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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

Barb strikes me as the type who could probably down a bottle of wine if she knew she was in the house for the night, but I don't see her getting plastered at a restaurant knowing she had to drive three small children home. I wonder what the other diners thought seeing this unfold in the parking lot. What a great story to tell at work the next day, lol. I was actually in a Barnes and Nobles' Starbucks once where a woman caught her daughter-in-law with the man she'd been cheating with. It was a massive scene and the cops ended up being called. To this day, it's one of my best dinner party stories ever.

Go on..


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8 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Lol, quick summary of Starbucks: Cheaters Edition:

*Sophia Petrillo voice* Picture it, a packed Starbucks inside the Barnes and Nobles on a weekday afternoon. This older lady comes in, walks up to a table where a couple is seated and gets up in the woman's face screaming about how she'd had her followed by a P.I and knew she'd been cheating for a while. The girl tried to deny it and they're arguing back and forth while the poor guy sits there, completely shell shocked. Apparently, he had no idea she was married and was totally caught off guard. Eventually it got so bad the manager asked them to leave, but the MIL wouldn't let the DIL walk out the door and kept blocking the exit. Finally the DIL runs around her into the parking lot, but the MIL chases her down and keeps at it until the cops showed up a minute later and put her in handcuffs. Meanwhile, the guy slinks out of the store like a beaten dog. It was the craziest scene I've ever witnessed in my life. 

Oh wow lol. Why can't things like this ever happen in front of my nosy ass!? 

That MIL has no chill. I know she wants to protect her son, but just take some video of DIL with the man and send to her son so he can sort it out. 

Back on topic, Jenelle is an asshole. 

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Great story @BitterApple
I watched that scene of Barb's side of the story. She lays out this bombshell: David is not the nice guy he portrays on tv. Wait a minute, he portrays a nice guy?! Which show is she talking about? He does the best job of portraying a bad, evil, loveless, cowardly nutjob I've ever seen. We don't call him UBT for nothing.

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5 minutes ago, LunaMia said:

Oh wow lol. Why can't things like this ever happen in front of my nosy ass!? 

That MIL has no chill. I know she wants to protect her son, but just take some video of DIL with the man and send to her son so he can sort it out. 

Lol, right? And the funny thing is, the man she was cheating with was this really hot Latin guy. If I wasn't already married I might've tried to console him over a Pumpkin Spice Latte....

I haven't watched Barb's scene yet, but if the producer was that annoying blonde woman, then I'm not surprised. She always kisses Jenelle's ass while being a total dick to Barb.

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7 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

This is pure gold!  If only we knew what happened when the husband found out! Damn! lol Thanks for sharing this story. 

I hate how that producer is trying to spin it:

Barb: "She called the police on me."

Producer: "Because she is worried about you at this point..."

Barb: "She's not worried about ME!" 

You tell her, Barb. 

It must hurt to realize that your own child doesn't give a crap about you, and hates you to the point where they don't care if you live or die. I really can't imagine what barb goes through on a daily basis!

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Barb also needs to realize at this point her words mean nothing to Jenelle. Just like no one could get through to Kail, Amber, Ryan, or even Leah when she was at her worst. First, Barb needs to stop with putting all the blame on David, two, she needs to realize it is Jenelle's choices that are ruining her life, and finally, Barb needs to just butt out of their lives as far as telling Jenelle what is best for her and how David is taking advantage of her. Jenelle will make her choices and she will no doubt endure the consequences. All of these parents want to bail their kids out of their troubles. As a parent, I get what it is like to see the choices your children make and sometimes they are not the best choices. It is like a crystal ball, you know what will happen. But people have to make their mistakes and take that fall sometimes to understand. With Jenelle, she never seems to understand she is at fault, as she is always blaming others. Still, that is her life to live and if she fucks up, oh well. Sadly, the kids will suffer. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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That blonde producer is the worst! She really believes that Jenelle was worried about Barb?! I understand why she would have to present herself as sympathetic to Janelle when actually filiming her, but for her to repeat that BS to Barb is a bridge too far. How gullible do you need to be? 

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Over on Reddit the speculation is that if Jace can't be talked about, one could also assume that would limit his air time, thus limiting Barbs airtime since the only time she is filmed is when she has Jace... which is what Jenelle has been campaigning for. If that is true, let's see how much Jenelle keeps fighting for Jace if a stipulation was that he shouldn't be on air. (To be clear, I am not saying that is a stipulation, it's just hypothetical)

Also, Jenelle, you do not have to post on twitter every time you get "bad" service for Christ sake, I highly doubt you paid for first class on a plane that doesn't have first class and then you were bumped to the back of the plane... it doesn't work like that. Even if the plane had first class, they don't just bump people down to coach and shrug their shoulders.

