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The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value

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On ‎10‎/‎30‎/‎2019 at 6:20 PM, oakville said:

Joe made a suggestion  in 2007 that Fred Thompson's wife was a stripper that was working the pole.

This is seriously one of the grossest things I have heard a politician hurl at another foe (especially at that time) but it does give a birdseye view into just how awful he is off camera.

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I was at the grocery store today needing to pick up coffee. I noticed they had for sale the Starbucks "Morning Joe" blend. Is that still a thing on this show? The Starbucks sponsorship? Years ago, when Joe and Mika deigned to show up for work in NYC, I remember everyone having Starbucks cups around the desk. Now? I can't seem to recall seeing any.

Anyway, I hard passed on that blend. I don't need to be sipping on coffee that tastes like hubris and bloviation first thing in the morning. 

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6 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

I was at the grocery store today needing to pick up coffee. I noticed they had for sale the Starbucks "Morning Joe" blend. Is that still a thing on this show? The Starbucks sponsorship? Years ago, when Joe and Mika deigned to show up for work in NYC, I remember everyone having Starbucks cups around the desk. Now? I can't seem to recall seeing any.

Anyway, I hard passed on that blend. I don't need to be sipping on coffee that tastes like hubris and bloviation first thing in the morning. 

The Starbucks deal ended several years ago


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17 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

I was at the grocery store today needing to pick up coffee. I noticed they had for sale the Starbucks "Morning Joe" blend. Is that still a thing on this show? The Starbucks sponsorship? Years ago, when Joe and Mika deigned to show up for work in NYC, I remember everyone having Starbucks cups around the desk. Now? I can't seem to recall seeing any.

Anyway, I hard passed on that blend. I don't need to be sipping on coffee that tastes like hubris and bloviation first thing in the morning. 

Ok seriously, were you at a grocery store or a Home Depot looking to unload otherwise unusable bricks of . . . stuff.  HEE, thank you so much for this as this morning has been a challenge for me so the unexpected laugh was most welcome!

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Things I wish I didn't know - report this to Starbucks and they will likely have the stock pulled.  They have strict rules about how long they consider product viable. I want video of piles of Morning Joe coffee being destroyed because it didn't sell.  We could intercut video of Mika surrounded by emotional support cakes.  

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1 minute ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

Things I wish I didn't know - report this to Starbucks and they will likely have the stock pulled.  They have strict rules about how long they consider product viable. I want video of piles of Morning Joe coffee being destroyed because it didn't sell.  We could intercut video of Mika surrounded by emotional support cakes.  

give it away to people, they can brew it and then use the grounds for fertilizer. You know what else is used for fertilizer? Manure. 

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1 hour ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

Starbucks would most likely donate it for compost.  I just want Joe and Mike to know the product didn't sell.

I'd be happy to tweet at them. 

No one likes you, your show, or your Starbucks coffee. 

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OMG I googled that coffee blend and, apparently, it's still a thing


We created this big, bold coffee specially to stand up to Chicago’s bitter winters. Serious, full-bodied and sweet right off the top, with a hint of dark roast and caramelly undertones. As it cools, it changes, bringing out rich, new flavors. Originally known as Gold Coast Blend®.

I guess that's a nicer way of saying, "tastes like dick."

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3 hours ago, teddysmom said:

What exactly was the point of a Morning Joe blend?

If I was a sales rep there, I'd press so hard for a coffee sponsorship.  It only makes sense.  I can't believe they don't have a Morning Joe Amazon store on their site or in their FB or Twitter or wherever.  For simplicity's sake I'd use their affiliate portal to get to books I'd have wanted.  And now, 15 years in, they'd have a helluva library of works and a literary reputation.   But... meh.

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14 minutes ago, Giant Misfit said:

We created this big, bold coffee specially to stand up to Chicago’s bitter winters.

Because Joe is so associated with Chicago???

ETA Never mind. I suspect that it's not Morning Joe (Scarborough) but Morning Joe (slang for cup of java).

Edited by xaxat
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I previously worked at Starbucks headquarters.   Starbucks names their meeting rooms after their coffee blends.  There used to be a Gold Coast room which means there is now a Morning Joe room.  I wonder if people try to avoid it for meetings because people's hair changes into big, upstanding wedges and some folks bloviate about nothing while others chime in with meaningless sounds. Makes it hard to get anything accomplished.

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1 hour ago, Giant Misfit said:

OMG I googled that coffee blend and, apparently, it's still a thing

I guess that's a nicer way of saying, "tastes like dick."

SNORT . . . ok I object to Chicago being tied into this debacle (we create enough of our own in case you haven't noticed) but we are not accepting responsibility for Starbuck's/Morning Joe/leftovers grossness.

