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All Episodes Talk: NCIS: Los Angeles

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I'm in awe that 123BP and LittlePeas3 have such a vast knowledge of this show and all of the various characters and storylines but for me, the simplicity of the early years got convoluted with absurd storylines and the constant addition of new characters.

In the beginning it was Sam, Callen, Kensi, Eric and Hetty. Then they added Deeks and it was still fun to watch. I'm not  sure when it went south for me but while I still watch it, the passion for the simplicity of the early years is gone.

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7 hours ago, LittlePeas3 said:

I agree, seasons 2-7 are the best, as are the last couple of episodes of season 1. Watching season 1 gives you a good idea of Callen too, nomadic, the searching for family, loyal to Hetty (yet sometimes it makes you seriously wonder why) and you definitely get why he became a spy. 

A couple episodes ago, we were finally shown that Hetty found him as a teenager after he had a couple legal issues and escaped a foster home. She took him home to live with her. So I think that’s why he is loyal to Herty. 

Thanks for the summary on Callens’ family. I don’t think I watched the first season much, so I missed a bit, the first I can remember about his background is the episode when Hetty goes to visit the people trying to kill him and almost dies herself? 

Edited by mythoughtis
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6 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

A couple episodes ago, we were finally shown that Hetty found him as a teenager after he had a couple legal issues and escaped a foster home. She took him home to live with her. So I think that’s why he is loyal to Herty. 

Thanks for the summary on Callens’ family. I don’t think I watched the first season much, so I missed a bit, the first I can remember about his background is the episode when Hetty goes to visit the people trying to kill him and almost dies herself? 

Those scenes shown a couple of weeks ago were shown a fair while ago.  They were initially in 6 x 20 Rage after Callen had infiltrated the white supremacist  group.  

Edited by LittlePeas3
because I could finally find the information I wanted
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4 hours ago, LittlePeas3 said:

Those scenes shown a couple of weeks ago were shown a fair while ago.  They were initially in 6 x 20 Rage after Callen had infiltrated the white supremacist  group.  

Thank you- I missed them that time, I guess.   Everyones past has always been murky to me- except for Deeks. 

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14 hours ago, JayDub said:

I'm in awe that 123BP and LittlePeas3 have such a vast knowledge of this show and all of the various characters and storylines but for me, the simplicity of the early years got convoluted with absurd storylines and the constant addition of new characters.

I have to admit--Callen is a favorite of mine. I really like this character and think Chris has done a great job. I remember the storylines from a couple of shows I really like, and I agree that some of the storylines have really gotten convulted (the mole was ridiculous and the Tahir story verged on absurd even though the final episodes of that one were really good, esp Unleashed). That was one thing about the story of Callen's family: it was pretty straightforward and easy to follow imo.

9 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

A couple episodes ago, we were finally shown that Hetty found him as a teenager after he had a couple legal issues and escaped a foster home. She took him home to live with her. So I think that’s why he is loyal to Herty. 

This wasn't part of Callen's original story; it was added by Frank Military--after he cleared it with Shane--but personally, I didn't like it. It doesn't detract from the character; it's just aggravating when writers change a character's background because they want a good scene.

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7 hours ago, 123BP said:

I have to admit--Callen is a favorite of mine. I really like this character and think Chris has done a great job. I remember the storylines from a couple of shows I really like, and I agree that some of the storylines have really gotten convulted (the mole was ridiculous and the Tahir story verged on absurd even though the final episodes of that one were really good, esp Unleashed). That was one thing about the story of Callen's family: it was pretty straightforward and easy to follow imo.

I too found seasons 1-7 the best. I like the Tahir and Callen’s family stories because those seeds were sown in the early seasons and it’s nice seeing the twists and turns the stories have taken over the years.  Callen, Sam and Hetty have always been the heart of the show for me. That’s part of the reason I’ve missed her so much all season. 

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8 hours ago, may flowers said:

I too found seasons 1-7 the best. I like the Tahir and Callen’s family stories because those seeds were sown in the early seasons and it’s nice seeing the twists and turns the stories have taken over the years.  Callen, Sam and Hetty have always been the heart of the show for me. That’s part of the reason I’ve missed her so much all season. 

Hetty is certainly the glue for me too.  As Callen says in one episode, they are just her pawns on a chess board.  I love Callen, and although I like Sam, his being a perfectionist at everything (the weak hand shooting for example), drives me a little nuts.  I do like how he counsels everyone like the father figure though and I do like the relationship between him and Callen and their sometimes crazy banter.  The Tahir storyline, I didn't like so much, I thought it was dragged out and I hated that Michelle was killed in the end and the gang couldn't find her in the nick of time.  The side of Sam mourning her so wasn't addressed enough, IMO.  

