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Kristen Taekman: At Least She's Pretty

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Think about this, had Heather been asked about this and said "no comment" or something along those lines, people would be up in arms that she didn't "defend" her friends.


Not true.  'No comment' is the least she could've said but she, in her inimitable style had to offer the other end of the spectrum: The Gospel According to Holla.  Couldn't she pick someplace in the middle? 


Imo, she, like Carole, needs to keep her friends' exes' (and possibly soon-to-be exes') names out of her big mouth. That's what friends are for.  Can I get a Hollalujah?

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I think Heather knows Josh far better than any of us, the viewers, do and she is only saying what HE has said publicly, that he did not cheat on Kristen. So I don't think she is blind to Josh's faults but is sticking to his public stance. Now if Heather defends Josh, if it is found out that he did indeed cheat on Kristen, or it is found that she was not sensitive to Kristen's pain in all of this, then I will be disappointed in her but until then, IMO, Heather is standing by her friend(s).


I would be furious at my husband if he joined a cheating web site even if he didn't actually cheat on me and so far Kristen has said nothing public but instead is, IMO, making Josh face the music alone, maybe that IS her punishment for him. 


Think about this, had Heather been asked about this and said "no comment" or something along those lines, people would be up in arms that she didn't "defend" her friends.

I wouldn't.  Words like "totally innocent" are dangerous.  Heather and Josh may have known each other 15 years but I don't think they have been friends 15 years.  I do think they became reacquainted last year after working together for a couple of years.


I am encouraged because the longer Kristen and Josh stay silent the faster they fade into obscurity.  Don't really ever want to see or hear from Josh again and there are enough single women on the RHONYC.

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Eesh I really really don't like what Heather said at all. She shouldn't have been commenting at all, even if Kristen and Josh were okay with it. It's just not her place. 


And bullshit that he's totally innocent. The pos lied when first confronted with it, and only copped to it later. 62 PAID transactions and it was all a joke with friends? Please. 


But I agree that this doesn't bode well for Kristen leaving him. I really do not want to watch a season of her and Josh trying to make their marriage work. I've seen enough of that on RHOC and I think it'd be even more frustrating here. 

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I wouldn't.  Words like "totally innocent" are dangerous.  Heather and Josh may have known each other 15 years but I don't think they have been friends 15 years.  I do think they became reacquainted last year after working together for a couple of years.


I am encouraged because the longer Kristen and Josh stay silent the faster they fade into obscurity.  Don't really ever want to see or hear from Josh again and there are enough single women on the RHONYC.

The thing is, she could have figured out some statement like she was supporting the couple in "this difficult time", she "supports them in whatever decisions they make." 


I agree saying he is "completely innocent" is not good.  To say "this is exactly the kind of thing he would do" is WORSE!  The guy is not 19 and living in a frat house.  He's in his 40's; you don't sign up for the site, never mind go back to it time and time again, as a joke.  And it seem to me at least that his profile isn't the type you would put in if it were a joke.  It seemed pretty well thought out to me, though as usual he's thinking of himself first (putting "total respect to my situation and yours" -- shouldn't you mention the other person first?).


Just a question-on this Ashley Madison site you pay for only making inquiries about someone and not retrieving inquiries?  So if I am Mr. Big NYC and I want to talk to Shandalear-I pay to contact right?  If I am Shandalear I don't have to pay to retrieve the inquiry?  I mean I could see if both parties paid it would be a beyond huge money maker for the site.  They could just randomnly choose contacts.  So if you don't have to pay to retrieve contacts could there not be 600 conversations?

Well, considering it now appears the vast majority of the women's profiles were fake, it may well be he wasn't speaking to anyone at all.  And the site can't make money off the fake profiles "retrieving" the inquiries.


I can actually believe he didn't have a physical affair off the website, since there were very few women on the site.  But with multiple conversations, he was thinking about it.  I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out he had other affairs, through the more traditional 'pick up someone at a bar' way.

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Not true.  'No comment' is the least she could've said but she, in her inimitable style had to offer the other end of the spectrum: The Gospel According to Holla.  Couldn't she pick someplace in the middle? 


Imo, she, like Carole, needs to keep her friends' exes' (and possibly soon-to-be exes') names out of her big mouth. That's what friends are for.  Can I get a Hollalujah?

As of right now, Kristen is staying with Josh and she has said nothing beyond Thank You for the support she received. There is no reason to believe that she intends to leave him if you look at her twitter account. She has been posting happy pictures of her and Josh TOGETHER. When did Heather mention any of her friends "exes" or "soon to be exes" because I have not seen it and what Carole said on the show has no bearing on Heather at all IMO.  There is nothing that says Kristen is going to leave Josh, nothing at all if you are referring to her.


