affinity for alcohol.

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Josh....what a dad! He spends quality time with his children in the car on his way to drop them off at the grandparents so he can go to the Hamptons. Cause it's the last weekend of summer, doncha know.


Right?! He sounded like such a frat boy. And he couldn't even ACT like he might miss his kids a tiny bit? Jeez, he is such a douche. 


I also remember her using the Asthma malady last season.  Among her other numerous complaints.  Funny we never hear her coughing.


Did she really say that last year? Because the way she was acting on this episode was as if it were a completely new malady. 

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What a ridiculous storyline.    I thought it odd that they planned a trip that involved extensive horseback riding for a one legged woman.  I guess the entertainment possibilities would be endless with Aviva falling off her horse.

Horrible storyline.  God, Ramona. I'd prefer sharing a room with Aviva over Ramona.  At least if you don't poke Aviva she's semi-tolerable.  Ramona is all obnoxious.  All the time.


Speakding of Aviva, I'm cutting her some slack about the wheelchair.  My cousin lost his leg in Desert Storm.  He needs his wheelchair to get through airports, halfway through amusement parks, the zoo - anytime he has to walk a far distance.  So piss off, Heather.  She's such a know-it-all. 


I'd venture to guess that many amputees own wheelchairs for the occaisions when they might need them.


Kristen is desperate for a storyline. I think whoever said it upthread is right - she needs a job.

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Yes, I wish they'd show the last week's episode right before.  I barely even remember what happened last week.

While for existing viewers that would make sense, Bravo can't afford to air repeats of RHoNY in prime time anymore, like it does with Kandi's Wedding as well as with RHOC's Social Edition repeat on Monday's at 8pm, as there's just not enough viewer demand.  Bravo, like all other networks need their highest rated shows airing between 8pm & 11pm and when they tried airing a RHoNY repeat at 8pm Tuesday May 9th, only 179,000 people aged 18-49 tuned in to watch.  On Monday June 9th the 8pm Social edition of RHOC attracted 312,000 P18-49 and Monday June 16th it had 288,000 P18-49. and that's averaging 66% higher than the last RHoNY repeat.

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Horrible storyline.  God, Ramona. I'd prefer sharing a room with Aviva over Ramona.  At least if you don't poke Aviva she's semi-tolerable.  Ramona is all obnoxious.  All the time.


Speakding of Aviva, I'm cutting her some slack about the wheelchair.  My cousin lost his leg in Desert Storm.  He needs his wheelchair to get through airports, halfway through amusement parks, the zoo - anytime he has to walk a far distance.  So piss off, Heather.  She's such a know-it-all. 


I'd venture to guess that many amputees own wheelchairs for the occaisions when they might need them.


Kristen is desperate for a storyline. I think whoever said it upthread is right - she needs a job.

Thanks for mentioning the wheelchair.  These women are incredibly clueless when they are harping on Aviva and not wanting to go on the trip.  I always assumed the wheelchair had more to do with accommodating Aviva's loss of leg than her asthma.  I also noticed they are doing a long hike-again something someone with only one leg probably would not be doing.  I don't like Aviva but I think it was rather crass making fun of the disabled woman.


This may come as a shock to Heather but people suffering from asthma do not move to high altitudes with high humidity.  They move places like Arizona where it is very dry.  I am tired of Heather the know it all.  One would think would Heather's son having all sorts of lung issues she might think before she speaks or at least do a little research.


I can't stand Kristen and she needs a storyline other than grilling people about their choices.  She and Josh deserve each other.  Do you know where the pediatrician  is?  What is his name? I would think the nanny taking care of the children during the work week would know the information at the very least.


Whatever happened to going to places like Paris?

Edited by Lisin
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Speakding of Aviva, I'm cutting her some slack about the wheelchair.  My cousin lost his leg in Desert Storm.  He needs his wheelchair to get through airports, halfway through amusement parks, the zoo - anytime he has to walk a far distance.  So piss off, Heather.  She's such a know-it-all.



I don't think Heather was casting aspersions on people who genuinely need wheelchairs. When she said "Who does that?" I'm sure she was referring to hypochondriacs. Incidentally, I suspect production, not Aviva, was behind the wheelchair.


I would love to hear how the ranch workers talked about Ramona and Sonja after they left. "Get me a new horse"? Ridiculous. "Is that dinner?" Ridiculous.


