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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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On 3/1/2017 at 11:07 PM, GreatKazu said:

I do, especially when they neglect and ignore the children they have who need their attention. Kail pushed Isaac and Lincoln away for dick because that matters more to her aside from money and her "brand".


Hey, are you my friend? lol  One of my friends would refer to some of her high heels as hooker shoes and one pair as her stripper shoes.

I am old school and still just refer to mine as "FMPs".

  • Love 4
On 3/3/2017 at 1:12 PM, lovesnark said:

That clip is so disgusting. I don't think it's possible to hate her more than I do right now - low life, ungrateful, skanky piece of shit!  I honestly think if I ever had an opportunity to run into her somewhere, I'd walk up and slap the shit out of her, spit in her face, then quietly wait for the cops to come arrest me for assault. I'm going to be 60 in a month and it would be worth it to ruin my perfectly clean record. I've never even had a traffic ticket. But, I'd happily spend a few hours in the can  to be able to slap the smirk off of her nasty face. I know one of you guys would post bail for me :)

We will totally start a Go Fund Me campaign for your ass if you do it. Between us and Reddit we'll not only make your bail and pay your legal fees but you'll probably have enough for a nice, new vehicle left over. 

  • Love 12

I just saw a preview and Jenelle asks UBT if he wants to adopt Kaiser!!! UBT says he would love to , or something along those lines. They are both crazy! This makes me livid! Do they live in their own little bubble? Are they setting up a story line for next season? They accuse Barbara of being thirsty for camera time. 

They have some nerve! They love to push buttons. They want Nathan to react so they can say he's the crazy one. 

  • Love 13
4 hours ago, mamadrama said:

We will totally start a Go Fund Me campaign for your ass if you do it. Between us and Reddit we'll not only make your bail and pay your legal fees but you'll probably have enough for a nice, new vehicle left over. 

Okay, guys. We need to start planning my trip to the east coast since I have such awesome back up here! It's lambing season right now and I've been pretty much living in the barn. And, my renter moved out and left the house and surrounding acreage like a pig sty. So, I won't be able to make my trip to NC for a least a couple months. I'll be ready for a vacation by then!

  • Love 4
Just now, TaxNerd said:

I'd wager money MTV asked both Chelsea and Jenelle to fly to LA twice:

Chelsea said she didn't want to, and MTV said ok.  

Jenelle probably asked for one upgraded flight spaning two Mondays, instead of paying for two separate coach tickets, and MTV said ok.  

Now Jenelle is trying to save her image by saying MTV is "making" her stay, when I doubt it ever occured to Jenelle to ask to be excused.

I don't understand why they're taping these after-shows in LA rather than in NYC, where they've taped many times before.  NYC is closer for the TM2 girls, other than Chelsea, and I think the girls would be more able to fly in and out easier and quicker from there than LA.  Unless, they're using the draw of the sunshine in LA to tempt the girls?  

  • Love 1
On 3/3/2017 at 4:18 PM, lovesnark said:

This x1000. The back and forth, the revolving door of men, the screaming, popping out a kid with every new guy, the interrogations, the badmouthing of the only person he knows loves him. It's truly sickening. Every day, I hope that Barb will finally take a stand and cut Jenelle out of their lives completely. If/when the custody issue ever gets to the point of a child psychologist talking to Jace, the appointment of a guardian ad litem, and thorough investigation of the situation, I'm hoping against hope that Barb is advised to go on with her life, continue raising Jace and stop subjecting him to the torture of having to spend time with his breeder. There is NOTHING positive about Jenelle being part of Barb or Jace's life. 

I don't think so. She dated a guy named Gary for a minute that seemed way too normal to be around her. I'm not sure if he was a criminal or not. I don't know if Andrew (Jace's sperm donor) had a record or not. He was a teenager too when Jenelle got pregnant.

Andrew was/is a drug addict...he had a record too. Gary was in the military or had been.