Heather went with what Josh has said to the press and the fact that Kristen has said nothing against his statement, to me, means she is going along with whatever he says on the matter, so I expect nothing different from their friends.

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Okay I checked. Kristen haven't posted any pictures of them together since the  news broke.


She was stuck with him promoting Eboost across the country when it broke but she stopped posting pictures of them together and haven't mentioned him in any capacity on her twitter or elsewhere, that I am aware off.

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I wouldn't.  Words like "totally innocent" are dangerous.  Heather and Josh may have known each other 15 years but I don't think they have been friends 15 years.  I do think they became reacquainted last year after working together for a couple of years.


I am encouraged because the longer Kristen and Josh stay silent the faster they fade into obscurity.  Don't really ever want to see or hear from Josh again and there are enough single women on the RHONYC.

IMO, the "totally innocent" comment was about him cheating on Kristen, not that he was innocent in joining the AM site. We have no idea if he ever cheated on Kristen or not so we can't assume anything based on any facts because there is nothing. Also, we have no idea if they kept in contact during the years before Kristen joined the show or how close their friendship grew during the time after Kristen/Josh joined the show. The fact that Kristen/Josh knew Heather's son, Jax, well enough to get him tickets to a wrestling show says they are close as families.


Also, Heather may have felt she needed to say this because of Sonja's negative comment about Kristen/Josh, someone needed to be supportive of them, not tear them down further in the press. I am sure Heather is well aware of how Kristen feels and what she, Kristen, wants said.

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Okay I checked. Kristen haven't posted any pictures of them together since the  news broke.


She was stuck with him promoting Eboost across the country when it broke but she stopped posting pictures of them together and haven't mentioned him in any capacity on her twitter or elsewhere, that I am aware off.

The pictures of them together in California were taken and posted after his AM membership was revealed and after he admitted to it. Kristen has never posted many pictures of them together on twitter except for anniversaries and a few family photos. She tweets about herself, her nail polish and the show more than anything else.



This was taken and posted to her Instagram account a week ago after he admitted to having the AM account.


Edited by WireWrap
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Okay I checked. Kristen haven't posted any pictures of them together since the  news broke.


She was stuck with him promoting Eboost across the country when it broke but she stopped posting pictures of them together and haven't mentioned him in any capacity on her twitter or elsewhere, that I am aware off.



She hasn't. The last picture she posted of her and Josh together, she posted  on August 21.  


Even if Kristen expressed to Heather that she's not currently planning on leaving Josh, Heather has no way to know if that will change. What I dislike about Heather's statement most is that it almost sets it up so Kristen seems unreasonable if she leaves Josh. There is NO way this was an innocent joke. 62 separate transactions that he paid for! It's unbelievable that someone as smart as Heather really doesn't see this. I still like her, and I get that she's trying to be loyal, but no.


This was taken and posted to her Instagram account a week ago after he admitted to having the AM account.


If you hover over the date it shows it was posted on August 21. That picture was up long before the news broke. She hasn't posted or mentioned him since. Now I'm not saying she's leaving him, but she hasn't mentioned him.

Edited by racked
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She hasn't. The last picture she posted of her and Josh together, she posted  on August 21.  


Even if Kristen expressed to Heather that she's not currently planning on leaving Josh, Heather has no way to know if that will change. What I dislike about Heather's statement most is that it almost sets it up so Kristen seems unreasonable if she leaves Josh. There is NO way this was an innocent joke. 62 separate transactions that he paid for! It's unbelievable that someone as smart as Heather really doesn't see this. I still like her, and I get that she's trying to be loyal, but no.

If you hover over the date it shows it was posted on August 21. That picture was up long before the news broke. She hasn't posted or mentioned him since. Now I'm not saying she's leaving him, but she hasn't mentioned him.

To me, when someone comes up with an over the top endorsement such has Heather's I get nervous about their sincerity.  Heather's gushing sentiments seemed as sincere as a Ramona morning after apology.  I applaud her for taking a stand and supporting Kristen but be a little more reserved.  Comments like Heather's have a tendency to backfire.  Josh and Kristen know that the less said the better  as if there are people out there who want to dispute Josh's claims of good clean fun, the stakes get higher with each endorsement of innocence and marital loyalty. 


Last picture I saw of Kristen she was lunching with Brandi in LA.

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Sonja backtracking. . . it is not that she didn't feel that way more that she thought she was off the record.    http://www.allabouttrh.com/sonja-morgan-backpedals-after-comments-about-kristen-taekmans-husband-i-have-egg-on-my-face/


Sounds like Sonja is saving the apology if Kristen comes back.  I donlt recall Josh ever apologizing to Sonja for being rude.  Maybe he and his buddies got together and prank pm'd her. 


