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S01.E13: The Blues

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Max continues to work to solve underlying problems within the hospital despite his continuing struggles with treatment. Meanwhile, Reynolds makes the choice to do a costly surgery to determine an elusive diagnosis and Bloom must face her personal demons head-on.

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I didn't notice Max having any struggles with his treatment. In fact, he looked positively glowing with health throughout this episode with no reference at all to his cancer or treatment. But now I understand  why the hospital has financial problems with so many people on the payroll who have no purpose. No previous administrator was aware of this?

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Another episode from an alternate universe. So all these people do nothing every day for years and instead of downsizing them Max is going to magically open a clinic, which one can assume would takes millions of dollars and years to get running (aprovals from the hospital, finding a location, leases, zoning, infrastructure, equipment, systems, etc) but not in Max’s world. Nope its just a great idea he has in one minute and by the end of the day it’s a done deal. Why am I still watching this show and based on lack of posts here I might be one of the last few left. 

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I was happy not to see Max's wife at all. 

I missed the reason why the cardiologist was doing exploratory surgery - and if he felt it necessary to remove all 23 feet of the patient's bowel/intestines, wouldn't he have called in a different surgeon who specializes in that? It's "good" that he found a tumor in the intestine, but I didn't catch how that was tied in to the patient's diabetes problems/blood sugar. Oh well, since we'll likely never see that patient or her daughter ever again, it doesn't much matter, does it.

I did not feel bad for Kapoor. He routinely says the most blatant and often inappropriate things to those he supposedly cares for, so he shouldn't be shocked that the people he says them to end up extremely hurt and insulted. Like in the early episodes when he said to his son, "I forgive you." That was like pouring gas on a fire - and it assumes that the son has indeed done something wrong. Bad move! Kapoor is so literal - he has no idea how to talk to people with any subtlety or nuance. He may mean well, but when the recipient of his words misinterprets them, his further explanations only make it worse. He's an awful, awful communicator who doesn't stop to think how his words might be received by others. It's like he's just assuming that everyone knows his intent.

So is Dr. Bloom off to rehab?

I think I actually sort of like the oncologist's new beau. I'm sure there will be trouble ahead, since this is a TV show and happy couples are of no interest to anyone.

The entire story line of finding new jobs for people with meaningless jobs was absurd beyond description. Just awful.

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1 hour ago, Biggie B said:

I missed the reason why the cardiologist was doing exploratory surgery - and if he felt it necessary to remove all 23 feet of the patient's bowel/intestines, wouldn't he have called in a different surgeon who specializes in that? It's "good" that he found a tumor in the intestine, but I didn't catch how that was tied in to the patient's diabetes problems/blood sugar.

Max was under the impression that there was something within causing the glucose level to spike so drastically. They narrowed it down to smoking/nicotine just prior to her passing out. Since nothing showed on the scans, they opted for exploratory surgery.

Edited by preeya
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7 hours ago, Good Queen Jane said:

I didn't notice Max having any struggles with his treatment. In fact, he looked positively glowing with health throughout this episode with no reference at all to his cancer or treatment. 

Yeah, I was expecting him to be visibly ill, but he was totally fine.

Nice to see Mohinder Suresh on my TV again.  I don't know if he and Sharpe will make it, but they're cute together.

Kapoor stepped in it, but I think he's right about his son.

Was Iggy actually clearing Bloom to work when he didn't believe her?  What if she'd tried to treat somebody else before she miraculously came to her senses?  

Given that Bloom has been such a mess for so long, I'm not surprised that other doctors and nurses were complaining about her.  That had to be a shock, but it had to be done.

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4 minutes ago, Amethyst said:

Was Iggy actually clearing Bloom to work when he didn't believe her?  What if she'd tried to treat somebody else before she miraculously came to her senses?  

I didn't understand that.  Maybe he was planning to write up his report and recommend she not be cleared, but then why tell her she was cleared? 

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Another episode from an alternate universe. So all these people do nothing every day for years and instead of downsizing them Max is going to magically open a clinic, which one can assume would takes millions of dollars and years to get running (approvals from the hospital, finding a location, leases, zoning, infrastructure, equipment, systems, etc) but not in Max’s world. Nope its just a great idea he has in one minute and by the end of the day it’s a done deal. Why am I still watching this show and based on lack of posts here I might be one of the last few left. 