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On 5/8/2019 at 1:05 PM, mythoughtis said:

Thank you- I missed them that time, I guess.   Everyones past has always been murky to me- except for Deeks. 

I stopped following the show a few seasons back - when it became clear that TPTB were going with the Deeks/Kensi pairing (not that I dislike the pairing, but I couldn't get past the idea that they'd be totally cool with having a couple as partners on and off the job).

Was it ever mentioned why - given that Deeks's mom is alive and on good terms with him - why did he have his estranged father as his next of kin on his NCIS paperwork back in S2 and not her?

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6 minutes ago, Ceindreadh said:

Was it ever mentioned why - given that Deeks's mom is alive and on good terms with him - why did he have his estranged father as his next of kin on his NCIS paperwork back in S2 and not her?

If I remember correctly the issue was that no one was listed as Deeks’ next of kin. Hetty had Nell research whether a man - I forget his name - was still alive. The man, a convict, had been killed in a car accident after his release from jail. The man was revealed to be Deeks’ father, so the implication was that Deeks had no next of kin so Hetty volunteered to be his person. His mother was never mentioned in that episode, so it was quite a surprise when she showed up!

(This is based on my memory of the episode. I’m sure others know the series better and will have more information. )

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1 hour ago, Ceindreadh said:

I stopped following the show a few seasons back - when it became clear that TPTB were going with the Deeks/Kensi pairing (not that I dislike the pairing, but I couldn't get past the idea that they'd be totally cool with having a couple as partners on and off the job).

Was it ever mentioned why - given that Deeks's mom is alive and on good terms with him - why did he have his estranged father as his next of kin on his NCIS paperwork back in S2 and not her?

I believe that Deeks shot his father at the age of 13 to stop him from beating his mother. Or do I have that confused with some other shows’  backstory? I do think his father lived and went to prison. I don’t remember why his mother wasn’t listed as next of kin though. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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1 hour ago, may flowers said:

If I remember correctly the issue was that no one was listed as Deeks’ next of kin. Hetty had Nell research whether a man - I forget his name - was still alive. The man, a convict, had been killed in a car accident after his release from jail. The man was revealed to be Deeks’ father, so the implication was that Deeks had no next of kin so Hetty volunteered to be his person. His mother was never mentioned in that episode, so it was quite a surprise when she showed up!

(This is based on my memory of the episode. I’m sure others know the series better and will have more information. )

It came up in the S2 episode Personal when Deeks got shot  Kensi asked Callan about Deeks next of kin and Callan asked Hetty who said it was a good question.  At the end of the episode she visited Deeks in hospital (ate his jello) and said she thought it would be appropriate to update her records on his next of kin, Gordon John Brandel - his father.  (Why yes, I do have that episode practically memorized, why do you ask? 😜

2 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

I believe that Deeks shot his father at the age of 13 to stop him from beating his mother. Or do I have that confused with some other shows’  backstory? I do think his father lived and went to prison. 

Deeks was 11 when he shot his father, who was wielding a shotgun. His father ended up in jail but died a few years after being released. Deeks was unaware of that until Hetty told him after he’d been shot. 

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On 5/8/2019 at 2:25 PM, may flowers said:

I too found seasons 1-7 the best. I like the Tahir and Callen’s family stories because those seeds were sown in the early seasons and it’s nice seeing the twists and turns the stories have taken over the years.  Callen, Sam and Hetty have always been the heart of the show for me. That’s part of the reason I’ve missed her so much all season. 

Same here. The earlier episodes were more focused on cases, but the writers were still able to integrate the characters' personal stories into them almost seamlessly (The Debt, Deadline, The Grey Man, Reign Fall--wish we heard Sam talking to his kids more). The weakest episodes to me are usually those that seemed to be written about the characters & their relationships and the plots were secondary (Frozen Lake, Command & Control, Revenge Deferred, Unlocked Mind, Three Hearts). That's one reason I thought these last 2 episodes were really good--they told a personal story AND had good plots.

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I always wanted Deeks' father to come back from the dead, because I feel like his father was the one that scared him the most, and I think it would cause a lot of drama.  Because if any one could be a terrific mustache twirling villain, who could do a lot of damage, it would be Deeks' Dad. Of course, with these writers, he would probably turn out to be a good guy and all would be forgiven.  Bleh.

