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Hardball With Chris Matthews - General Discussion

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What I found interesting was that there were about 100 people that attended and probably five that were still willing to back trump.

They booed anyone that had anything pro-trump to say and one guy called trump a con man that had sold them a pack of lies. 

Tom Perez was there and Chris asked him a question.  My anti Tom Perez feelings were reinforced. Oh how I wish Howard Dean was still in charge of the DNC. 🙄

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1 hour ago, Medicine Crow said:

Am I the only one that noticed how many teeth Chris is missing (left upper)?  (Doesn't MSNBC have health care/dental??)

Maybe he's waiting to get time off to get implants?  I had one tooth implanted last year, and it was a process that took almost four months to get the gums prepared for the implant.  I didn't trust those Clear Choice ads that say you can get them in one day.

So yeah, if he's got multiple teeth missing, it's a process.

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On ‎5‎/‎17‎/‎2019 at 8:23 PM, stormy said:

What I found interesting was that there were about 100 people that attended and probably five that were still willing to back trump.

They booed anyone that had anything pro-trump to say and one guy called trump a con man that had sold them a pack of lies. 

Tom Perez was there and Chris asked him a question.  My anti Tom Perez feelings were reinforced. Oh how I wish Howard Dean was still in charge of the DNC. 🙄

I dislike him intensely and he has not being doing what he should be doing in getting Democrats to be noticed in red states and red districts in blue states. Any success anywhere is due to the intense grassroots organizations  and activism on the ground. 

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::Bangs head on desk::

Chris, Chris....you are out on the road for TWO DAYS with Mayor Pete...for god's sake learn to pronounce his last name!!!!!

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3 minutes ago, car54 said:

::Bangs head on desk::

Chris, Chris....you are out on the road for TWO DAYS with Mayor Pete...for god's sake learn to pronounce his last name!!!!!

Yes, I heard this, too.  At least twice!  For the love of God, how big is your ego and how tone deaf are you?  I know you have been around politics and the networks a long time; but not pronouncing the name of a guest correctly?  Unprofessional.  And unforgivable.

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Y'know...normally I'd be really annoyed with CM for not learning how to pronounce Mayor Pete's last name.  But now?  I don't think he's capable.  He mixes people's names up or forgets their names completely already so learning how to pronounce this wonderful candidate's name may be beyond him now. As some of us have already said, he needs to retire before the 2020 campaign really cranks up.

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Hey...I've got an idea for making MILLIONS!
And I want to share it with the smart folks here on Primetimer (fka...Previously.TV).
And the idea?
A TV network that is REALLY fair, balanced, honest, trusted. 
A network that does NOT support "shout shows", clearly biased "reporting", lies, innuendos, rants, and one-sided reports. 
A network that bans "BREAKING NEWS" from every segment.
A network that allows proponents to present their opinions, and then immediately parses fact from fiction, calmly, rationally, honestly, respectfully.

A network that...oh blimey...sorry to waste your time. 
I will now go back to trying to master "Over the Rainbow" on my guitar.

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I was listening to the show tonight when Chris was trashing the apparent draft-dodging of Trump.  I thought that Chris had served in the Peace Corps and not done military service; he would have been the right age.  I was mentally thinking he avoided (dodged) the draft by his Peace Corps service.  

As I was looking at his Wiki page I thought I heard him say that he had a high draft number so opted for the Peace Corps instead of military service.  Do I have that right?  Because the boys/guys who had the low draft numbers got called up?

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On 5/29/2019 at 8:55 PM, annzeepark914 said:

As some of us have already said, he needs to retire before the 2020 campaign really cranks up.

From your lips to god's ears.   And why does he always sound like he's talking with a mouthful of spit?   With his testicles in a vise? 

I used to like him but now he just infuriates me.   The raised voice, the spittle and the constant, incessant interrupting.   Has any guest ever gotten to finish a sentence, ever??

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On 6/5/2019 at 7:14 PM, Kemper said:

I was listening to the show tonight when Chris was trashing the apparent draft-dodging of Trump.  I thought that Chris had served in the Peace Corps and not done military service; he would have been the right age.  I was mentally thinking he avoided (dodged) the draft by his Peace Corps service.  

As I was looking at his Wiki page I thought I heard him say that he had a high draft number so opted for the Peace Corps instead of military service.  Do I have that right?  Because the boys/guys who had the low draft numbers got called up?