I just laughed at the whole thing.  It's lucky all those people were fine with being transferred from Midtown to Sheepshead Bay, and had redundant jobs that required skill sets which could easily be transferred to some completely different position.  Sit in a chair in the parking lot?  Well, it totally makes sense that you will be running reception at a clinic! 

Edited by txhorns79
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2 hours ago, starri said:

Apparently, the show was renewed a few days ago.

Is this how the actress who plays Bloom is taking maternity leave?

Aha! I didn’t know the actress was pregnant, but in this episode I thought “she walks like a pregnant person.”

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I suspect the reason Bloom was told she was cleared, even when she wasn't is that the writers thought it was a clever way to say, "Gotcha, to the viewers.   So ridiculous.  Not sure what rights she had about not disclosing her personal medical information to her employer, but, I was wondering why he didn't ask about her Adderal prescription, dosage, medical condition, treatment, etc.  

Ref. the Type II diabetic patient.  I'm Type I and all I can gather is that if your body is fighting an infection, the blood sugar goes much higher than normal and is more resistant to insulin.  Her levels were really high though. (Over 700) I didn't know they went that high.  Even with Type I, where I make no insulin, and my numbers have never been that high, that I am aware of.   And, I ended up in the hospital with Ketoacidosis.  (Not fun at all.) I kept taking my insulin, but, my blood sugar levels kept going up.  I never figured out why, but, got it down and under good control now. 

I can't help but think that the miracles we see on this show, like the formation of the new clinic, are designed to delight the viewer and provide them a little happiness that there are some happy stories about healthcare.  It's all so dismal most of the time.  Recall in the early days, the previews talked about how this place puts patient care first and costs last.  It's like a mythical, magical medical land really.  Perhaps, we have to suspend logic and reason when we view those parts and just enjoy it.  Like Fantasy Island.......lol.  Okay..that's all I got.  lol  I think the writing could use some help, but, there are worse shows, imo.  I'm a sucker for medical dramas, so, I'll likely hang around until it gets as bizarre as Grey's Anatomy.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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Nice to see Mohinder Suresh on my TV again.  I don't know if he and Sharpe will make it, but they're cute together.

What an understatement. He is an absolute dreamboat! I love them, and I love how she admitted she is scared to him. Have some fun, girl! You deserve it.

Totally makes sense if the actress playing Bloom is pregnant. I was wondering why her white coat seemed extra voluminous. I feel like a dope for not figuring it out.


I did not feel bad for Kapoor. He routinely says the most blatant and often inappropriate things to those he supposedly cares for, so he shouldn't be shocked that the people he says them to end up extremely hurt and insulted. 

This.  Just stop talking!

The show is completely and utterly ridiculous, but I will keep watching. 😉

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7 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

  Her levels were really high though. (Over 700) I didn't know they went that high.  

The highest I've ever seen is 2500, but that was in a Type II diabetic. A Type I would have died from ketoacidosis long before getting that high. I have seen a Type I as high as 800. He was definitely symptomatic, but still not in full-blown ketoacidosis. I stuck to my guns and didn't watch the episode, so I don't know how badly they screwed the treatment up on the show. There is no doubt in my mind they didn't come up with something that was even remotely medically accurate.

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10 hours ago, MoreCoffeePlease said:

Totally makes sense if the actress playing Bloom is pregnant. I was wondering why her white coat seemed extra voluminous. I feel like a dope for not figuring it out.

For me, it was the tight shots of her from the chest up.

But from an article I found online, she apparently announced that she was expecting in the fall and gave the due date as "late winter."  I wonder how long ago these episodes were filmed.  I know there were some outdoor scenes, but I didn't notice any fogging breath.  Then again, it's been a fairly warm winter in NYC.

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I did not feel bad for Kapoor. He routinely says the most blatant and often inappropriate things to those he supposedly cares for, so he shouldn't be shocked that the people he says them to end up extremely hurt and insulted. 

I feel for the guy.  The way the show is written, weren't we meant to think from the last episode that the son is trying to get back at his father because his father gave the coffee girl money for her dog, but wouldn't give him money? 

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On 2/13/2019 at 7:39 AM, sadie said:

Another episode from an alternate universe. So all these people do nothing every day for years and instead of downsizing them Max is going to magically open a clinic, which one can assume would takes millions of dollars and years to get running (aprovals from the hospital, finding a location, leases, zoning, infrastructure, equipment, systems, etc) but not in Max’s world. Nope its just a great idea he has in one minute and by the end of the day it’s a done deal. 

