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Yolanda Hadid: My Love, My Lemons, My Lyme Disease.

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Yolanda is one of the people, I feel, that use a truth as an umbrella for everything else they say.  Sort of like a politician. Ted Cruz cherry picking a tiny statistical window of temperatures and using it as proof there is no climate change.  Yolanda makes a broad factual assertion about chronic illness and then tries to hold it over everything that applies to her.  Refute or question her and you are refuting and questioning everyone.


Simply not so, Yo.

  • Love 11

As nasty as it looks, seeing it might be useful to women thinking about getting them.

'Course I can hear some of them say, "Yeah, now it's a bad idea, AFTER you've had a successful modeling career and snagged two rich husbands! Maybe I'll keep mine til I'm an old lady too." lol

She could help others only if she was honest about how much the leaked silicone impacted her health but I don't see her ever doing that. IMO, she will stick to her claim that LD is/was THE cause of all her health problems and the silicone leak nothing more than slowing down her recovery.  JMO

  • Love 5

She could help others only if she was honest about how much the leaked silicone impacted her health but I don't see her ever doing that. IMO, she will stick to her claim that LD is/was THE cause of all her health problems and the silicone leak nothing more than slowing down her recovery.  JMO

There's no way to know exactly how the silicone impacted her health. It's known that it can depress immune function. It's known that depressed immune function can allow Lyme to become deeply embedded in tissue, especially the brain and nervous system. Yo hasn't been dishonest about this.

For whatever reason, some people don't want to understand how complicated things can get with this disease. As I've posted before, I suspect some are fearful and would rather blame the victim that accept that such a horrific disease could happen to them or their loved ones.

  • Love 5

When did Gigi get implants?  That's news to me, although I'm not surprised.


I'm thinking about something else that I find interesting about Yolanda.  Examine her relationship closely with her own mother.  Yolanda flies "Mommy" over whenever she needs her (I presume).  In fact, the very fact that she refers to her mother as "Mommy" tells me something, and that is that Yolanda is basically a very insecure person.  I think that a lot of her relationships are based on trying to mask that insecurity by insisting that she's right ... and 100 other traits we dislike about her.


I also think that the death of her father impacted her greatly and set her drive into motion.  She decided at a young age to be the one to provide for the family, and she left home to accomplish that goal.  She ultimately became the daddy who wasn't there.  Whether she was born stubborn or became that way in her quest for the top, she became a person who bossed and ran the show, and her family and friends soon learned to listen to her.


There is a lot of  "baby" in Yolanda.  She may feel that the world owes her a lot since she worked harder than we know to succeed.  She still wants to care for her mother and her brother, which is natural, but the way in which she coddles her mother means that she gets coddled, too.  She coddles her own children in the same manner... the constant "I love you's" and the kisses over the phone and other traits.


Yolanda is an interesting person, but I absolutely feel that so much of her is a throwback to her past.  This does not excuse her.  It is not an attempt to garner sympathy for so many of her irritating ways.  It is merely an attempt to try to understand her a little bit better.


Finally, look at her divorce:  SHE is the one who wanted it.  SHE is the one who determined when the announcement would be made.  IMHO, David Foster deserves a gold medal for staying with her for as long as he did -- and he deserves another gold for keeping silent (with one exception) about the details.  I don't think that people (including myself) have given him the credit that he deserves, especially since she has ample coverage in the press.

Edited by Lura
  • Love 6
For whatever reason, some people don't want to understand how complicated things can get with this disease.



That reason is Yo herself.  She's not the least bit credible about any disease.  She would eat bark if someone told her to, she said so herself.  I am not inclined to believe she knows diddly squat about anything when she is so willing to believe in garbage and colonics as long as some trumped up "naturalist" tells her so.  But when it comes to something that is actually real and tangible, like leaky breast implants, she has very little to say.  When it comes to truly informing people about LD, she just has IV Instagrams plus a boatload of confusing "treatments" to photograph.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 20

There's no way to know exactly how the silicone impacted her health. It's known that it can depress immune function. It's known that depressed immune function can allow Lyme to become deeply embedded in tissue, especially the brain and nervous system. Yo hasn't been dishonest about this.

