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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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His eyes are not right.  And I say this as a person who found out I have a sleepy eye in the 10th grade.  “Mom, my eye looks closed in my school pic.”  “Oh yes, you’ve always had a sleepy eye.”   Other than that, he is fuggo.  To be honest I thought he was passably handsome the first time he appeared on Jenelles radar.  Downhill big time since!  

I’m also inclined to think he was either neglected or abused growing up.  That hate and anger is rooted somewhere.  I’d almost guess he was sexually abused at some point, but that is totally my own arm chair speculation. 

  • Love 15
10 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I go back and forth between David posting memes like this because he knows such memes are triggering or he is just too damn dense to understand the nature of "gay pride", " black pride", etc. 

They do know that the blue and pink stripes are just like the Trans flag, right?

(Yes, I already know the answer to my own question. These people are idiots)

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, geauxaway said:

His eyes are not right.  And I say this as a person who found out I have a sleepy eye in the 10th grade.  “Mom, my eye looks closed in my school pic.”  “Oh yes, you’ve always had a sleepy eye.”   Other than that, he is fuggo.  To be honest I thought he was passably handsome the first time he appeared on Jenelles radar.  Downhill big time since!  

I’m also inclined to think he was either neglected or abused growing up.  That hate and anger is rooted somewhere.  I’d almost guess he was sexually abused at some point, but that is totally my own arm chair speculation. 

Sometimes this is true. But sometimes people are just pieces of shit. They're born pieces of shit. 

There's always hope, but if the parents are awful, the entrench themselves in the "piece of shit" stratum. 

  • Love 15
On 8/29/2018 at 12:50 AM, geauxaway said:

Which is why I honestly think behind the mask, Jenelle knows she has fucked up.  Her “PTSD” is remorse.  She has gone all in with David and there is no way back until one of them ends up dead or incarcerated for a significant period of time.  One of them has to hit rock solid bottom.  She does have that feeling in her, I do believe, that she knows it’s a mess.  But she is too far gone.  Been there myself and I know the sick feeling of anxiety at every turn but keep making bad decisions.  She needs hard time to turn it around, some kind of real consequences.  If her house sinking into the ground and going BK isn’t enough then I can only hope the law will catch up to her (they did with me and it was a hard fall, but saved me from myself).

You would think the first time David ever put his hand on her kid would be enough for her to realize she hit rock bottom! Not only that big continue to allow the abuse of her child. If that’s not rock bottom what is? 

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, KittyKat133 said:

You would think the first time David ever put his hand on her kid would be enough for her to realize she hit rock bottom! Not only that big continue to allow the abuse of her child. If that’s not rock bottom what is? 

One would think that would have been a line not to be crossed, but I honestly believe Jenelle won’t break until David is out of the picture.  Losing him is more important to her than her kids.  It’s so sick and sad.

8 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Sometimes this is true. But sometimes people are just pieces of shit. They're born pieces of shit. 

There's always hope, but if the parents are awful, the entrench themselves in the "piece of shit" stratum. 

Oh for sure!  David is definitely a piece of shit.  And you’re right, he was probably just born like that.  

  • Love 8

North Carolina Home School Requirements & Recommendations


North Carolina law defines a home school as a non public school consisting of the children of not more than two families or households, where the parents or legal guardians or members of either household determine the scope and sequence of the academic instruction, provide academic instruction, and determine additional sources of academic instruction. General Statute 115C-563(a) as amended changes the definition of a home school to allow parents to hire tutors, let their children participate in group settings where they receive instruction (co-ops, 4-H classroom instruction, etc.) and be instructed by an expert that is not a part of the household in the established homeschool (apprenticeships, a homeschool doctor teaching biology, etc.) This will allow homeschool parents more freedom to choose what is best for the education of their children.

The North Carolina Division of Non-Public Education (DNPE) is authorized by state law to receive home school notices of intent to begin initial operation and to terminate operation, and to annually inspect the school's student attendance and nationally standardized achievement test result records. Chief Administrators of home schools should anticipate receiving a request(s) to meet with a DNPE representative at a public location in close proximity to the home school while the home school is in operation


Parents/guardians residing in North Carolina and desiring, in lieu of conventional school attendance, to home school their school-age children must:

Hold at least a high school diploma or its equivalent.

Send to DNPE a Notice of Intent to Operate a Home School. The notice must include the name and address of the school along with the name of the school's owner and chief administrator.

Instructions for Selecting a Home School Name:  

When selecting your school name, choose a simple name appropriate for inclusion on the student’s future high school diploma and transcript (which will be issued by your individual school).   DNPE will not be able to accommodate requests to change the school name once your file is opened.

The School Name must not exceed 30 characters in length (including spaces and punctuation).

Do not use the following words in your school name:  Charter, college, elementary, grade, grammar, high, incorporated (or Inc.), junior, kindergarten, lower, middle, primary, public, residence, schooling, secondary, seminary, senior, the, university or upper. 

Do NOT use the name of your curriculum in your school name, even if you are registered with an accredited distance learning program.  Example of names NOT allowed:  ABEKA, BJU, Bob Jones, Keystone, Liberty, Time for Learning, James Madison, Penn Foster, etc.