Cause you know, we have standards . . . dead people voting, no problem.  Joe Scarborough coffee?  GTFOOH!

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10 minutes ago, meowmommy said:

Apparently one of the advantages of not being a coffee drinker is never accidentally drinking something that puts money in Joe Scarborough's pocket.

Or just buy your coffee at Trader Joe's.  That's a Joe I can fully support.

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5 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

OMG I googled that coffee blend and, apparently, it's still a thing

I guess that's a nicer way of saying, "tastes like dick."

...As opposed to the rest of the burnt coffee from infrequently cleaned machines, over-heated milk, bland crap they serve at Starbucks? Why is anyone surprised about this? Is it an American thing? Darlings that soupy commercialized tar is not coffee and never was.

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19 hours ago, teddysmom said:

Or just buy your coffee at Trader Joe's.  That's a Joe I can fully support.

DITTO!  And I would also like to thank them for providing Thanksgiving dinner for me this year as my cooking skills are lacking and I would like to enjoy my meal for a change . . . 😘

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1 minute ago, Chloesmom said:

DITTO!  And I would also like to thank them for providing Thanksgiving dinner for me this year as my cooking skills are lacking and I would like to enjoy my meal for a change . .

Trader Joes? OMG they have stuffing at the demo stand this week, I was like "you think I'm going to walk away with this teeny infant size portion? Think again!"  Stuffing, turkey, veggies, pumpkin pie. Thanksgiving dinner. DONE! 

I LOVE Trader Joes! 

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A movement.   Yeah, I guess that's one word for it. 

Here is the Media Kit.  For anyone who wants to have a shaminar at their company, or be a corporate sponsor. 

FYI, they have statistics indicating 74% of KYV  attendees make over $100,000 a year.   I guess the rest of us don't need to know our value. 


She also has Monday Motivation on the FB page. 

This week, to get thru the day, plan out your life 10-20-30 years in advance. 

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2 hours ago, teddysmom said:

FYI, they have statistics indicating 74% of KYV  attendees make over $100,000 a year.   I guess the rest of us don't need to know our value. 

Why am I not surprised.  When I used to be forced into attending these types of events it was always about the upper management sprinkling their wisdom/encouragement on the unwashed masses while the rest of us seethed during this nonsense.  The one thing many of the women had in common with KYV was that they too were banging their boss to get their big break . . . gross.

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2 hours ago, teddysmom said:

A movement.   Yeah, I guess that's one word for it. 

Here is the Media Kit.  For anyone who wants to have a shaminar at their company, or be a corporate sponsor. 

FYI, they have statistics indicating 74% of KYV  attendees make over $100,000 a year.   I guess the rest of us don't need to know our value. 


She also has Monday Motivation on the FB page. 

This week, to get thru the day, plan out your life 10-20-30 years in advance. 

And may I add one more bit of snark . . . I never, EVER trust anyone that claims "I" founded anything as a movement is truly founded by a team that pulls together.  Those "incredible women" that are mentioned are clearly props to her NBC vanity fueled project.  Never trust a leader that begins a sentence with the word "I".

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4 hours ago, teddysmom said:

FYI, they have statistics indicating 74% of KYV  attendees make over $100,000 a year.

They could use a lesson on causation vs correlation.  Mika would undoubtedly like you to think the women attending her shaminars are well off because of her pearls of wisdom, when really, it's only well off women who can afford to toss their money at stupid blah blah shit.

If she actually cared about working women, she'd offer her fake knowledge for free, she'd seek out women at the bottom of the career ladder and provide a network of qualified mentors to help them along (that doesn't mean running scripts and getting her coffee!).  But she really has nothing to teach them other than make sure you're born into the right family and screw someone higher than you in the food chain.

2 hours ago, Chloesmom said:

I never, EVER trust anyone that claims "I" founded anything as a movement is truly founded by a team that pulls together.

Just like the book she "wrote" that completely coopts her intern's story and makes it all about her.

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12 hours ago, Chloesmom said:

And may I add one more bit of snark . . . I never, EVER trust anyone that claims "I" founded anything as a movement is truly founded by a team that pulls together.  Those "incredible women" that are mentioned are clearly props to her NBC vanity fueled project.  Never trust a leader that begins a sentence with the word "I".

Yes, Mika is as integral to women's rights as Gloria Steinem. She is full of herself.  Someone is really pumping up her ego. 

Mika, you get almost all your professional value from Joe at this point.  If you want to prove your value, get your own show and do some preparation every day.  

