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Mama June: From Not To Hot: Seasons 1-6

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Thank heaven they all more or less covered up for the beach scenes. I was sure Alana was going to appear in a 2 piece; the red and black really aren't her colors, but at least the bright color was on top and her enormous gut was in black. 

I was surpised by Pumpkin flaunting her boobs; I think they normally kind of blend into her enormous gut. She (or maybe it was the producer's suggestion) had enough sense to wear a coverup, but WHY would she select a 2 piece suit in the first place?

They're all such terrible actors; I attribute June's weird behaviour mostly to that. Josh is bad at it, too, but at least he's self-aware enough to kind of wink at the camera. 

Interesting that June/Geno are living comfortably due to the kindness of Gina.😏

I wonder where they're going with this 'plot'? June and/or Geno relapses when Gina evicts them? Or Alana decides to move to Florida and then we watch Josh/Pumpkin try to get her back? Not exactly must see TV. 

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My view is the only reason Alana would move to Florida with the gruesome twosome is so June could get her paws on Alana's money.    Is Geno even allowed around kids?   Certainly not his own, so he may not be allowed to be around June's kids either.   

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On 4/25/2021 at 12:12 PM, sempervivum said:

I wonder where they're going with this 'plot'?

Me, too.  IIRC, Geno has had gastric sleeve surgery, and  I believe Jessica did.  Geno also had a long-needed visit to the dermatologist for cyst removal.  Mama June has had liposuction done on her chin and who knows what else ?  None of this has been addressed on the show.  Since all of  it was probably comped, I’m sure it will be.  That probably explains Jessica’s reappearance on the show.  

Alana must weigh at least 250.  Diabetes has been brought up.  I wonder if they’ll focus on weight loss for Alana ?  They sure need to.  On a show where three of the other cast members have had weight loss surgery, they can’t be planning to do some sort of Whitney Thore-type body positivity storyline.  

Edited to add that apparently, Jessica’s procedure was for a gastric balloon insertion, not other weight loss surgery.

Edited by Mary
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I wish the show would dump SugarBear abd Jennifer and just focus on just a few storylines that have some truth. The parts about healing the family from addiction and the young couple starting out in a challenging sitiuation would be fine with me.  

I do not like the scences with just Geno and June. She makes it seem like she has this great life complete with a pool, but what happens when that house goes away (did she say it was given by the show or the rehab?) . She and Geno do not have the means to buy that house by the beach she is promising Alana. June is living some fantasy life , living free in FL. What happens when Geno has to go back to being a handyman? (how much will he be able to do now that he has gained so much weight?).  I am glad Pumpkin is standing her ground, if it is not just story because my fear is at some point June is homeless again and she asks Pumpkin to take her in. 

My worry is for Alana. I fear we will see a teen pregnancy. She is dating and her makeup and the way she has talked (on social media) make me feel like she is going down the path of her sisters. Alana needs someone in her life to giude her. I have a teenage daughter, and I have lucked out that our stress right now is what full scholarship to college to choose May 3rd but my daughter had a few classmates and  I have seen struggle. It has surprised me that little things myself or other moms have done over the years have really helped. I made sure when I could some of my students in my daughter's class that were having rebelious phases took the right class or did not drop a class or helped then ask for extra time in a class. Now as they graduate , a few of the students are so thankful that myself or other moms had them take those classes or not drop them because they have so many more options for college or jobs because their parents did not care or were not aware of how important 1 class can be. . I just do not know if Pumpkin (who I think is doing the best she can) understands what Alana should be focusing on in school or making sure she is taking the right classes for college or scholarships. I also feel like Alana would really benefit from shadowing someone in a job she might want. Lets make it a story for the show. Maybe she could find something she likes outside of show business




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14 hours ago, silverspoons said:

..... my fear is at some point June is homeless again and she asks Pumpkin to take her in. 

My worry is for Alana. I fear we will see a teen pregnancy. She is dating.....

You might be on to something.  Sugar Bear has set up camp in Pumpkin & Josh's back yard, Jessica is on the couch, so all they need now is Mama June and the whole family is back together under roof.


Well, except for Anna and she needs to stay away and keep her kids far, far away from that whole mess.


That would be another teen pregnancy.  Anna and Lauryn were both teens when they first got pregnant.  Wouldn't surprise me one bit to see Alana follow suit, sadly.  I will say that she seems very comfortable handling Ella, but that certainly doesn't qualify her to be a teen mother.