It was a tough time. A lot of guys I knew enlisted in the reserves, the original weekend warriors.  So, one had the reserves, the Peace Corps or, head to Canada. Chris Matthews took Peace Corps. Have no idea where he served. I think a lot of those places were no picnic.  

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On 5/29/2019 at 8:55 PM, annzeepark914 said:

Y'know...normally I'd be really annoyed with CM for not learning how to pronounce Mayor Pete's last name.  But now?  I don't think he's capable.  He mixes people's names up or forgets their names completely already so learning how to pronounce this wonderful candidate's name may be beyond him now. As some of us have already said, he needs to retire before the 2020 campaign really cranks up.

He insisted that Dick Cheney’s last name was pronounced “Cheeney” and refused to budge, even when Cheney’s wife was on the show and told him flat out he was wrong.

7 hours ago, The Solution said:

Chris Matthews' town hall with Dayton, Ohio voters had to be the most disjointed and incoherent news event I've seen in quite some time. And I watch at least a few minutes of Morning Joe almost every morning.

It was so depressing. I don’t understand what some of those guys are still so angry about! That one guy with the glasses who was screeching at Sherwood Brown about “getting robbed” was almost unhinged. Does he not get the realities of the big tax cut bill? It wasn’t Sherrod Brown who left him out of that.

I did like that Chris semi challenged a few statements from some folks, but mostly he just veered from question to question without waiting for or listening to the answers, even when a guest was factually incorrect. For example, the woman who stated that Trump had improved the economy by “talking to the steel companies” didn’t seem to know that steel is actually in a downturn.

Edited by Eliot
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I watched a bit of his Town Hall last night...I figured it would be an interruption/shout fest so didn't tune in until the last 45 minutes or so.   It was not terrible...but...

Chris just is not capable of doing justice to a show like this...he can't think all that well on his feet.  He was busy listening to his earpiece while trying to talk to the audience person.  But I do think he tried; and he seemed to be able to shut down the one or two obnoxious attendees.  All-in-all it was a little better than I thought it would be.  

There are a couple of people who should not host a show like this...mainly Chris and Joe Scarborough...they like the sound of their own voices too much to give the mic up to others for any length of time.  But again...I think Chris actually tried; so I give him a bit of credit for that. Sadly I think he will do a series of these.

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Did anyone notice how entitled Chris behaved towards a Daily Show correspondent after the debate last night?  This occurred in the "Spin Room" after the debate.  Granted, I am sure Chris had never seen the guy before. But.  His brush-off of "I am so above you" was kind of jarring.  Most reporters and politicians that TDS correspondent approached were not warm and fuzzy.  But they were not as downright snooty as Matthews. 

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1 hour ago, Kemper said:

Did anyone notice how entitled Chris behaved towards a Daily Show correspondent after the debate last night?  This occurred in the "Spin Room" after the debate.  Granted, I am sure Chris had never seen the guy before. But.  His brush-off of "I am so above you" was kind of jarring.  Most reporters and politicians that TDS correspondent approached were not warm and fuzzy.  But they were not as downright snooty as Matthews. 

I wonder if he thought the correspondent was going to turn the interview into a comedy sketch & felt resentful/protective?

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Interesting that Chris chose to end tonight's show with a clip of Anderson Cooper's interview with Stephen Colbert.

The entire interview was pretty good. I think CNN is rerunning it on Sunday night.

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On 8/16/2019 at 9:13 PM, Bluelucy said:

Interesting that Chris chose to end tonight's show with a clip of Anderson Cooper's interview with Stephen Colbert.

The entire interview was pretty good. I think CNN is rerunning it on Sunday night.

Thank you for the heads-up! 

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Is anyone watching Hardball lately? I usually don't, but last week, while scrolling through the channels, I stopped to see what CM was up to. Glorioski. While Matthews was talking to someone who was off-site, two different times he forgot the name of the *subject* of this discussion & turned to a studio guest (who promptly provided the subject's last name each time). I cannot believe CM is still on the air. 

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On 9/26/2019 at 6:46 AM, annzeepark914 said:

Is anyone watching Hardball lately? I usually don't, but last week, while scrolling through the channels, I stopped to see what CM was up to. Glorioski. While Matthews was talking to someone who was off-site, two different times he forgot the name of the *subject* of this discussion & turned to a studio guest (who promptly provided the subject's last name each time). I cannot believe CM is still on the air. 

I saw that.  For some insane reason, I watch this show every evening and what you described has become fairly routine.  What he doesn't forget, he mispronounces, and he mangles his sentences.   Then there's the spit spewing, burping and hacking up a lung. 

