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The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Avengers, etc.


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Captain 'murika says that refusing to talk things out or compromise is true patriotism. Never consider that the other side might have valid ideas and points. Like I said, he represented the absolute worst of American ideals in this story. He's the Fox news of super heroes.


The law and the will of the American people put people of Japanese descent into internment camps during WWII.  So I wouldn't consider them sacrosanct.


But that was a case of existing laws being misused by the executive branch, the Supreme Court ruled internment of loyal citizens without cause was illegal and the orders were rescinded.

Edited by Perfect Xero


The law and the will of the American people in the South included slavery and later Jim Crow laws.


It was Luke Cage, who compared the SRA to slavery.



Like I said, he represented the absolute worst of American ideals in this story. He's the Fox news of super heroes.


He's Fox News if you think of superheroes as weapons, and not human beings, which they are.

Edited by VCRTracking

I thought the storyline always intended for the reader to agree with Cap - a) he was fighting for the status quo in the comics, i.e. the thing the writers were always going to go back to after the registration storyline was over, b) he got the whole tragic death arc, c) they made Stark go to dark places in his position, while Cap mostly remained squeaky clean (except to Stark, I guess), d) he's Captain America and therefore always right. At least when it comes down to him versus Iron Man.


I do think they won't play out the arc exactly like that in the movies - overseas at least Iron Man is a far more popular character than Cap, and choosing the one guy with the word "America" in his superhero name to be the only upholder of what's right and good about society, nevermind what the public/media/politicians want because they're wrong and he's right, might also not go over that well outside of the US.

Edited by KatWay
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and choosing the one guy with the word "America" in his superhero name to be the only upholder of what's right and good about society, nevermind what the public/media/politicans want because they're wrong and he's right, might also not go over that well outside of the US.


I thought Winter Solider managed to thread that line very well. I also think that point can be overstated.  I do agree, though, about Iron Man.   I am not convinced they will go very dark with him at all.  It will be very balanced.   

I just can't see movie Tony Stark being in favor of rigid government oversight and extradimensional gulags. Also, there's the slight problem of all the superheroes except him and Thor already working for the government.

That's what I don't get. I mean if every super hero already works for the government, or their identity is already known to the government, then what is the point of registration? Are you going to have someone try to issue Thor a ticket for superheroing without a licence? Plus considering that SHIELD has pretty much been wiped out, who exactly would be there to enforce registration?


Plus like others have said Tony Stark was the guy who pretty much told the government to mind their own business and keep their hands off his Iron Man suit. And that was before it was revealed that a bunch of high level government people were HYDRA. Can't see him liking the government more now.

Edited by Kel Varnsen

I have long wondered if and then how they'll manage doing Civil War in the MCU and I really hope they don't because it was freaking awful. And lots of arguments here support some major, major, major issues that MCU has established that do not coincide with the comics.


And in all honesty, I have absolutely no desire to see the scene where some journalist berates Cap for being out of touch and not having any connection to America today because he doesn't have a MySpace page or know what You Tube is. (Aside from the fact that MCU Cap is more than familiar with the Internet and has said how helpful it is in catching up.)


Tony absolutely separated himself from being the government arms dealer... hell, the second Iron Man movie put him in direct conflict with the US government over that and now he's going to be all 'Yeah, we should all sign up and stuff!' Not to mention that the comics Civil War had no Thor (he was dead at the time) and Tony wound up creating a clone of Thor that wound up killing Goliath... for which real Thor, once he returned, wasn't even remotely pleased about and kicked Tony's ass when Tony tried to come down and tell him how things were now. Thor was pissed that Tony took his genetic material, that he imprisoned people they had fought beside and then was now threatening him with the alleged power of the US government because Thor had plopped Asgard right outside of Braxton, OK.


If MCU Tony, hot-headed, yap before you think, give terrorists your home address Tony suddenly became a government stooge... I'd seriously believe that Hydra had replaced him with a Life Model Decoy and would expect the rest of that movie being about the other Avengers trying to find him.