I always remember how much Kristen enjoyed hanging around Josh and Heather-  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-6/episode-602/videos?clip=2760241  Lucky Kristen getting to sit through more of  those moments, 

Josh may be a bad-hat-wearing fuckface, but he had Sonja dead to rights.  Ho is delusional.  Dee-loo-sion-al.  And she commented nastily to try and put herself above Kristen.


It's always worth saying - to me at least! - that Sonja only to go where she is/was/will be through dick sucking and targeting old rich dudes in the same manner a pickpocket spies a mark from 20 paces, so ho can shut it now and forever; it's not like she entered *her* marriage with the expectation of fidelity or partnership, and the rumors are thicker than overcooked oatmeal that she fucked around on her Daddy Warbucks as much as he may have done the same.  She's a real lump of shit when things don't go her way, and it's pretty richly amusing that this is her version of a dish best served cold for some comments about her business acumen.  Those comments could not have been more accurate.

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Heather is full of shit and either ignorantly talking out of her ass or being intentionally disingenuous by attributing thousands of dollars in paid-for-communication transactions to "frat boy" pranks . . . I really have no desire to watch another marriage struggle - or, more specifically, I have no desire to watch *this* union struggle - so I hope that Bravo cuts these two because I don't think either has enough sense to turn down the paycheck in favor of retaining some dignity. Although Heather supporting Josh to Kristen's detriment opens up some narrative possibilities and could therefore save both the Taekmans and Holla from the chopping block, I have no doubt that season 8 would echo season 10 of Orange County. Kristen just loves to be shocked/scandalized/victimized too much. Despite the consensus here, what I recall from season 6 was that the Taekmans had a disturbing marital dynamic to which both contributed pretty much equally - let it not be forgotten than Josh's remarks about never having dinner were in direct response to Kristen's laments about him never surprising her with flowers. Despite their real estate circumstances (oh, the shame of renting), both parties exuded the myopia of self-centered/entitled white privilege and the attendant poor communication that was subsequently seen when Kristen sneered about how she never had problems with child care (with a live-in nanny, I wonder why that might be!) and so Bethenny shouldn't either. An videographic study of their present state would, i'd hazard a guess, reveal Josh curtly dismissing Kristen's resentment and thus incentivizing her to self-dramatize her victimhood that much more aggressively.

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So far the high level people busted in Ashley Madison have used the "doing research" line the "I was just curious but never intended to physically cheat" and "my buddies and are were just doing it as a joke."  Seriously, people.  Come clean.  You only look worse.


I know divorce is no easy thing to do but I wish she'd be done with that asshole.  There's nothing redeeming about him.

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Not true. 'No comment' is the least she could've said but she, in her inimitable style had to offer the other end of the spectrum: The Gospel According to Holla. Couldn't she pick someplace in the middle?

Imo, she, like Carole, needs to keep her friends' exes' (and possibly soon-to-be exes') names out of her big mouth. That's what friends are for. Can I get a Hollalujah?

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Eesh I really really don't like what Heather said at all. She shouldn't have been commenting at all, even if Kristen and Josh were okay with it. It's just not her place. 


And bullshit that he's totally innocent. The pos lied when first confronted with it, and only copped to it later. 62 PAID transactions and it was all a joke with friends? Please.

ITA. I love Heather, so it pains me to say this, but I didn't like what she said at all. Not for a second do I believe Josh didn't cheat, but even if he didn't, just setting up the account and engaging in transactions 62 times is bad enough. How can she defend that? Did she read the profile? For Christ sakes, what if it were Jonathan? Would that be funny?

She's clearly a loyal friend (to Josh, not necessarily to Kristen right now), but why not say nothing while this plays out? I particularly didn't like the "frat boy" compliment she gave Josh, because a) it excuses his gross behavior; and b) it reminded me of the time last season when Kristen was going away for Labor Day weekend, and Josh wouldn't stay home and take care of his own children because he wanted to party in the Hamptons during the "last weekend of the summer!" How could Kristen expect him to give that up?! (These were his own words). Heather is entitled to "love" this quality about him, but try being married to Mr. Frat Boy. Ugh.

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I was disappointed to read Heather's statement too.


She should have made a more generic statement in support of her friends, i.e., both Kristen and Josh.

Edited by AnnA
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ITA. I love Heather, so it pains me to say this, but I didn't like what she said at all. Not for a second do I believe Josh didn't cheat, but even if he didn't, just setting up the account and engaging in transactions 62 times is bad enough. How can she defend that? Did she read the profile? For Christ sakes, what if it were Jonathan? Would that be funny?

She's clearly a loyal friend (to Josh, not necessarily to Kristen right now), but why not say nothing while this plays out? I particularly didn't like the "frat boy" compliment she gave Josh, because a) it excuses his gross behavior; and b) it reminded me of the time last season when Kristen was going away for Labor Day weekend, and Josh wouldn't stay home and take care of his own children because he wanted to party in the Hamptons during the "last weekend of the summer!" How could Kristen expect him to give that up?! (These were his own words). Heather is entitled to "love" this quality about him, but try being married to Mr. Frat Boy. Ugh.

