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Felicity Smoak: Bitch With Wifi

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I'm going to wait till episode 5 to judge whether or not Felicity moving away from an IT girl was just a retcon. I think there may be a reason why. Is it because Felicity wanted to keep her head down because of some issues faced in the past? Or maybe it's something else? 


Regardless, even though Felicity is extremely accomplished, I don't think I can judge her for taking a lowly IT job at QC. Maybe she liked the career path QC offered? Maybe they offered her a huge salary? Maybe Felicity's job as the IT girl wasn't limited to just fixing computers in the company. I mean, she did have side projects and everything. Hell, maybe the economy was terrible(considering she graduated in 2009) and QC had the best offer and so she stayed? 

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If she was willing to work at Tech Village as a salesperson because they had medical and dental, at least IT girl at QC is several steps up from that.


She started working.  How could she not know title/salary?  Hell if she's high enough on the food chain she'd have to sign a contract which would go through her lawyer.  Even if she's not a C or VP or SVP she'd still have to go through HR and sign all those lovely documents that bore you to death, including the official offer letter which spells out everything.

I think she took the job on the spur of the moment, wanting to not to sit waiting in the lair for Oliver to die, and she didn't have any idea of the job entailed, only that she wanted more out of life. Then she showed up next morning, still not knowing exactly what it was that she had signed up for.

Edited by statsgirl
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The quote from the spinoff cbr article was ah may zinggggggg

"“Yet, as well-executed as the debut of Captain Cold is, it nearly takes a backseat to the arrival of Felicity Smoak, who very well may be the heart and soul of The CW’s nascent DC Universe. She expresses lofty ideals simply and concisely, inspiring heroes to greatness while still keeping them grounded in their humanity.”


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Every reviewer, and I checked most including Alan Sepinwall, was singing praises of EBR as Felicity and most pointed out how she makes everything infinitely better and how they should clone her so that she can be both in Flash and Arrow. For a character that was supposed to be this one off Easter egg, Felicity Smoak has come a long way to be called "the heart and soul of The CW’s nascent DC Universe."


You go girl!

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I think thats the third or fourth review I've read that has praised Felicity/EBR and pointed her out as the highlight of the episode.


Here's another one from Ryan McGee.  I mentioned in the Felicity thread last night that he wrote some of my favorite tweets during the episode.

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For a character that was supposed to be this one off Easter egg, Felicity Smoak has come a long way...



I've seen Felicity referred to as an Easter egg before, but I'm not sure what it means in connection with that character.  I thought an Easter egg was a reference to something already known from a particular universe that people in the know who are paying attention will catch.  Like Hurley showing up on a TV in the apartment of the man Jin was threatening in Lost.  I thought Felicity was a creation of the Arrow writers?  Although even as I'm typing this maybe I'm wrong?  Is Felicity Smoak the name of an older lady or something in the comics?


Any insight would be appreciated!

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Felicity Smoak is a minor character in the DC universe; I believe she is Firestorm's step-mother. When the appearance was just scheduled as a one-off, it was a cute name nod to a character that wouldn't ever go any further. Like how they name streets in Arrow after comic book writers. You'd only know the reference if you were a comics fan which is what they mean by Easter Egg. But then, the character took off and became something completely different than what was originally planned. 

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I honestly don't think that many comic book fans would know the name 'Felicity Smoak'. Firestorm himself is hardly the most well known character, and Felicity was a minor character in his book for a while in the 1980s.


So I wouldn't even say she was an easter egg, so much as one of the writers having a bit of fun with obscure DC trivia, and enjoying that he could have this one-off IT girl share the name of a computer software firm owner.


Looking back though, I wonder what sort of name she'd have been given if she'd been planned as a recurring character. 'Smoak' is kind of an odd surname, and I feel sure they wouldn't have used that. But 'Felicity' is perfect for her, given the meaning of the word. One of those happy accidents that I'm sure would never have occurred deliberately.

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Felicity Smoak is a minor character in the DC universe; I believe she is Firestorm's step-mother. When the appearance was just scheduled as a one-off, it was a cute name nod to a character that wouldn't ever go any further. Like how they name streets in Arrow after comic book writers. You'd only know the reference if you were a comics fan which is what they mean by Easter Egg. But then, the character took off and became something completely different than what was originally planned.

Which has since been translated back into comics. Felicity Smoak was re-introduced into the DC (52) universe based on Arrow's version rather than the original comics character. That is pretty cool, IMO.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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A shallow note: I liked that Felicity was in the dress and shoes from the end of The Flash episode last night. It makes it seem that Fee came to check-in on everyone before going home. (Handwaving whatever luggage as being near the top of the stairs.) It's a cute dress that looks great on her/Emily.