It would have been a lot cooler, if totally out of character, for evil Max to send all those people over to "the clinic" in Sheepshead Bay, only to turn to his evil henchman in HR and say, "Fire all those knuckleheads.  Make sure their IDs and key cards are cancelled and mail out their paychecks today."

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Also, the jazz on this show is just weirding me out, I dunno why, it just feels so discordant and not in sync with the rest of the show. Maybe they don't want it to seem too schmaltzy? But with the jazz, the tone just feels very weird.


23 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

It would have been a lot cooler, if totally out of character, for evil Max to send all those people over to "the clinic" in Sheepshead Bay, only to turn to his evil henchman in HR and say, "Fire all those knuckleheads.  Make sure their IDs and key cards are cancelled and mail out their paychecks today."

In this show, they would have that guy over Max go "Ok, we need a clinic there, but let's slow its rollout, fire all of the people who are redundant, and give them preferential treatment for new positions so Max doesn't blow 20 million on something to get back at me."

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There is no chemistry between any of the couples that they put together.  Maybe they should stick to the medical and leave the romance out of it....oh wait, the medical stories are not rooted in reality...but ok, nothing else is on at that time. 

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The thing I liked in  this episode was the interaction between Bloom and Iggy. I thought that the scenes with Bloom were heart-breaking. She knew she was lying but couldn't help herself....til she was pushed and Iggy pushed her...in his gentle way, but he did push her. I thought Janet Montgomery(had to look up her name) was outstanding. She showed her pain with her eyes...and how often do  you see snot running from a nose in crying scenes? It was realistic and it made me hurt. No pretty crying in these scenes...her pain seemed real.

I love Iggy no matter who he is inter-acting with. He saw Vijay's pain and again, he was there. I know that lots of the storyline is ridiculous but I am hooked so am glad that the show has been renewed. Hopefully they will follow up on Bloom's story because there seems to be much more to explore.

And good thing about this episode? No wife!!!!!!

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On 2/13/2019 at 9:02 PM, txhorns79 said:

It's lucky all those people were fine with being transferred from Midtown to Sheepshead Bay, and had redundant jobs that required skill sets which could easily be transferred to some completely different position.  Sit in a chair in the parking lot?  Well, it totally makes sense that you will be running reception at a clinic! 

Per Max, the parking lot attendant wouldn't be running reception, but greeting people and "making them feel welcome"...like a medical clinic version of a Walmart greeter, I guess? While this is a lovely idea in theory, there is absolutely NO way somebody would be given such a superfluous job in today's world. In my experience, nobody goes into a medical clinic even wanting or expecting to be "welcome" - it's not a social visit. You go because you have some urgent medical problem to take care of, period. 

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4 hours ago, SnarkySheep said:

Per Max, the parking lot attendant wouldn't be running reception, but greeting people and "making them feel welcome"...like a medical clinic version of a Walmart greeter, I guess? While this is a lovely idea in theory, there is absolutely NO way somebody would be given such a superfluous job in today's world. In my experience, nobody goes into a medical clinic even wanting or expecting to be "welcome" - it's not a social visit. You go because you have some urgent medical problem to take care of, period. 

There are those people at hospitals - the people who go "Where are you going? Oh, Radiology, you go this way, then this way, then this way." which is sort of a security job where all they do is tell you where to go, or give you a badge (well, more of a sticker) if you are visiting a patient

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7 hours ago, bros402 said:

There are those people at hospitals - the people who go "Where are you going? Oh, Radiology, you go this way, then this way, then this way." which is sort of a security job where all they do is tell you where to go, or give you a badge (well, more of a sticker) if you are visiting a patient

Yeah, but those are usually volunteers. 

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8 hours ago, bros402 said:

There are those people at hospitals - the people who go "Where are you going? Oh, Radiology, you go this way, then this way, then this way." which is sort of a security job where all they do is tell you where to go, or give you a badge (well, more of a sticker) if you are visiting a patient

Yes, but Max was talking about an outpatient clinic, not an inpatient facility.  In real life, there are volunteers who do the greeting and run the information desk in big medical facilities.  The guy would be just as superfluous as a greeter in a medical clinic as he was as a parking lot attendant.  He would need retraining to be a receptionist which is the only paid role that would be comparable as he would need to be able to use the computers, verify insurance information, use the electronic scheduling system, answer phone calls, etc.

