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Yolanda Hadid: My Love, My Lemons, My Lyme Disease.

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Oh my 17 year old Gigi talking about her friends with benefits relationship.

I made it about 5 minutes, Gigi's college aged ex boyfriend surprised me.

60 minutes is a bit too long for a video blog filmed on the world's crappiest webcam.

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All this talk about Yolanda wanting her children to be financially independent by the age of 21, and yet she herself milks all the money she can from her ex-husbands and then tries to get more.


What about setting an example?  Or teaching her kids some values?  She's so despicable.  A horribly selfish human being who always puts herself first, and thinks nothing of lying to get what she wants.  She really needs to stop praising herself as a mother because she is a terrible role model.

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All this talk about Yolanda wanting her children to be financially independent by the age of 21, and yet she herself milks all the money she can from her ex-husbands and then tries to get more.


What about setting an example?  Or teaching her kids some values?  She's so despicable.  A horribly selfish human being who always puts herself first, and thinks nothing of lying to get what she wants.  She really needs to stop praising herself as a mother because she is a terrible role model.

I've always wondered if Yolanda wanted them to be independent financially so they wouldn't have to marry , become "bedridden" and divorce for money. I also suspect the narrative of her saving her family by modeling is a tale she tells herself. I'm sure her modeling money helped but she was never a super model making millions. All of her millions come from marrying rich.

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The mannequin discussion reminded me of a teenage experience I had.  Have any of you ever accidentally talked to a mannequin?  I did, once.  I saw her quickly only from the side and assumed she was a clerk.  I began asking her questions about something I was looking for.  When I realized she wasn't real, I actually said, "Oops, sorry," as if she could understand me.


I was so embarrassed and looked around to see whether anyone had noticed.  I was horrified to see that a group of middle-aged to older women who were shopping together, were standing just a few feet away, and when I looked at them, they totally went berserk, laughing.  I felt tears in my eyes, when all of a sudden, one woman's bladder let go, all over the swanky carpet!  Of course, I cracked up, and they all did, while the poor, chubby woman just saturated the place, and the others were jumping out of her way.  Funniest thing I've ever seen!


I've never spoken to a mannequin since, but I've never forgotten that one experience.  (That mannequin just continued to smile.)

Speaking of incontinent behavior?

I worked in an office as a clerk - all the clerks were treated like second class citizens by the women who worked as coders - especially by one woman who carried her lunch in the shopping bags she got while shopping on Rodeo Drive. She was so uppity she'd give requests to her boss, to relay them to us lowly clerks.


One day, I was at the terminal near a wall of charts when she walked by - with no acknowledgement at all - she stopped and bent over to get a chart off the bottom shelf and cut loose with a long, loud fart.

I did a spit take and began to laugh - I had to jump up and RUN out of the room.......Needless to say, I never had a problem with her again -  whenever I looked at her, I'd start to laugh and she knew what the smile on my face was about.

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I was watching an episode of Game of Thrones and one of the women characters said, "If it wasn't for my children, I'd throw myself from the highest window of the (Red Keep)". 


Sound familiar? I wonder.........

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A video podcast Erin Foster (daughter of David) did with Gigi, just a month and a half after Yo married David:

Erin is who Yolanda was referring to when she said they "had one that went gay" (Erin's then-girlfriend Samantha Ronson can be seen on the front row at Yolanda and David's wedding in the video that was posted upthread). Yolanda probably made GiGi do extra cleanses around that time for fear the chosen one might catch teh gay.

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Did Yolanda once say something like homosexuality was a choice?



^^^ This is the single instance on which I will submit a defense of Yolanda. During the season 3 reunion, Yo referenced a family member in an anecdote, mentioned that she was gay, and that Yo and other relatives were supportive of her "choice." Andy, as is his selective won't over topics related to homosexuality, immediately admonished her, curtly correcting her that, "it's not a choice." Yolanda was not making a blanket assertion about sexual identity in general as far as I could tell and later clarified that, as her female relative presented her own experience, queer identification was a conscious decision. As Cynthia Nixon says, "my views on my sexuality have nothing to do with your views on your sexuality or even my views on your sexuality." But because Yolanda is apparently closer on the spectrum of his personal bias to Alexis Bellino than NeNe Leakes, Andy couldn't let her get away with what was essentially a remark made in passing. That being said, I have no idea if Yolanda's actual sentiments about lesbianism are as enlightened as she initially portrayed but she's done nothing that I've seen to suggest she's a homophobe. A vile racist? Sure. Evil? Quite probably. Mentally warped? Undoubtedly. But not necessarily possessed of backwards ideas about gay people.