Also, it might be a good reason to bring back Deeks' old buddy from Plan B.

Ah, this show was so great in its earlier years....sigh.


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19 hours ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

Because if any one could be a terrific mustache twirling villain, who could do a lot of damage, it would be Deeks' Dad.

I doubt it. Deeks's dad was just an angry drunk. The villain I always wanted to see again was Janvier. Like Hetty said, "He's many things, but there's only one thing he's not and should be. Dead." A perfect villain.

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On 5/10/2019 at 2:01 PM, KittenPokerCheater said:

I always wanted Deeks' father to come back from the dead, because I feel like his father was the one that scared him the most, and I think it would cause a lot of drama.  Because if any one could be a terrific mustache twirling villain, who could do a lot of damage, it would be Deeks' Dad. Of course, with these writers, he would probably turn out to be a good guy and all would be forgiven.  Bleh.

Also, it might be a good reason to bring back Deeks' old buddy from Plan B.

Ah, this show was so great in its earlier years....sigh.

 I did too for a little bit there, and I think we're still getting small and subtle indications that Deek's has unresolved demons that stem from his father that directly affect his behaviour (an example would be him using excessive force on a perp in 10x07 because the guy almost headbutted Kensi). So I'm all for them exploring that aspect to Deeks, but I don't necessarily need to see his father for them to achieve that. Arguably it's too late in the show for them to go there and imo, it would feel a little contrived.

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On ‎5‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 2:01 PM, KittenPokerCheater said:

I always wanted Deeks' father to come back from the dead, because I feel like his father was the one that scared him the most, and I think it would cause a lot of drama.  Because if any one could be a terrific mustache twirling villain, who could do a lot of damage, it would be Deeks' Dad. Of course, with these writers, he would probably turn out to be a good guy and all would be forgiven.  Bleh.

Also, it might be a good reason to bring back Deeks' old buddy from Plan B.

Ah, this show was so great in its earlier years....sigh.


I always wanted Deek's mate to come back too.  I was hoping he would turn up for the wedding and would call Kensi Wikipedia again too.  Take Deeks out for a bachelor party and then we wouldn't have had all those second thoughts at Sam's boat.  I've always wondered why he didn't turn up at Callen's, as Callen's apartment is above the bar.  Just a random thought :) 

The show definitely had many more brilliant episodes/season than it does now, but I can't not watch, I need to know how it ends.  I am in for the long haul. 

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On 5/10/2019 at 4:43 PM, ymeagain said:

The villain I always wanted to see again was Janvier. Like Hetty said, "He's many things, but there's only one thing he's not and should be. Dead." A perfect villain.

Loved Janvier.

Personally, I don't think Deeks has a very complicated backstory, and now that he and Kensi are married, I hope they focus on that aspect of his life (I've never seen him as having "demons" but simply a short fuse when it comes to protecting the women in his life).

4 hours ago, LittlePeas3 said:

The show definitely had many more brilliant episodes/season than it does now, but I can't not watch, I need to know how it ends.  I am in for the long haul. 

I agree although the past 2 episodes were two of the best dramatic ones I've seen in a long time. I hope Gemmill gets a handle on things and doesn't veer off into silliness or contrived storylines. I'd like to see more cases, undercover work, less dropping the ball when characters are dealing with issues (loved those quiet scenes that let us SEE how characters felt--the sequence at the end of  Missing was great). I hope the writers don't focus exclusively on Densi (they've never really focused on another relationship, so can't see them doing that). I like that Anna is still around, and hope she returns in S11, and I don't mind Neric as long as it stays to a minimum. Would also love to see/hear more about Sam's family; after what happened to Michelle, he needs to have SOME communication with his kids even if it's just phone calls.

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4 hours ago, 123BP said:

Loved Janvier.

Personally, I don't think Deeks has a very complicated backstory, and now that he and Kensi are married, I hope they focus on that aspect of his life (I've never seen him as having "demons" but simply a short fuse when it comes to protecting the women in his life).

I agree although the past 2 episodes were two of the best dramatic ones I've seen in a long time. I hope Gemmill gets a handle on things and doesn't veer off into silliness or contrived storylines. I'd like to see more cases, undercover work, less dropping the ball when characters are dealing with issues (loved those quiet scenes that let us SEE how characters felt--the sequence at the end of  Missing was great). I hope the writers don't focus exclusively on Densi (they've never really focused on another relationship, so can't see them doing that). I like that Anna is still around, and hope she returns in S11, and I don't mind Neric as long as it stays to a minimum. Would also love to see/hear more about Sam's family; after what happened to Michelle, he needs to have SOME communication with his kids even if it's just phone calls.