  • Love 4

My heart broke for Jace last night when he had to witness his mother cursing and yelling at his grandmother...Jenelle is selfish and thoughtless. she can't get off her ass and go into another room to yell and verbally abuse her mother? She has to do it in full view of Jace? Just blows my mind that she does this over and over again and doesn't have any realization that she's screwing this kid up. If he doesn't have depression now he will in the future. I hope the judge overseeing the custody case sees this episode. She is a horrible mother, a horrible person and just an overall disgusting human being. She should never get custody of Jace and should have stricter visitation rules. David is not his father and has no vested interest in him. I had to laugh at David with glasses on...looks like a dumb guy trying to look smart. 

  • Love 16
4 minutes ago, SheTalksShit said:

Gary Shirley retweeted that? Why? 

I thought he was retweeting the comment above in which Jenelle's tweet was quoted. 

18 minutes ago, kicksave said:

Andrew was/is a drug addict...he had a record too. Gary was in the military or had been.

In the last video chat with her, Andrew looked like a hardcore junkie. Gary got kicked out of the military for the DV & drug possession with Jenelle. 

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, kicksave said:

My heart broke for Jace last night when he had to witness his mother cursing and yelling at his grandmother...Jenelle is selfish and thoughtless. she can't get off her ass and go into another room to yell and verbally abuse her mother? She has to do it in full view of Jace? Just blows my mind that she does this over and over again and doesn't have any realization that she's screwing this kid up. If he doesn't have depression now he will in the future. I hope the judge overseeing the custody case sees this episode. She is a horrible mother, a horrible person and just an overall disgusting human being. She should never get custody of Jace and should have stricter visitation rules. David is not his father and has no vested interest in him. I had to laugh at David with glasses on...looks like a dumb guy trying to look smart. 

he's 7...he's not depressed lol. honestly, i think kids his age are still too caught up in their own world to really care about what's going on outside of what they wanna do. Jace may not like being there as much simply because his friends aren't there or it cuts in with his playtime with his friends from school on weekends. who knows. 

when i was his age, i didn't like going to my grandma's house, but not because of anything to do with her, i just hated going all the way to rhode island and being away from home and my friends next door. 

im not saying jenelle's a great mother or even that she deserves custody, at this point, but i think sometimes people read too deeply into what a kid says he feels or what the kid wants to do. things like that change with the wind. 

i think barbara is probably doing the right thing by letting jenelle see him, bc that way, when he's older, jenelle can't say to jace, "Meme never let me see you, she always kept me from you, etc." He'll see what actually went on when he watches all this on TV. 

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, kicksave said:

I couldn't disagree more...this kid has witnessed all this vitriol between his mother and grandmother since day one...he also witnessed his mother's drug addiction and the revolving door of bad boyfriends. Kids do get depression when they are raised in an environment that is as volatile as this one. Do you think a kid his age who has grown up with a mother that abandoned him to party and use hardcore drugs and verbally abuses his caregiver (Barb) isn't affected by this? Let alone all of this being played put on national TV. There is nothing normal about Jenelle and the life she has chosen to lead and the way she treats her mother. Bad role modeling for all of her kids. Don't underestimate the toll this can take on a small child. Jace has been in the middle of this all of his short life...Jenelle is bad news and cares little about the mental and emotional health of Jace...all she cares about is herself.

Yeah I agree with this. A 7yrs old can most certainly be depressed and suffer emotionally from a toxic environment. 

  • Love 24
30 minutes ago, SheTalksShit said:

he's 7...he's not depressed lol. honestly, i think kids his age are still too caught up in their own world to really care about what's going on outside of what they wanna do. Jace may not like being there as much simply because his friends aren't there or it cuts in with his playtime with his friends from school on weekends. who knows. 

when i was his age, i didn't like going to my grandma's house, but not because of anything to do with her, i just hated going all the way to rhode island and being away from home and my friends next door. 

im not saying jenelle's a great mother or even that she deserves custody, at this point, but i think sometimes people read too deeply into what a kid says he feels or what the kid wants to do. things like that change with the wind. 

i think barbara is probably doing the right thing by letting jenelle see him, bc that way, when he's older, jenelle can't say to jace, "Meme never let me see you, she always kept me from you, etc." He'll see what actually went on when he watches all this on TV. 