(Yes, they tried to get the X-men involved in Civil War... I recall Tony going to the Institute and Emma Frost basically telling him to go fuck himself because they certainly never gave two shits about the mutants being hunted down by various governments over the years. In fact, my being primarily an X-reader and cutting my teeth on stories like 'Days of Future Past' and knowing about where Rachel came from put me on the opposite end from Tony regarding the Superhero Registration Act.)

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LOL, Marvel tweeted about the leak.  Smart of them to laugh it off and post the official trailer instead of being upset.  


The trailer was awesome.  I'm so glad it didn't revolve around Stark/Iron Man because while he's awesome, I want to see more from the team.


Can anyone clue me in about the significance of the ballet dancers?

Edited by Amethyst

I love that Marvel tweeted "Dammit Hydra" as if to blame them for the leak.

I don't know about the ballerinas, but it definitely looks like Whedon stepped up the game for the sequel. As a non-comic book reader, I'm super pumped for this movie and to find out about Ultron. It's interesting that Stark is actually admitting his faults in the preview.

Is it May yet?


Can anyone clue me in about the significance of the ballet dancers?


I think the part with the ballerinas deal with Black Widow's backstory. She was implanted with memories of being a ballet dancer by the Russians who brought her up to be an assassin.


Seeing it in 1080p I was able to spot Jane Foster and Jim Rhodes in one shot. In the party at Avengers Tower being interrupted by Ultron.


*eta It actually might not be Jane. She looks too tall. Some other sites say it's a character played by actress Claudia Kim.

Edited by VCRTracking

There are two things I want to see in this movie. I want to see Cap pick up Thor's hammer, and I want Thor to say "Ultron we would have words with thee" at one point.


Not sure how I feel about Spader as Ultron. It is hard to hear his voice and not think of Robert California from The Office. And I hated Robert California.

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I think the part with the ballerinas deal with Black Widow's backstory. Like maybe her mom or something.


Seeing it in 1080p I was able to spot Jane Foster and Jim Rhodes in one shot. In the party at Avengers Tower being interrupted by Ultron.


Thanks.  I heard that Clint is the one playing the piano in that shot.


I don't think that was Jane Foster in the party scene.  She's not that tall.  I think it's either Maria Hill or Claudia Kim (an associate of Stark's).



Not sure how I feel about Spader as Ultron. It is hard to hear his voice and not think of Robert California from The Office.


That's funny because I was really struggling not to think of The Blacklist.  I was waiting for him to say "Lizzie".


I love the trailer, though.  


The part where Thor goes over and picks Tony up by the throat?  Dayum.

Edited by vb68

Marvel Wiki on the Black Widow and ballerinas:



Another account establishes her as being raised from very early childhood by the U.S.S.R.'s "Black Widow Ops" program, rather than solely by Ivan Petrovitch. Petrovitch had taken her to Department X, with other 26 young female orphans, where she is trained in combat and espionage at the covert "Red Room" facility. There, she is bio-technologically and psycho-technologically enhanced; an accounting that provides a rationale for her unusually long and youthful lifespan. She never really trained in ballet in the Bolshoi Theatre, having instead artificial memories.[9] During her training, Romanova was contacted by the Enchantress, who manipulated her simply for the sake of it suggesting that Romanova may be freed only to prevent her from escaping - however, Romanova's effort attracted attention of the program's organizers, who would had otherwise "discard" Romanova.[10]

Edited by VCRTracking

Well he's a villain so hating him is actually a good thing.



The problem is, it is not so much hating him because he is a villain, but hating him because I found Robert California so annoying. Hearing the voice reminds me how annoying he was.

But Ultron and his "There are no strings on me" scares the hell out of me and I'm not feeling the Scarlet Witch or Quicksilver.

But my Avengers are back but they seem so spread out

That is super creepy. 


I know what you mean about the Avengers being spread out. Plus I really want to know how Tony Stark goes from blowing up his armour, to building a Hulkbuster suit specifically designed for fighting the hulk in the space of maybe a couple of years.

I think he just couldn't quit tinkering. Not every addiction is physical.

