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Masterchef (US) - General Discussion

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On 6/13/2024 at 11:19 AM, fishcakes said:

I was trying to have sympathy for her based on her having to look at her husband's mullet. But then she used teriyaki sauce on lamb, so I want them both in jail.

That made me LOL for real.  I'm still laughing.  


On 6/13/2024 at 11:19 AM, fishcakes said:

I'm sure not all Gen Zs are this heinous, so they're clearly casting specifically for the worst of the worst.

They must be.  All my grandchildren are Gen Z and they're all gainfully employed decent people with spouses the same.  Also, I've had a computer since before they were born which I haven't had to point out because they're not smug or disrespectful.

Edited by mlp
Correct typo
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1 hour ago, mertensia said:

I'm glad Kale Salad didn't make it.

Lava cakes? I mean, you can get them at Chili's.

I'm hoping the Nigerian woman will have some original dishes.

I can get Lava Cakes at my local grocery store in the frozen section.  Two for $4.99 Canadian.  

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At the very beginning of the episode when everyone was milling around talking, you hear one guy say to a contestant, "you should do a Julia Child imitation" and the woman replied, "I don't know who that is." We didn't see her cook anything so she didn't make it on the show, but how can you want to be a chef and not know who Julia Child is? At that point a PA should have run that info back to Gordon so he could come scream at the woman to get out.

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

It's Murt. But yes, I agree. He was the worst of the lot.


1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

It's Murt. But yes, I agree. He was the worst of the lot.

Spell checker got me again.  I really should check everything that I type.

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On 6/13/2024 at 10:19 AM, fishcakes said:

That's what I was thinking. It sounded like a menu from a chain restaurant where it's mostly steak and fries or burger and rings, but then they add a few dishes like jambalaya or fajitas, which they describe on the menu as "authentic."

completely agree. if you are on MC I expect something better than I can get at my local Denny's (and not slamming Denny's, i think they have their place esp at 3 oclock in the morning and you need a burger and a shake.) 

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"Murt" (I refuse to take that name seriously) lost me before he started cooking with his "I'm the most unique person you'll ever meet" statement.  Really?  First of all, who says that about themselves?  Also, pompous snake oil salesmen are a dime a dozen so, not that unique.

I was sooo glad Ms.  "I cook for the camera first" didn't make the cut.  That is not something I imagine a real chef saying.  It is however the job description of a food stylist, so maybe she should look into that as a career

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i think tiktok is creating a whole generation of self-indulgent people who rank their numbers more importantly than their true talent. JMO. 

of course then again if they can lead the masses with whatever content they provide, they might be onto something i am completely missing. mind you unless i was culinarily trained, i wouldn't dream of creating a cooking channel. and i wouldn't do it for tiktok, i would do it for youtube as that seems more like a pbs type format than quickie squirts on TT. 

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I couldn't get over the inconsistencies of the judging during this episode.  Overcooked salmon?  That's a 'no.'  Overcooked lamb?  You're in.  You're trainable?  That's a 'yes.'  You're a captain in the Air Force which means you're really trainable?  That's a 'no.'  Potential?  Yes.  How does one measure 'potential'?  

The Cornhole girl's dish looked totally unappetizing to me-overcooked vegetables and plain rice?  No thank you.

Just nothing made sense.  And, the guy cooking behind Cornhole girl got rice thrown at him during the stupid Cornhole routine and then he didn't even get featured on the show.

I understand this is a 'show' and the producers think all of their shenanigans are entertaining, but this episode was just too frustrating for me.  Yet, it's a Gordon Ramsay show, so, of course, I'm in... (it's a sad, sad sickness I must have...).

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I finally caught up with this thread to find that I could have written every single post!  I knew my Primetimer friends would feel the same way!  This show is so fake anymore. The judges' comments bear no resemblance to the decisions made.  And of course we had to have at least one really obnoxious Gen Z guy that puts down Boomers. Everything about him is so 20 years ago and boring already including his food.....🙄  Typical reality show schlock. I knew those uncreative, old fashioned dishes wouldn't get past anyone here. I thought they were pushing everything Gen Z was going to do as novel and cutting edge and then we see nothing but a parade of lackluster, old-school dishes any Boomer would make with more finesse and creativity!  I don't get it!

And I have news for that one guy, I was using the internet before his parents even MET much less had him!  I worked at a university where we already had email, chat and more in the '80s.  Many people had to work with computers and the internet and we evolved and updated ourselves as they changed an evolved.  Does he think we're all using stone tablets or something?  The stereotypes are so insulting.  I really hope the Boomers they picked don't fulfill the negative stereotypes and put this guy in his place.  But I won't hold my breath for that.  And his name, "Murt", sounds like his parents were trying to be unique and cool and chose that.  Meanwhile, it's another eyeroll moment.  Little does he know that his name sounds like a nickname for the old, old name "Myrtle", LOL!

One point that was made, thankfully, is that it's not about how a dish looks if it doesn't taste good and some of these people are just good at making food look good on camera but not necessarily taste good.  And even though most of them photographed and posted their dishes online many of them still looked bad.

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