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10 hours ago, ghoulina said:

FUCK MTV for not airing this back to back with David's fucking Zapruder cell phone footage. 

MTV is the worst.

If Barb had complained about it, she'd be ripped apart for complaining about the editing. *shrugs* 

2 hours ago, leighroda said:

Over on Reddit the speculation is that if Jace can't be talked about, one could also assume that would limit his air time, thus limiting Barbs airtime since the only time she is filmed is when she has Jace... which is what Jenelle has been campaigning for. If that is true, let's see how much Jenelle keeps fighting for Jace if a stipulation was that he shouldn't be on air. (To be clear, I am not saying that is a stipulation, it's just hypothetical)

Also, Jenelle, you do not have to post on twitter every time you get "bad" service for Christ sake, I highly doubt you paid for first class on a plane that doesn't have first class and then you were bumped to the back of the plane... it doesn't work like that. Even if the plane had first class, they don't just bump people down to coach and shrug their shoulders.

I actually mentioned up above, if talk of Jace is removed from the show, where does that leave Jenelle since she has made that her life story.  Would she turn the topic of her complaints on Nathan? Going by what he said previously on the air, and in some tweets which were posted here, he has said Jenelle can't be talking shit about him and even tweeted something about her violating their court order. There was that one time in the car when UBT called Nathan a name and Jenelle was quick to hush him up and remind him how they aren't supposed to say things on camera. 

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Does anyone else think it's weird that Jenelle talks about doing side-by-side therapy with Jace? To me it seems like a great way to make sure your kid doesn't talk shit about you. It also doesn't seem very beneficial since most of that boy's issues likely stem from his mother and her relationships with others. Just a thought.

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Wow. That clip. MTV is pond scum. I don't believe anything Jenelle says about anything. But, if Jace's therapist is suggesting limiting exposure about him as far as Jenelle's endless tweets ragging on Barb about Jace, good for the therapist. Barb doesn't tweet or instagram ANYTHING about Jenelle and rarely even posts a pic. I hope the therapist suggests taking him out of the show, period. Barb seems like she's over it and would be fine if that ass kissing producer never came to her house again. Barb has primary legal custody of Jace and can say no more  MTV. What would that leave? Jenelle and UBT laying around the swamp? Filming them driving all over the place to drop off and pick up kids other than Jace? They can't diss Nathan on camera, so that's out. Jenelle's entire story has been her faking wanting to have Jace full time. The courts said no deal to that and gave her every other weekend. Without Jace in the picture, Jenelle's story is over. 

Edited by lovesnark
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2 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Looks like a cigar. 

That's what I see. The snap and delete is what was making everyone wonder. Why remove it if it's just a cigar? He sure is holding it like it's cigaweed. Ha

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Doncha know folks use little cigars to make blunts? The tobacco comes out and the ganja goes in. I can totally see UBT and the bitch thinking it would be so hip and cool to walk around CA while toking up. And, why would she delete it if it was nothing? Some sleuth also enlarged a screen shot of video of UBT and Jenelle in the hotel for a reunion and it clearly showed UBT with a joint. 

Edited by lovesnark
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16 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

Doncha know folks use little cigars to make blunts? The tobacco comes out and the ganja goes in. I can totally see UBT and the bitch thinking it would be so hip and cool to walk around CA while toking up. And, why would she delete it if it was nothing? Some sleuth also enlarged a screen shot of video of UBT and Jenelle in the hotel for a reunion and it clearly showed UBT with a joint. 

Yes, they do, at my part time job people come in and buy the flavored kind to make big fat blunts like that.

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10 minutes ago, toodywoody said:

Yes, they do, at my part time job people come in and buy the flavored kind to make big fat blunts like that.

I used to work at the local grocery/stop and rob and I sold tons of them for blunt making.

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1 hour ago, CaliforniaLove said:

Not like you can go walking the streets toking up, but at least they're actually doing a substance that's LEGAL in this state. Pretty impressive for those cretins!

As if David bought weed from a reputable person or business. I am pretty sure he bought it from the same dealer Jenelle gets her shit, and that is not legal. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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He is one unattractive dude. Kieffer and Gary were normal looking, but all of her subsequent partners have looked like something was seriously off with them. Courtland looked like (and was) a junkie/meth head. Nathan looked like steroids were about to ooze out of his bulging veins if they popped. And David looks like someone squeezed an inflatable doll and the air all went to its head.