Do not use A or THE at the beginning of your school name.

Any school submitting its Notice of Intent without providing a school name will automatically be assigned a school name as follows:  Last name of Chief Administrator + School (Example:  Smith School).

Elect to operate under either Part 1 or Part 2 of Article 39 of the North Carolina General Statutes as a religious or as a non-religious school.

Operate the school "on a regular schedule, excluding reasonable holidays and vacations, during at least nine calendar months of the year."

Maintain at the school disease immunization and annual attendance records for each student.

Have a nationally standardized achievement test administered annually to each student. The test must involve the subject areas of English grammar, reading, spelling, and mathematics. Records of the test results must be retained at the home school for at least one year and made available to DNPE when requested.  The first standardized test must be administered within one year of the home school start date, and then annually thereafter.

Notify DNPE when the school is no longer in operation.


To avoid needless delays, always use this Notice of Intent form when sending your notice of intent.

Please DO NOT send a Notice of Intent to DNPE for the present school year if the only students to be enrolled in your home school: (a) are currently under age 7 and will not turn age 7 in the present/current school year, or (b) are currently 18 years of age or older.

Please send your Notice of Intent a month in advance of your home school's initial opening date. If any of your children will turn age 7 before this coming June 1, please send your Notice of Intent at least 30 days before the child's 7th birthday. One Notice of Intent per school, please -- not per student.

No Notices of Intent are accepted in May and June. If your home school will operate only during the summer months, DO NOT send a Notice of Intent to DNPE.

The State of North Carolina home school statistical year begins each July 1 and concludes the following June 30. Therefore, do not file your Notice of Intent until after July 1 of the home school statistical year in which your home school will begin initial operation.

In continuing your school from year to year, do not again send a Notice of Intent to DNPE unless you have previously notified DNPE that your school was terminated. IF it was previously terminated and you are now re-opening it, answer "Yes" to question 1 and then, on that same line, give the former county if it will now be in a different one. Give the current county on line 2.

When selecting your school name, choose an academic name appropriate for inclusion on the student's future high school diploma which would be provided by your school. Keep in mind that DNPE will NOT be able to accommodate requests later for a change of school name in the division's files.

A reminder that the State of North Carolina has no legal authority outside of its geographical borders. Consequently, if the student is living outside of the geographical borders of the State of North Carolina, DO NOT send a Notice of Intent form to DNPE.

In order to expedite the processing of Notices of Intent, please do not submit your Notice of Intent until you are certain that your home school will definitely begin operation. Sending a Notice of Intent and then withdrawing it several days/weeks later creates an unnecessary additional workload for our office staff.

If a home school does not meet all legal requirements for such a school, DNPE notifies the local public school superintendent that the North Carolina compulsory school attendance law is not being satisfied. The local public school superintendent then takes appropriate action.

A home school that has met the legal requirements for such a school is a non-public school. Consequently, a photocopy of the student's cumulative record from his/her previous school may be obtained and kept at the site of the home school if the parent so desires. The last public or private educational institution which the student attended should retain the original record.

DNPE suggests that before finalizing plans for establishing a home school, you first consult with the chief administrator of the local conventional school (public or private) which your child would otherwise be attending. Ask him/her how he/she would handle the grade placement of your child should you decide later to terminate your home school and enroll your child in that school. The initial point of student entry into the North Carolina public school system is the kindergarten level.

When sending your Notice of Intent to DNPE, always include diploma documentation for all persons named as a provider of academic instruction. Be sure to include the name of the parent/legal guardian who is usually with the student during the day while other area children are normally attending local schools.

Do not withdraw your child from his/her present school or begin your school until you have received written acknowledgment from DNPE that your completed Notice of Intent to Operate a School form has been received.


While not mandated by law, home schools are ENCOURAGED to:

Offer instruction of at least similar quality, scope and duration as local conventional schools.

Maintain at least five clock hours of instruction with the student(s) each school day.

Conduct instruction each school year for nine calendar months.

Maintain a current daily log, journal or lesson plan book throughout the entire school year detailing time period for each subject each day and information covered during the specified time period.

Retain records at your school until the student has enrolled in a conventional school or has graduated.  (It is a good idea to keep this information indefinitely.) 

Edited by druzy
  • Love 8
44 minutes ago, Baarbera said:

I guarantee you that she is "homeschooling" so Maryssa can take care of Ensley while they get high. They are so terrible. David's kids are too good for daycare and public school where they get corrupted by the gays you know.

Ensley attends daycare.  She is mobile now, can't  have her around all day  getting in the way of Jenelle and Lurch's drug time.

  • Love 19
11 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

Watching them do what??

They're probably talking about what a cuntrag she is (in medically professional terms of course). I wish everyone would just keep her name out of their mouths. The ONLY thing that can get to these 2 is no attention. She gets off on it, hence the tweet above. It's just like a Kail tweet...."look, they're talking about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!". 