I think Andy only brought it up because Yo said something along the lines that she worried Gigi was a lesbian because she played volleyball. I don't know if she;s homophobic, so much as ignorant and dumb.



Lunastartron, racist? I missed this.  How do you know this?  



She actually wasn't telling an anecdote at the reunion. She was trying to explain and defend her thought process. On camera, she told a Gig that she needed to rethink playing volleyball, because if she continued to do so, she may "turn" into a lesbian. Her Twitter blew up. Her blog blew up. Months later at the reunion, Andy asked  her about her comment and if she thought being gay was a choice. She said that they had a family member who had gone "back and forth", so that yes, she did think that being gay was a choice. 



Wings707, I can't quote. But I personally feel comfortable concluding that Yolanda harbors definitively racist propensities. Some viewers, however, will undoubtedly have a different perspective because she's never actually issued aggressively hateful statements on the matter. But, from my perspective, there's a clear pattern of animus, condescension, and apologism for bias against brown people. Firstly, there was the decidedly chiding lecture she delivered to her Hispanic/Latino staff about the imperative to speak English in America, a thesis that was only slightly more diplomatic yet thematically synonymous with Brandi's point when she screamed to Joyce, "speak English, we're not in Miami!" Then she spearheaded the insistence to Joyce that "you can't call people racist" even if said people are making overtly racist remarks over and over like deploying a carciaturized pronunciation of the Spanish language ("Joy-sita"/"Hoi-sita" phonetically) and out and out identifying their subject by their ethnicity ("someone get me a drink before I kill a Puerto Rican"). All of the primary cast were guilty of trying to mitigate and whitesplain Brandi's behavior but Yo, in my opinion, elevated that defense into an attack on Joyce at the reunion. Which brings me to the next point: Yo positioning herself as far forward on the sofa as possible so that she could turn her back to Joyce. In context, it's notable to me that the castmate of color is the sole adversary on whom she's attempted to pull that manner of physical disrespect. The horrific fashion in which she's exploited and disseminated misinformation about Lyme has certainly influenced my estimation of her overall character but I think I'd feel fair in applying the 'r' word to Yolanda's documented behavior regardless.



Right, that was what Yolanda said, and the reason why Andy brought it up.

Even if it was ignorance on Yolanda's part (believing playing sports can turn one gay), the context was still that GiGi being a lesbian was something Yolanda feared. So, yeah, there's some homophobia at play there, imo.


Unless said brown person is a Grammy and Oscar nominated singer who brings her kid as his date to red carpet events.



I can't remember where it was.  Whether it was on the show itself, during a reunion or one Watch What Happens Live, but I also recall someone made a comment that inferred ever so slightly that her own children would not be seen as "white" in certain segments of American society and she got case of fuming stink eye and made sure the subject got changed.  They were talking about how beautiful it seems mixed ethnic children often turn out to be.  And whoever it was said something like "just look at Yoolander's kids."  As a compliment.  But it was not an example Yoolander wanted out there.  And she actually seemed to start disputing that they were any such example. 


I'm just putting a copy of this discussion in Yolanda's thread for reference;-) I hope I got it all....I can never seem to capture quotes within quotes.

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I wonder what she thinks about her daughter dating a rapper? That must make for some interesting banter over almonds and a lemon cleanse?

For once I thought Yolanda had a great answer, as long as the men respect her daughters.  Perfect answer and it seemed almost heartfelt..

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For once I thought Yolanda had a great answer, as long as the men respect her daughters.  Perfect answer and it seemed almost heartfelt..


I'm not so generous so I inserted the caveat I cannot help but suspect exists:


'as long as the men are rich and possibly also famous and they respect her daughters'


I wonder if she would be as complacent if said men were, say, lemon grove workers who caught the little darlings' eyes while Mommy was berating their lack of English.  Wonder if all they needed was respect then?


Yes I am petty.  I was born that way.  My parents did their best but petty like this sticks and sticks hard.

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There was a concerted effort by Prada to end the supermodel phenomenon of the early 1990s, they were one of the first to source their models from the former Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc. Much cheaper and far less assertive, and there was plenty of blue eyed blondes too. They probably stopped smiling at that point because the designers wanted them generic and without personality. Their teeth probably weren't the best either.

I was surprised that Miu Miu hired Kendall, Gigi, Bella and the daughter of that lesser Baldwin brother, because Miu Miu is Prada.

Why would you be surprised?