For whatever reason, some people don't want to understand how complicated things can get with this disease. As I've posted before, I suspect some are fearful and would rather blame the victim that accept that such a horrific disease could happen to them or their loved ones.

Thank you, thank you, thank you nexxie for your post...you have captured my feelings perfectly!


  • Love 2

There's no way to know exactly how the silicone impacted her health. It's known that it can depress immune function. It's known that depressed immune function can allow Lyme to become deeply embedded in tissue, especially the brain and nervous system. Yo hasn't been dishonest about this.

For whatever reason, some people don't want to understand how complicated things can get with this disease. As I've posted before, I suspect some are fearful and would rather blame the victim that accept that such a horrific disease could happen to them or their loved ones.

Where has anyone "blamed" Yolanda for being sick or said that they were fearful? Because I sure haven't read that anywhere here. AND YES, she could tell the truth, that she recovered quickly because they removed the leaked silicone and that may of her symptoms were caused by the silicone. Oh, and according to Yolanda's tweets/IG posts, she recovered 90% of her health within weeks of having the silicone cleaned up, so, IMO, she does have a clue about how much it impacted her health.  YMMV

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 16

That reason is Yo herself. She's not the least bit credible about any disease. She would eat bark if someone told her to, she said so herself. I am not inclined to believe she knows diddly squat about anything when she is so willing to believe in garbage and colonics as long as some trumped up "naturalist" tells her so. But when it comes to something that is actually real and tangible, like leaky breast implants, she has very little to say. When it comes to truly informing people about LD, she just has IV Instagrams plus a boatload of confusing "treatments" to photograph.

I agree that Yo hasn't communicated what she's going through well - but I couldn't have either when I was sick, and I was a writer by profession. She meant that she would even have eaten bark to get well - that's how desperate she felt and how much she wanted to get well. I know that feeling!

People want to believe that American doctors have a handle on this - they don't, not even close. If you get doxycycline at the very beginning it might work. Beyond that, very few doctors know what to do. They are scrambling to figure out all the complications that come once the disease is long-term. I get all kinds of emails and texts from the relatives of people who are so sick, who have been to many doctors and have been given several kinds of antibiotics. They want to know how I got well because nothing is working. Lyme disease is a crisis getting bigger every year.

I might poke Yo about her baby talk, her asshole husband, or any number of other things - but I only have empathy for what she's going through with her health.

Edited by nexxie
  • Love 5

Why would Yo call her mother?  We saw her hugging her mother goodbye as she left for the surgery.


I think Bravo just chose to air Gigi's phone call, but there are so many possible explanations it's just a non issue to me.  Anwar doesn't seem to want to be on this show very much, Gigi was in Australia and possibly unreachable the day before, flying or working.  OR she could have talked to Anwar and Bella too and it was just edited out.  Bravo goes for fame when it can, and Gigi is definitely the most famous of Yo's kids.

Ditto Umbelina, I agree.


  • Love 2

Khloe's weight loss was accompanied by a sudden growth in the size of her ass, and only her ass.

Yep, there is a specific surgery where they take fat from your stomach and put it in your butt. They ask you NOT to lose weight b4 the surgery so that there is more to put in your butt.

Regarding Yo's implants, I don't fault her for having new ones put in after the others ruptured. Yeah, if you were a housewife in Wisconsin, I would see giving up, but if you're an aging model looking for a rich husband in Beverly Hills, it's totally the norm to get new boobs (again). It's just part of the culture she lives in. How many times did Tamra get a boob job? Like 3-4 times? It's just part of their subculture.

FWIW, I think the producers know there's something legit wrong with Yolanda and are loving every minute of the juxtaposition between Brooks' and Yolanda being ill. I think they're wetting their panties at back-to-back seasons of one not being ill and how it was dealt with versus one actually being ill and how it's being dealt with.

I think if Yo were a fraud, production would be pulling every trick in the book to expose it (ahem, calling in a psychic to get the rumors going), bc she's much more famous, hence it would be a much juicer story.

Edited by Silo
  • Love 5

When Brandi went on twitter or IG drunk, acting up, etc. and got bad press, sure enough you could count on her posting pics of her kids.  That was her way of trying to gain sympathy.   Same seems to be true for YO.  Pics of her vacationing, out and about, then the questions start about how severe or real her illness is, and wham - we get pics of another IV shoved into her arm (always with her head tilted down a bit ,so sad, so tired).   