I really want more undercover work.  Office of Special Provisions was supposed to be all about undercover work.  Lately, it has just been like NCIS, but with an Ops Centre.  They haven't done much undercover since last season, when Sam was the banker.  Although I really loved the last 2 episodes, I found the second of the 2 a little rushed.  I have no idea how it could be slowed down totally, but I would have liked to have seen some of the down time between Callen and his dad, and some closure.  I love that Anna is still around, I really like her and Callen together, they have a lot in common. I am not as fussed on Joelle, yes, she is an undercover CIA agent, but she has deceived him and everything since has been for personal gain.  While I like the chemistry between Kensi and Deeks, small moments is all I need to see, like in Season 6 when the DoJ investigation questioned Kensi and she and Deeks had a really sweet moment afterwards.  Those are enough for me.  

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45 minutes ago, threebluestars said:

I want to know the story of Harm flying F/A-18s and still being a captain and how old is he again? lol.

55. Sometimes after being a JAG Captain he returns to aviation and transitions to a new aircraft since the F-14 was retired from service. 

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Well, although not disappointing, it wasn't as good as the last 2 episodes.  I found a flaw in the show tonight, Callen had an earwig in his ear, but Sam didn't (they showed both sides of his head), yet they were both talking to Eric and to Kensi and Deeks when they were interviewing Staff Seargent Baird (I think was his name).  Sam and Callen were in the car, listening.

I really hope Volkoff is dead.  I think it is time for a new storyline.  Especially, if Callen's Dad is definitely dead. 

Random musing:

I really liked Nell's dress on her, it looked so much better than the dowdy thing she had on last week.  I really hope she and Eric don't leave at the end of the season.  Eric without Nell is surprisingly boring.  I totally expected Dave to turn up as Fatima was on an assignment.  

I also liked the Kensi/Deeks banter.  It was witty and on song for them.  

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11 minutes ago, LittlePeas3 said:

Well, although not disappointing, it wasn't as good as the last 2 episodes.  I found a flaw in the show tonight, Callen had an earwig in his ear, but Sam didn't (they showed both sides of his head), yet they were both talking to Eric and to Kensi and Deeks when they were interviewing Staff Seargent Baird (I think was his name).  Sam and Callen were in the car, listening.

They initial victim was a Staff Sergeant her boss was a Sergeant First Class Baird which they kept calling a "S.F.C.". I  never heard that before just "P.F.C" for Private First Class and "L.T." for a Lieutenant. But that might have changed since my time in the service 

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Just out of curiosity did it seem like the Eric/Nell scenes seemed to be filmed separately?  Seemed that way to me.  Anyone else?

Edited by Ellee
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OK.  I'm confused. 

So, Rabb stopped lawyering and went back to sailoring, qualifying for the updated fighter jet along the way.  That's fine.  What I was confused about was that they called him "Captain."  When on a military ship, the officer in command of the ship is called the "Captain" and anybody else on the ship, for whatever reason, holding that rank, is traditionally referred to as another, honorary, rank (usually a half step up), so there is no confusion between captains.  The title "Captain" means it is his ship.  The buck stops there.

So, Rabb is the "Captain" yet his shirt said "XO" which means "Executive Officer", who is NOT the Captain.  These are two very different--and very important--command roles on a military ship.  The Captain is in charge of the ship and everything, while the XO--the second in command--is in charge of the people on the ship.  So it is appropriate that the XO be interfacing with NCIS on this, because investigating the crime is all about people.

Yet they called him "Captain" and he was wearing "XO" gear. 

So that grated a bit.  And I could also be all wrong too.  I'm not in the military, never have been, but I read a lot of military style Science Fiction, and I believe this show's original mothership of motherships--JAG--explained this many times.  The producers used to pay better attention to details like this. 

I also found Rabb to be a little, well, stiff and a bit snotty with NCIS.  Coming from JAG, he should have worked with NCIS quite a bit during his career, and as former colleagues, even though they don't know each other, there should be some mutual respect there.  Especially since Harm's mentor and good friend, the former JAG himself, retired Admiral Chegwidden has been into the OSP's business up to his eyeballs, what with his Apple Dumpling Gang escapades with Hetty!  So I didn't appreciate him copping a 'tude with our boyz.