I have really, really enjoyed this season--more so than the last couple of seasons. Heather, Carole, Luann, and Kristin (who I really like!) are fun together, and Aviva, Sonja, and Ramona are completely appalling in a fun way, though of course I'd love to see George gone for good. It'd be a shame if this season is the last.

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I don't think Heather was casting aspersions on people who genuinely need wheelchairs. When she said "Who does that?"


That's not what she said.  She said, "It's bad enough that Aviva backed out on the trip, but she still manages to be dramatic even when she's not here.  Why the HELL would she need a wheelchair?" 


Because she's an amputee, you silly horse's ass.  LOL.  I just can't with Heather.  I know that is a wildly unpopular opinion but there it is. 


Karma's gonna be comin' round the mountain for that one.

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Is it appropriate for a married man to go party in the Hamptons for the weekend without his wife and children? Why do you need to go party just because it's the last weekend of summer? Who are you trying to impress? And who are you going to be with? And there's "no part" of you that wants to spend the weekend with your children? Josh is disgusting to me. I've seen no redeeming qualities in him whatsoever.

Why does she need to go on a girls weekend and drink and let her hair down? Why is he an asshole for wanting to get away?


, cause a decent doctor would not prescribe both


Not true. If Ramona and that is a big if, has generalized anxiety disorder with panic attacks she could be prescribed valium daily and Xanax for panic attacks or break through anxiety. Valium is a long acting benzo that won't help in an acute attack as well a short acting benzo like Xanax.

Edited by psychnurse
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Aviva never intended to go on the trip from minute 1, so I would imagine the producers got the wheelchair for her and she didn't even have anything to do with it.


It's clear the other women don't really like Aviva (the woman's a massive, shrieking bitch) so I doubt anyone gave a second thought to Heather's somewhat insensitive remark about the wheelchair. 

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Why does she need to go on a girls weekend and drink and let her hair down? Why is he an asshole for wanting to get away?



Because it's part of her job as a Houswive to go on these arranged trips?


He's an asshole for preferring to go party in the Hamptons as opposed to simply taking an opportunity to spend more time with his kids. 

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I think when the trip was planned, Aviva was expected to go.  Tickets were purchased, the wheelchair was requested (because she's an amputee, Heather) and at the last minute, Aviva backed out for whatever reason. 


That could also explain why she had a note in her purse.  To get out of a airline ticket, you need a note from a doctor for an illness or injury or death. 


ETA:  or maybe, if what everyone says is true that Bravo requires them to go on these trips - even though Andy said that's not true - THEY wanted the note.  Maybe that was the bone of contention that fueled the rumors that she had been fired.

Edited by ryebread
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Because she's an amputee, you silly horse's ass.  LOL.  I just can't with Heather.  I know that is a wildly unpopular opinion but there it is.

Karma's gonna be comin' round the mountain for that one.

I'm with you.  Heather works my last nerve.  I hate all that faux-hip-hop bullshit.  And, yes, probably because I'm Jewish, I hate all that faux-Jewish bullshit.  It's like she either doesn't know or isn't happy with who she really is, so she found a couple of cultures that appeal to her and she's kind of trying them out.  


As for Aviva, I wonder if she pitched herself and her sex-mad progenitor to Andy Cohen as a wacky ratings-bonanza twofer.  I can see Master Cohen falling for that.  But it doesn't look like it's working...

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The women don't really like Aviva (the woman's a massive, shrieking bitch) so I doubt anyone gave a second thought to Heather's somewhat insensitive remark about the wheelchair. 


I agree.  Everyone dislikes Aviva and adores Heather so what Heather says about anyone at this point is not given a second thought.


But when the tides turn against Heather, those women and some of her fans, will start looking at the stuff she says and suddenly see the know-it-all that she thinks she is.  I can see Ramona turning on her first.  Or has she already?  I'm not following closely and missed many of the early episodes.

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I'm wondering why Aviva needed a wheelchair after this flight when she didn't need one for the islands. Well I will cut her some slack on the asthma, you can develop it at any age and it's one of the most underdiagnosed illnesses around. That's the only slack I'm offering since I think she's a total hypochondriac.

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I think when the trip was planned, Aviva was expected to go.  Tickets were purchased, the wheelchair was requested (because she's an amputee, Heather) and at the last minute, Aviva backed out for whatever reason.




Aviva claims in her blog that the wheelchair was some sort of cruel joke, I'm assuming she means by production, she does not indicate that she requested, or needed, the wheelchair. 