Yo is so damn thirsty. 

  • Love 4

As one of those millions of people, I would just like to say that I don't think I am just existing, I am living my life to the fullest of my ability. I am not trying to hold on to the life I knew. I have accepted that my life has changed and tried to adapt and adjust. I fight through my illness on the days I can and give into it on the days I can't. And I have never thrown myself a pity party. Only those closest to me know what I go through. My kids are in their late teens and only now (that menopause has compounded a lot of my issues) are realizing that I have been sick their whole lives. A few months ago, my youngest was reminiscing about his early childhood, and remembering all the trips we took to the zoo, park, museums etc., That meant everything to me. I gave them the most I could of myself every day. Some days that was more than others, but I tried to make the most of every good day.

And you know what? I consider myself lucky. I know a lot of people who are worse off. On of my friends had aggressive breast cancer in her mid 40s. another had a stroke. Another lost a child. None of them threw themselves a pity party or posted sick selfies. WoeYo should read Elizabeth Smart's autobiography if she truly wants to know about strength and resilience.

You know what else? I don't think I'm special or an exception. I think there are a lot of us who handle our illnesses this way. WoeYO is free to handle her illness however she chooses, and I am free to criticize her since she is putting it all out there. But she needs to speak for herself and quit trying to speak for all of us.

Sorry for the rant. I've dealt with a lot of the same stuff as Yolanda, including lots of Drs and different treatments and people (including a couple Drs) doubting me, so I want to relate to her and sympathize with her but I can't. As you can tell by my recent posts, mostly she just pisses me off.

Thank you for sharing EVS and I wish you the best.  Though many of us do not have chronic illness, we're in the same place as you when it concerns Yo. 


I think she's doing a terrible disservice to people suffering from Lyme and other chronic conditions as well as others who are going through life threatening conditions.  She does not speak for them.  It's not her place.  It's just another example of her arrogance.

  • Love 9

Thank you for sharing EVS and I wish you the best.   Though many of us do not have chronic illness, we're in the same place as you when it concerns Yo. 


I think she's doing a terrible disservice to people suffering from Lyme and other chronic conditions as well as others who are going through life threatening conditions.  She does not speak for them.  It's not her place.  It's just another example of her arrogance.

Thank you, breezy.

  • Love 1

They're all thirsty - that's why they're on the show - except maybe Eileen, who might need to make money because Vince has gambled them into a hole. lol

Well, it is Yolanda's thread. Trying to stick with her here. lol   


EVS wishing you the best in your health. Thanks for your personal input on what you are going through. 

  • Love 5

Love how, just to make sure she stays in the spotlight, YoYo H Foster had to post a picture of her getting yet another intravenous delivery. Seriously? You are able to be in Aspen for the holidays with your children and al, of the sudden you are exhausts? Poor baby. Normal people who have to work for a living every day regardless of how they feel have it so easy I guess,

With all those of iv's I wonder when she is going to start bitching and whining about scarred veins.

  • Love 6

As long as Daisy didn't touch anything, it's probably permitted, because she wouldn't need to be sterile, she just needs to keep her filthy hands to herself. Same with the camera crew filming it all.

Everybody knows where Daisy's hands are... They are in Yoyo's pockets making sure the wallet stays open. Daisy will coo and coddle Yoyo, calling her new "John" "My Love" as long as the checks keep flowing. She's still in the prostitution racket except it's legit. Someone is paying her to pay attention to them.