Also?  Didn't David James Elliot play a different character on the show?  A veteran with what, dementia or traumatic brain injury, who was needed for a case?  Maybe they were trying to have DJE play Rabb as extra stiff so as to not call back to that other character.  I dunno...

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When will any TV Federal Agents/Cops/Investigators of any kind learn that you should NOT yell out to a perp while 10 to 20 yards away from them?  It is in the basic "PERP APPREHENSION 101" manual.  They always run away!

Note to writers:  it is really unnecessary to have the above-mentioned perp swan dive into a swimming pool after being chased and shot.

Edited by preeya
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29 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

OK.  I'm confused. 

So, Rabb stopped lawyering and went back to sailoring, qualifying for the updated fighter jet along the way.  That's fine.  What I was confused about was that they called him "Captain."  When on a military ship, the officer in command of the ship is called the "Captain" and anybody else on the ship, for whatever reason, holding that rank, is traditionally referred to as another, honorary, rank (usually a half step up), so there is no confusion between captains.  The title "Captain" means it is his ship.  The buck stops there.

So, Rabb is the "Captain" yet his shirt said "XO" which means "Executive Officer", who is NOT the Captain.  These are two very different--and very important--command roles on a military ship.  The Captain is in charge of the ship and everything, while the XO--the second in command--is in charge of the people on the ship.  So it is appropriate that the XO be interfacing with NCIS on this, because investigating the crime is all about people.

Yet they called him "Captain" and he was wearing "XO" gear. 

So that grated a bit.  And I could also be all wrong too.  I'm not in the military, never have been, but I read a lot of military style Science Fiction, and I believe this show's original mothership of motherships--JAG--explained this many times.  The producers used to pay better attention to details like this. 

Captain is a rank and a position. Since most ships have a CO and XO of the same rank these days most sailors on the ship would call Captain Rabb "XO", and the Captain in command of the air wing "CAG".  But "Captain last name" is also the appropriate address. Hence when Captain Rabb was piped back aboard the ship it was as "US Navy Captain" and not "Allegiance arriving" as it would have been if the CO landed

The only one man on a ship can be called "captain" does come from the military science fiction world, I have seen it in a few novels back in the day. The US Navy is not like that and when Marines are aboard a USMC Captain does not become a Major while on ship to avoid using his rank and confusing the issue.

On JAG the characters were Navy, with Harm an aviator while now Captain Roberts, Bud and his wife came from service aboard aircraft carriers. While Callen is NCIS I thought he came directly from the CIA and was never an ordinary Agent in the service while Navy veteran Agent Hanna should have known better. In any case the biggest break in culture, unless there has been a major change since my day was calling Sergeant First Class Baird "s.f.c." as if the characters only dealt with sailors and Marines and knew naval customs and courtesies

Edited by Raja
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While picking at these nits about rank terminology, I noticed that the military ID card for Sergeant First Class Baird was marked as "SFC" (Correct), the dead woman's ID card was inconsistent.  She was listed as a "SSgt" for Staff Sergeant, but Army (and National Guard) uses the abbreviation of SSG. 

All Army ranks use a similar system.  From PV1 to PV2, PFC, CPL, SPC, SGT, SSG, SFC, MSG, 1SG, SGM, etc.  Air Force would use SSgt, but SSG would be Army.

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8 minutes ago, UncleChuck said:

While picking at these nits about rank terminology, I noticed that the military ID card for Sergeant First Class Baird was marked as "SFC" (Correct), the dead woman's ID card was inconsistent.  She was listed as a "SSgt" for Staff Sergeant, but Army (and National Guard) uses the abbreviation of SSG. 

All Army ranks use a similar system.  From PV1 to PV2, PFC, CPL, SPC, SGT, SSG, SFC, MSG, 1SG, SGM, etc.  Air Force would use SSgt, but SSG would be Army.

The franchise slammed back into its JAG mother-ship and JAG was always better at the mil porn than NCIS

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1 hour ago, Raja said:

The franchise slammed back into its JAG mother-ship and JAG was always better at the mil porn than NCIS

True dat.

And forgive me; I haven't watched this show since Season One. Despite my love for LL Cool J and Linda Hunt, it just couldn't keep me. But David James Elliot? Catherine Bell? Reprising their roles from JAG? I am SO IN

And I wasn't left confused to see Harm pop out after landing the fighter. Tom Boone's CAG did it a couple of times when he was on JAG.

