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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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Oh, for fuck's sake!

I second that sentiment. This girl makes me want to stab something. So she's off on another vacation with her loser boyfriend while other people are raising her kids for her. Does she ever think to use her money to start a savings account or college plan for Jace and Kaiser? Or give Barb a little something extra? She is such a miserable human being, I hope she gets eaten by a shark while scuba diving. Edited by BitterApple
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I second that sentiment. This girl makes me want to stab something. So she's off on another vacation with her loser boyfriend while other people are raising her kids for her. Does she ever think to use her money to start a savings account or college plan for Jace and Kaiser? Or give Barb a little something extra? She is such a miserable human being, I hope she gets eaten by a shark while scuba diving.

I hope so too.

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I second that sentiment. This girl makes me want to stab something. So she's off on another vacation with her loser boyfriend while other people are raising her kids for her. Does she ever think to use her money to start a savings account or college plan for Jace and Kaiser? Or give Barb a little something extra? She is such a miserable human being, I hope she gets eaten by a shark while scuba diving.


Seriously, fuck her. I haven't been able to afford a real vacation since 2007 and it's a huge bunch of bullshit watching these teen moms constantly jetting off for these over the top trips. Really MTV, good job showing us what a tough life teen mothers actually have. *facepalm*


Though on the other thread I saw apparently she is not allowed to leave the country. Not that we really need her here, but at least the citizens of both England and Australia are safe.

Edited by fliptopbox
  • Love 7

Yes! I just read that on the Leah thread. GOOD!


Having pending criminal matters are usually the reason why one can't leave the country. ha!



Really MTV, good job showing us what a tough life teen mothers actually have. *facepalm*

Oh, but the pregnancy rates have been dropping because of the show!!!


This is a clusterfuck show and is nothing about the struggles of teenage motherhood. The only realistic part of this show is the bickering that happens between partners and ex partners.

  • Love 3
Though on the other thread I saw apparently she is not allowed to leave the country. Not that we really need her here, but at least the citizens of both England and Australia are safe.

Never underestimate Jenelle's power lawyer team, unfortunately.

There's a Youtube video of Irish reacting to Donald Trump footage. I want to see one for the teen moms.

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I hope a shark doesn't eat Jenelle!! Why would you wish such a foul, bitter, disgusting meal on an innocent Great White?

Great whites eat tires. I'm betting Jenelle is at least on par with that. Plus the shark would probably get a most excellent high while digesting her....and it would be doing humanity a favor at the same time. I change my opinion. I want Jenelle to go to Australia, but only to have an unfortunate surfing accident. As shitty as it is to say, if she were gone (like really gone, not just "LEAVE ME ALOOOOONNEE!!!" gone) both Kaiser and Jace would have a chance at having a pretty normal childhood and life. Jenelle can become the next Daddy Derek of the show.

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She can stay right where she bloody well is!! We have enough trashy bogans without Jenelle adding to the number. 
And that is a rather silly plan.  It is 19 hours from North Carolina (I think that is where she lives?) to Sydney, 21 hours from Sydney to London and 8 hours from London to NC.  48+ hours of flying in one trip?  So stupid.  But then again, this is Jenelle!

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Why are you all being so meaaaan Australia does not want her, even though she wouldn't come near me as there is not enough bogan entertainment as we do not live near the Gold Coast. I vote we send her to Bali for her bogan fill she would get detained at the airport and get a hefty prison sentence for her stash and the prisons are not well there.

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Wasn't Australia originally founded as a prison colony? Maybe this trip is like some sort of pilgrimage for Jenelle, much like how Muslims visit Mecca.

I believe so. I've always wanted to go to Australia, it's my dream trip. Unfortunately I will probably never be able to afford it. The flights alone cost thousands of dollars. I also dreamed of seeing both Silverchair and Magic Dirt while I was there, but neither band is still together. I still have all my cd's, mp3's, and youtube videos but it's not the same.