  • Love 13

To me, I have reached the level of annoyance with YoFo as I did with Kim Richards. I did a helluva lot of posting trying to make sense of what Kim may be going through with her addiction. I tried to explain away what being an addict does to her and those around her. I felt bad for her in spite of her behavior.  It got to the point that I just reached a level of annoyance with Kim that I just wanted her to go away from this show.  Her behavior and actions were just too much. That is where I am with Yolanda. I have compassion for anyone fighting any disease. That doesn't negate the fact that Kim and Yolanda have exhibited some nasty behavior. Being sick doesn't give one the right to be an asshole, hypocrite, and manipulative. YoFo has tried to put the blame of her behavior on her LD brain, just as Kim has tried to straight up lie and twist the truth of her manipulative and asshole behavior. Kim garnered her some major snark for what she did. For me, the same holds for Yolanda. Yolanda lied about what Ken did to her. Imagine if Kim had accused Ken or any guy on the show of assaulting her? Yolanda is using LD as a reason why her daughter was arrested for DUI. Was it LD that caused Bella to have a suspended license prior to the DUI arrest? Yolanda is using LD for sympathy so people won't look at her daughter as the person who broke the law. Only other people drive drunk, not her daughter. Sounds much like the spin Kim was doing after she was arrested for her drunken behavior at the Beverly Hilton. Was it LD that made Yolanda treat Joyce like a second class citizen? Was it LD that caused Yolanda to make hypocritical remarks about drunken women? Her remark about the women drinking in Ojai - "I don't like to see the kind of influence alcohol has had on some of the woman in this group."  Then, there is the remark she made about Taylor being drunk and how she behaved, all the while never saying anything about her bestie, Brandi's drunken, boorish behavior. Guess what Yolanda? No one likes drunk drivers on the road. Taylor and the other women can drink all they want. They aren't getting in their cars without a license and driving down the road. 


That doesn't include all of the BS that Yolanda has posted on her social media that has been shared here. When someone mentions in more than one interview how they have been at home, in bed, staring at the ceiling for SEVEN MONTHS and how they "literally fell off the planet", all the while there is documentation of her excursions going to get a pedicure, going to red carpet events, attending awards shows, shopping in SoHo, and all the other things she posted about, it really leaves me questioning her, and that is not a good thing to feel about someone whose goal is to educate the public about a serious disease. 


I tried to make my post clear. It's been a long day. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 20

Remind me, why does Yo say she had/has Lyme Disease? Did she have test positive for Lyme? Western Blot? Eliza? was the test done on blood, tissue, cerebrospinal fluid? Also how does she know her immune system is "weak"? Are her WBCs low, T cells low…etc?

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 1

She could help others only if she was honest about how much the leaked silicone impacted her health but I don't see her ever doing that. IMO, she will stick to her claim that LD is/was THE cause of all her health problems and the silicone leak nothing more than slowing down her recovery.  JMO


She could help others if she was honest about anything!  There have been so many inconsistencies and lies that it's impossible to believe anything she says.  She destroyed her own credibility all by herself.  Her penchant for over-dramatization and her need for attention are directly what caused people to start doubting her.  If she had said she was housebound for "a few months" rather than specifying 18 months, it would have been harder to disprove.  If she wasn't so specific about how long it's been since she's driven a car, worn makeup, been able to read, etc, it wouldn't be so damn easy to find indisputable proof that she totally lied.  She loves to embellish and exaggerate, and continues to completely ignore the fact that more and more every day people are just not believing her bullshit anymore.  I don't have the time or the inclination to sit around and try to figure out which of her statements are true and which aren't.  I'd far rather get my information from someone who hasn't given me so much reason to distrust them.


I would never expect honesty from Yolanda because she's shown that she has no problem being dishonest.  She does it often.


As one of those millions of people, I would just like to say that I don't think I am just existing, I am living my life to the fullest of my ability. I am not trying to hold on to the life I knew. I have accepted that my life has changed and tried to adapt and adjust. I fight through my illness on the days I can and give into it on the days I can't. And I have never thrown myself a pity party. Only those closest to me know what I go through. My kids are in their late teens and only now (that menopause has compounded a lot of my issues) are realizing that I have been sick their whole lives. A few months ago, my youngest was reminiscing about his early childhood, and remembering all the trips we took to the zoo, park, museums etc., That meant everything to me. I gave them the most I could of myself every day. Some days that was more than others, but I tried to make the most of every good day.

And you know what? I consider myself lucky. I know a lot of people who are worse off. On of my friends had aggressive breast cancer in her mid 40s. another had a stroke. Another lost a child. None of them threw themselves a pity party or posted sick selfies. WoeYo should read Elizabeth Smart's autobiography if she truly wants to know about strength and resilience.