David looked absolutely scrumptious (as I commented in the JAG thread). I don't care that it's a short return--I'm so glad to see him/Harm.

Episode? Harm shouldn't be shocked to be told he's got a murderer on his ship. He and Bud investigated a ship back in Season 8? of JAG, where they had a serial killer on board. If they have the budget to show the flashbacks, it would make me so happy. 

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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1 hour ago, Raja said:

Captain is a rank and a position. Since most ships have a CO and XO of the same rank these days most sailors on the ship would call Captain Rabb "XO", and the Captain in command of the air wing "CAG".  But "Captain last name" is also the appropriate address. Hence when Captain Rabb was piped back aboard the ship it was as "US Navy Captain" and not "Allegiance arriving" as it would have been if the CO landed

The only one man on a ship can be called "captain" does come from the military science fiction world, I have seen it in a few novels back in the day. The US Navy is not like that and when Marines are aboard a USMC Captain does not become a Major while on ship to avoid using his rank and confusing the issue.

Thank you for clearing that up, Raja!  I swear they pulled the "only one man can be captain" bit on the original JAG, but that was so long ago I can't say for sure.  Whew.  Now I'm not confused anymore.

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47 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

Thank you for clearing that up, Raja!  I swear they pulled the "only one man can be captain" bit on the original JAG, but that was so long ago I can't say for sure.  Whew.  Now I'm not confused anymore.

Nope. In the Pilot, we had Terry O'Quinn's Captain Tom Boone and Bill Bolender's Captain "Skipper" Ross on the aircraft carrier. I'm no expert on Military rank, etc., etc. But Catherine Bell did say in her interviews, that during the show's run, they had military experts to make sure everything was as accurate as possible, down to the length of the uniform skirt she wore, etc.

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Very good show that I'm anticipating the wrap-up next week

My only point you don't go from being in JAG to being XO on a nuclear carrier.

If Im wrong someone correct me.

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15 minutes ago, JayDub said:

Very good show that I'm anticipating the wrap-up next week

My only point you don't go from being in JAG to being XO on a nuclear carrier.

If Im wrong someone correct me.

Captain Rabb was last seen as a JAG almost 15 years ago after a career serving both as a naval aviator, one of a very few who shot down an enemy aircraft after the Vietnam War ended and as a JAG officer. So at some point he went back to naval aviation for a third time and served on a support ship before becoming a carrier XO and prospective CO when his ship's commander retired or moved on.

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7 hours ago, preeya said:

When will any TV Federal Agents/Cops/Investigators of any kind learn that you should NOT yell out to a perp while 10 to 20 yards away from them?  It is in the basic "PERP APPREHENSION 101" manual.  They always run away!

Note to writers:  it is really unnecessary to have the above-mentioned perp swan dive into a swimming pool after being chased and shot.

But this makes for "exciting" TV.  It is NCIS LA, we need the mandatory overuse of bullets and kill the bad guy to extend the storyline longer.  (Total sarcasm here). 

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9 hours ago, Raja said:

Captain Rabb was last seen as a JAG almost 15 years ago after a career serving both as a naval aviator, one of a very few who shot down an enemy aircraft after the Vietnam War ended and as a JAG officer. So at some point he went back to naval aviation for a third time and served on a support ship before becoming a carrier XO and prospective CO when his ship's commander retired or moved on.

Only in TV.

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13 hours ago, Raja said:

Captain Rabb was last seen as a JAG almost 15 years ago after a career serving both as a naval aviator, one of a very few who shot down an enemy aircraft after the Vietnam War ended and as a JAG officer. So at some point he went back to naval aviation for a third time and served on a support ship before becoming a carrier XO and prospective CO when his ship's commander retired or moved on.

My perspective is simple. Being a vet I also have a neighbor who retired as a naval aviator with the rank of Commander. He flew 93 sorties over North Vietnam from a carrier so he has some serious chops and when I asked him about this last night he said "yes" it could happen but the likely hood is highly improbable.

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How easily we forget... After Mac & Webb went missing in Paraguay, Harm (in his usual mood of being entitled to be read in to any classified op that he felt interested in) failed to get permission to go to P to find them, so he resigned.  When they came back, Mac was welcomed (she'd been officially TDY'd) but Harm was "Mr. Rabb" as a) this was the second time he had left JAG, and b) this time he had actually resigned.  

So he mooned around a bit, got recruited as a CIA pilot (and seemed to have a blast doing it), and managed to get his face live on ZNN after landing a Hercules on an aircraft carrier, so he was out at CIA.  Eventually he and Chegwidden reconciled and he rejoined JAG.