I'm not in love with Heather pipping up, but I honestly think Josh and Kristen are using Heather as their proxy. I think Kristen doesn't yet feel comfortable talking about it because she's leaning towards staying with him. I think Kristen knows she has the public's support, but that only goes so far. We've basically only seen Josh be a douchebag. If Kristen quickly comes out and says I'm staying with the douche, she would lose a lot of public support. And Josh needs to have someone vouch for him because we've only seen him be a disrespectful douche.

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Ryebread, I would like to give to you an extra credit grade of 100 as the originator of The Gospel According to Holla, and the absolutely brilliant, Hollalujah.


I do believe that if Heather had stated, "No comment" or anything similar, she would have been stabbed, drawn and quartered, then set aflame by the horde. However, her response was too emphatic in support of Josh. Heather's comments should have indicated her general support of them as a couple whenever needed. Also, the comment(s) should have been brief and crisply delivered to any media format.

Although, she is defending her friends, Heather's wording appears more supportive of Josh than is warranted, frankly. She doesn't KNOW the extent to which Josh is embroiled in this situation. If Heather desires to be stalwart in support of Josh(ugh!) AND Kristen, then she needs to present an unflappable demeanor cloaked in brevity of speech.

Despite my recommendations, I want Heather to be fierce in support of her friends.

That is one of her strong character traits, and I heartily doubt that her comments will negatively affect her credibility. Unless, someone holding antipathy towards her decides to deliberately malign her, needlessly.

I do not want Heather to be soiled by Josh's filth.

I like her.

And, I want The Gospel According to Holla to be spread throughout ALL OF THE LAND!

Hollalujuh!! Hollalujah!!


Edited by BookElitist
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Great way for Heather to destroy her credibility.  No one can vouch for another's fidelity-she and Josh were not even friends when he joined Ashley Madison.  They had worked together years earlier.  Where are these so-called friends coming forward to support Josh's claim it was all a joke?

How could Heather standing up for her friend's marriage possibly "destroy" her credibility? In what way?

I have little doubt that she is saying either what Kristen and Josh have asked her to say, or something she believes. I would absolutely do the exact same thing for my friend. Wouldn't anyone do that?

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I'm not in love with Heather pipping up, but I honestly think Josh and Kristen are using Heather as their proxy. I think Kristen doesn't yet feel comfortable talking about it because she's leaning towards staying with him. I think Kristen knows she has the public's support, but that only goes so far. We've basically only seen Josh be a douchebag. If Kristen quickly comes out and says I'm staying with the douche, she would lose a lot of public support. And Josh needs to have someone vouch for him because we've only seen him be a disrespectful douche.

I thought of that, and if it's true (serving as a proxy for the two of them), then Heather is certainly a loyal friend, but then Kristen loses some respect from me. I know I'm biased because I can't stand the guy, but can't she give this issue some time? It's hardly been a week. I know they've been married ten years, and together even longer (15 maybe?), but their marriage has been rocky (as they portrayed on the show - their decision), and then he gets caught cheating on the AM website - and not only does she decide to stay with him, but she's already sending proxies out to defend the guy? After only a week? I tend to think that the media did their thing - immediately pouncing on the story, and fabricating a tale of Kristen standing by the jerk, when in reality, she may be stunned by what happened, and not knowing what to do or how to think. And Heather simply gave her comment out of loyalty to Josh. But who knows.

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Josh is the Jackhole!

Let's remember to place the blame on Josh. What he did to disgrace his family is unforgivable...

Josh's words...

Looking to enjoy the finer things life has to offer... total respect for my situation and yours but looking for a beautiful sexy woman, who wants to be treated like a woman, engaged socially and intellectually and see where it goes from there....but no stress and no pressure...Looking for opportunity to wine and dine and have discreet experiences

Mr_Big_NYC - Josh Taekman's alias

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3211767/How-Real-Housewifes-New-York-star-s-Kristen-Taekman-s-cheating-husband-Josh-posed-Ashley-Madison-Mr-Big-NYC-seeking-discreet-experiences-beautiful-sexy-woman-said-no-limits-except-smokers.html#ixzz3kjooftmc


Edited by talula
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How could Heather standing up for her friend's marriage possibly "destroy" her credibility? In what way?

I have little doubt that she is saying either what Kristen and Josh have asked her to say, or something she believes. I would absolutely do the exact same thing for my friend. Wouldn't anyone do that?

When you guarantee something it means you are putting your word and reputation behind it.  Wise people don't endorse or support randomly.  So if tomorrow Josh now admits to having an affair, it cheapens Heather's absolute and word.  She can't turn around and pretend to be gobsmacked because she knew it wasn't so.