Jace us definitely being damaged every time he's forced to spend time with his birther. Children DO get depressed and it's quite obvious that this poor little boy is suffering. No child should ever be subjected to having to listen to anyone, let alone the one that birthed him, scream at and berate his only positive role model and the one who who loves him and has raised him. The best thing Barb could do for she and Jace is to completely sever ties with Jenelle. Jenelle is 100% toxic to everyone she comes in contact with.

I love that Gary retweeted what that person said to Jenelle. He knows her game, knows she's the poorest excuse for a mother on the planet and knows her children are nothing more than MTV $$$ to her. Go Gary!

  • Love 10
7 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

The problem is no seven year old has the capacity to actually tell you how they're feeling basedon certain events in their lives; they just react to the stimuli and can't say "When you start yelling at Meme, I want to disappear, because I love her and she loves me," etc. because he simply doesn't have the level of self-awareness required to make those internal assessments. But kids his age absolutely can be depressed, can be emotionally damaged, severely, by poor parenting or conflict resolution skills. They're largely helpless in this way, which is why it's so heartbreaking. The person who's supposed to be looking out for him, Jenelle, isn't doing that in any real way. She can go fight with his actual functioning parent in a different room, but watching his mom yell at his grandma and then hearing his grandma get all upset and emotional like that, so much so that he gets out of th car and hugs her so sweetly to offer her comfort, that's serious shit for a kid. He can't tell you why, he can't say how he feels in a way we'd get, but he absolutely can feel that way. 

Well said.  Barb has every right to be worried about Jenelle having full custody. She's unstable, violent, has had drug issues since she was 15 and has had men in and out of all of her kids lives.  All of these men had terrible problems...and most of these relationships ended in violence. Jace's face when he saw his mother cursing and yelling at his grandmother spoke volumes.

  • Love 14
Just now, kicksave said:

Well said.  Barb has every right to be worried about Jenelle having full custody. She's unstable, violent, has had drug issues since she was 15 and has had men in and out of all of her kids lives.  All of these men had terrible problems...and most of these relationships ended in violence. Jace's face when he saw his mother cursing and yelling at his grandmother spoke volumes.

Forget even that, I saw a lot when Jace actually arrived at Jenelle's! No joy from either Jenelle or Jace, the kid comes in, picks up the controller to the X box and loses himself, expressionless. It's awful. 

  • Love 16
5 minutes ago, kicksave said:

I couldn't disagree more...this kid has witnessed all this vitriol between his mother and grandmother since day one...he also witnessed his mother's drug addiction and the revolving door of bad boyfriends. Kids do get depression when they are raised in an environment that is as volatile as this one. Do you think a kid his age who has grown up with a mother that abandoned him to party and use hardcore drugs and verbally abuses his caregiver (Barb) isn't affected by this? Let alone all of this being played put on national TV. There is nothing normal about Jenelle and the life she has chosen to lead and the way she treats her mother. Bad role modeling for all of her kids. Don't underestimate the toll this can take on a small child. Jace has been in the middle of this all of his short life...Jenelle is bad news and cares little about the mental and emotional health of Jace...all she cares about is herself.

I agree all this will affect him when he's older...to what extent, remains to be scene, but I would say Babs plays at least 50% of the role in the volatileness. Jenelle and her mother are both very volatile, expressive people who wear their feelings on their sleeve. Jace was too little to remember, know or understand his mother ditching him to go party. He will when he sees this in a few years, though, and it will probably affect him, you're right. I just think that a 7 year old kid is not yet old enough to fully form opinions on things or think about things in an in-depth way, they just know what they feel in the moment. In a few years, when he becomes an adolescent...things will change. In what way remains to be seen. 