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Aviva claims in her blog that the wheelchair was some sort of cruel joke, I'm assuming she means by production, she does not indicate that she requested, or needed, the wheelchair. 

Always the victim.  It couldn't just be the case that, as others have pointed out, amputees need assistance when walking long distances and a producer decided to be proactive and reserve a wheelchair for her?  Of course, if she had gone on the trip and there wasn't a wheelchair waiting for her, I'd expect her to flip out and play hurt about no one thinking to get one for her. 


She needs a lot of attention at all times.  Must be why her husband just plays along with her.  Can you even imagine living with her?

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Always the victim.  It couldn't just be the case that, as others have pointed out, amputees need assistance when walking long distances and a producer decided to be proactive and reserve a wheelchair for her?




I don't know, I've never heard Aviva mention that she would need a wheelchair when walking long distances, and how exactly she would anticipate needing one walking from the gate to the car in what looked like a tiny airport?  I'm not seeing the "long distance"...I am guessing that in New York City, Aviva walks longer distances than that on a daily basis, it was probably a longer distance to walk from the car to the gate leaving NYC than landing in Montana.  I think the wheelchair was a joke by production. 

Edited by shoegal
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I don't know, I've never heard Aviva mention that she would need a wheelchair when walking long distances, and how exactly she would anticipate needing one walking from the gate to the car in what looked like a tiny airport?  I'm not seeing the "long distance"...I am guessing that in New York City, Aviva walks longer distances than that on a daily basis, it was probably a longer distance to walk from the car to the gate leaving NYC than landing in Montana.  I think the wheelchair was a joke by production. 

I don't think production would be that blatantly cruel to mock a disabled person, but obviously YMMV.  It was a long flight and I think someone was just trying to be thoughtful.  And maybe they don't have any idea how big the airport is that they were flying into. 

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But when the tides turn against Heather, those women and some of her fans, will start looking at the stuff she says and suddenly see the know-it-all that she thinks she is.  I can see Ramona turning on her first.  Or has she already?  I'm not following closely and missed many of the early episodes.



I guess you did not watch last season then? Ramona already spent 2/3 of last season being absolutely vile towards Heather.  For NO good reason at all.  Heather was FAR from a "fan favorite" for the majority of last season.  It actually wasn't until the trip to St. Barts that Ramona decided to start behaving like an actual human being to Heather. 


So yeah, the tide has turned ... but towards Heather, not against her. 

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I don't think production would be that blatantly cruel to mock a disabled person, but obviously YMMV.  It was a long flight and I think someone was just trying to be thoughtful.  And maybe they don't have any idea how big the airport is that they were flying into. 

I don't put anything past Bravo production and what they might be willing to do to taunt or mock the housewives, or stir up controversy.  It doesn't seem to me that Aviva would need a wheelchair, she got off the flight to St. Barth's just fine it seemed, and I am guessing they anticipated the airport would be tiny, certainly smaller than LaGuardia, Newark or JFK where they flew out.  How big would the airport in Missoula Montana need to be??

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This may come as a shock to Heather but people suffering from asthma do not move to high altitudes with high humidity.  They move places like Arizona where it is very dry.  I am tired of Heather the know it all.  One would think would Heather's son having all sorts of lung issues she might think before she speaks or at least do a little research.

This isn't the first time Heather has been extremely insensitive to Aviva's handicap. Didn't she make a joke about it at the mud run or something? I too think the wheelchair was a production setup also. Aviva had no plans on going ever so I don't think it was her. Speaking for myself, as an able bodied person with 2 legs, hell sometimes I feel like I need a little help getting through airports. It is all I can do to stop myself from hitching a ride on one of those little trolley things. No matter where I am flying to, no matter the airport the gate I need to get to is always, always, at the very opposite end and the furthest from where I am standing. This is why I always shake my head when I see the housewives walking through airports with 5 inch stiletto heels on. To use the oft overused HW rhetorical question: Who does that?


It seems asthma can be gotten at any age. My dad got it in his 60s. My parents had to remove all the wall to wall carpeting in our family home to alleviate his symptoms. 

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Why does she need to go on a girls weekend and drink and let her hair down? Why is he an asshole for wanting to get away?


Not true. If Ramona and that is a big if, has generalized anxiety disorder with panic attacks she could be prescribed valium daily and Xanax for panic attacks or break through anxiety. Valium is a long acting benzo that won't help in an acute attack as well a short acting benzo like Xanax.