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2 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

I saw that.  For some insane reason, I watch this show every evening and what you described has become fairly routine.  What he doesn't forget, he mispronounces, and he mangles his sentences.   Then there's the spit spewing, burping and hacking up a lung. 

Good grief...had no idea it's gotten that bad. I thought there were two new guys changing things at MSNBC. Why haven't they given Matthews the hook? I've also noticed some of the annoying chitchat between show hosts, at the turn of the hour, has returned. 

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On 9/27/2019 at 9:29 PM, annzeepark914 said:

some of the annoying chitchat between show hosts, at the turn of the hour, has returned. 

Can't say exactly why, but that chatty hand-off between shows bugs the bejeezus out of me, especially between Rachel and Lawrence.   And I love both of them, just not with this.   My guess is that someone on high has determined where it works and where it doesn't and issues orders.   There is never a folksy segue way between Ari and Chris M., or between Chris M. and Chris H.   Matthews doesn't do chit-chat, that's apparent.   But the one with  RM and LO goes on forever.  It makes me twitchy.

Edited by Ladyrain
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Well, I guess this is the only good thing about Hardball these days.  Chris doesn't do the chit chat with the next show's host (the other Chris).  One thing I enjoyed was when he'd do his "Tell Me Something I don't Know" segment at the end of the show. I may have already mentioned that here a while back. But it would get me perked up and really excited - getting a head start on something big that was about to happen.  Nowadays, I don't think I can handle such excitement - life during the Trump days has become too wild for me.

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Anyone notice it's been more HB w/Steve Kornacki rather than CM? When everyone else returned to their shows after Labor Day Chris didn't for another week or so. And it's been Steve again this week. That's a lot of post-summer vacation, especially with the way the news has been ricocheting around. Wonder if all this is related to the increase in malapropisms and other on-screen struggles.

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25 minutes ago, SG429 said:

Anyone notice it's been more HB w/Steve Kornacki rather than CM? When everyone else returned to their shows after Labor Day Chris didn't for another week or so. And it's been Steve again this week. That's a lot of post-summer vacation, especially with the way the news has been ricocheting around. Wonder if all this is related to the increase in malapropisms and other on-screen struggles.

Since I can't stand CM any more, I haven't been watching Hardball. But I agree. Things are too hot right now for the host of a talk show like HB to be absent.  

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On 10/11/2019 at 7:33 PM, SG429 said:

Wonder if all this is related to the increase in malapropisms and other on-screen struggles.

That crossed my mind as well.  Chris M. has become increasingly difficult to watch in the last year or two (or three.  Or four) and I find myself switching the channel.   I wonder how many others do that too. 

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I have noticed Matthews' absence also.  I have to wonder if it is a health issue; I hope not.  I wish the network would replace him at 7:00...remember when he was on at maybe 5:00?  And then they reran it at 7:00?  I don't know if Kornacki is the right fit, though.  David Gura? Katy Tur?  Joy Reid? Either of the hosts who are on  before MJ? 

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13 hours ago, Kemper said:

I have noticed Matthews' absence also.  I have to wonder if it is a health issue; I hope not.  I wish the network would replace him at 7:00...remember when he was on at maybe 5:00?  And then they reran it at 7:00?  I don't know if Kornacki is the right fit, though.  David Gura? Katy Tur?  Joy Reid? Either of the hosts who are on  before MJ? 

I'd love to see Katy take over Hardball or MTP Daily, but I doubt she would right now. 

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I checked in on Hardball tonight (while watching Jeopardy), noticed that Steve once again was hosting.  Checked in one last time at 7:58 and heard Steve say that Chris wanted people to know why he hasn't been there. He had prostate cancer surgery last week and hopes to return to the show in a day or so.  I'm glad something was said about his absence.

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I just heard about his health issues.  I am so sorry ... we joke around about Chris and how we wish someone else would take over the show.  I would never, ever want someone to leave their job due to illness.  I wish he and his family the best; and it is nice that he is able to get back to his schedule so quickly.  

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2 hours ago, Kemper said:

I just heard about his health issues.  I am so sorry ... we joke around about Chris and how we wish someone else would take over the show.  I would never, ever want someone to leave their job due to illness.  I wish he and his family the best; and it is nice that he is able to get back to his schedule so quickly.  

Well, it's ok IMO to wish Chris would retire (and who knows--maybe after this health experience he just might--surgery is hard on the body) because he's no longer able to be the host that he used to be. Stuff is happening today really fast. Lots of names, titles, agencies, congressmen & women, Senators, their districts and states, countries & dictators, etc., to remember quickly. And, of course, on top of all that, the impeachment hearings taking place. I've observed that it's hard enough for the younger hosts to keep up with it all.