Edited by nittanycougar
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12 hours ago, meowmommy said:

They could use a lesson on causation vs correlation.  Mika would undoubtedly like you to think the women attending her shaminars are well off because of her pearls of wisdom,

It's a media kit.  It's a marketing materials designed to give advertisers an understanding of what KYV's audience looks like.  She's not saying she made them wealthy.  It's a sales piece so advertisers may want to market to her audience. 
I didn't realize KYV was for-profit.  Heh.  Good on ya, Meeks.


Screen Shot 2019-11-07 at 8.52.44 AM.png

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16 hours ago, meowmommy said:

Mika would undoubtedly like you to think the women attending her shaminars are well off because of her pearls of wisdom

Yeah not everything she touches turns to gold.  Halperin sold a whopping 502 copies of his book during last week's launch.  Heh.

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Monday Motivation she got around to posting on Thursday.  No wonder KYV is such a raving success!  

What is with this constant negotiating and "asks" she's always talking about?  Who has a job where there is never ending negotiating? 

I have absolutely no idea what she is rambling about.... as usual. 

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Man, that was some rambling, wasn't it?

"This might happen or that might happen or something else might happen. Will you be ready when this or that or the other happens? I went through stuff. Stuff happened when I didn't expect it. Stuff could happen to you the same way. It probably will. Do you have a plan? For when stuff happens? Because stuff happens, to everyone."

Did someone here refer to them as Whack-A-Mole the other day? That is so perfect.

They pop up with Meet The Press Should Be Ours - damn you Chuck Todd, bam!

Then it's We Want A Radio Show - bam, it goes nowhere!

Next is I'm Gonna Drop An Original CD Every Month - after two months, bam, crickets! 

Over here with Know Your Value Will Change Your Life - it has me on a hamster wheel headed for nowhere, bam!

Over there with My Ultra Hip Band Plays All Kinda (free admission) Gigs In New York - nah, we quit that, never mind, bam!

Then it's My New Book Is Coming Out In December - thirteen months from now, bam!

They know they're losers. There's no way they don't know. yet they forge ahead. Joe's bloviating and manic episodes are triggered by his own flop sweat and Mika is a feckless poser.

How on the world are they #1 in the ratings? 

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Why does she suppose that we men don't go to work to do our jobs as best as we can, to make it through the day and get to the next?  Why does she presume that we're all Machiavellian conspirators who are angling to take advantage?  What the fuck is wrong with her?
Here is my advice ladies.  Do your job as best as you can.  Things'll fall into place.  You'll be fine.  If you are only there to take advantage of others, then you're a **** who everyone hates being around.
(the asterisks are symbolic.  I don't know what swear word I want there.  have some fun and fill it in for yourselves! Know your swearing value!)

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12 minutes ago, Landsnark said:

Why does she suppose that we men don't go to work to do our jobs as best as we can, to make it through the day and get to the next?  Why does she presume that we're all Machiavellian conspirators who are angling to take advantage?  What the fuck is wrong with her?
Here is my advice ladies.  Do your job as best as you can.  Things'll fall into place.  You'll be fine.  If you are only there to take advantage of others, then you're a **** who everyone hates being around.
(the asterisks are symbolic.  I don't know what swear word I want there.  have some fun and fill it in for yourselves! Know your swearing value!)

Because she married one? 

As a "lady", I didn't want to presuppose that other women don't get shit for taking off work for pregnancy etc.  I had to take care of an elderly father and my boss was very understanding, but I also got my work done and he knew I would. 

I don't know what job  a person has where conspiring to not be taken advantage of fills your day.

I work in RE development & construction, so I have been around my fair share of assholes, misogynists, sexual harrassment (the head of my dept stuck his hand in the back waist band of my skirt once "to tuck the tag in", and also referred to me as his work wife, until I made clear that shit better stop, joking or not, I've been treated like "because you're a woman, you can't do this" until I prove I can and did). I know any almost any field it's hard for women, esp male dominated fields. 

That being said, I also have male coworkers who have been nothing but kind and helpful. One is always there for me (altho he lives in NC) when I have questions about construction. Another offered to call his friend who was a writer on Conan and get me tix to the show so I could take a few days off after my Dad died. 

I don't know what world Mika lives in, but I am sure as fuck glad I am not anywhere near it. 

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JoeMika are just using this show and their various “platforms” to work out all their own inner personal shit. It’s kind of pathetic in a way.

I keep thinking back to that ridiculous promo video they made a few years back with everyone scrambling to get to the set early in the morning. I honestly think it was a projection of how they want the world to see them. Mika wants everyone to see her as a hard charging career woman who always has her shit together, and Joe wants everyone to think he’s some sort of bad boy rebel who plays dice in the streets in the middle of the night and has to get jolted out of sleep with a crash cart.