Also question for the Aussie folks here: I'm curious, does the show Recovery (I think) still exist? I have a double cd set called Hits from the Backdoor full of awesome live performances, many from bands most people here in the states have never heard of. If there's more than one set I think I need to order them! I've also been dying to find a Magic Dirt band tee, and never have been able to. I still want one of them too! I have a ladyboner for Adalita.

Edited by fliptopbox
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I believe so. I've always wanted to go to Australia, it's my dream trip. Unfortunately I will probably never be able to afford it. The flights alone cost thousands of dollars. I also dreamed of seeing both Silverchair and Magic Dirt while I was there, but neither band is still together. I still have all my cd's, mp3's, and youtube videos but it's not the same.


Also question for the Aussie folks here: I'm curious, does the show Recovery (I think) still exist? I have a double cd set called Hits from the Backdoor full of awesome live performances, many from bands most people here in the states have never heard of. If there's more than one set I think I need to order them! I've also been dying to find a Magic Dirt band tee, and never have been able to. I still want one of them too! I have a ladyboner for Adalita.

If you decide to come over you need to book your tickets from the Australian side as separate flights, we book for my brother as it is cheaper than for him to book from USA (normally saves about $500pp) We fly Melbourne-Sydney-LA-Boston for about $1250 pp with Ethihad when they have a sale or Air New Zealand is also good (they stop in Sans Fransisco instead of LA), it is crazy to me that the leg from LA to Boston costs more than the Melbourne-Sydney-LA leg. It is a brutal trip you will be wanting to kiss the ground after 24 hours of flying and airports.


Recovery went off the air in 2000, I spent many a morning on the couch trying not to hurl after getting home from the pub turning the TV on to catch Rage and then  Recovery with Dylan Lewis and crew.  It was replaced with Triple J TV which is a more adult version of the show. I think there was only one CD set produced according to the ABC website. If you like the live performances try Live at the Chapel they released a few CD sets.

Wasn't Australia originally founded as a prison colony? Maybe this trip is like some sort of pilgrimage for Jenelle, much like how Muslims visit Mecca.


Yes, it was a British penal colony. My husband and I have quite a few Aussie friends and they do tend to be a bit more crude and rough around the edges, but they're also super friendly and generous and I wouldn't wish Jenelle on them in a million years. They like to tease us that there's his mysterious type of koala called the "Drop Bear"; legend has it that they murderously fall from tress on unsuspecting tourists. I hope like never before that they're real and Jenelle meets her fate, ideally the minute she steps off the plane, so no one there has to be subjected to her lunacy. 

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I have had a change of mind I would love Janelle to come over she would last about 2 minutes before she freaked out that people are being mean to her. I will even volunteer my town I live 5 minutes walk from the surf beach that has sharks, our woodshed currently has a brown snake hibernating waiting for the snake catcher to come back from holidays and it also has a colony of spiders. I can lure her in as we also have koalas in the the trees and we have a friendly kangaroo that sunbathes on our back lawn. If the deadly animals don't get her the cute ones are quite viscous too, she would run for the hills.





A gross generalization but us Aussies we just don't take ourselves as seriously as Americans. I live in a tourist town with lots of international tourism and by far the most serious are the Americans, it takes a while for them to get that we poke fun at ourselves and each other a lot. I do agree we can be rather crass to as the saying goes we call strangers mate but our mates cunts (though I do not know many that use that word I shudder at it) we do seem to drop a lot of get stuffed/fuc'd though.


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Wasn't Australia originally founded as a prison colony? Maybe this trip is like some sort of pilgrimage for Jenelle, much like how Muslims visit Mecca.

So, so sick of this. Sorry BitterApple but this can be a bit of a bone of contention for some Australians and it definitely is for me! Nothing personal intended in this response. In 1996 20% of the population were second generation Australians (children born in Australia of immigrants). I would venture to suggest that number is higher now. The amount of people who can trace back lineage 6 or 7 generations (like I can) is not that common. Additionally I can prove that my people came as either prison officers or as free immigrants a little later.