Prada needs to move handbags to bring much needed revenues to the brand.

Who buys handbags?

----->Their followers

As far as the no smile policy, like everything in fashion, it was a trend....

Nothing to do with bad teeth.lol

the reason why they recruited Eastern European models is because the industry grew tremendously with so many new markets and they needed more talents.

In addition, the models have good genetics. Tall, good bone structure and the "looks" preferred by designers.

Russian women also adore fashion after so many years of forced austerity and Russia has a long historical relationship with the only country where haute couture does exist i.e. France.

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I was watching an episode of Game of Thrones and one of the women characters said, "If it wasn't for my children, I'd throw myself from the highest window of the (Red Keep)". 


Sound familiar? I wonder.........

I used to call Brandi the Cersei Lannister of RHBH because her only redeeming quality is her love for her children but since she isn't on the show anymore I think it makes sense for this to be Yolanda's title especially since she's now the former wife of a king.

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​What rapper?


Everytime I see/hear "brain fog", it reminds me of Jodi Arias.

I may have her confused with the other 'stupormodels' from the kardooshian clan?

I used to call Brandi the Cersei Lannister of RHBH because her only redeeming quality is her love for her children but since she isn't on the show anymore I think it makes sense for this to be Yolanda's title especially since she's now the former wife of a king.

It was Cersei that said that..........LOL, LVP can play the Dianna Rigg character.....

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I wonder what she thinks about her daughter dating a rapper? That must make for some interesting banter over almonds and a lemon cleanse?


The Weeknd is a singer, not a rapper.

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In an upcoming episode Yolanda is talking about going to some Lyme event. I wonder if it is the Global Lyme Alliance or similar group event. People should check out the following link which shows how these organizations are harmful.


I posted a link to TT site a page or so ago, that suggests that the 3 honorees "awards/recognition" at this gala/event was bought and paid for by their families. The 3 families are the ones that paid for the entire event. LOL

Edited by WireWrap
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I think Yolanda showed her hand when she told Gigi not have "Chinese eyes" when she was posing for photos.  That was either sheer ignorance or Yolanda expressing her belief that Asian eyes aren't as good as occidental eyes in her daughter's  modeling career.   I wonder how that worked out for her when David was judging Asia's Got Talent.


I disagree all the cast were trying to mitigate and whitesplain Brandi at the reunion.  Throughout the season Kyle's support of Joyce never waivered and she in fact was pretty appalled at Brandi's treatment in Palm Springs and Yolanda's dinner, where after being asked by the King to deliver a toast in Spanish, Brandi interrupted with, "speak English" or something totally inappropriate. 



If Brandi patented the "I can't be racist; I fuck black dudes" variation on "my best friend is black," perhaps Yolanda will popularize the "don't you dare call me racist, my daughter is fucking a black dude" entry into the canon of critical race theory . . . Personally, I recall Kyle's forays into the issue as pretty disappointing and non-substantive. I do remember her expressing her customary chagrin and nominal disgust with Brandi's behavior in the real time of filming but those criticisms seemed to be pretty consistent with the disdain she perennially had for a longtime adversary - when was she not clutching her pearls over some Glanvillian transgression? She and Kim offered little commentary on the specifically racial dimensions to Brandi's escalating vileness and, additionally, I ultimately thought their critiques served as a direct foil to Lisa's later efforts to retcon her initial contortions to find an excuse for the conduct in question. For all three, Brandi was defensible or reconcilable with their personal moral codes when she was convenient as a weapon against an opponent yet the same overall lack of boundaries proved beyond the pale when Brandi was positioned antithetically to their strategic objectives. For instance, I don't believe Kyle chimed in on or piped up in opposition to Yolanda's bullshit at the reunion or offered any commentary during the retrospective dissection of Brandi's campaign of bigotry. I give Kyle and Kim half a credit for objecting at all to Brandi's thread of attacks considering that constituted a full step up from Carlton screaming "be quiet" to the attacked minority or Lisa's lame rationalizations about Branndi's single motherhood but that's it.



IMO,  Yo acts superior to most everyone regardless of race or ethnicity.  And that's what it's about.  That's who she is.  She is superior.  Not because she is 'white'.  She is extremely ignorant and not intelligent but she doesn't get that.


She didn't like Joyce because Joyce betrayed her by going back to Lisa with what Yo had said.  She criticized the Hispanic worker because she is superior by learning English, not because he was Hispanic.  She told Gigi not to have Chinese eyes because big eyes are important in modeling.  Ignorant?  Yes. Racist?  Nah.  Her superiority is not drawn by race.  This is the woman who has the worst case of Chronic Lyme Disease in the world and has had no problem spewing her condescending attitude toward anyone who is not her minion.  