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I haven't watched HB in years.

Yeah he's been on air a long time.

Maybe he should play the role of eminence gris instead of having to deal with the rigors of a daily show.

I can see him having a segment for impeachment hearings coverage or election coverage but not front and center hosting it.

Call on him to give his viewpoint or perspective but that's about it.

Don't anchor these one-off broadcasts, don't host a daily show.

I guess it's up to MSNBC, if they want to keep paying him, because his show gets enough ratings or something.

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4 hours ago, scrb said:

Maybe he should play the role of eminence gris instead of having to deal with the rigors of a daily show.

I like this idea.  One of the reasons I like Chris is that he has been around for years and has seen it all, so he has a perspective that the younger hosts don't.   I wouldn't want to lose that. 

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Last night, Eric Swalwell appeared on Hardball and, apparently, got blamed/shamed by the everyone on Twitter for ripping a juicy, ripe one during a live interview. I maintain, like this person below, that it was, in fact, not him, but Chris Matthews:

Exhibit A, I feel, is the most important bit of evidence:

This might be the most interesting thing that's happened on Hardball in years.

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i heard Chris say very recently how grateful he is for his medical insurance. He added something about how sick he has been. Anyone know what his health issues are? I would like to see him either retire or go part time  or be a  talking head sometimes. Whether one likes him or not, he was a mover and shaker in his day. I don't like watching people go downhill mentally on TV.

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As soon as Jeopardy ends, at 7:58, I switch to Hardball, hoping CM will have some interesting nugget of the latest news. Tonight, he said that whoever becomes the Democratic nominee...that nominee had *better* beat Trump. He is so right. So, who was the candidate in 2004, that most Dems really wanted to be the candidate? I recall that I loathed Kerry, but can't recall who his primary opponents were.

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16 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

As soon as Jeopardy ends, at 7:58, I switch to Hardball, hoping CM will have some interesting nugget of the latest news. Tonight, he said that whoever becomes the Democratic nominee...that nominee had *better* beat Trump. He is so right. So, who was the candidate in 2004, that most Dems really wanted to be the candidate? I recall that I loathed Kerry, but can't recall who his primary opponents were.

Let;s see: John Edwards (later his running mate), Howard Dean (the early fave), General Wesley Clark.  Ralph Nader ran as in independent.

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I have noticed who is hosting at MSNBC during the impeachment breaks.  Chris has hosted some, but there has been a lot of Ari Melbar, Rachel, Brian Williams and a couple of others.  Chris is mainly a guest.  This makes me a bit sad ... but it could be a good thing for him.

Chris would make a wonderful "Elder Statesman" -- maybe the Tom Brokaw role.  He has years of political knowledge and contacts to draw from.  Maybe Brian Williams in the 7:00 slot? Chris summing things up at 11?  


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10 minutes ago, Kemper said:

I have noticed who is hosting at MSNBC during the impeachment breaks.  Chris has hosted some, but there has been a lot of Ari Melbar, Rachel, Brian Williams and a couple of others.  Chris is mainly a guest.  This makes me a bit sad ... but it could be a good thing for him.

Chris would make a wonderful "Elder Statesman" -- maybe the Tom Brokaw role.  He has years of political knowledge and contacts to draw from.  Maybe Brian Williams in the 7:00 slot? Chris summing things up at 11?  


I dunno...at Chris's age, he might be nodding off by 11:00 (I know I am!)  But hasn't Hardball been taken over by group discussions only during the impeachment trial?  I didn't see it as others sort of auditioning for his job. Maybe I haven't been paying close attention, though. Hmmmm.

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I'm quite sure they TPTB at MSNBC told Chris to take a piece of a chill pill in regards to the Sanders issue.  

I also thought I heard maybe 4 or 5 months ago Chris H was sitting in for him that Chris M was finished with his last round of chemo?? Maybe I was tripping. 

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2 hours ago, Charone said:

I'm quite sure they TPTB at MSNBC told Chris to take a piece of a chill pill in regards to the Sanders issue.  


I would hope so since he had a meltdown over what a Sanders win would mean to him. He was close to tears and said that he was afraid of being beheaded, it was a sight to behold.  The bemused expressions on everybody's face after he made his bizarre rant was priceless.. I actually like Chris even though he can be cringeworthy at times..

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