You say Alana is dating.  Where have you seen or heard that?  I've never been aware of her dating.


Edited by slasherboy
I forgot something.
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On 4/28/2021 at 3:59 PM, slasherboy said:

You might be on to something.  Sugar Bear has set up camp in Pumpkin & Josh's back yard, Jessica is on the couch, so all they need now is Mama June and the whole family is back together under roof.


Well, except for Anna and she needs to stay away and keep her kids far, far away from that whole mess.


That would be another teen pregnancy.  Anna and Lauryn were both teens when they first got pregnant.  Wouldn't surprise me one bit to see Alana follow suit, sadly.  I will say that she seems very comfortable handling Ella, but that certainly doesn't qualify her to be a teen mother.


You say Alana is dating.  Where have you seen or heard that?  I've never been aware of her dating.


Someone on captured an IG live and posts by Alana and put them on yotube. This was right before the season started. I remember watching and Alana was trying to act so cool like everything was "whatever" and she had the eyelashes on, the long nails and makeup. There was a picture of the boyfriend but the poster of the video had his face blurred (I assume because he is a minor).  Alana just seemed like she was trying to talk like she was so mature. I know Pumpkin is trying her best but when I saw the video I felt like they both need some support, like a big sister program. They need someone to come in and maybe help Pumpkin get a GED and help both her and Alana with career ideas and just mentoring in general. 

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Pumpkin should have put a time limit on Alana's extended visit with Mama/Geno; Josh running down there to bring Alana back looks like he doesn't have faith in Pumpkin's judgement.

I assume June's 'testimonial' for Banyon is going to be paying for the new apartment.

Given that there hasn't been any gossip-site news about jail time for these 2 (and since it was presumably filmed months ago), it's a safe bet by June that they'll get off with probation.

Alana, giant flapping fake lashes and Fu Manchu nails do nothing to disguise your triple chin and 50 inch waistline. At the rate she's going, she'll soon be a lot bigger than June ever was.

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On 4/24/2021 at 11:05 AM, PrincessPurrsALot said:

having a father and daughter dinner would be a nice thing if it wasn't creepy boyfriend

It always struck me as creepy-father/daughter date night or dances.  I never saw mother/son date night or dances, but that would be just as creepy.  Like purity-ring creepy...

“...A common tradition is for a parent to buy a purity ring for a child. This exchange typically takes place in adolescence. In many cases, the parent of the opposite sex presents the ring to the child. The father gives his daughter a purity ring, or the mother gives her son a purity ring, for example...”


just ewwww.

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Alana has absolutely NO excuse for continuing with her eating habit other than being downright lazy about it.  LOOK at your family, Alana-ok maybe nor Suga Bear, but look at the women in your family...and while you are at it, look in the mirror at something other than your makeup.

That Big Fat Fabulous Life gig has already been spoken for.

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2 hours ago, kicotan said:

It always struck me as creepy-father/daughter date night or dances.  I never saw mother/son date night or dances, but that would be just as creepy.  Like purity-ring creepy...

“...A common tradition is for a parent to buy a purity ring for a child. This exchange typically takes place in adolescence. In many cases, the parent of the opposite sex presents the ring to the child. The father gives his daughter a purity ring, or the mother gives her son a purity ring, for example...”


just ewwww.

When they talk about it like a date night I am right there with you.  That whole purity ring crap is repulsive. I was thinking more of a father and daughter simply spending some time together.  In healthy family relationships, there is no problem with parents occasionally spending one on one time with a child.  Of course in June's family there are no healthy relationships. 

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On 4/25/2021 at 4:03 PM, Mary said:

Me, too.  IIRC, Geno has had gastric sleeve surgery, and  I believe Jessica did.  Geno also had a long-needed visit to the dermatologist for cyst removal.  Mama June has had liposuction done on her chin and who knows what else ?  None of this has been addressed on the show.  Since all of  it was probably comped, I’m sure it will be.  That probably explains Jessica’s reappearance on the show.  

Alana must weigh at least 250.  Diabetes has been brought up.  I wonder if they’ll focus on weight loss for Alana ?  They sure need to.  On a show where three of the other cast members have had weight loss surgery, they can’t be planning to do some sort of Whitney Thore-type body positivity storyline.  