I believe so. I've always wanted to go to Australia, it's my dream trip. Unfortunately I will probably never be able to afford it. The flights alone cost thousands of dollars. I also dreamed of seeing both Silverchair and Magic Dirt while I was there, but neither band is still together. I still have all my cd's, mp3's, and youtube videos but it's not the same.


Also question for the Aussie folks here: I'm curious, does the show Recovery (I think) still exist? I have a double cd set called Hits from the Backdoor full of awesome live performances, many from bands most people here in the states have never heard of. If there's more than one set I think I need to order them! I've also been dying to find a Magic Dirt band tee, and never have been able to. I still want one of them too! I have a ladyboner for Adalita.

Ha ha awesome. No more Recovery, as a PP said. My first official concert as a teen that I went to with only friends was the Silverchair/Powderfinger joint tour. So good.


Yes, it was a British penal colony. My husband and I have quite a few Aussie friends and they do tend to be a bit more crude and rough around the edges, but they're also super friendly and generous and I wouldn't wish Jenelle on them in a million years. They like to tease us that there's his mysterious type of koala called the "Drop Bear"; legend has it that they murderously fall from tress on unsuspecting tourists. I hope like never before that they're real and Jenelle meets her fate, ideally the minute she steps off the plane, so no one there has to be subjected to her lunacy. 

Drop Bears are pretty fond of airports...

I honestly think the 'crude' and 'rough around the edges' bit depends on who you know and obviously some cultural differences (toilet v bathroom etc). Having been to the US, Canada and Mexico a couple of times (love travel) I can say that when it comes to foul language you northern americans outdo my friends, family and I.


I have had a change of mind I would love Janelle to come over she would last about 2 minutes before she freaked out that people are being mean to her. I will even volunteer my town I live 5 minutes walk from the surf beach that has sharks, our woodshed currently has a brown snake hibernating waiting for the snake catcher to come back from holidays and it also has a colony of spiders. I can lure her in as we also have koalas in the the trees and we have a friendly kangaroo that sunbathes on our back lawn. If the deadly animals don't get her the cute ones are quite viscous too, she would run for the hills.





A gross generalization but us Aussies we just don't take ourselves as seriously as Americans. I live in a tourist town with lots of international tourism and by far the most serious are the Americans, it takes a while for them to get that we poke fun at ourselves and each other a lot. I do agree we can be rather crass to as the saying goes we call strangers mate but our mates cunts (though I do not know many that use that word I shudder at it) we do seem to drop a lot of get stuffed/fuc'd though.

I agree with this in the general but not the specific- I have certainly never called anyone 'cunt', for any reason, nor have any of my friends or family in my hearing. I don't think it is as common as people think it is, if that makes sense. Get stuffed/fucked yeah, all the time. :-D

Jenelle is welcome to come here. I don't think that many people watch the show so I think she would be disappointed by the lack of attention she received.

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There's a commercial here for a program called First Five California. In the Commercials they talk about how a child's brain is formed in the first few years, they say how important it is to speak, read and sing to your babies. They that "your words shape their future".

I always think of Kaiser when I see that commercial and it makes me so sad. That poor boy is doomed unless something happens and CPS removes him and he's put up for adoption far away from his" parents".

Edited by Maharincess
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There's a commercial here for a program called First Five California. In the Commercials they talk about how a child's brain is formed in the first few years, they say how important it is to speak, read and sing to your babies. They that "your words shape their future".

I always think of Kaiser when I see that commercial and it makes me so sad. That poor boy is doomed unless something happens and CPS removes him and he's put up for adoption far away from his" parents".


I see these commercials all the time too. "Speak, talk, read" or something is the latest tag-line. I always picture Kaiser laying alone in his carrier drinking his bottle and think the only "speaking" he really hears is probably Jenelle and man-o'-the-week screaming at each other.