So, Rabb's Navy career was:

  1. Naval aviator who crashed because of an eye condition which exonerated him from blame for the crash while simultaneously grounding him.
  2. JAG lawyer.
  3. JAG lawyer whose eye condition had been mis-diagnosed and was fixed with a surgical procedure thereby re-qualifying his flight status and leading to his determination to ditch JAG and return to his One True Calling.
  4. Old Man Aviator who was flying just fine and had maturity as compared to the (much) younger hotshots, who it turned out was too old to have a viable career as a Navy Aviator.
  5. JAG lawyer who "realized JAG was where he belonged" while everyone was supposed to ignore the obvious fact that he'd never catch up in Navy aviation after 10-12 years grounded.
  6. Guy with a hero complex who was the only person who could save the day in Paraguay and therefore was good with quitting his job and going all in.
  7. Hero who helped save the day and expected to be welcomed back to JAG for a second time only to learn that Chegwidden had read Maya Angelou (paraphrased here as: when someone shows you their true desires, believe them).
  8. CIA pilot (and loving it) (In my opinion DJE absolutely nailed it as a real pilot - real pilots love to fly and will meet the challenge to fly anything).
  9. Unemployed moody brooder.
  10. JAG lawyer who eventually bets it all on a coin toss (and apparently next week we may learn how it landed - I was rooting for on the edge).
  11. Naval aviator who somehow in fifteen years did the thing that wasn't going to be possible, perhaps skipped past being CAG and is now XO of an aircraft carrier (and its group?).
  12. Future carrier CO?  I understand there's significant "office politics" skills required for career advancement at that level, and Harm was always a bridge burner.  But this is Show, not Life, so who can say?

Of course this also means he's held the rank of Captain for fifteen years, and I thought there were time limits on that - two chances at promotion in something like ten years, and then you must retire.  Again, this is Show, not Life.

Edited by kassygreene
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39 minutes ago, kassygreene said:

How easily we forget... After Mac & Webb went missing in Paraguay, Harm (in his usual mood of being entitled to be read in to any classified op that he felt interested in) failed to get permission to go to P to find them, so he resigned.  When they came back, Mac was welcomed (she'd been officially TDY'd) but Harm was "Mr. Rabb" as a) this was the second time he had left JAG, and b) this time he had actually resigned.  

So he mooned around a bit, got recruited as a CIA pilot (and seemed to have a blast doing it), and managed to get his face live on ZNN after landing a Hercules on an aircraft carrier, so he was out at CIA.  Eventually he and Chegwidden reconciled and he rejoined JAG.

So, Rabb's Navy career was:

  1. Naval aviator who crashed because of an eye condition which exonerated him from blame for the crash while simultaneously grounding him.
  2. JAG lawyer.
  3. JAG lawyer whose eye condition had been mis-diagnosed and was fixed with a surgical procedure thereby re-qualifying his flight status and leading to his determination to ditch JAG and return to his One True Calling.
  4. Old Man Aviator who was flying just fine and had maturity as compared to the (much) younger hotshots, who it turned out was too old to have a viable career as a Navy Aviator.
  5. JAG lawyer who "realized JAG was where he belonged" while everyone was supposed to ignore the obvious fact that he'd never catch up in Navy aviation after 10-12 years grounded.
  6. Guy with a hero complex who was the only person who could save the day in Paraguay and therefore was good with quitting his job and going all in.
  7. Hero who helped save the day and expected to be welcomed back to JAG for a second time only to learn that Chegwidden had read Maya Angelou (paraphrased here as: when someone shows you their true desires, believe them).
  8. CIA pilot (and loving it) (In my opinion DJE absolutely nailed it as a real pilot - real pilots love to fly and will meet the challenge to fly anything).
  9. Unemployed moody brooder.
  10. JAG lawyer who eventually bets it all on a coin toss (and apparently next week we may learn how it landed - I was rooting for on the edge).
  11. Naval aviator who somehow in fifteen years did the thing that wasn't going to be possible, perhaps skipped past being CAG and is now XO of an aircraft carrier (and its group?).
  12. Future carrier CO?  I understand there's significant "office politics" skills required for career advancement at that level, and Harm was always a bridge burner.  But this is Show, not Life, so who can say?

Of course this also means he's held the rank of Captain for fifteen years, and I thought there were time limits on that - two chances at promotion in something like ten years, and then you must retire.  Again, this is Show, not Life.