If she truly was racist, she would never marry and have children with a Muslim from the Middle East.



Oh, a person can be racist and and have spouses and "friends" be of another ethnicity.

They make distinctions.



This reminds me of Brandi thinking that she should be absolved of showing her prejudice against Joyce because she used to be married to a man with Cuban blood. 



The premise that Yolanda is inherently unprejudiced against all minorities because she happened to trick with a Palestinian man is identical to Brandi's protest, "I'm not racist because I fuck black dudes." It's a problematic formulation that conflates all non-white ethnicities because there's not compulsory congruence or relationship between, for example, Middle Easterners and Hispanics. Plenty of individuals within specific taxonomies of color harbor racially motivated biases against other taxonomies. Notable members of the KKK have literally pretended to harbor American Indian heritage because there's a significant cultural distinction between how the country has positioned each minority in the public imagination. And class is often a great equalizer. So the fact that Bella is dating a native of Ethiopia or that Yolanda married Mohammed's millions means nothing apropos her treatment of Latina/os. And there's perhaps no apter illustration of institutional/casual racism that a rich white woman lecturing her Hispanic domestic freelancers to speak English because 'Murica. All my subjective opinion, of course.



I believe that Yolanda suffers a mix of racism and elitism. If the man has enough money, race is not a factor,  as for women, I don't think Yolanda cares if a woman has money or not, race is the ruling factor.



This is the reunion thread. Can you take it to their threads if you want to get deeper into this.

It looks like Yo made it through the reunion. So someone had to move to the other couch.  Hmmm who moved over? LVP? Erika? She got along with both Rinna (going by the most recent dinner party) and Eileen and made up with Kathryn at the Habitat fight for Humanity.  



FYI, the US Census considers Arabs "white", and Mohamed has light eyes. Also, I'm not sure the Weeknd is native of Ethiopia, he was born and raised in Toronto, Canada.


I can't move posts but I can quote them here to preserve them in Yolanda's thread for reference/debate/reading pleasure/etc....

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Interesting Blind Item, I say it is 1 of David's daughters. LOL




Even Yolanda says some of her family doesn't believe her. Nice to know she has some rational/logical/sane family members (includes in-laws). I bet it was Erin....I liked her on her video blog/advice you-tube video that someone posted recently. She seems fairly level headed. That blind item is definitely referring to one of David's daughters.

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So Yolanda knows how to put the others on the spot-tweet and ask the other RH to go to her friend's Go Fund Me page to pay for medical treatments https://www.gofundme.com/ellieals

It got a donation of $5,000 from Haim Saban 4 hours ago. Yolanda's network of rich friends might reach that $150,000 target quite soon. Edited by Kokapetl
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So Yolanda knows how to put the others on the spot-tweet and ask the other RH to go to her friend's Go Fund Me page to pay for medical treatments  https://www.gofundme.com/ellieals

So, she's branching out to visible diseases? Why not get fucking Daisy over to donate  a few days of care, oh, sorry, they'd need REAL nurses......

Edited by ElDosEquis
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Now, I am sorry yo's friend is ill, but looking past that fact?


Yo is trying to rehab her image and probably has seen the people who have commented on her 'bringing awareness to invisible diseases'.


The scary part about this? It gives her wings to become a professional fund raiser - I wonder if she is angling to get in front of the ALS groups? 

Edited by ElDosEquis
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I always suspected things weren't as magical, from the beginning, as YO wanted us to believe.    You can almost trace the severity of her illness to the timeline of her crumbling relationship.  As she sees him pulling away, she always gets worse.  Maybe she really thought being sick, and getting worse, would make him stay.    He may have, had she not gone off - all over the world, seeking a magical cure, given it longer.  But like everything she took it over the top.   He could see this wasn't going to end - there would never be a time when she wasn't sick - so he could leave without being the one who didn't respect the "in sickness and in health".    Honestly, it probably came as a shock to her, and now she's trying to put a good spin on it.   He most likely saw years of crack pot medical bills, private planes, and endless days/nights of seeing that damn white robe.