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I'm always amazed at how the absolute worst human beings always seem to find each other and spawn children. How does this happen?

I'm still convinced that Jenelle (and maybe Leah) use some obscure website that hooks them up with randy ex-cons. I bet that they've both dated some guys in the last 4-5 years who were worse than anyone on the show.

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WhosThatGirl suggested the videos on YouTube that someone made of the worst of Jenelle. Whoever made them deserves an oscar for putting them together and I highly suggest watching them for laughs and to remind ourselves of the ton of shit Barb has put up with over the years. I'd forgotten how truly disgusting she was during the first few seasons and how often she got in Barb's face, screaming and threatening her. I don't know how Barb managed to not beat the shit out of the little beast.


Some of my favorite lines - "Jace doesn't need me. He has my mom". Truer words were never spoken, Jenelle. 

"That's why I have these feathers in my hair" and watching Dustin's reaction to all of her nonsense.


There is an awesome montage of Leave Meeeee Aloooonnnne.

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Yes. It must be beyond embarrassing to know you are out there on YouTube for all to see (and judge). And worse yet, you are a laughingstock!

That thought alone would surely make one want to straighten up and start making positive changes in one's life and attitude.

But sadly, not Jenelle. She just keeps getting more outrageous, to the detriment of her children. Very sad. Some people never learn.

I'm always amazed at how the absolute worst human beings always seem to find each other and spawn children. How does this happen?

No kidding. It also seems like the smarter people are the fewer (if any) kids they will have. It's like that Harvey Danger song, "Been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding.." Not that it's 100% true, but yeah.


No wonder this country is headed for an Idiocracy situation.

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Oh my gosh, why did someone suggest these montages? I can't stay off YouTube and I'm getting nothing done. 


I love Jenelle in her most monotone voice ever - "I'm really glad I'm not on heroin anymore". Like how I would say, "I'm really glad eggs were on sale this week". Actually, no. Because of the bird flu and higher prices I'd at least express SOME glee. 


It's so crazy how she originally said she got an abortion because having another child right then would be selfish to Jace. A month later she's trying to have a baby with Nathan. Sigh...


"Finally, you have a boyfriend that doesn't have a criminal record". Haha, two seconds with Jenelle will change all that!



She legit thinks "trying to get to the Miley Cyrus" concert is a good excuse to give the cops as to why you were speeding. 


The editing of this is just brilliant. The scenes with the dogs will never not make me cry. Have we seen those big guys at all this season? I hope to God they found new homes. 

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I'm wondering what happened to the little dog that was sitting in her lap when she was nodding out with Kieffah. We didn't see the gray pitbull this season but, we heard it barking in the back yard a few times. I wonder what Nipples did with his husky when he moved into an apartment? Probably dumped it on his mom like he dumped his first kid.

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Her interview at the daycare!!! "I really like playing with kids" - Oh, you mean obscene puppet shows. "I never yell". Ladies and gentlemen, may I present exhibits A, B, C, D, E, F, G....



"Kesha is just like me." Ummm, I don't know much about Kesha, but has she ever been confused as to whether she has a dead fetus inside of her or is pregnant with her new boyfriend's baby???



Did she seriously call Jace Dumbo????



Okay, I really have to stop before I waste my whole day with this crap.

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Jenelle doesn't see herself as a laughingstock because she thinks everyone who doesn't admire her, are haterz!


Yea, she said on one of those clips I was watching that her "haterz" are all nerds who sit behind a computer screen all day. So she puts people that she doesn't know down in order to feel better about herself. 

  • Love 2

Her interview at the daycare!!! "I really like playing with kids" - Oh, you mean obscene puppet shows. "I never yell". Ladies and gentlemen, may I present exhibits A, B, C, D, E, F, G....


"Kesha is just like me." Ummm, I don't know much about Kesha, but has she ever been confused as to whether she has a dead fetus inside of her or is pregnant with her new boyfriend's baby???