Quite honestly if I had a friend in a similar situation I would cop to something like- I think they area lovely couple and I hope this blows over for them.  With over 60 entries on the site there is just no way I could say totally innocent with a straight face.  This is a woman who routinely accused Luann of having sex with everything that moved on Turks and Caicos.  If she is bloody savvy about Luann, why the blind eye to Josh?

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Josh is the Jackhole!

Let's remember to place the blame on Josh. What he did to disgrace his family is unforgivable...

Josh's words...

Looking to enjoy the finer things life has to offer... total respect for my situation and yours but looking for a beautiful sexy woman, who wants to be treated like a woman, engaged socially and intellectually and see where it goes from there....but no stress and no pressure...Looking for opportunity to wine and dine and have discreet experiences

Mr_Big_NYC - Josh Taekman's alias

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3211767/How-Real-Housewifes-New-York-star-s-Kristen-Taekman-s-cheating-husband-Josh-posed-Ashley-Madison-Mr-Big-NYC-seeking-discreet-experiences-beautiful-sexy-woman-said-no-limits-except-smokers.html#ixzz3kjooftmc


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I can actually believe he didn't have a physical affair off the website, since there were very few women on the site.  But with multiple conversations, he was thinking about it.  I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out he had other affairs, through the more traditional 'pick up someone at a bar' way.

This is how I feel as well. He might not of had a physical affair off of AM, but was clearly shopping around for one. I would not be shocked if he had an affair from meeting someone in the traditional sense or through a different app or website. I feel if people go to the trouble of signing up for AM, but not receiving the physical affair, then it is possible that they went looking elsewhere. Though who knows, maybe the AM bots satisfied all their needs.

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Can you imagine if Josh had already fessed up, she'd forgiven him and moved past it, just to have it outed now? I'm not saying that that's what happened, but he deleted the account a while ago, right?

I thought Kristen looked prettier at the anniversary party than on her wedding day. I loved her messy side chignon.

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Josh may be a bad-hat-wearing fuckface, but he had Sonja dead to rights. Ho is delusional. Dee-loo-sion-al. And she commented nastily to try and put herself above Kristen.

It's always worth saying - to me at least! - that Sonja only to go where she is/was/will be through dick sucking and targeting old rich dudes in the same manner a pickpocket spies a mark from 20 paces, so ho can shut it now and forever; it's not like she entered *her* marriage with the expectation of fidelity or partnership, and the rumors are thicker than overcooked oatmeal that she fucked around on her Daddy Warbucks as much as he may have done the same. She's a real lump of shit when things don't go her way, and it's pretty richly amusing that this is her version of a dish best served cold for some comments about her business acumen. Those comments could not have been more accurate.

Totally agree.

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Oh, what a suprise!


Big mouth, super-controlling, buttinsky Heather comes out with a total (and totally ridiculous) defense of her buddy, Josh.  She just knows him so well, she just knows he is innocent .... his sixty-two paid transactions made on a web site used by philandering scumbags to meet their ho's, notwithstanding, of course.  Funny how she failed to explain away that little detail in her sweeping defense of her pal.  


She just sounds like an idiot - either and idiot or a liar.  I personally think Heather is way too smart to actually believe the crap she said, so I am going to go with liar.  She is trying to convince people something she knows to be false is the truth.  What Josh did was no fraternity boy prank, and Heather damn well knows it.  Her defense of him is actually kind of offensive.  I mean, it is one thing to issue a vaguely supportive statement of your friends, but it is another thing to go all in on a bullshit lie that insults the intelligence of everyone who hears it.  Yeah, any credibility she had is pretty much shot.  She is clearly willing to make a complete ass of herself saying anything necessary to defend a complete dirt bag who doesn't deserve defending at all, not by anyone. 


I don't know if Heather is doing Josh's PR work for him with his permission, or if she is just taking it upon herself to stick her nose into another couple's business because she thinks she knows how to handle their marital scandal better than they do. But one thing I seriously doubt is that Kristen wanted Heather to shoot her mouth off and give the story another news cycle.  Especially in such a ham-handed way that just begs to be mocked because what Heather says is just so nonsensical.


The next time Heather opens her big yap to shout Holla! somebody needs to shove a sock in there, seriously.  Miss Nannypants needs to really just STFU. 