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I always suspected things weren't as magical, from the beginning, as YO wanted us to believe.    You can almost trace the severity of her illness to the timeline of her crumbling relationship.  As she sees him pulling away, she always gets worse.  Maybe she really thought being sick, and getting worse, would make him stay.    He may have, had she not gone off - all over the world, seeking a magical cure, given it longer.  But like everything she took it over the top.   He could see this wasn't going to end - there would never be a time when she wasn't sick - so he could leave without being the one who didn't respect the "in sickness and in health".    Honestly, it probably came as a shock to her, and now she's trying to put a good spin on it.   He most likely saw years of crack pot medical bills, private planes, and endless days/nights of seeing that damn white robe.


I had a girlfriend who kept throwing up, losing weight and wouldn't see a doctor..... she was finally diagnosed  with cancer and passed away..

Now, David was following his wife across the planet - has seen 100+ doctors - she's got an invisible disease, no cure and a fetish for drinking spicy lemonade and piping bags of warm water up her ass?


Sometimes life isn't fair?

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I always suspected things weren't as magical, from the beginning, as YO wanted us to believe. You can almost trace the severity of her illness to the timeline of her crumbling relationship. As she sees him pulling away, she always gets worse. Maybe she really thought being sick, and getting worse, would make him stay. He may have, had she not gone off - all over the world, seeking a magical cure, given it longer. But like everything she took it over the top. He could see this wasn't going to end - there would never be a time when she wasn't sick - so he could leave without being the one who didn't respect the "in sickness and in health". Honestly, it probably came as a shock to her, and now she's trying to put a good spin on it. He most likely saw years of crack pot medical bills, private planes, and endless days/nights of seeing that damn white robe.

Nah, the last straw was Dip Shit Daisy moving in now he was having to deal with and pay for two monsters at the same time.

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Yolanda needs to get the fuck off this show and my tv.  If you are so sick, concentrate on getting well and then come back to discuss and bring awareness (cough, cough).   I'm sick and tired of watching you look sick and tired.  If I wanted to watch a hypochondriac in need of constant pity and attention I would just hang out at my mother in law's house.  


Yolanda's constant demands of what a friendship is (waiting on her hand and foot) are absurd as she doesn't feel she needs to reciprocate.  In other words, everyone should be a friend to her but she is a friend to no one because she is "so ill".  Exactly like my mother in law.   Over it - get the fuck over yourself Yo. 

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I always suspected things weren't as magical, from the beginning, as YO wanted us to believe.    You can almost trace the severity of her illness to the timeline of her crumbling relationship.  As she sees him pulling away, she always gets worse.  Maybe she really thought being sick, and getting worse, would make him stay.    He may have, had she not gone off - all over the world, seeking a magical cure, given it longer.  But like everything she took it over the top.   He could see this wasn't going to end - there would never be a time when she wasn't sick - so he could leave without being the one who didn't respect the "in sickness and in health".    Honestly, it probably came as a shock to her, and now she's trying to put a good spin on it.   He most likely saw years of crack pot medical bills, private planes, and endless days/nights of seeing that damn white robe.


My personal belief is that he is one of those hopeless romantics at the beginning...then he needs a new muse to write his love songs.  He was enthralled with the Nordic beauty, was probably extremely romantic in the beginning, and then his wife thought that was the way it would always be.  When she laid down the "writing love letters" edict and called him her King, he started retreating. Endless fawning becomes old quick.  And then when she realized slipping into a French Maid outfil on the show wasn't going to revamp the love, decided to go with the illness to get attention once again.  I truly believe everything you wrote is exactly what happened.  


And I think he realized that her nuttiness was going to show eventually so he put up with it as long as he could so he wouldn't look like a cad.  Once the nutty became evident to the world, he was gone.

Edited by sasha206
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David F wanted a trophy wife

Little did he know it'd change his life?

A broken back, delivering her child

And now the Lyme, Ain't that wild?


Lemon cleanse an almond for dinner?

A warm colonic, That's a winner?

Yo's feeling sick, that's for sure

Let's walk the planet, To find that cure!


It's not that, It must be this!

Exploding implant, it's what's amiss

I can't take walks in the Cali smog

I blame it all on mental fog


A white robe and a photo of self

another of a drug filled shelf

A poster board will all her ills

another one of all the pills.


Is her sickness, real of fake?

It way more than I can take!

It's her breasts! or her teeth

I think the problem lies beneath!


It may be invisible, but we'll find

It lies inside, her fucked up mind!

Don't do sports, yoyo says!

You might turn, become a lez?!?!?


Eat an almond, don't eat cake

a colonic now, is what to take

An IV line, or tons of pills

Or take your ass, to get it chilled


Acupuncture, hepatitis from that?

Salmonella from a biting gnat?