Edited by Lm2162
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12 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

If Barb were around, and you and I lived closer, I'd take you and her out for drinks! lol 

That would be fun! You know she would tell us some stories.  We could just keep giving her some wine.  ?

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Way to go, @Mkay! But, since she blocked you, does that mean you can't bring stuff she posts over here for us?

I wish we could  find a way to contact Barb and tell her there's a whole bunch of us PTVers who admire her and understand what she's going through. Then tell her we want to plan either an epic road trip or meet up in NC to take her out for dinner and drinks. I bet she'd be SO much fun to hang out with and the stories she could tell!  We could rent a big house at the beach and party on, dude.

Hell, if I knew her address, I'd send her a bigass bouquet of flowers and a card. 

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I love The Ashley. This is her description of what Evilbitch and UBT wore to the VMAs.


Jenelle channeled Marsha Brady via her flower-power halter top (which she paired with a black ball gown skirt). David looked ready to boat the swamp in a wrinkled green button-up and jeans.

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22 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

Way to go, @Mkay! But, since she blocked you, does that mean you can't bring stuff she posts over here for us?

I wish we could  find a way to contact Barb and tell her there's a whole bunch of us PTVers who admire her and understand what she's going through. Then tell her we want to plan either an epic road trip or meet up in NC to take her out for dinner and drinks. I bet she'd be SO much fun to hang out with and the stories she could tell!  We could rent a big house at the beach and party on, dude.

Hell, if I knew her address, I'd send her a bigass bouquet of flowers and a card. 

Sort of. She blocked me from seeing anything she tweets. But there are these awesome "hatters" that get screenshots and share them for the people who are blocked. Or I can log in as another account and see her tweets.  The other posters here who follow her will be able to share. I just hope when she read it she let out a big sigh and yelled "oh my god dude leave me alone!!"

I bet it would warm Barbara's heart to know she had some support over here. She probably needs a girls night out so she can vent about her psycho daughter. A few of us would surely love to listen. Haha

7 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

I love The Ashley. This is her description of what Evilbitch and UBT wore to the VMAs.


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2 hours ago, Mkay said:

That would be fun! You know she would tell us some stories.  We could just keep giving her some wine.  ?


3 minutes ago, CaliforniaLove said:

I'm so in on the road trip to get drunk with Barb! One of you has to get high with me though, so she can say "High! High! Yah both high!!".

We could go to Boogie Town and seek out Catelynn to say some shit to her. 

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7 minutes ago, CaliforniaLove said:

I don't know @GreatKazu...that might be TOO much fun, which might inspire me to propose to you with Walmart's finest pink-heart ring. And you wouldn't say no if I procured it at Barb's Walmart!! 

I'd be demanding you buy me the finest ring. I'd go purchase it and then say you promised to pay me back a la Farrah. lol 

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48 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

I'd be demanding you buy me the finest ring. I'd go purchase it and then say you promised to pay me back a la Farrah. lol 

Can I ride with you to Wal-Mart? I'll be sure to be overly excited about Wal-Mart Addi style. Hahahaha

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2 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

I'm so in on the road trip to get drunk with Barb! One of you has to get high with me though, so she can say "High! High! Yah both high!!".

I don't smoke much anymore but, I'd smoke with ya! I'd record Barb telling us "Ya both high!!" and use it as my ringtone forever.

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1 hour ago, Mkay said:

Can I ride with you to Wal-Mart? I'll be sure to be overly excited about Wal-Mart Addi style. Hahahaha

A hahaha! 

9 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

I don't smoke much anymore but, I'd smoke with ya! I'd record Barb telling us "Ya both high!!" and use it as my ringtone forever.

Too funny. 

We can get those cigars like UBT and use them for blunts. 

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I've often thought of taking a road trip to Bab's Walmart and buying stuff from the deli/bakery section in hopes of running into her. Then I'd tell her how much I sympathize with her and let her know how much support she has from people all over the country. 

Count me in on the road trip with you all! 

Edited by Miss Chevious
Too early in the morning - can't spell
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I'd fly from the other side of the world for this road trip! Once I land, I'll tweet the airline my disgust that they didn't create a first class area for me. With my winnings from the lawsuit, I'll take Barb and Jace and all you guys and we'll go on a lovely holiday somewhere far, far away from The Land.

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