Edited to add that apparently, Jessica’s procedure was for a gastric balloon insertion, not other weight loss surgery.

I do not have a great memory, so this might be totally wrong, but I think back (was it two seasons ago?) when June was losing weight, we were told that she'd had gastric sleeve surgery.  I'm sure if she did it was comped, but I don't recall any of her doctor visits, so who knows?

About Alana:  If she's getting minimal health checks, surely someone somewhere has checked her blood sugar levels, whether the doctor knew about Sugar Bear or not.  I'm no doctor, but I am a sentient being, and I think any child who had been chubby, then obese, for her entire life would be at risk for diabetes, regardless of family history.  I think the Sugar Bear Must Warn Alana or Nobody Would Suspect She Was At Risk for Diabetes is one more dum-dum  plot point created to keep the story moving along (and to give Sugar Bear a reason to be paid).

BTW it did my heart good to see Alana seat-dancing on the way to FL, and then actually (sort of) running the beach to play velcro-ball with Geno.  Activities like that, things that she enjoys that get her moving, ought to be built into her daily life.  If only there were a Dance Class for Big Girls.

It takes me several hours to watch one episode of this show, which I record, because I keep falling asleep while trying to watch it and have to rewind and rewind in case I've missed anything important.  Right now, I think the whole shitshow is hanging on by a thread because someone at WE wants to make sure June and the whole lot of them don't starve to death.  As if.

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1 hour ago, winsomeone said:

Geno isn't one of June's pedo boyfriends is he?

No, Geno hasn't been called out as a pedo.  He's an alcoholic and drug addict who is not caring for his own children, so he's no prize.  But at least we have no reason to believe he will sexually assault one of her daughters.  Not that this would be a deal breaker for June Shannon, mother of the year. 

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Another poster touched on this, but it's pretty sad when Geno is the most reasonable of the group (along with Dodo, Josh, and Pumpkin, sometimes).  He keeps being the voice of reason to June.  He is actually apologizing to people.  Last season he seemed to be the one to really want to make a go of rehab.  I do wish though, that Pumpkin, Alana, and Dr. Ish would confront him with tape of his behavior towards June when it got really bad. That was reprehensible.  Her weird dependance on him was pretty bad too. I doubt she will ever change though. 

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On 5/2/2021 at 5:30 AM, Mothra said:


About Alana:  If she's getting minimal health checks, surely someone somewhere has checked her blood sugar levels, whether the doctor knew about Sugar Bear or not.  I'm no doctor, but I am a sentient being, and I think any child who had been chubby, then obese, for her entire life would be at risk for diabetes, regardless of family history.  I think the Sugar Bear Must Warn Alana or Nobody Would Suspect She Was At Risk for Diabetes is one more dum-dum  plot point created to keep the story moving along (and to give Sugar Bear a reason to be paid).


From my experience of both being married to a doctor for years and having kids and living in several different areas of the country, doctors do not do a good job of dealing with childhood weight issues. First off a 15 minute once a year well check (and now many insurance companies limit what the doctor can talk about)  is not enough time to get into complex issues. It shocks me how many doctors won;t discuss weight. My good friend's son was over 200lbs in elementary school and doctors said nothing. My friend's excuse was her husband was tall and he would hit a growth spurt. It seems like parents are lucky if they might get a print out after a well check, that says your child BMI is high and they should work on daily excerise and diet.  

Alana has been offered help more then  once by professionals because of her celeb status. The doctors Tv show had her on and tried to show her better eating habits and excerise.  She has not followed the advice. Now she is a minor so June, Sugar Bear, Pumpkin , whoever is in her life, needs to say no and guide her to make the right choices or not let her order a 3000 calorie dinner.  If geno was trying to be a father figure, and he is struggling with weight and they were at a seafood restuarnt , why not order grilled fish and set an example. Instead geno wanted to be a friend over a father figure or role model. 

On 5/1/2021 at 3:43 PM, PrincessPurrsALot said:

When they talk about it like a date night I am right there with you.  That whole purity ring crap is repulsive. I was thinking more of a father and daughter simply spending some time together.  In healthy family relationships, there is no problem with parents occasionally spending one on one time with a child.  Of course in June's family there are no healthy relationships. 