Lyme disease from a fly-

is there a story, you won't try


You may be ill, but what's more

We think you are, an attention whore

But we aren't buying all your shit

you even lie about staying fit


And the story to make things worse

You hire a hooker, to be your 'nurse'

There's just one thing we have to say

Yoyo, please, go the fuck away?

Edited by ElDosEquis
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And I think he realized that her nuttiness was going to show eventually so he put up with it as long as he could so he wouldn't look like a cad.  Once the nutty became evident to the world, he was gone.

 Lol, Life is like a box of chocolate, Until you bite into the piece with the 'nuts' in it, and god knows - you hate nuts?

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I watched the clip from tonight's show - the ladies gathered for her NY thing.  She does a TH about Erika and how she the perfect example of what a friend does.  Here's my question.  What does YO do for her friends???  Even before her 14-20-50 years in her white robe in bed.   She has said these women don't do anything for her, don't bring her things, yada yada yada.   What does she do?  Except for standing up for Brandi - and saying she shouldn't be tossed to the curb like a bag of garbage (nice friend), what has she done on any season to show her friendship???   LisaV too busy to come to her stupid painting party - and she slams her for being a "Hollywood" friend.   Complaining that she sat in a limo at Kyle's house and didn't even get offered water.     So, honestly, when did she ever extend friendship that didn't benefit her????   Uh Never.

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I watched the clip from tonight's show - the ladies gathered for her NY thing.  She does a TH about Erika and how she the perfect example of what a friend does.  Here's my question.  What does YO do for her friends???  Even before her 14-20-50 years in her white robe in bed.   She has said these women don't do anything for her, don't bring her things, yada yada yada.   What does she do?  Except for standing up for Brandi - and saying she shouldn't be tossed to the curb like a bag of garbage (nice friend), what has she done on any season to show her friendship???   LisaV too busy to come to her stupid painting party - and she slams her for being a "Hollywood" friend.   Complaining that she sat in a limo at Kyle's house and didn't even get offered water.     So, honestly, when did she ever extend friendship that didn't benefit her????   Uh Never

She cannot extend friendship because she is ILL.... She has Da Lymes!!   And there was no "before" the lymes because she keeps extending the length of time that she's been ill... cuz Da Lymes!!  Her brain is diseased.. Her head is swollen.. She can't get out of bed.. She mentioned it ever so briefly, so you must've missed it.  ;-)

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I watched the clip from tonight's show - the ladies gathered for her NY thing.  She does a TH about Erika and how she the perfect example of what a friend does.  Here's my question.  What does YO do for her friends???  Even before her 14-20-50 years in her white robe in bed.   She has said these women don't do anything for her, don't bring her things, yada yada yada.   What does she do?  Except for standing up for Brandi - and saying she shouldn't be tossed to the curb like a bag of garbage (nice friend), what has she done on any season to show her friendship???   LisaV too busy to come to her stupid painting party - and she slams her for being a "Hollywood" friend.   Complaining that she sat in a limo at Kyle's house and didn't even get offered water.     So, honestly, when did she ever extend friendship that didn't benefit her????   Uh Never.


I thought LVP was dealing with skin cancer during the painting party but I maybe wrong. I was under the impression LVP didn't want the skin cancer to be a main storyline but idk for sure. Anyway, I agree with your post and add~who would even want to be friends with YO?  

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OMG I am so sick of YO's journey.  Please somebody get her some sort of GPS that will show us exactly where this damn journey will end!!!   If she's so Lyme brain dead, and too sick to do anything, why is she still on the show?????   Seriously if you are battling something so severe, and you find it hard to get out of that damn white robe, and apparently you don't think anybody likes you, why are you there?   Doesn't this cause her undue stress on her compromised system?    Why do the other women have to prove anything to you?   Who are you Yolanda that you feel you deserve the undying faithfulness of anybody?  Even her own husband could see through the BS and bailed.  


Have you seen, until the reunion, any pics of YO - who posts anything - with pics of Erika before this season?   Nope, her true friends are Brandi & Kim - yep great friends.  Maybe you all can share a condo.


Camille had a real cancer scare, and we didn't see her filming from her chemo treatments.   Invisible disease - Lyme is one thing, but all the other crackpot stuff is ruining this show.

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So, she's branching out to visible diseases? Why not get fucking Daisy over to donate a few days of care, oh, sorry, they'd need REAL nurses......

Thanks to this post, when they showed Daisy on tonight's episode, I just thought "Fucking Daisy."

She will forever be Fucking Daisy to me now.

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