  • Love 13
16 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I wonder what the actual reason was? I bet David has some big dream of "homeschooling" all the kids, but can't with the others because the other custodial parents wouldn't agree. Isolating is a classic abuser trait. 

I'd be willing to bet it's some sort of anti-government cultish doomsday prepper garbage. He's one chemtrail away from becoming a "Sovereign Citizen."

  • Love 19
16 hours ago, Mkay said:


Its called “West Croft Leadership Academy.”

I have 2 theories on why deluJenelle would home school:

1) Maryssa was expelled or asked not to come back because of behavior issues, and/or

2) UBT is taking steps to completely isolate his family on The Land in some anti-establishment, Charles Manson-like cult mentality. They have no say on where Jace goes to school, and they probably send Kaiser off to nursery school because he's too high maintenance for their plans to spend the day high in bed (THANK GOD he's in someone else's care, especially mandatory reporters, for at least part of the day) 

  • Love 22
58 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Homeschooling Maryssa is without a doubt to keep her away from mandatory reporters. She also probably has to be at school earlier than when Kaiser (And Ensley?) can be brought to daycare in the morning, and Jenelle & David want to sleep in.

if Ensley’s not in daycare (and I think we’ve only seen proof that Kaiser is, but not Ensley yet), then Maryssa is also there to care for Ensley while Jenelle hits the bathtub bong and David hunts/rides on heavy equipment/boats/etc on the land. 

I have friends and family who homeschool and I know the VAST majority of homeschool parents are awesome. But there’s always that extremely small % of people who do it to keep abused kids away from mandatory reporters and cause they can’t be assed to get their kids to school- like many of the cases here: http://hsinvisiblechildren.org/

Two of the worst cases I can think of off hand where abused kids were taken out of school to hide abuse (and were later killed by their parents) happened in Jenelle’s state of North Carolina: Zahra Clare Baker & Erica Parsons.

Good luck, Maryssa. 

I 100% agree with your assessment, but like I said upthread it wouldn’t surprise me if Maryssa was getting some pushback from her peers.  I’m not going to flat out accuse anyone of bullying without proof, but you know there are whispers behind her back.  If my kid was in a classroom with Jenelle and David’s kids???  I wouldn’t speak ill of them directly to or around my kid, but I can’t promise I wouldn’t gossip among other parents.   And I’m sure there are parents that are just as bad who do have kids in my kids school, but they aren’t public figures to my knowledge.  Jenelle and David are broadcasting and thriving on their hate in a very public manner.  It’s embarrassing.

  • Love 13

Oh Lord, seriously, can you imagine that? I hope to God she is doing some sort of online program Jenelle is the LAST person who has the patience to be a teacher of any sort! Can you even imagine?

*maryssa misses one math problem*

jenelle: "DUUUUUUUUDE!!!!! How do you not get it?! I explained it, like, five times, dude!!!! Geeeez! My life is soooo stressful! I can't, dude. LEAVE ME ALOOOOONE!!!"

*jenelle storms off, while Maryssa sits with her worksheet, baffled*

  • Love 16

Awwhhhh!  Mommy has to chime in and prop up her worthless son.  Who’s the little bitch now, David??  And if they are so into the Bible now, why no instas of them attending church every Sunday?  Like the good Christian soldiers they claim to be.  You know if they were going to church they’d be posting about it.  

  • Love 19



Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans is homeschooling her 11-year-old stepdaughter because her homophobic husband David Eason became enraged over a cross-dressing staff member, a source exclusively told RadarOnline.com.

The Non-Public Education Department of North Carolina Administration previously confirmed to Radar that Evans filed a notice of intent to operate a home school on March 4, 2018, listing one student. The name of the school is West Croft Leadership Academy.

Now, Radar can exclusively reveal the shocking reason Eason’s daughter Maryssa was pulled out of her North Carolina private school.

“Someone at her school was apparently dressing, or dresses, like a girl,” the insider told Radar. “David said something to the school staff and they said they couldn’t do anything about it.”

Eason opted for home schooling after being unable to enroll his daughter in another private school.

“The other school ended up telling David she couldn’t attend because their address is not in the school zone,” the insider said. “She would have to go to the public school for their address, which David feels she’s too good for.”

What the land is not high end enough for a private school to accept his precious spawn, I am amazed we didn't see a melt down about that since it was right around the time of his rant and firing. Poor David those LGBTQ folks have really ruined his life, they got him fired and made his daughter miss out on a private school education I can see why he hates them so much /sarcasm

  • Love 18

I’ve never know a private school to turn anyone down based on location, as long as the parents are willing to pay the tuition and transport them there.  I’ll go out on a limb here and guess Maryssa was not accepted due to her parents reputation.  Which YES, can be and should be (in my opinion) highly considered at any private school.  HAAAA!  LMAO.  David you got your daughter denied because you are a piece of shit, not the high class family you purport to be.  No one wants your swamp spawn dirtying up their nice school.   

Are we all ready for Teen Grandma?  Because I’ll put my money on Maryssa being the first one to pilot that series.  She’s fucked.  Sorry not sorry.  

Edited by geauxaway
  • Love 18

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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