Josh has the kids for a week and is going to have them spend three days with her parents.  I thought it was a little unrealistic to expect Josh to stay with her folks while she was off having a good time in Montana.  I hope the kids don't pick up on Kristen's constant nagging about their father not wanting to spend time with them.


I notice Kristen was posting about getting away on another "girls' week" and cheering about not having the kids.  Sounds like she gets plenty of R&R away from her kids.   I have never seen a couple who so publicly discusses spending time with their children as some form of punishment.

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Because it's part of her job as a Houswive to go on these arranged trips?


He's an asshole for preferring to go party in the Hamptons as opposed to simply taking an opportunity to spend more time with his kids. 

I don't know what happened ./....Ignore.

Edited by psychnurse
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Wow, Luann really got riled at the end there. I get why she's upset - I would hope my friends would shut down gossip being said about me if I weren't there. But her strong reaction isn't doing much to dispel what was being said. It just looks like she's protesting too much. She has been so even-keeled this season. I guess she was overdue for an explosion.


I get why Luann was upset.  It's one thing to gossip with your facialist/hair stylist/manicurist.  It's on a whole other level to bring her on a television show, feed her specific gossip, and make a whole scene featuring gossip about Luann's alleged sexual preferences.


And like many of the Ho's arguments, the issue becomes secondary to the fact that Sonja just blows it off without one single apology and refuses to see or acknowledge how Sonja's behavior was hurtful to Luann, deliberately so. 


I don't forget that Sonja defrauded those movie people.  She's completely unconcerned about her own bad behavior and whom she hurts.

Edited by izabella
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Because it's part of her job as a Houswive to go on these arranged trips?


He's an asshole for preferring to go party in the Hamptons as opposed to simply taking an opportunity to spend more time with his kids. 

That is the same as saying that if you ever chose to be away from your kids when you could be with them, you would rather be away from them always.

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Also, doesn't Aviva have a prosthetic that allows her to wear heels? I'm not sure anyone who needs a wheelchair would ever use a leg like that. I don't need a wheelchair and heels over an inch make me fear for my life.

Edited by Chicklet
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I don't put anything past Bravo production and what they might be willing to do to taunt or mock the housewives, or stir up controversy.  It doesn't seem to me that Aviva would need a wheelchair, she got off the flight to St. Barth's just fine it seemed, and I am guessing they anticipated the airport would be tiny, certainly smaller than LaGuardia, Newark or JFK where they flew out.  How big would the airport in Missoula Montana need to be??

Did we even see her at the airport in St. Barth's? All I remember from that episode is when she showed up at the house with Reid and started yelling. 

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This isn't the first time Heather has been extremely insensitive to Aviva's handicap. Didn't she make a joke about it at the mud run or something?

Yes she did and it surprised me in it's insensitivity in that her son has special needs and her friend, Kristin, had a little girl that she was worried wasn't walking yet.


Speaking for myself, as an able bodied person with 2 legs, hell sometimes I feel like I need a little help getting through airports. It is all I can do to stop myself from hitching a ride on one of those little trolley things. No matter where I am flying to, no matter the airport the gate I need to get to is always, always, at the very opposite end and the furthest from where I am standing. This is why I always shake my head when I see the housewives walking through airports with 5 inch stiletto heels on.

LOL.  I've wanted to stick out a thumb and hitch a ride on a trolley a few times myself.  And I've done Mud Runs.  Suck it, Heather. 


As for Aviva walking in the city?  With her money, I doubt she walks very far if she doesn't want to.  Private, air conditioned cars all the way, baby. /Heather 

Besides, all those bus fumes would be horrible for her asthma.

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What a ridiculous storyline.    I thought it odd that they planned a trip that involved extensive horseback riding for a one legged woman.  I guess the entertainment possibilities would be endless with Aviva falling off her horse.


If a one legged woman can win a gold medal in snowboarding in the Paralympics and come in second on Dancing With the Stars, a one legged woman can damn well ride a horse.  I wonder who would have gotten the privilege of pushing her around the airport in the wheelchair.


Sonja's lingereeeee must last a long time since she prefers to go commando most of the time.  Thanks to her, I now know that you have to have certain underwear when you go to St. Tropez, and I'm sure other underwear when in Monte Carlo or Cannes.

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