As for the guy in radiology, of course he would've either been laid off or retrained when the equipment he had used was replaced.  For that matter, the huge Xray machine he was hanging out with would've been discarded, either sent back to the manufacturer or perhaps to a third world country.  Amongst other things, X ray equipment used on humans has to have regular inspections and certifications before it can be used.  It is not only an insurance requirement, it is the law.  No way the hospital is getting an obsolete machine inspected and repaired because that costs money and makes no sense.

You really have to accept that this show is pure fantasy with very little real world basis.

As for the ER doc paging Max down to the ER to see a patient who is not his, why?  There was no reason for that, I don't care whose mother she was.  This show also kind of sends the wrong message that being related to a member of the staff somehow entitles one to 'better' or at least different care.  Remember Max was going to keep his wife as an inpatient for the remainder of her pregnancy because it was more convenient for him?  When he sat at the bedside of the woman who got his sister's heart and managed all of her care personally?  Now a staff physician's mother is brought to the ER and Max is urgently paged to be there.  Doesn't happen. 

BTW, Max the magnificent thought the woman had carcinoid syndrome which is a tumor which produces hormones, specifically serotonin.  The usual symptoms are intermittent episodes of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea as well as facial flushing.  In severe cases, there can be pulmonary and cardiac problems.  That's why they did the CT looking for a tumor.  When the CT was negative, Max then ordered the cardiac surgeon (!) to explore her abdomen to find the tumor which wasn't not visible on the CT.  Aside from the fact that cardiac surgeons don't do GI operations, there is so much wrong with this scenario, I don't know where to start.  First off, a 24 hour urine test where they measure the metabolites of the hormones produced by the tumor would rule it in or out and pose essentially no risk to the patient.  In other words, it would be the test done by any sensible physician before recommending a non-qualified surgeon go on an abdominal treasure hunt for a mass so small it cannot be seen on X ray.  There are also various other less invasive tests and procedures that would be used to localize the tumor before rooting around in her guts randomly would even be an option. There's also the fact that carcinoid syndrome is extremely rare, to the point where most doctors have never seen it.  In other words. it is a zebra in a corral full of horses.  Laughably bad plot line.


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On 2/19/2019 at 11:43 AM, doodlebug said:

Yes, but Max was talking about an outpatient clinic, not an inpatient facility.  In real life, there are volunteers who do the greeting and run the information desk in big medical facilities.  The guy would be just as superfluous as a greeter in a medical clinic as he was as a parking lot attendant.  He would need retraining to be a receptionist which is the only paid role that would be comparable as he would need to be able to use the computers, verify insurance information, use the electronic scheduling system, answer phone calls, etc.

Could be an outpatient facility with imaging, multiple doctors offices, etc. - I went to a location for Columbia in NYC that had like 20 types of specialists + radiology + a lab - the guys in the lobby were there to give people directions and partially there to be security

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First of all I have to say I stopped coming on to the forums because I find the new format an absolute mess.

Secondly, I came on just to laugh at the selection of school they had Bloom go to.  Being from Washington I was really confused about what school she would have attended in the middle of no man's land Walla Walla.  Whitman is a liberal arts college and though it does offer enough courses to complete the needed bachelor's degree for Bloom to move on to a medical school it just seems like a far fetched pick of a school so I guess it fits in with the rest of the show. I mean they could have picked University of Washington.  That's even farther away.  

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19 hours ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

First of all I have to say I stopped coming on to the forums because I find the new format an absolute mess.

Secondly, I came on just to laugh at the selection of school they had Bloom go to.  Being from Washington I was really confused about what school she would have attended in the middle of no man's land Walla Walla.  Whitman is a liberal arts college and though it does offer enough courses to complete the needed bachelor's degree for Bloom to move on to a medical school it just seems like a far fetched pick of a school so I guess it fits in with the rest of the show. I mean they could have picked University of Washington.  That's even farther away.  

I can only browse it it the light medium type theme

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Much was made of Dr Bloom's Adderal misuse, but nothing was said of the ludicrous hours she was working. Anyone constantly working continuous double shifts would need medical help.  Yet the show just ignores that!

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In the very first episode, Max fired a bunch of people who were doing their jobs but weren't there for the "right reasons." In this episode, he discovered a different group of people who have been happily taking money from their employer in exchange for not mentioning how little they actually do...and he didn't fire any of them. Come on man, these happy-to-do-nothings aren't what you need on your payroll. Anyone in that hospital who has been busting their ass working horrible hours and trying to get too much done in not enough time should feel insulted.

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