You know what else? I don't think I'm special or an exception. I think there are a lot of us who handle our illnesses this way. WoeYO is free to handle her illness however she chooses, and I am free to criticize her since she is putting it all out there. But she needs to speak for herself and quit trying to speak for all of us.

Sorry for the rant. I've dealt with a lot of the same stuff as Yolanda, including lots of Drs and different treatments and people (including a couple Drs) doubting me, so I want to relate to her and sympathize with her but I can't. As you can tell by my recent posts, mostly she just pisses me off.


Bravo!!!  (no pun intended!)  Excellent post, and you are to be admired.  Rant away!  Every word of that needed to be said.



Thank you for sharing EVS and I wish you the best.  Though many of us do not have chronic illness, we're in the same place as you when it concerns Yo. 


I think she's doing a terrible disservice to people suffering from Lyme and other chronic conditions as well as others who are going through life threatening conditions.  She does not speak for them.  It's not her place.  It's just another example of her arrogance.


I agree.  She's not in a position to speak for anyone else.  But of course she thinks she is.   I don't want her speaking for me, and I don't want her educating me.  She is not qualified to do either.  She should be ashamed of herself for using the platform she has in this way.  She could be doing so much good, if that's what she really wanted to do.  Clearly, her priorities are elsewhere.

To me, I have reached the level of annoyance with YoFo as I did with Kim Richards. I did a helluva lot of posting trying to make sense of what Kim may be going through with her addiction. I tried to explain away what being an addict does to her and those around her. I felt bad for her in spite of her behavior.  It got to the point that I just reached a level of annoyance with Kim that I just wanted her to go away from this show.  Her behavior and actions were just too much. That is where I am with Yolanda. I have compassion for anyone fighting any disease. That doesn't negate the fact that Kim and Yolanda have exhibited some nasty behavior. Being sick doesn't give one the right to be an asshole, hypocrite, and manipulative. YoFo has tried to put the blame of her behavior on her LD brain, just as Kim has tried to straight up lie and twist the truth of her manipulative and asshole behavior. Kim garnered her some major snark for what she did. For me, the same holds for Yolanda. Yolanda lied about what Ken did to her. Imagine if Kim had accused Ken or any guy on the show of assaulting her? Yolanda is using LD as a reason why her daughter was arrested for DUI. Was it LD that caused Bella to have a suspended license prior to the DUI arrest? Yolanda is using LD for sympathy so people won't look at her daughter as the person who broke the law. Only other people drive drunk, not her daughter. Sounds much like the spin Kim was doing after she was arrested for her drunken behavior at the Beverly Hilton. Was it LD that made Yolanda treat Joyce like a second class citizen? Was it LD that caused Yolanda to make hypocritical remarks about drunken women? Her remark about the women drinking in Ojai - "I don't like to see the kind of influence alcohol has had on some of the woman in this group."  Then, there is the remark she made about Taylor being drunk and how she behaved, all the while never saying anything about her bestie, Brandi's drunken, boorish behavior. Guess what Yolanda? No one likes drunk drivers on the road. Taylor and the other women can drink all they want. They aren't getting in their cars without a license and driving down the road. 


That doesn't include all of the BS that Yolanda has posted on her social media that has been shared here. When someone mentions in more than one interview how they have been at home, in bed, staring at the ceiling for SEVEN MONTHS and how they "literally fell off the planet", all the while there is documentation of her excursions going to get a pedicure, going to red carpet events, attending awards shows, shopping in SoHo, and all the other things she posted about, it really leaves me questioning her, and that is not a good thing to feel about someone whose goal is to educate the public about a serious disease. 


I tried to make my post clear. It's been a long day. 


Great post!   Totally clear, and well said!

  • Love 10

I don't follow any of the housewives' tweets or instagrams but was wondering if Yo posts more than the other housewives. 


It seems like she does or maybe it's because of what she posts.

No, they all tweet and/or post on their IG but Yolanda is the only one that posts sickie selfies of herself all the time.


Remind me, why does Yo say she had/has Lyme Disease? Did she have test positive for Lyme? Western Blot? Eliza? was the test done on blood, tissue, cerebrospinal fluid? Also how does she know her immune system is "weak"? Are her WBCs low, T cells low…etc?

She says she was diagnosed by a Dr in Belgium. She has not revealed the type of test she got.