Did she seriously call Jace Dumbo????


Okay, I really have to stop before I waste my whole day with this crap.

LOL  Is there a hot line for Youtube addiction? j/k


Those are some gems, aren't they? Ah, Jenelle.



Yea, she said on one of those clips I was watching that her "haterz" are all nerds who sit behind a computer screen all day. So she puts people that she doesn't know down in order to feel better about herself.

Pot meet kettle. I see she makes sweeping generalizations. She forgets that people have devices and tablets, too.

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My top 3 Jenelle moments:


1. The fight Kieffer in the parking lot. "That was my change jar, Jenelle!"

2. When Barb threw her ass out on the street. "Have fun livin in the street, with ya booyyyfriieendd"

3. Her brawl with Tori in a pile of dirty clothes. "Where's the rest of my clothes Tori? Where's the rest of my clothes?"


Now I need to get off youtube. But damn, the early seasons especially were a goldmine for trash tv. And like most trash tv, it's funny to laugh at until you remember that she's a real person.

Edited by Spacecow
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I'm wondering what happened to the little dog that was sitting in her lap when she was nodding out with Kieffah. We didn't see the gray pitbull this season but, we heard it barking in the back yard a few times. I wonder what Nipples did with his husky when he moved into an apartment? Probably dumped it on his mom like he dumped his first kid.

I read on one of the teen mom blogs that the little dog was named "lil bitch" (charming) and her and Keiffer had the dog for a week then dropped it off at the pound. She's gone through 10+ animals over the years it's disgusting.

It was several pages ago, but I'm just catching up, with all the Leah drama I neglected the Jenelle thread. Regarding the medical assistant certification, I actually am a medical assistant (but hopefully when I pass my boards in a few weeks I'll be an RN..,and unrelated but funny, when I first wrote "RN" it autocorrected to "Arab"). I'm from Texas but as far as I know the certification test is national, so it's the same in all the states (but it's been several years since I took it so I could be wrong). When you graduate from school you are a medical assistant and can work in any office that will take you, the certification is optional...I was certified until I went back to school for nursing; then it was pointless to pay the annual fee and keep up with CME credits while I was in school to be an RN and not working as a medical asst. there are offices that require a medical assistant to be certified, but generally you can find a job, but once you are certified you get paid more. When I got my job I started right out of school before I took my certification test and was hired at one pay rate, and once I took and passed the certification test I got a $2 and hour raise right off the bat.

As much as I would prefer Jenelle stay out of the healthcare profession... I hope to God she just stays an an MA, at least in most situations where you would encounter an MA, you are awake and can run... Can you imagine if you were going in for surgery and your starting to fall asleep when you hear "duuuuude, the surgical tray is right therrrre... Leave me allllooooonnneee" nope. No surgery for me today,.. Sorry.

As far a Barbara is concerned, of course she's attached to Jace, she's been his primary caretaker for 6 years. The thing was this is the situation Barb was trying to prevent when Jenelle was pregnant, she didn't really want to parent again and she knew Jenelle wouldn't be a parent, but Jenelle insisted on keeping Jace. Thank goodness for Jaces sake that Barb "stole" him. I wish instead of coddling the crap out of these girls they would call them out. They all think we are stupid and don't remember previous seasons, and that they can rewrite history to fit what they want. I wish more than anything they would have let Jenelle dig her grave saying how Barbara stole Jace and cut to the old footage of her leaving Jace to go party every night and let her explain what was happening.

  • Love 8
I read on one of the teen mom blogs that the little dog was named "lil bitch" (charming) and her and Keiffer had the dog for a week then dropped it off at the pound. She's gone through 10+ animals over the years it's disgusting.


That's so gross. Jenelle strikes me as one of those people that gets a new pet every time she gets a new dude - she thinks having a dog together legitimizes them as a couple, without being as much work as a kid. 


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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