Love this recap! But, I do have to defend MY Harm re No. 6. It wasn't so much that he thought he was the only person who could save the day. It was learning Mac was in trouble. Show did a HORRIBLE job in keeping these two apart and an even WORSE job having them get together FIVE minutes before the show ended. But there was never a doubt that they were in love with each other. Mac made her share of mistakes by getting involved with men who were in love with her, but she wasn't in love with, to fill that Bullshit of a hole she felt needed filling.

But that preview? That exchange between Mac and Harm better be them joking--they better FUCKING be married and happy. My rage will know NO bounds and I warn you all, I'll go on a rampage.

I can accept Harm's current rank and what he's doing because...TV and suspension of disbelief and all that. You have Leroy Jethro Gibbs, who is still a team leader when he should be retired on the Mothership of NCIS. I can accept Harmon Rabb Junior still on active duty and an aviator.

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I have a couple of questions for the aficionados of the TV show JAG and  the Harm character.

1. Did he graduate from law school and pass the bar ?

2. Did he attend the Naval Academy ?

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1 minute ago, JayDub said:

I have a couple of questions for the aficionados of the TV show JAG and  the Harm character.

1. Did he graduate from law school and pass the bar ?

2. Did he attend the Naval Academy ?

  1. Yes; and
  2. Yes.

That's why Mac and the Admiral weren't happy when he decided to leave JAG to go back to flying after his eye surgery. He was a great lawyer. And he'd gone to school to become one.

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It was just so stupid. Though I did love seeing Harm flying and being the "grown up" here. Though I will never believe he was such an arrogant asshole like Lochlan Munroe's pilot, who killed the peace-keeping force just to one up Harm.

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:
  1. Yes; and
  2. Yes.

That's why Mac and the Admiral weren't happy when he decided to leave JAG to go back to flying after his eye surgery. He was a great lawyer. And he'd gone to school to become one.

So let me get this straight. He left the Academy and became an aviator and while being a aviator he went to law school and then joined JAG.


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2 minutes ago, JayDub said:

So let me get this straight. He left the Academy and became an aviator and while being a aviator he went to law school and then joined JAG.


No. He graduated from the Academy and became an aviator; he was diagnosed with "night blindness" when he crashed his plane, and when told he could never fly again, went to law school and then joined JAG. But he always took advantage of opportunities to fly whenever he could.

Sorry to get off topic. Can you tell I loved that show?

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4 minutes ago, JayDub said:

So let me get this straight. He left the Academy and became an aviator and while being a aviator he went to law school and then joined JAG.


From what I remember, and I am not the JAG aficionado that many others are, I think he went to law school after he was told he had night blindness, but I may be wrong.  

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21 minutes ago, JayDub said:

So let me get this straight. He left the Academy and became an aviator and while being a aviator he went to law school and then joined JAG.


The actual JAG, has been on NCISLA and was a SEAL in Vietnam, others in the office includes an ex department head submariner and a Force Recon Marine office manager. When JAGMAN investigations bumped heads with a NCIS agent the agent eventually saw the brilliance of Captain Rabb and Colonel McKenzie 

Edited by Raja
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28 minutes ago, LittlePeas3 said:

From what I remember, and I am not the JAG aficionado that many others are, I think he went to law school after he was told he had night blindness, but I may be wrong.  

That's what I said right above!

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6 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

. I can accept Harmon Rabb Junior still on active duty and an aviator.

As XO of that carrier, Rabb would not be a part of the aviator group.  His duties require his talents and presence elsewhere on the ship.  However, I do accept that Rabb would take an opportunity from time to time to get some flying hours under his belt. 

Even though he's not flying missions, those old pilots love to keep their status current, just as a matter of pride--plus he loves to fly.

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1 minute ago, UncleChuck said:

As XO of that carrier, Rabb would not be a part of the aviator group.  His duties require his talents and presence elsewhere on the ship.  However, I do accept that Rabb would take an opportunity from time to time to get some flying hours under his belt. 

Even though he's not flying missions, those old pilots love to keep their status current, just as a matter of pride--plus he loves to fly.

Yes, that's what I meant! Sorry for not being clear. Because even CAG Boone flew in the pilot episode to test the Lt. who was murdered. And then again, later, and Harm had to land the plane when Boone was knocked out.

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24 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

From what I remember, and I am not the JAG aficionado that many others are, I think he went to law school after he was told he had night blindness, but I may be wrong.  

Now that makes sense.

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