  • Love 5

Remind me, why does Yo say she had/has Lyme Disease? Did she have test positive for Lyme? Western Blot? Eliza? was the test done on blood, tissue, cerebrospinal fluid? Also how does she know her immune system is "weak"? Are her WBCs low, T cells low…etc?

It was the tried and true Black Amex with no limit test.  It seems a patient presents it to a physician and they can get a diagnosis that requires years of treatment with no retesting of the original diagnosis.  This same test is also shows a positive result for affluenza.

  • Love 16

I agree that Yo hasn't communicated what she's going through well - but I couldn't have either when I was sick, and I was a writer by profession. She meant that she would even have eaten bark to get well - that's how desperate she felt and how much she wanted to get well. I know that feeling!

People want to believe that American doctors have a handle on this - they don't, not even close. If you get doxycycline at the very beginning it might work. Beyond that, very few doctors know what to do. They are scrambling to figure out all the complications that come once the disease is long-term. I get all kinds of emails and texts from the relatives of people who are so sick, who have been to many doctors and have been given several kinds of antibiotics. They want to know how I got well because nothing is working. Lyme disease is a crisis getting bigger every year.

I might poke Yo about her baby talk, her asshole husband, or any number of other things - but I only have empathy for what she's going through with her health.

I just think if Yolanda handled things like say Tom Seaver. In the case of Tom Seaver he was treated immediately and the condition returned almost 20 years later. Tom lived in Connecticut, was an avid gardener, a spokesman for Miracle Grow.  So yes there is a lot to discover about the return of the disease.  He also shared his journey albeit briefly with a reporter or two.  His examples were concrete.  He had forgotten an interview he did with a baseball player.  First wondering if it was dementia, then if he had had a stroke and finally going to the doctor at his wife's urging when his ranch foreman of many years walked in his kitchen and he couldn't remember his name. The Lyme had returned.   He described feeling as if he had the flu and yes, taking 24 pills a day, mostly vitamins and a antibiotic.  He had to forego going to the Hall of Fame induction dinner, for which he is generally considered the lead.  He stopped drinking beer and wine-even his highly prized wine.  These are concrete relatable things and then after several months began to return to his previous pursuits.


I think the Lyme Disease diagnosis got murky when Yolanda announced both her children had the disease.  Not only did they both have Lyme Disease but they both have compromised immune systems from being breast fed while Yolanda had intact silicone implants. Well I assume she wasn't breast feeding her teenagers ten years ago.  People can believe what they want but Yolanda wasn't feeling well and wanted an answer for her symptoms and searched the world far and wide to land on her diagnoses.  It is a disservice to people with chronic illness.  BTW I have empathy for people with mental illnesses such as hypochondria. It is just as debilitating and often times more financial and emotional draining than patients with true physical conditions.  Compared to Brooks who just wanted to get out of work and manipulate people into giving into him. 


I also have contempt for medical providers that fill their patients heads up with junk science and tons of supplements, colonics, teeth removal and the rest.  I am with Vicki-I would like to know how exactly Yolanda's immune system is compromised.  Usually I think people should be entitled to medical privacy but Yolanda has opened the door, the windows and pretty much blown the roof off of medical confidentiality for not only herself but her children. 

  • Love 8

I know why Yo was prescribed colonics: she is full of shit

To my understanding, somatoform disorders have unconscious motivating factors such as positive reinforcement from the "sick role". Sufferers are suffering and it is unconscious driving factors rather than intentional faking. Combine that with menopause, depression, and possible personality disorder and here we go. She is suffering and has the pain, fatigue, etc that she mentions. It is just the underlying etiology that I question. She brought it up on the show so it is fair to question imo.

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 8

Hi gang! So, this is a friendly reminder of a few things.


  • Of course first and foremost always always always remember, Snark the show not your fellow posters.
  • Second (and this is a bit more vague but stick with me) how about we all agree that everyone is entitled to their own opinions of Yolanda, Lyme Disease, Munchhausen's and really everything.
  • We definitely don't have to all agree on anything to be able to discuss it civilly.
  • We also don't have to "prove" where our opinions come from.
  • No one is going to "win" anything by being "right" here.
  • There is no right.
  • There is no wrong.
  • It's all opinions based on things we've seen.
  • No one's opinion is any better than anyone else and we're all allowed to think what we want to think without having to prove it or defend it. 
  • Love 11


I'm surprised they let her health advocate, without any kind of license, stay in the operating room.