It does not seem like Geno knows how to be a father figure. It is not about dinners, or promising a house near the beach or a pool. It is about being there everyday. My husband drives our teenage daughter to school every morning , it is a great natural way to bond. Sadly Alana right now only really has Pumpkin to rely on. I  really think the lack of a father figure will soon have Alana jump into a serious relationship with a boy or be a teen mom. With each episode I watch and the more dysfunction and disagreeing we see, I think Alana will go looking for that boy to be a steady person in her life or a baby who will never leave her. 

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I agree @silverspoons.  Geno goes for flash and one offs.  There are times when he seemed very supportive of Alana, a young woman desperate for stable adult figures in her life.  But he is not there for all of the little things that provide stability and support.  They are not showy; they are, however, meaningful.  She has no reason to believe that Geno and her mother, for that matter, won't flake out again, start drinking and drugging and be all around horrible, abusive people.  June is still all about June.  Geno pretends to be about more than himself.  However, he's not exactly caring for his biological children so why should he be considered a positive parental influence? 

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8 minutes ago, newyawk said:

Will they still shoot the show with June if/when she goes to prison? Will the next incarnation be called "Mama June: Orange Is The New Fat"?

That's perfect!    Just wondering if someone at TLC is going to pick up on that?   

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No wonder poor little Ella mispronounces words ... the way Pumpkin talks to her is ridiculous.  Who does she think Ella learns her vocabulary from in her earliest years?  HER PARENTS!  That's you, Pumpkin!


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Well, if somebody on a reality show absolutely had to get pregnant, Josh and Pumpkin are far better than some of the jerks from 90DF or 600 Lb. Life. 

Happy to see that what June and Geno could afford to rent doesn't look too great; even if there's an extra bedroom, I can't see Alana being that eager to live there.

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4 hours ago, Carolina Girl said:

I did love it when June started speculating about her celebrity prison, with “the chef” like Martha Stewart was in.

Geno:  “SHE was the chef.”

June might see herself as a celebrity.  The prison system not so much.  She not up on federal charges for a white collar crime.  Local drug charges for a z-list celebrity do not garner the Club Med of prisons.  At least since she has zero shame she will not be humiliated by using the toilet in full view of her cellies. 

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If sent to prison, she'll end up at an Alabama women's prison.   Like Tutwiler.  Actually, my understanding is that all women prisoners go to Tutweiler first, and then either stay there, or are transferred to another prison, depending on their offense, and their particular case.    

Trust me, June won't be running into anyone famous in an Alabama women's prison, and she won't be a celebrity either.  Since many of her boyfriend's are registered offenders, she might get her huge butt kicked quite regularly. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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On 5/4/2021 at 2:32 AM, silverspoons said:

My friend's excuse was her husband was tall and he would hit a growth spurt.

My ex husband is 6’7”-I met him when we were 17 and his sisters told me that until he got through junior high school he was short and pudgy.  I didn’t believe it until they showed me pictures!!!
Fast forward to me having his kids-a boy and a girl and BOTH of them started getting pudgy in junior high...I got them into sports, cross country, basketball, that sort of thing and then when they hit high school age they sprouted.  Our son is 6’5” and daughter is 6’.  They have never had weight problems.

Alana’s situation, I honestly believe it’s not just environmental, but genetic as well.  As much as they over-did the Sugar Bear trying to warn Alana about the dangers of diabetes~it would have been an easy dovetail into the reality that for a lot of people, simply losing weight eliminates their diabetes.

But no, let’s let that elephant just sit over there in the corner of the room, on an oversized bean-bag chair, munching on peanuts.

Edited by kicotan
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1 hour ago, kicotan said:

munching on peanuts.

Peanuts are actually lower-carb than almonds, which (as a type 1 diabetic) is one of my favorite, endocrinologist-recommended snacks. In moderation, of course. 

I wouldn't be at all surprised if they don't try to repeat the June story, and have Alana go through some kind of weight loss program. Although if the show lasts a couple more years, she can probably avoid any actual effort, and get a free gastric bypass- like practically half her family has (June, Geno, Jessica).

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16 minutes ago, sempervivum said:

Peanuts are actually lower-carb than almonds, which (as a type 1 diabetic) is one of my favorite, endocrinologist-recommended snacks. In moderation, of course. 

My bad, sorry, I should have said munching on sketti!!!

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6 hours ago, winsomeone said:

Ella certainly is a cute child, and seems advanced for her age too. And so far, not over fed. 