I do feel like Jace could use a father figure in his life, though. He needs someone to show him how to be a man, which neither Jenelle nor Babs can do. David can do that...if he and Jenelle last. What I worry is that Jace, so far, is learning that men are either absent from relationships or don't stick around in relationships. Jace is learning that it's ok to bounce once you have a child together. So far, all the male figures he's had in his life have LEFT, they've been temporary. This includes Mike, btw, Barbara's ex-boyfriend. So.  I'm worried that Jace is going to grow up to think it's normal and acceptable for men to run from their responsibilities in relationships. Or that it's going to make him crave acceptance from males and maybe do the wrong thing in order to get it. 

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, SheTalksShit said:

I agree all this will affect him when he's older...to what extent, remains to be scene, but I would say Babs plays at least 50% of the role in the volatileness. 

Barb is absolutely a huge part of the equation. She's undeniably done the best job she can with Jace, but she ain't exactly playing with a full deck either. She's in a toxic, codependent, abusive relationship with her daughter, and the ripple effects of that are damaging to Jace. She needs to learn to walk away and not engage when Jenelle tries to bait her. 

  • Love 19
44 minutes ago, SheTalksShit said:

he's 7...he's not depressed lol. honestly, i think kids his age are still too caught up in their own world to really care about what's going on outside of what they wanna do. Jace may not like being there as much simply because his friends aren't there or it cuts in with his playtime with his friends from school on weekends. who knows. 

Seven-year-olds can be depressed. They can suffer anxiety, and all sorts of emotional problems. I do not think Jace is unaware of what goes on around him. You see an instant change in his face when Jenelle starts fighting with Barb. He shuts down. He also tries to comfort people when they're upset, such as hugging Barb and singing the "rainbow song" that one time in the car when Jenelle was having a meltdown. He even appeared to have a developed a bit of a tic when the topic of where he should live would get brought up. 

I have a son only one year older than him and he definitely feeds off of my emotions. I have been struggling with anxiety for as long as I can remember and when I get really stressed, I can tell he gets tense too. He's the oldest and thinks he has to always be a helper, and he carries some of that stress. It makes me really sad and I'm trying VERY hard not to let my issues effect him. I cannot imagine what a child would feel like living in a situation where there is constant yelling and cursing and uncertainty. Jenelle's meltdowns make me look like a powderpuff. No way that doesn't effect the kid. 

One thing I know about kids is, they crave stability. This custody situation being up in the air for so long has to be terrifying for poor Jace. At any moment, he could get taken from the only mother he's ever known and be made to live with those horrible people. I know that worries him. If any child on this show needs therapy, it's Jace. I don't think it's smart to brush things off because one is a child. Children may be resilient in some ways, but we shouldn't just assume they all are. 

4 hours ago, druzy said:


I just saw a preview and Jenelle asks UBT if he wants to adopt Kaiser!!! UBT says he would love to , or something along those lines. They are both crazy!


Pssssh. Adopt him based on what? Nathan may be a scary rage monster, but he's no better than UBT and at least he IS the child's father. He wants very much to be in his son's life and doesn't have a history of abandoning him, so why would another man need to adopt the child? 

6 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Barb is absolutely a huge part of the equation. She's undeniably done the best job she can with Jace, but she ain't exactly playing with a full deck either. She's in a toxic, codependent, abusive relationship with her daughter, and the ripple effects of that are damaging to Jace. She needs to learn to walk away and not engage when Jenelle tries to bait her. 

I agree. And I have held Barb's feet to the fire for her participation in things many times. But I do think she has tried to be better about this over the last few years. We see a lot more of her walking away than we used to. I am hoping she's aware of how much worse it is for Jace when she engages with Jenelle and is trying her best to step back. But it can't be easy. Jenelle is just awful, and when you're the mother AND the grandmother, you're really put in an almost impossible situation. 