Probably. I don't have a problem with it, it is just something I would like to find out about in the movie. That said, another site I was looking at mentioned that it is not necessarily Stark, or anyone in that suit. For all we know it could be Ultron controlling an empty suit.


I really want to know how Tony Stark goes from blowing up his armour, to building a Hulkbuster suit specifically designed for fighting the hulk in the space of maybe a couple of years.


Tony building armor doesn't bother me. He's "the engineer" that's just what he does. The overdrive he went into in IM3 was a result of his PTSD from what I saw but I never expected him to stop building armor. He ended the movie saying that one thing wasn't going to change about him and that was that "I am Iron Man."


However, it's interesting that the guy who spent so much time in the Avengers movie talking about how Bruce needed to 'strut' would build a Hulkbuster suit of armor. This was the guy who seemed to take the stance of 'Let Banner be Hulk as much as he wants, it's part of who he is!'


It's interesting that the guy who spent so much time in the Avengers movie talking about how Bruce needed to 'strut' would build a Hulkbuster suit of armor.

Maybe it was repurposed from another use. Maybe Bruce lost control and went on a rampage sometime between the movies. Or maybe it was a theoretical exercise. "If I had to take down the Hulk, what would I do?'

Loved the trailer! To quote Syndrome from "The Incredibles, "I'm still geeking out about it!"


As someone who knows nothing about Ultron from the comics, I think this is a good intro to the character. LOVED the use of "I've Got No Strings." He definitely seems like a scarier, more threatening and less hammier villain then Loki, as much as I love him.


Also; I heard they are going to show an exclusive scene during "Agents of Shield" instead of the trailer now, so more content from the movie! Yea!


Was that casting choice made by tumblr denizens? I'm sure they're all going psychotic right now, hoping that Loki makes an appearance in the movie.


Eh, Doctor Strange is one of the lamest superheroes going anyway, so it makes little difference to me who plays him. I can honestly say I've never even been tempted to read a Doctor Strange story, and my only exposure to him is when he has (disappointingly) shown up in Avengers or X-Men or Spider-Man stories.

Eh, Doctor Strange is one of the lamest superheroes going anyway, so it makes little difference to me who plays him. I can honestly say I've never even been tempted to read a Doctor Strange story, and my only exposure to him is when he has (disappointingly) shown up in Avengers or X-Men or Spider-Man stories.

I am not sure I would call him the lamest. And I get what Marvel wants to do with this (bring the world of Magic into the MCU) but at the same time there are at least a few characters I would rather see get movies over Dr. Strange. I mean they have the rights to Blade again don't they?  That said if they could make the Dr. Strange movie a horror movie, the same way Cap 2 was a political thriller, that could be cool. 


Also does Marvel/Disney own the rights to the Original Human Torch?


Benedict Cabbagepatch as a superhero? I don't know. I like him in Sherlock, but I don't think he can convincingly play a superhero.


 I respectfully disagree. Just because an actor is best known for one role or one type of role, that doesn't mean he can't play another. Just like with Ben Affleck's playing Batman, I think a lot depends on the script and the direction and if those things are great, then chances are the acting will be too. 


I like Cumberbatch, but a big NO to him playing Dr. Strange.  He's already in two other franchises; it feels like he's everywhere now.

Is he though? It might feel like it, but his role in those franchises was pretty minimal - he played Kahn in Star Trek, and I imagine his role will remain in that one movie, he plays a dragon in the Hobbit movies (only voice acting, plus providing motion capture, but it's not like you can see his face) and he's Sherlock on a TV show that airs three episodes every two years, so I guess he's got the time.

Black Panther has me excited. The Christopher Priest run was my favourite marvel comic back when I was reading comic regulalry. If they could adapt that into a movie it would be awesome.


Inhumans and Captain Marvel movie could be good. I only really know Carol Danvers as Warbird and the only Captain Marvel I am familiar with is Genis-Vell (the original Captain Marvel's son), who I think could have made for an interesting movie too.


Although the most interesting thing is that Disney/Marvel have given up on their 2 movies per year policy. Three movies in 2017 and three in 2018.

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