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I cannot fathom Kristen's mortification at this entire event. Not just the cheating/intent to cheat. But the way it is so public and ugly. If I were her, regardless of what was said behind closed doors, in public I would be saying I didn't believe it. It would be too horrible; too humiliating for my friends, family and children to know of such a thing. I might leave him later, might even be contemplating it now, but in public it would be all about doubt. If I couldn't bring myself to say it, I would absolutely, 100% look for others to back me up. I find it unthinkable that Heather said anything without talking to Kristen and Josh. Did Ramona do the same? I'm not sure, but maybe. She wasn't as strong in her convictions as was Heather, but she doesn't know them as well. She still said she was sure Josh never cheated on Kristen. I don't like Ramona, but thought it was nice that she was trying to publicly support their marriage. Honestly, I think that there is so little loyalty on these shows that when someone is willing to put themselves on the line to defend another HW they care about, people don't know what to make of it. I think Josh is an ass. He has a couple of kids at home however, so if people who care about the family want to publicly deny it to protect those kids from unimagined ridicule, while dealing with what really happened behind closed doors, good on them.

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If in Kristen's shoes, I'd be doing the same thing and not say a thing. And I would want my friend's to do the same.

Whether I was going to leave him or not, the less said publicly the better. I wouldn't care what Joe Q. Public thought about my situation, all I'd care about is protecting my kids and moving on. And in no way does a speech in US magazine by a friend, support that. Especially using the words she used.

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I would never, ever use a friend as a proxy to make a statement about my marriage. What kind of person would put a friend into that kind of position? Horrible.

IF I was going to allow any friends to be used as proxy, they'd be the buddies that, supposedly joined Ashley M with Josh. Where are *their* statements to the tabs?

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Watching their vow renewal last night was really awkward and cringe-inducing.

While there were not many actual women looking for affairs on AM, there were escort services using the site. Josh seems like exactly the kind of guy who would go to an escort. Because he wants the escape from any kind of responsibility. He is so that guy. Pathetic.

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How could Heather standing up for her friend's marriage possibly "destroy" her credibility? In what way?

I have little doubt that she is saying either what Kristen and Josh have asked her to say, or something she believes. I would absolutely do the exact same thing for my friend. Wouldn't anyone do that?


I don't like this notion that Kristin endorsed Heather's comments. Heather will not look at Kristin of all people's approval before she makes a public statement.


I saw with my own eyes Heather defend Josh on an issue that is pretty defenseless much to Kristen's awe. So no, Heather has no problem being pro Josh when he is clearly in the wrong, and when Kristen is the one wronged, who feels she was wronged. How she feels is not a factor on Heather's stance. A shame since Heather preaches to be all about strong women and stuff.

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I cannot fathom Kristen's mortification at this entire event. Not just the cheating/intent to cheat. But the way it is so public and ugly. If I were her, regardless of what was said behind closed doors, in public I would be saying I didn't believe it. It would be too horrible; too humiliating for my friends, family and children to know of such a thing. I might leave him later, might even be contemplating it now, but in public it would be all about doubt. If I couldn't bring myself to say it, I would absolutely, 100% look for others to back me up. I find it unthinkable that Heather said anything without talking to Kristen and Josh. Did Ramona do the same? I'm not sure, but maybe. She wasn't as strong in her convictions as was Heather, but she doesn't know them as well. She still said she was sure Josh never cheated on Kristen. I don't like Ramona, but thought it was nice that she was trying to publicly support their marriage. Honestly, I think that there is so little loyalty on these shows that when someone is willing to put themselves on the line to defend another HW they care about, people don't know what to make of it. I think Josh is an ass. He has a couple of kids at home however, so if people who care about the family want to publicly deny it to protect those kids from unimagined ridicule, while dealing with what really happened behind closed doors, good on them.


But you put the onus on Kristen because you refuse to believe Heather would say such a thing on her own. I would give you Josh, but Kristen? The woman has been through enough without speculation that she's putting her "friends" up to defending her douche husband. I put friends in quotation because Heather's statement is not friendly towards Kristen.


Kristen saw Brandi last week, has Brandi said anything? If Kristen wanted a public mouthpiece you bet she wouldn't have to give Brandi a microphone. That Twat will happily put on blast whatever stance her friend want to take. I hate to admit it but I'll read more into Brandi's silence than Heather's defense of Josh IMO.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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Watching their vow renewal last night was really awkward and cringe-inducing.

While there were not many actual women looking for affairs on AM, there were escort services using the site. Josh seems like exactly the kind of guy who would go to an escort. Because he wants the escape from any kind of responsibility. He is so that guy. Pathetic.

I don't think it was a "vow renewal", Kristen never said that when she and Carole were talking. Kristen only said that she wanted to wear her wedding dress to their 10th Anniversary party/celebration and nothing more. I think some bloggers saw pictures of Kristen in her wedding gown and assumed it was a vow renewal because Bravo seems to love doing/showcasing them in the past even though they did not film the last one featuring the Giudice's a couple of years ago.

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I don't think it was a "vow renewal", Kristen never said that when she and Carole were talking. Kristen only said that she wanted to wear her wedding dress to their 10th Anniversary party/celebration and nothing more. I think some bloggers saw pictures of Kristen in her wedding gown and assumed it was a vow renewal because Bravo seems to love doing/showcasing them in the past even though they did not film the last one featuring the Giudice's a couple of years ago.