Her ex-prostitute/health advocate has to be there to document Yo's entire life, esp. medical procedures, for the book that the two will eventually write together.  JMO but I'd expect Yo's book on her struggles with Lyme, leaky implants, the entire medical profession, fake friends, divorce, yada yada to appear on the shelves by the end of the year.  Yo might realize that she can't be a credible spokesperson for LD anymore, so her new role will be that of survivor/professional victim.  I think she wants the spotlight that much.


By no means am I criticizing posters here who struggle with LD, chronic diseases and other scary health issues.  I've learned a great deal from everything you've shared, and you have my sincere wishes for better days ahead. I just think Yolanda is a manipulative phony with an eye on the main chance, who'd do ANYTHING to stay in the public eye.

  • Love 9

She could help others if she was honest about anything!  There have been so many inconsistencies and lies that it's impossible to believe anything she says.  She destroyed her own credibility all by herself.  Her penchant for over-dramatization and her need for attention are directly what caused people to start doubting her.  If she had said she was housebound for "a few months" rather than specifying 18 months, it would have been harder to disprove.  If she wasn't so specific about how long it's been since she's driven a car, worn makeup, been able to read, etc, it wouldn't be so damn easy to find indisputable proof that she totally lied.  She loves to embellish and exaggerate, and continues to completely ignore the fact that more and more every day people are just not believing her bullshit anymore.  I don't have the time or the inclination to sit around and try to figure out which of her statements are true and which aren't.  I'd far rather get my information from someone who hasn't given me so much reason to distrust them.


I would never expect honesty from Yolanda because she's shown that she has no problem being dishonest.  She does it often.



Bravo!!!  (no pun intended!)  Excellent post, and you are to be admired.  Rant away!  Every word of that needed to be said.




I agree.  She's not in a position to speak for anyone else.  But of course she thinks she is.   I don't want her speaking for me, and I don't want her educating me.  She is not qualified to do either.  She should be ashamed of herself for using the platform she has in this way.  She could be doing so much good, if that's what she really wanted to do.  Clearly, her priorities are elsewhere.


Great post!   Totally clear, and well said!

Thank you for the kind words, Debbie, but there are so many posters dealing with worse things than me and doing it with much more courage, strength and grace. They are the ones I admire. There are so many people dealing with difficulties of all kinds, including chronic illness. I'm not special and neither is Yolanda, but she doesn't get that. I wish Yolanda would look at her friend with ALS and realize how lucky she is compared to her friend. I will say that I appreciate that Yolanda has drawn attention to Lyme disease, which has given those living with it a chance to educate us on these boards. Thanks to all who shared their stories.

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Thank you for the kind words, Debbie, but there are so many posters dealing with worse things than me and doing it with much more courage, strength and grace. They are the ones I admire. There are so many people dealing with difficulties of all kinds, including chronic illness. I'm not special and neither is Yolanda, but she doesn't get that. I wish Yolanda would look at her friend with ALS and realize how lucky she is compared to her friend. I will say that I appreciate that Yolanda has drawn attention to Lyme disease, which has given those living with it a chance to educate us on these boards. Thanks to all who shared their stories.

What a lovely refreshing post EVS I'm in unity with you and wishing all those who suffer chronic illness the very best. Those members who have shared their stories with us have been so very generous and I also appreciate Yolanda for drawing attention to Lyme Disease.

  • Love 8

I thought the same thing about the love notes, now empty words compared to jewelry and it's increasing value. I think she knew he was cheap and just tried to keep him happy.


I think she thought by saying she'd rather have love notes than jewelry that she's prove she's "deep" and not really a gold digger.  I'm sure before she made millions off her marriage to unfortunate hair billionnaire, she heard the words "gold digger" to describe her often.

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Someone on another site posted this link to a 2012 article about Yolanda where she talks about what happened when Anwar was born. Sorry if it has already been posted here. I thought it was interesting. A lot of what she claimed about that situation also doesn't make sense or seems exaggerated to me.


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