In reality, they are just sad little wannabes who stumbled onto a great gig and they are too vain and self absorbed to even appreciate it.

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3 hours ago, Eliot said:

JoeMika are just using this show and their various “platforms” to work out all their own inner personal shit. It’s kind of pathetic in a way.

I keep thinking back to that ridiculous promo video they made a few years back with everyone scrambling to get to the set early in the morning. I honestly think it was a projection of how they want the world to see them. Mika wants everyone to see her as a hard charging career woman who always has her shit together, and Joe wants everyone to think he’s some sort of bad boy rebel who plays dice in the streets in the middle of the night and has to get jolted out of sleep with a crash cart.

In reality, they are just sad little wannabes who stumbled onto a great gig and they are too vain and self absorbed to even appreciate it.

A couple of weeks ago I noticed MSNBC started showing new promos for various shows.  All of them showed the hosts actively doing their jobs (interviewing/getting the story/sprinting down the hall mike in hand).  The Scarborough's had a nice shot of them sitting in their living room (please note I haven't seen it since).  They will always be the "One of these things is not like the other" MSNBC offering.

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Get ready, kids. Yet another KYV value book on it's way...this one about "Comeback Careers" written with her sister in law. I think it's about chasing after your boss, ruining 2 marriages, destroying 2 families, and then getting a big fat raise while pretending none of that really happened.  OMG! it just never f'ing ends with this one. I guess all the doodling on the legal pad during her "real" job is her plotting who the next "collaborator" (read: author) of the next lame ass book will be. I'm shocked she hasn't attached her mother's name to the list yet but I could see that happening soon...then Joe...then one of her kids...how desperate. She hasn't had an original idea yet. As I said before, we all did the women's lib thing back in the 70's; this is not some new thing. If I didn't loathe her so much, I'd be embarrassed for her. Now I'm content to read all the mean and hateful comments on her SM: delicious!

I happened to see they are back with the glam shots before the commercials again. Ugh.

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2 hours ago, xaxat said:

Given the recipient of the bid (a group that builds homes for disable veterans), I would much rather Joe promote this on the show over Mika's KYV.

That would be a great idea !

However, Joe is trying to limit his time on the show so he can pursue other interests.

I am shocked that Joe would agree to the studio in NYC for a meet & greet with a contest winner.

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On ‎11‎/‎9‎/‎2019 at 9:56 PM, oakville said:

Thia is an interesting auction. Bidding on a chance to meet Joe but not Mika ?


Well it does specify it's a "quick meet and greet".  I had heard about many other personalities auctioning off full lunches/dinners things like that.  I guess Joe's too busy fielding those phone calls from around the globe to spend more than 10 minutes with someone who has now bid over 3k (but I guess actually seeing them in NYC as opposed their den is a bonus).

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11 hours ago, oakville said:

I am shocked that Joe would agree to the studio in NYC for a meet & greet with a contest winner.

I was thinking the same thing! The dates available to the winner are probably ones where Joe has a gig in the city.

I would actually be interested in meeting everybody but Joe and Mika. "Joe, could you take a picture of me and Eugene?"

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Okay here's your Monday Motivation

So what we're learning today is Mika was told years ago not to ask for a raise because "people won't like you".

I'm sure she misheard the comment, and it was more along the lines of "people DON'T like you, and you going in there asking for a raise is a waste of time". 

Here's my motivation for you Mika:  You got what you wanted. A huge salary, a dipshit husband, and a job that lets you fuck around.   No one likes you and you don't care so SHUT THE FUCK UP. 

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She has no shame.  For the love of God, take a break!  Watch Hallmark Christmas movies, have lunch/coffee with girlfriends, rearrange your furniture, redecorate, lie out on your patio/deck, drink tea and read some sandtrash.  Preferably fiction, maybe a mystery; reread the classics..just "be" for awhile.  Wait, I just described myself except for the Hallmark movies.  Not judging...if they make you feel good, binge.  She is exhausting.  And about as much fun as a root canal.  And about as interesting.

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1 hour ago, Kemper said:

She has no shame.  For the love of God, take a break!  Watch Hallmark Christmas movies, have lunch/coffee with girlfriends, rearrange your furniture, redecorate, lie out on your patio/deck, drink tea and read some sandtrash.  Preferably fiction, maybe a mystery; reread the classics..just "be" for awhile.  Wait, I just described myself except for the Hallmark movies.  Not judging...if they make you feel good, binge.  She is exhausting.  And about as much fun as a root canal.  And about as interesting.

I love watching the Hallmark Christmas movies!

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