Maybe I used the wrong terminology. But I don't think it being an 10th year anniversary party makes it less cringe-inducing.

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Maybe I used the wrong terminology. But I don't think it being an 10th year anniversary party makes it less cringe-inducing.

The tabloids/bloggers were calling it a "vow renewal" all season and I think we all were expecting that, not just a party. LOL Yes, it is still cringe worthy in light of the AM scandal and I am not surprised Bravo aired it either, there is no low too low for Bravo IMO.

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But you put the onus on Kristen because you refuse to believe Heather would say such a thing on her own. I would give you Josh, but Kristen? The woman has been through enough without speculation that she's putting her "friends" up to defending her douche husband. I put friends in quotation because Heather's statement is not friendly towards Kristen.


Kristen saw Brandi last week, has Brandi said anything? If Kristen wanted a public mouthpiece you bet she wouldn't have to give Brandi a microphone. That Twat will happily put on blast whatever stance her friend want to take. I hate to admit it but I'll read more into Brandi's silence than Heather's defense of Josh IMO.

I don't mean to put an onus on Kristen. One thing I won't ever do is criticize anyone in her position at this point. Months later if she is dragging her loser husband on camera to explain the situation to their kids, I will scream about it. Right now I don't think that any of us have a clue what is going on. Maybe he came clean to her a couple of months ago when it was first reported that hackers we're going to make all the data public. Maybe she found out last year and that is the reason he closed his account. Maybe that was where part of their tension came from last year. Maybe they had delt with it and moved past it. Whatever she says, doesn't say, approves for others to say, etc. is fine with me because I cannot fathom what this must feel like. If the people on the show are being asked about it, and clearly they are, I have no problem with her directing them to say whatever she wants the message to be. The message I would want is that none of it is true.

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But you put the onus on Kristen because you refuse to believe Heather would say such a thing on her own. I would give you Josh, but Kristen? The woman has been through enough without speculation that she's putting her "friends" up to defending her douche husband. I put friends in quotation because Heather's statement is not friendly towards Kristen.


Kristen saw Brandi last week, has Brandi said anything? If Kristen wanted a public mouthpiece you bet she wouldn't have to give Brandi a microphone. That Twat will happily put on blast whatever stance her friend want to take. I hate to admit it but I'll read more into Brandi's silence than Heather's defense of Josh IMO.

It seems that Brandi has weighed in on Josh/Kristen/AM scandal. http://www.realitytea.com/2015/09/02/brandi-glanville-opens-kim-richards-sobriety-yolanda-fosters-health-kristen-taekmans-marital-problems/ She basically said that Kristen will stay in the marriage.

Edited by WireWrap
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I don't mean to put an onus on Kristen. One thing I won't ever do is criticize anyone in her position at this point. Months later if she is dragging her loser husband on camera to explain the situation to their kids, I will scream about it. Right now I don't think that any of us have a clue what is going on. Maybe he came clean to her a couple of months ago when it was first reported that hackers we're going to make all the data public. Maybe she found out last year and that is the reason he closed his account. Maybe that was where part of their tension came from last year. Maybe they had delt with it and moved past it. Whatever she says, doesn't say, approves for others to say, etc. is fine with me because I cannot fathom what this must feel like. If the people on the show are being asked about it, and clearly they are, I have no problem with her directing them to say whatever she wants the message to be. The message I would want is that none of it is true.




I just don't think Kristen directed Heather on Heather's given statement, a conclusion you came to because you felt uncomfortable with the statement and don't want Heather to be at fault? Not sure why Heather has to be acting some a puppet.


 Heather's past defense of Josh is documented and she sure as hell didn't have Kristen's blessing to do so.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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I just don't think Kristen directed Heather on Heather's given statement, a conclusion you came to because you felt uncomfortable with the statement and don't want Heather to be at fault? Not sure why Heather has to be acting some a puppet.


 Heather's past defense of Josh is documented and she sure as hell didn't have Kristen's blessing to do so.

Even if Josh and Kristen were rude enough to use Heather as a proxy, I would think Heather would be smart enough to refuse to say "completely innocent" with regards to cheating. I mean what is she going to do if a mistress pops up with receipts like texts, emails, pics or, God forbid, a kid?! Naw, I think that statement was solely Heather.
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I just don't think Kristen directed Heather on Heather's given statement, a conclusion you came to because you felt uncomfortable with the statement and don't want Heather to be at fault? Not sure why Heather has to be acting some a puppet.


 Heather's past defense of Josh is documented and she sure as hell didn't have Kristen's blessing to do so.