  • Love 21

The way Jenelle was raised, with an abusive and then absent father and a clearly volatile and unstable mother, undoubtedly plays a role in how Jenelle functions as a parent. And Barb has done her fair share of screaming and yelling and inappropriate behavior. Between the two, of course, there's no contest, in a way that I don't agree exists between Jenelle and her male partners (I think they're all equally bad as Jenelle). Barb is undoubtedly a far better parent with far more stability and ethics. She may not have been earlier, but she certainly is now. 

Secondly, 7 year olds can absolutely be depressed. I had an abusive parent with extreme fits of rage and I remember being extremely stressed at age 8, and recognizing myself as "clinically depressed" at 10. For example, I was not allowed to go to public bathrooms by myself, but my mother would get very angry when I asked to go, so she would push and shove me publicly all the way to the bathroom and whisper in my ear about how bad I was all the way there. That left me with extreme anxiety about bathrooms to the point that I would get UTIs or wet myself because I was so afraid to ask an authority figure to go. Then I would get punished and humiliated for wetting myself. I have to say that I see a similar pattern of stress, triggers and fear in Jace. He shuts down when things start to go wrong. That's not 100% Jenelle's fault. His father abandoned him and his grandmother isn't perfectly stable either, and has a temper. But Jenelle's and her boyfriends' behavior absolutely contribute heavily. 

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 10
6 hours ago, druzy said:

I just saw a preview and Jenelle asks UBT if he wants to adopt Kaiser!!! UBT says he would love to , or something along those lines. They are both crazy! This makes me livid! Do they live in their own little bubble? Are they setting up a story line for next season? They accuse Barbara of being thirsty for camera time. 

They have some nerve! They love to push buttons. They want Nathan to react so they can say he's the crazy one. 

Where is this clip? I wanna see

1 minute ago, SheTalksShit said:

Oh. The only clip I've seen, so far, the promo for next week's episode, where Nathan texts David he's moving to England and he's ready to sign over the rights to Kaiser. 

Wow- I didn't see that one! Now I'm livid with Nathan! How can a parent do that- I really thought he loved Kasier- he knows that UBT is bad and Jenelle is no better. Why not have his mother take care of Kasier?

Edited by druzy
  • Love 3

I see Nathan's text as calling their bluff. Or rather Jenelle's. It's like when a kid threatens to run away. For whatever crazy reason, I DO think he's still in love with her. And while he was with another girl, it was cool. But now that he's single again and she's STILL with this guy, plus knocked up by him - Nathan's losing it. 

In his delusional mind, he thinks threatening to move will have her saying, "No, Kai loves you, don't do that!" Some crazy thought process like that. 

I don't think he meant it, but dude is mental. 

I'd say it would be best if all THREE of them went to England.....forever.....but then.....I wouldn't wish that on England. 

  • Love 5
55 minutes ago, druzy said:

Wow your good! I just looked at his twitter and found this


Thanks for clearing that up for me @SheTalksShit

Oh FFS Nathan, what did you think they'd do? Who did you think you were texting, your therapist?? LOL. Of course theyre gonna use it to exploit you. They don't like you, any more than you like them. 

  • Love 6
21 minutes ago, FairyDusted said:

Since Janelle Legally signed over Jace to Barb. Temporary my ass. Barb at this time has all the rights and I think could continue to film. 

What ever happened to Janelle and all her mystery illnesses? They never tied that up.

I think I remember Jenelle claiming that some doctor told her it was birth control causing her to see molecules. So, she immediately gets pregnant again. She claims Endtable is the result of a cheap condom. Bullshit. Endtable is her way of trying to stay on TV.