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 'Smoak' is kind of an odd surname, and I feel sure they wouldn't have used that. But 'Felicity' is perfect for her, given the meaning of the word. One of those happy accidents that I'm sure would never have occurred deliberately.


Well she was a character in a comic book called: Fire-storm (and yes i know it's one name).

so it's probably a word play: Smoak=Smoke -- "No smoke without fire" idiom.


that's my logical guess.

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Well she was a character in a comic book called: Fire-storm (and yes i know it's one name).

so it's probably a word play: Smoak=Smoke -- "No smoke without fire" idiom.


that's my logical guess.


Oh, I'm sure that was the thinking. The name works for a comic book character, but my point was that it's an odd one for a TV leading lady (or at least supporting lady, which is what they would have envisioned her as, if they had envisioned her at all). I can't see them using that name if they'd intended to have her be a regular or recurring character. Perhaps they'd have done the same as they did with Diggle's name, and given us a character called Simone Gale.

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I'm not watching Arrow this season for obvious reasons but couldn't resist sneaking a peek at Felicity on The Flash.  It was nice to see that the character worked with that team as well.  It made me miss Team Arrow, though.

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She's a girl who likes computers. So of course she was a moody, punky weirdo at some point. Way to avoid stereotypes there, CW! Someone on the writing staff discovered The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, huh? Still, if they referenced her reading Snow Crash or Neuromancer, at least they'd show a modicum of real awareness.

Edited by Danny Franks
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I'm sort of not surprised that they went the goth route with Felicity... I mean, she had a crappy past which is probably why she was all dark and gothic like. EBR said that Felicity in the past is very different, I think there's a reason to that. It'll be fun to see what she's been through to forge her into the woman she is today. I really don't even mind the stereotype as long as it fits the narrative. Because let's be real, sometimes stereotypes are true, and in this case it is. 

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Two things:

1st: Holy Smoaking!! present day Felicity is hot, but if i had to chose? yea, goth days Felicity will not get kicked out of my bed, if fact i'm willing to resort to handcuffs to keep her there. and she can bring present day Oliver with her.

2nd: she looks like a mix between Eliza Dushku and Evanescence Amy Lee


ETA: seriously this hair color suits Emily so much! she look so much better as a dark haired than blonde.

Edited by foreverevolving
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I just can't get over how DIFFERENT she looks.   Like I've seen actresses who got a different hairstyle or hairpiece and different make-up and maybe I'm just so use to Felicity being blonde and wholesome looking......but wow.


I like it.   Super curious about who this girl was in her youth.

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Its not just the different look. Its the way she is carrying herself in the photo. The look in her eye and the way her jaw is set. Its really impressive…and kinda hot.

You're right. There's a sort of edge to her that you don't normally see with Felicity nowadays. I need to watch this episode now because damn, what the hell happened to her? :/

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Felicity always look that kind of girl to me - the sunny one in present or the Goth one from MIT days. I would want to be friends with her and go on coffee dates and talk about shit with her. I have always felt that way.

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Personally, I'm totaling fine with her going thru a darker gothic phase. To me it fits with the growing up a hacker in Vegas. What I need to see in this episode though, is glimpses of modern day Felicity. I need the babble and the warm in all that steel.

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She's a girl who likes computers. So of course she was a moody, punky weirdo at some point. Way to avoid stereotypes there, CW! Someone on the writing staff discovered The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, huh? Still, if they referenced her reading Snow Crash or Neuromancer, at least they'd show a modicum of real awareness.

Hahaha. I'm actually scared of how much this is accurate about MY college years. Granted, it was a whole decade before Felicity, but still. /my life as a cliché. On the other hand, if Neal Stephenson wasn't at one point in time Felicity's favorite author everrrr, then these writers know NOTHING about hackers. *g*

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Whenever I thought of young Felicity I saw her as a less confident version of current day Felicity so this goth thing is a surprise to me but not an unwelcome one. 


Hopefully we're only getting Thea and Laurel pics to avoid spoilers, I'm going to be mad if there's a heavy Laurel focus in an episode called The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak. 

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Based on that promo, it made me wonder about Felicity's relationship with her mother. It seems to me that growing up, Felicity was the mature adult and her mother was not. Like Felicity probably took care of herself and her mom which is how she learned how to be emotionally strong, mature, and selfless... This would be a really interesting dynamic to see.  

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Didn't someone (on this board) just compare them to Rory and Loralei Gilmore? I can see that, perhaps Mama Smoak was more about being Felicity's best friend/sister instead of a mom?

That would be me. And sure seems that way. but we've only seen a few pics and a snap of a scene.

Also CR is 46.. Felicity is.. what, 25ish? I think we can place a safe bet on Mama Smoak being a teenage mom.

Edited by foreverevolving
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