Clearly I'm in the minority here, but I am not one bit uncomfortable with Heather's statement, mainly because I don't have any confirmation that Kristen is not OK with it. If Kristen comes out and says that she didn't want Heather to say what she did, that she didn't want Heather to say that he loves his wife and would never do such a thing, I will change my opinion. Especially should Kristen say that she asked Heather to not comment, but she did anyway. That would be unforgivable to me. At this point Heather just seems to be doing what she does, which is stand up for her friends, and she is doing it even if her position is not popular. I don't think you could cobble together a dozen people who feel that Josh is worth defending - including me - but she seems to be standing up for someone she cares about. I cannot admire someone for doing this only when I agree with their position.

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Clearly I'm in the minority here, but I am not one bit uncomfortable with Heather's statement, mainly because I don't have any confirmation that Kristen is not OK with it. If Kristen comes out and says that she didn't want Heather to say what she did, that she didn't want Heather to say that he loves his wife and would never do such a thing, I will change my opinion. Especially should Kristen say that she asked Heather to not comment, but she did anyway. That would be unforgivable to me. At this point Heather just seems to be doing what she does, which is stand up for her friends, and she is doing it even if her position is not popular. I don't think you could cobble together a dozen people who feel that Josh is worth defending - including me - but she seems to be standing up for someone she cares about. I cannot admire someone for doing this only when I agree with their position.

Kristen hasn't even made a statement about her own marriage so how can she make a statement about Heather's statement? She is in a rock and a hard place because if she isn't ready to talk about her marriage then she can't really talk about Heather's nor Sonja's statements. Just as her silence isn't proof that she disagrees with Heather's statement, it also isn't proof that she supports it either. I'm just taken aback by this theory that Heather is being used as a proxy. That is just messed up imho. No one should ever put a friend into that kind of position.

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Kristen hasn't even made a statement about her own marriage so how can she make a statement about Heather's statement? She is in a rock and a hard place because if she isn't ready to talk about her marriage then she can't really talk about Heather's nor Sonja's statements. Just as her silence isn't proof that she disagrees with Heather's statement, it also isn't proof that she supports it either. I'm just taken aback by this theory that Heather is being used as a proxy. That is just messed up imho. No one should ever put a friend into that kind of position.

But maybe she isn't being used as a proxy, but being told its fine to give her opinion. Maybe none of that is true. My thoughts are that if Kristen didn't like it we would know about it, regardless of whether or not it came from her. Sonja is thoughtless and hasn't called to apologize to Kristen, but has acknowledged that she said the wrong thing. I have zero doubt this is because word got back to her that Kristen was less than pleased. No public statement needs to be made to get a point across.

If Kristen stays with Josh my assumption would be that she believes him. Clearly I am just speculating based on my own feelings that it would be impossible to get past such a public betrayal. Or she is going to tell herself that she believes him. Many people will think her a fool. She will be judged forever - it will never go away. I would assume she would welcome those people that were not calling her a fool and backing up what she decides to believe. All speculation because she might be plotting her getaway now.

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But maybe she isn't being used as a proxy, but being told its fine to give her opinion. Maybe none of that is true. My thoughts are that if Kristen didn't like it we would know about it, regardless of whether or not it came from her. Sonja is thoughtless and hasn't called to apologize to Kristen, but has acknowledged that she said the wrong thing. I have zero doubt this is because word got back to her that Kristen was less than pleased. No public statement needs to be made to get a point across.


That is a very contradictory statement. How would we know that Kristen approves or disapproves if she doesn't make a public statement? None of us are mind readers. Why would she say something publicly about Heather but not Sonja?
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I must have interrupted this post wrong MCM. I don't know how you meant it other than it being unfamthon that Heather made the statement on her own, that she had the blessing of Josh and Kristen


I cannot fathom Kristen's mortification at this entire event. Not just the cheating/intent to cheat. But the way it is so public and ugly. If I were her, regardless of what was said behind closed doors, in public I would be saying I didn't believe it. It would be too horrible; too humiliating for my friends, family and children to know of such a thing. I might leave him later, might even be contemplating it now, but in public it would be all about doubt. If I couldn't bring myself to say it, I would absolutely, 100% look for others to back me up. I find it unthinkable that Heather said anything without talking to Kristen and Josh. Did Ramona do the same? I'm not sure, but maybe. She wasn't as strong in her convictions as was Heather, but she doesn't know them as well. She still said she was sure Josh never cheated on Kristen. I don't like Ramona, but thought it was nice that she was trying to publicly support their marriage. Honestly, I think that there is so little loyalty on these shows that when someone is willing to put themselves on the line to defend another HW they care about, people don't know what to make of it. I think Josh is an ass. He has a couple of kids at home however, so if people who care about the family want to publicly deny it to protect those kids from unimagined ridicule, while dealing with what really happened behind closed doors, good on them.

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