  • Love 11
6 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:

he's 7...he's not depressed lol. honestly, i think kids his age are still too caught up in their own world to really care about what's going on outside of what they wanna do. Jace may not like being there as much simply because his friends aren't there or it cuts in with his playtime with his friends from school on weekends. who knows. 

when i was his age, i didn't like going to my grandma's house, but not because of anything to do with her, i just hated going all the way to rhode island and being away from home and my friends next door. 

im not saying jenelle's a great mother or even that she deserves custody, at this point, but i think sometimes people read too deeply into what a kid says he feels or what the kid wants to do. things like that change with the wind. 

i think barbara is probably doing the right thing by letting jenelle see him, bc that way, when he's older, jenelle can't say to jace, "Meme never let me see you, she always kept me from you, etc." He'll see what actually went on when he watches all this on TV. 

My 9 year old son is clinically depressed and on homebound for this school year because of it. It is just as real and valid, and as scary, as adult depression.

  • Love 18
8 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Yeah I agree with this. A 7yrs old can most certainly be depressed and suffer emotionally from a toxic environment. 

I visited a relative a year ago and his 7 year old nephew came up to me crying. I asked him what was wrong. He told me he wanted to die. I was stunned. I asked him what was bothering him to make him feel that way. He mentioned how his parents yell and fight all the time. My heart broke. He then asked if he could come live with me. I advised my relative to see about getting his nephew help. This kid could not tell me he was depressed, but he obviously was suffering from depression. It explained why I would see certain behaviors and why he would want to spend a lot of time with other people.

5 hours ago, bethster2000 said:

Depression and anxiety are equal-opportunity ailments.  They do not discriminate due to age.



That producer makes me sick. She's so invested in keeping her job that she acts like Jenelle would be absolutely saintly behavior wise if Barb would only hand Jace over.

You read my mind. Yes! All these damn crew members care about is their paycheck. Nothing wrong with needing your job, but damn. When children are being abused, stop filming and stop engaging.



I have held Barb's feet to the fire for her participation in things many times. But I do think she has tried to be better about this over the last few years. We see a lot more of her walking away than we used to. I am hoping she's aware of how much worse it is for Jace when she engages with Jenelle and is trying her best to step back. But it can't be easy. Jenelle is just awful, and when you're the mother AND the grandmother, you're really put in an almost impossible situation. 

Well put. Barb has certainly had her share of WTF moments when dealing with Jenelle, and in the presence of Jace. But unlike Jenelle, I don't see Barb being this vicious, atrocious person like her daughter who has been arrested for her volatile behavior . Barb offers Jace stability, security, and most of all, love and attention. Jace is safe in Barb's home. Not in Jenelle's. No matter how much money Jenelle acquires from MTV and her shitty product placements, she can never be that kind of person to her child.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 20
1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

Nathan is so, so unhinged. Dude needs to head to some AA meetings pronto. 

Yup. At first, when I saw the clip of David reading it out loud, I figured it was one of those late-night drunken texts after having a few too many. But when I froze the clip and saw the time stamps (5:55pm, 5:56pm). smh. Ridiculous to be that drunk and irrational at 6 in the afternoon. 

Edited by SheTalksShit
  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, SheTalksShit said:

Yup. At first, when I saw the clip of David reading it out loud, I figured it was one of those late-night drunken texts after having a few too many. But when I froze the clip and saw the time stamps (5:55pm, 5:56pm). smh. Ridiculous to be that drunk and irrational at 6 in the afternoon. 

Not really if he does have an alcohol problem. Addiction has no care what time of the day it is. If he does have mental issues as well, his drinking and drug use only exacerbates his mental issues.

  • Love 12
4 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Not really if he does have an alcohol problem. Addiction has no care what time of the day it is. If he does have mental issues as well, his drinking and drug use only exacerbates his mental issues.

Mhmm, that's my point - he has a drinking problem. 

I think he might have some mental issues, too, although not ones that he was born with. I think PTSD (from Iraq) probably. 

Is it known when and where he served in Iraq, btw? I know he was infantry, so it's not like he just sat around the Green Zone the whole time...

  • Love 3

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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