I see her eating crap too, I think she is fortunate to be active and have a child's metabolism for now.

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14 hours ago, winsomeone said:

Ella certainly is a cute child, and seems advanced for her age too. And so far, not over fed. 



she sounds way more articulate than any of the adults talking to her, for sure.  That insipid, exaggerated baby talk makes my skin crawl whenever ANYONE does it!!!

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On 5/9/2021 at 10:40 PM, teapot said:



she sounds way more articulate than any of the adults talking to her, for sure.  That insipid, exaggerated baby talk makes my skin crawl whenever ANYONE does it!!!

For real, she even told June not to talk like that to her because she's not a baby.

I had the damndest time trying to figure out why they were putting wings in the party boxes.  Until they later cut to Pumpkin with a bunch of rings on her fingers and it became clear.

There is also apparently a drive through nail salon somewhere on the highway between Georgia and Florida because Alana came home with a fresh set of acrylics from the busted ones she was wearing when Josh showed up in Florida.

ETA Do they even have a script supervisor?  They don't even try to keep the nail colors somewhat similar to each other.  From white and sparkles  to bright green during the return home talk with Pumpkin.  And then back to white and sparkles during her conversation with Jessica while Pumpkin was at the drugstore.

Edited by Sile
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Alana's nails, scary!  She could poke an eye out with those things.

Josh sure has a lot of fake jobs.   A job with Sugar Bear?   Yeah right.

Why does June have to yell All the time when she talks?  It is annoying.

What happened to Jessica and the nursing thing?

Jennifer justs gets more annoying every time she opens her mouth.

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On 5/9/2021 at 4:54 PM, Armchair Critic said:

I see her eating crap too, I think she is fortunate to be active and have a child's metabolism for now.

I watch a lot of reality tv, and lately it seems like these folks, adults and children, thin and fat, must exist on commercially-prepared, high-salt, high-fat, high-sugar snack foods.  IMO there is no need for an adult (barring doctor's orders) to eat anything at all between meals, and no need for a lot of these folks who don't have jobs to a) spend money on snack foods (those things are expensive!) and b) prepare cut-up fruits and vegetables for the kids to snack on, or even stuff like home-made granola bars.

I've been looking at the food in Pumpkin's kitchen cabinets and have seen lots of things that are expensive and that no one really needs to eat, like Toaster Strudel.  Which are delicious, but if you want a delicious strudel, go all out and get yourself an unabashed dessert strudel (Entemann's are good) and don't pretend you're eating a breakfast food, because you're not.  Have strudel for dessert, where it belongs.

I'm preachy about this because my mother-in-law introduced me to the concept of sliced-up raw bell peppers for snacks for our kids.  I was never a pepper fan, but this was delicious.

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On 5/10/2021 at 12:40 AM, teapot said:



she sounds way more articulate than any of the adults talking to her, for sure.  That insipid, exaggerated baby talk makes my skin crawl whenever ANYONE does it!!!

I'm with you.  I have no problem at all with Ella's baby talk, but I want to commit a class one felony when I hear the adults echoing her.  I do not think that their mimicking her speech is going to have any effect at all on her speech development--she's way too smart to want to talk like any of them--I just hate their trying to be cute.  "Cute" is the last thing these folks should be shooting for.

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On 5/12/2021 at 10:46 AM, PrincessPurrsALot said:

Full disclosure: In my head I say the title of this show as Mama June: From Not to Rot. Personally I feel that's more accurate. 


And totally true.  It seems to me if Alana would just stop eating her "feelings" she'd be fine.  Her "allergy" to vegetables excuse was really funny!  The kid can get there!

OR: Dr. Now's next patient.  Hopefully, it won't go that far.

Edited by goofygirl
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I'm going to guess that Alana will be diagnosed as pre-diabetic. This will lead to another weight loss 'saga'.

I've never understood the whole 'What! You told HER first?' drama. But it gives them all something to shriek, scream and bellow about, since there really isn't anything else happening on this show. Jennifer is certainly enjoying  her role as villain- all she needs is a mustache to twirl as she cackles with evil glee.

Ella is darling, wonder how she'll take being supplanted by the new baby.

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11 minutes ago, Kathy said:

Are June and Geno ever going to court?

Mama June dodges prison time in crack possession case as she's sentenced to court supervision & community service (the-sun.com)


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